Chapter 898: Getting an advantage

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 After Helian Qinghui left the Xuan family teahouse, he rushed back to the Helian family's annex in Beijing without a moment's delay. He immediately called home and told Mr. Xuan that the little girl wanted to find someone to escort her.<


The head of the Helian family was so surprised that he almost jumped up and thanked God and Buddha. The last time his family let the young family head go to the paradise to have his face painted, good luck came so quickly?!

When asked whether he would accept this order, his idea was to accept it, he must accept it!

The little girl built the paradise, but the Helian family failed to take advantage of it. This time, the opportunity is right in front of them. If they still can't seize it, no one else will blame them for the decline of their family.

The head of the Helian family seemed to have seen an opportunity to rise, and he hurriedly notified the family elders for a secret meeting.

The result of secret business is just one word: pick up!

Helian family accepted this order!

If you don't seize such a good opportunity, one day the Helian family will be squeezed out by the Fang family, the Lan family and the Qi family, you can only blame yourself for being short-sighted.

After the collegial meeting came out, the head of the Helian family did not waste even a day. He appointed two clan elders and set off for Beijing, stopping by to visit the monk Shang's house in Chishi.

When the head of the Helian family set off for Beijing with his people, Mr. Le also finished his morning teaching, carried a small medicine box, and went to the clinic building behind the garden.

Uncle Bu and Grandpa Bian didn't wake up until mid-morning. When they woke up from a deep sleep, they felt very refreshed, which also made their family members extremely excited.

Old Mrs. Baoyin wakes up later, naturally after ten o'clock. The effect after she wakes up is even more obvious. The wrinkles on her face have been reduced by half, she can also walk, and her legs and feet are very flexible.

Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai cried with joy.

The three elders were all healthy after treatment. The young people from Bianjiabu's family and Lejia's family were so excited that they accompanied their elders for a walk, took a walk, exercised a bit, and then returned to the clinic building.

Bian Yuan also remembered what little Loli told her not to eat at noon before her follow-up visit, so they didn't find a place to eat at noon.

When the little Loli came over, Bian Yuan asked the little Loli to sit down with a bright smile on his face, and then explained in detail the reactions of the parents after they woke up.

Le Yun listened to classmate Bian's observation with a smile, took the pulse of the three of them, and asked classmate Bian to accompany his relatives and the Le family's aunt and nephew to the paradise for dinner first. She left the old lady alone and gave her another acupuncture.

Bian Yuan and Le Shuhai Buyan didn't ask why. They picked up their luggage and backpacks together and entered the paradise. Brother Youjie was waiting for them and led everyone to the Five Flavors Cabinet for dinner.

Arrangements were made for Classmate Bian and others to go to dinner, and Classmate Le helped old Mrs. Baoyin into the examination room and performed acupuncture on her again.

She gave the old lady a precious homemade vaccine.

The vaccine can repair hematopoietic stem cells and aging body muscles, thereby rejuvenating the old lady's body tissues. Without human-induced accidental damage, the old lady can live in good health for at least fifteen more years.

The elderly's body's absorption capacity is not very strong. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the vaccine, Le Xiao's students used acupuncture to help the elderly's body absorb as much of the vaccine's potency as possible.

The acupuncture lasted for an hour.

When the job was done, Le Yun collected the medical needle, took care of the old lady and put on her clothes, helped her out of the clinic building, locked the building and returned to the paradise.

Mrs. Baoyin should not eat for two to three hours after the vaccination, and she will not be hungry, so we are not considering letting her eat for the time being.

Mr. Le Xiaoxiao supported old Mrs. Baoyin, walked through the garden, entered the courtyard from the east side door of the east courtyard, went into the upper room and sat down in the middle hall to chat alone.

She told her classmate Bian and Le's aunt and nephew's family in advance that after acupuncture, she wanted to have a private chat with the old lady. With the old lady's consent, she invited people to the east courtyard to talk, so there was no need to worry about the Bian family and Le's family.

My aunt and nephew will look for the old lady everywhere.

Old Mrs. Baoyin was open-minded and optimistic. After sitting down, she happily expressed her gratitude to the little girl again.

Le Yun chatted with the old lady for a few words, then got straight to the point and went straight to the goal: "Old man, classmate Bian once said that you were a child picked up by the Le family. You also wanted to find your relatives before, do you still want to find them now?"

"I used to think about searching if any of my relatives were alive, but there was no news after so many years. At my age, I don't want to look anymore." Mrs. Baoyin was very calm when she mentioned the matter of searching for her relatives.

Le Yun didn't even turn around and went straight to the point: "As far as I know, your relatives are still looking for you. Your father, he loves you very much and has never given up looking for you."

"Little girl, do you know my relatives?" The calmness on old Mrs. Baoyin's face finally broke, and even her voice had a tremble.

"I know!" Le Yun nodded, her eyes fell on the old man's face, and she endured the sourness in her heart and stated: "Your original surname is the same as your current surname, but the pronunciation is different. My surname is Yue, and my original name is Le Yu.

The feathers are made of feathers, which are the feathers of down jackets.

The first choice for a girl from your family's Le family is to name a word related to music, or the word is related to the meaning of a musical instrument. Your name comes from the word "yu" in the tone "Gong Shang Yu Zheng Jiao".

Your father and your grandmother only call you by your nickname "Yuyu".

Your mother is also your father's childhood sweetheart. After getting married, the relationship between the couple was very good. However, your mother fell into the water one winter when she was a teenager and became seriously ill. She was not in good health and was in danger of miscarriage several times when she was pregnant with you.

, even though the pregnancy was miscarried, it was difficult to give birth to you. She went through all kinds of hardships to give birth to you, but in the end she was unable to save you due to heavy bleeding.

You suffered in your mother's womb and suffered another calamity when you were born. You are much weaker than a normal child. Fortunately, your father and grandparents love you. After all the bumps and bumps, they finally pulled you past the age of three, and you have grown to be five or six years old.

Years old, he is still skinny and small, as big as a three or four-year-old child.

Your father saved someone, and that person knew some skills. He has a daughter at home. When he learned that your father's first wife passed away, and there are many young and old in the family, out of gratitude, he personally betrothed his daughter to your father.

Your mother died in childbirth, and your father didn't want to marry his wife because she insisted on marrying a daughter. Your grandparents are no longer young, so your father finally couldn't resist and agreed to marry her.

When you were four years old, your stepmother came in.

Your grandfather had three sons. The second son was adopted by his childless brother. Originally, the eldest son would inherit the family property. However, when the eldest son died of illness when he was a teenager, your father inherited the property.

Your father's adopted second brother listened to Greedy's words at some point and resented the adoption. Later, he got together with your stepmother and committed a scandal that subverted human ethics and planned to seize your father's family property.
In your father's heart, you are his eldest daughter and the apple of his eye. You were born on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 1922, and you are already 102 years old this year.

When you were just six years old, your father went out on business, and your stepmother and second uncle secretly sold you to your grandparents behind their backs.

In order to find you, your grandparents fell ill and stayed in bed until they died of illness the year after you were sold. Your father traveled all over the surrounding villages, towns and counties to find you.

Your second uncle and your stepmother took advantage of the emptiness in the house and secretly bought someone to kill your father while he was out looking for a daughter.

Your father should not have been killed, but he was seriously injured. After escaping from death, he recovered from his injuries and then returned home quietly. Your stepmother and second uncle have already had a serious fight. Your second uncle pretended to be your father and went back to his hometown secretly.

Your stepmother became a loving couple openly and honestly.

Your father knew that his brother and his wife were involved in adultery and that he wanted to kill himself for the sake of family wealth. When he was grieving, he became disheartened and left his hometown, wandering while looking for his daughter.

It was a time of war, and there was chaos everywhere. In order to find his child, your father encountered dangers several times on the way. Due to the current situation, he finally had to give up the search.

Your father later settled down in a small place. In order to inherit the bloodline, he married another wife. After the founding of the Republic, he also returned to his hometown to look for clues about you.

He once sent his son to practice martial arts. He hoped that his son would be successful in his studies and have a skill. He would wait for the right time to inquire about your whereabouts.

Your father loved you very much, and until his death, he was still thinking about his lost jewel. For some reasons, your father's descendants did not dare to search openly, but they did not give up."

Listening to the little girl describing her life experience, Mrs. Baoyin was relatively calm at first. But when she heard her say her nickname, she felt sour in her heart and had tears in her eyes.

Hearing the little girl say that her father would remember his lost child until his death, tears welled up in the old lady's eyes: "For a long time, I couldn't remember who I was, but every time I heard people speaking Chinese, I felt like

Kind, you can learn it once you learn it.

When I was about sixty years old, I got sick, and I vaguely remembered some things. I remembered my father, who was very kind to me and would often put me on his shoulders and play with me.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't remember my father's face. I remember that he was always called "yuyu". I don't know which words it is, but I have heard a lot of news and vaguely feel that there is someone over there in Jiangnan.

Speaking 'yuyu' is the most similar to the accent I remember."

"Your father's native place is Xishi, Jiangnan Province. You were six years old when you were abducted. You should have some memories, and you will naturally be familiar with your own ethnic language and hometown dialect."

The old lady was crying, and Le Yun felt sad, but she didn't cry. She was really happy to see her in her lifetime.

"The little girl knows so well, she must be very close to my family, but remember when my family told you, did they mention any other characteristics about me?" Old Mrs. Baoyin wiped away her tears

"Yes, when you were a child, there was a black mole as small as a chopstick, about one finger above the outer ankle of your left foot. It was shaped like a rice grain.

Also, when you were young, there was a small scar on the inner bone of your right wrist. It was caused by being naughty and scalding your hand when you and the neighbor's children sprinkled salt into the charcoal brazier when burning it in winter.

The small scar is as big as a soybean.

It is said that when you were a child, you liked eating sour food and wished you had Laotan pickled cabbage for every meal. You also loved eating hawthorns but did not like sweet foods. You would vomit if you ate maltose when you were a child."

When the little girl talked about human characteristics, Mrs. Baoyin listened with her eyes wide open and held her breath, for fear of missing any of them. When she heard her talk about certain characteristics and taste preferences, she started to cry.

This chapter has been completed!
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