Chapter 941 You don’t follow martial ethics

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 Le Jian Le Kang Le Fu basically did not have a good rest in the afternoon. They were either walking around to say hello among the guests, or their children and nephews came to discuss matters with them.

While I was busy, it got dark in a blink of an eye.

In the boundless sky, the moon has not yet risen, and the few stars are gradually appearing.

Before the dinner started, the bonfire was lit. The guests and the host danced happily around the bonfire, and the loud singing and the joyful melody of the matouqin floated into the distance.

Zhou Qiufeng, Le's father, was woken up just before dinner. He followed the dancing crowd around a few times, and his brain, which had not yet woken up, became even more dizzy.

After the joyful opening dance, the host and guests all took their seats and enjoyed the dinner.

There is a cow head feast at noon and a whole lamb feast in the evening, with a whole roasted lamb on each table.

The bonfire was burning brightly, with grills set up around it, and beef, mutton, and fish were roasted on site.

In the tent, the hosts and guests drank and ate for more than forty minutes, before Le Jiancai and his brothers and sisters sang and toasted to their old mother.

When I respect my old mother, it is natural that my uncle’s relatives are indispensable.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, did not drink during the free drinking session. When his cousins ​​and cousins ​​took turns toasting, he had no choice but to drink.

As a result of pretending to be fat, the brothers and sisters of Lejian's generation had just finished the first round of drinks, and the couple got down again.

Le Yun took her younger brother to send the two elders to rest. She declined her cousin's suggestion to send the two of her family to a big tent to rest, and sent them to sleep on the helicopter.

She carried Aunt Feng on her back, a cousin helped carry her father, and another cousin helped with a flashlight.

Leshan is just my sister’s little tail.

When arriving at the helicopter, Le Yun first got on the helicopter and laid out the bedding, then sent her father and Aunt Feng up, and opened the window for some ventilation before leaving.

When she returned to the tent group, she took her brother to the toilet first before returning to the table.

After the host toasted the guests, the bonfire party officially started, and the guests took turns to dance and sing.

Both men and women of the grassland residents have good voices. They have all learned folk dances since childhood and are good at singing and dancing. Whether it is group dance or single or group dance, they all have their own characteristics.

The dances of each ethnic group have their own national characteristics. Le Yun is very interested in ethnic dance. She studies various dance steps, quickly analyzes and disassembles them with her brain, and then integrates them, and there is a preliminary trend of a set of martial arts footwork.

The guests sang and danced to their heart's content without neglecting the distinguished guests. Those men and women who were not going to dance for the time being went to Mrs. Baoyin's table in small groups and took turns drinking and talking with the distinguished guests.

Classmate Le always accepted everyone who came to drink with him. No matter who came to drink with him, he would take the wine bowl and take a sip without hesitation to show that he accepted the other party's deep affection.

The herdsmen also happily went to honor the distinguished guests and returned to the table happily.

Leshan was either eating or playing during the day and night. He was a little tired and a little sleepy.

The female guests who accompanied the distinguished guest were also very cute when they saw the sleepy little grandson of Mrs. Baoyin. When he was held in her sister's arms, he fell asleep quickly, as well-behaved as a little lamb.

I couldn't help but offer the little girl two more bowls of wine.

They feel that even if the little girl doesn't drink, if they offer her more bowls of wine, the little girl will drink more and maybe get drunk.

The little girl is definitely more likable than her brother when she is drunk.

In order to see the little girl drunk, the female guests frequently went to drink with the little girl, and secretly asked the young people to serve bowls of wine to the distinguished guests.

Old Mrs. Baoyin smiled from ear to ear as she watched the herdsmen frequently coming to persuade her to drink.

People were drinking, people were playing and singing, and people were dancing, and the scene was extremely lively.

The bonfire dance in the herdsmen's settlement was lively and lively, but the lurking Liangba people never moved.

Arhat, who was lurking with Elder Ai, had been waiting for new information from the spies. When the campfire banquet lasted for two hours, he received another new message.

He read the message and reported to Elder Ai: "Elder, the spies reported that the person's parents were drunk and sleeping on the helicopter, and her brother was also asleep."

Elder Ai opened his eyes and looked into the darkness: "Have you used the things?"

"I used it. It took about half an hour, but the man didn't notice it. The person who is said to have superb medical skills in the circle is just a novice in front of you, an expert in using poisons. The ancients said it is true, ginger is still old.

Very spicy.

Elder, can we set off now?"

"Wait and see."

Elder Ai was extremely calm about Luo San's flattery. He looked at the sky with firelight in the distance and sat quietly with his eyes closed.

Luo San didn't waste any more nonsense and waited for the elder's order.

Elder Ai and his party have not yet taken action, but Zhen, who is lurking in the south-west direction, has already taken action.

Zhen's small team started the car and drove slowly. They had no headlights, the grassland was flat, and there were no gravels. There was no obstacle or danger in driving in the dark.

The vehicle drove in the dark for a while and stopped again on the right about one mile away from the herdsmen's settlement. The man continued to sneak and lurked about 300 meters away from the herdsmen's settlement.

Elder Ai finally took action after waiting for more than 40 minutes.

He took six people to take action, and the remaining people took over.

The six people used the darkness as cover to bypass some tents on the east side of the creek, then crossed the winding creek and arrived at the west side of the creek.

There are many herders in the west, with dozens of tents.

Elder Ai and his men quietly entered the herdsmen's settlement. With the help of the cover of the tent, they sneaked into a place less than 200 meters away from the campfire party and hid themselves.

The six of them hid for a while. Seeing that the people on the other side of the bonfire did not respond, Luo San and two others quietly walked towards the helicopter.

Luo San and one person quietly sneaked towards the helicopter.

Everyone was at the campfire banquet. There was no one patrolling, and there was darkness as cover. Luo San and his men easily sneaked to the helicopter.

They first scouted the surroundings to make sure there was no one around, then quietly boarded the helicopter's ladder and pushed the door open.

The flight door was unlocked and opened effortlessly.

The inquirer did not dare to enter the cabin rashly. He waited first and then stretched out a nunchaku he carried to see if anyone was hiding on either side of the cabin door.

After checking that there was no danger, I turned on the flashlight for lighting. The flashlight light was low and only illuminated the surface of the helicopter.

The explorers slowly got into the aircraft and took a closer look.

There were indeed no bodyguards inside the airline, only mats and carpets were laid out, and a man and a woman covered with thin blankets were already soundly asleep.

The explorer first tried to touch the person, and found that the man and woman were not awake, so he took away the blanket, stuffed something into their mouths, and then moved them out.

Luo San and another person were out having fun.

When the explorer said there was no danger, he handed over the sleeping man and woman, and each took one in his hand.

The explorer handed the man and woman out of the cabin, turned off the microphone, exited, and closed the cabin door again.

Luo San handed the man he was carrying to the younger brother who brought them, and took them to sneak again. He sent the two people with the Le family and his wife across the river, and then turned back to find Elder Ai.

When Elder Ai saw Luo San, he knew that the second step of the plan was a complete success.

He was still in no hurry, still waiting in the dark.

After waiting for less than half an hour, several people went to the latrine in a hurry to urinate.

The time has come!

Elder Ai and Luo San bypassed the tent, followed the people who were going to the toilet halfway, and also went to the latrine, and then together with the three people, they went to the bonfire feast in a grand manner.

Elder Ai followed the people into the tent where the banquet was held, and saw the yellow-haired little girl surrounded by people on the other side, as well as the spies sent by the Zhen family and his own spies.

He and Luo San followed the herdsmen into the tent and sat down at a table. Then they pretended to be so drunk that they forgot which table they were sitting at and just drank with others.

None of the herdsmen noticed the uninvited guests.

The main reason is that the herdsmen are not from the same village, and not everyone recognizes each other. Especially the two people who wear the same clothes as them and speak Mongolian. They just treat them as brothers from the neighboring village and call them brothers generously.

Drink happily.

Elder Ai drank with people at the same table, then went to the next table to drink a few bowls with others, and he happily continued to compete with others.

After fighting for a while, he moved to the table where tourists were passing by the settlement upriver, and he also drank with them, and then toasted each of the tourists with a bowl.

However, the herdsmen present were only focused on drinking, and did not notice that when he toasted to someone, he gave his bowl to that person, and he took the other person's bowl instead.

Elder Ai changed the bowl and continued drinking with people at each table.

The person who got the wine bowl handed over by Ai Changchang also went to find someone to share the wine with the herdsmen at the same table and gain experience.

The herdsmen are generous and go from one table to another to toast. No matter whether they know each other or not, anyone who comes to drink with them is a brother. They regard tourists coming to drink with them as a sign of establishing friendship and they are more happy.

Elder Ai had a drink with more than a dozen people at the table, but he was also "too drunk", so he sat down in a corner to rest and secretly followed the spies.

Their spies were very clever. Together with their companions, they found several tables of herdsmen to drink with, and then went to the west. They specially toasted to the old birthday star to express their gratitude, and also toasted to the old birthday star's natal family.

Tourists passing by the upstream village and the herdsmen who received the tourists had toasted to the host's family before, thanking the host for giving them a "once-in-a-lifetime" opportunity to experience an authentic bonfire feast.

Herdsmen often toast each other several times to express their special respect and sincerity. It is also normal for tourists to express their gratitude to the host again.

People feel refreshed when happy events occur, especially old Mrs. Baoyin, who has recovered from treatment and is in great health. She drinks wine like water and happily accepts the respect of her guests.

Classmate Le Xiao looked at the group of tourists "passing by" in Shangyou Village with a smile. When they toasted his aunt and himself, they also politely expressed their gratitude and accepted their sincerity.<


A group of people toasted the old birthday star, and also toasted a bowl one by one to the elderly people at several tables including the old birthday star's son and the leader, and then returned to the east table.

Elder Ai sat in a corner, looking half-drunk. When someone approached him for a drink, he wouldn't touch the bowl with them, but he would still drink happily.

The men and women were showing off their enthusiasm, and gradually, some children gradually showed signs of sleepiness.

The adults put the sleepy children aside to sleep, and then went to Mrs. Baoyin's tent to get blankets to cover the children.

The enthusiasm of the herdsmen did not diminish, and they continued to sing and dance until it lasted for about an hour, and the elderly and middle-aged people also showed signs of fatigue.

This chapter has been completed!
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