Chapter 998

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 When the little Loli finally returned home to be a good baby, Master Xuan also returned to the family.

He drove home with his personal bodyguard and arrived home an hour earlier than Little Loli.

When the elders of the Xuan family saw Xiao Chenbei coming back, they knew that the little girl must have returned to E Bei. They did not ask about the situation of a certain medicine at that time. After dinner, the elders of the family went to the study to discuss matters.

Master Xuan handed the medicine specially prepared by the little girl to test Poison Sect disciples to the elders of the family, and explained the usage and dosage in detail.

The elders of the Xuan family carefully wrote down how to use the medicine.

After chatting about a certain medicine, Mr. Xuan said another thing: "The date for the little beauty to go to the secret place has been decided, and it is determined to set off after the Mid-Autumn Festival next year.

I will never give up this opportunity. If nothing unexpected happens, Mr. Yan will definitely go."

When the elders of the Xuan family heard that the little girl had determined the date to go to the secret place, they were startled. They were silent at first, and then smiled happily.

Ancestor Xuan's eyebrows were soft: "The ancient motto left by our Xuanyuan family is to protect the legendary things. The Xuanyuan family is the guardian of this nation's spiritual beliefs.

Even as a guardian, we naturally shoulder the responsibility of guardianship. If one day it is necessary, it is our unavoidable mission for the whole clan to recommend Xuanyuan with blood.

The inheritance has been passed down for thousands of years, and some facts have turned into legends, and the power of faith has become weak. At this time, if any clan members have the opportunity to travel to a certain world in the legendary three thousand worlds and open their eyes, it will be the best for our family.


Chenbei, looking at the overall situation, my ancestor wants you to go, but are you really mentally prepared? Are you prepared for the possibility of dying in a foreign land?"

"Ancestor, I am mentally prepared." Young Master Xuan spoke resolutely, with every word ringing: "As a descendant of the Xuanyuan clan, I dare not forget the ancient precepts. If I don't meet a noble person to take me out to explore, I am born at the wrong time. I am lucky now."

It’s just the right time to have a little beauty take you out to gain experience, and you must go and have a try!

If I can take this opportunity to improve my strength and return safely, it is my luck. If unfortunately I die in another world, it is my fate!"

"Okay! If you are not afraid of life and death, then go!" Ancestor Xuan was the first to give support.

No one among the clan elders objected, let alone advised him. If the young master of the Xuanyuan family didn't even have the courage to venture into the world, how could he be expected to take over the guardianship of the elders and shoulder the burden of leading the entire family in the future.
Since the young master of the family has decided to travel with the little girl, and the return date is uncertain, there must be a reasonable explanation. The result of the discussion between the elders of the Xuan family is to let the young master go to Penglai Island after the new year, stay there for a few months, and return secretly before August next year.


Then, the Xuan family said to the outside world that the young master of the Xuan family had an epiphany by chance when he visited his great-aunt's house and went into retreat on Penglai Island.

That way, even if the young head of the Xuan family doesn't show up for ten or eight years, others will believe that he is practicing in seclusion.

The elders of the Xuan family came to a conclusion after consultation, and then they discussed what Xiao Chen should bring with him when he went to the secret realm.

Mr. Xuan, who was in the air: "..." If he were not the person involved, he would think that the matter discussed by the elders had nothing to do with him.

The elders of the Xuan family completely ignored the child and did not think of consulting him for the time being. They all happily made suggestions.

Le Yun was in a good mood when she returned to her elders and became a good baby. The next day she also ran to Grandpa Zhou Man's eighth aunt and grandma's house, Cheng Wu's house, Zhang San's house, and Liu Lu's house to visit.

Eat dried sweet potatoes, peanuts, salt-fried broad beans and other local specialty snacks.

She has a sweet mouth and shouts so loud that the old people's bones will fall apart. Even if she goes three times a day, she can get a few handfuls of snacks every time.

Yi Lao Yanlao was stunned by the little girl's endless willingness to visit the house for snacks.

Classmate Le only had fun for two days, and she stopped running away on the third day. She became a real good girl. Her father, Aunt Feng, was afraid that she would be exposed to smoke and fire when she went into the kitchen and her skin would be damaged and would not let her cook.

"Herb Kitchen".

Her father, Aunt Feng, wouldn’t let her do dirty work like feeding chickens, ducks, pigs and cows, so she wouldn’t grab any work.

She had nothing to do. Apart from taking her younger brother to the fields for morning exercises every morning and giving him half-day lessons every morning, she spent the rest of the time on the second floor drawing drawings for additional buildings in the paradise.

There is nothing much to do in winter. When the weather is dry, Le's father Zhou Qiufeng goes to collect firewood. When the weather is not good, he plows the ground or helps others pick fruits.

Zhou Tianming, his grandma, and his father Aunt Li also went to Lejia for a meal the day after Leyun returned to Meicun. He was not idle at home either. He researched many business units in Han City and selected his work counterpart.

Several of them submitted their resumes to one of their favorite companies.

In the middle of the month, he went to Han City for an interview, and it went very well. He reported to work during the Chinese New Year.

Zhou Tianming, who stays with his grandma at home, picks up Cao Bingyue every morning and evening. At other times, when he doesn't go out to visit, he also studies by himself.

The happiest person is Cao Bingyue. Every day when he comes home from school, his big brother will pick him up and drop him off. He has become a crazy brother.

When Leshan came back, Cao Bingyue didn't want to go to school. Unfortunately, she learned differently from Leshan, so she had to go out early and come back late if she didn't want to go to school.

Whether Leshan is at home or in the capital, apart from studying and practicing martial arts, there is generally no change.

In the countryside in winter, the pace of life is slow and the days are very leisurely

The days are passing by, and the new year is here in a blink of an eye.

Mr. Yi and Mr. Yan also knew that the little girl would go into seclusion next year, spend the New Year at Lejia, and return to the sects to celebrate the festival.

Li Zhao also returned to Qiongdao.

The little senior brother has returned to the sect, and the only kind teacher he has is his sister. She is even more clingy to her and refuses to walk when she can be used as a pendant.

He is the only one in the team at Lejia, and the handsome guy Lan San is very diligent. In addition to doing morning exercises every morning, he also helps with work every day. He even learned how to cook pig food, and he does it very well.

After the Little New Year, the people who kill the New Year pigs come one after another, and the days pass faster. In the blink of an eye, it is New Year's Eve.

On the day of the Chinese New Year, Young Master Yan took his grandpa to his home, had lunch with him, and returned to the He family in the afternoon to live under the knee of his grandma Cheng Huan.

All the young and old of the He family went to the villa on the top of the mountain to celebrate the New Year. Except for He Xiaoliu, who was still studying abroad, and those who were on duty in the army, everyone else returned to Beijing.

It was a rare occasion for Xiao Longbao to come back. The young and old of the He family were very happy. They had a lively New Year's Eve dinner and sat up to watch the New Year's Eve, welcoming the arrival of the new year.

Young Master Yan stayed with his elders at the He family until the second day of the second grade. On the morning of the third grade of the third grade, he returned to his own nest to accompany his grandfather.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the old man came to Beijing and found his young apprentice's nest. The master and apprentice had not seen each other for several years, so they had to celebrate their misfortune.

The banquet was very lively as people exchanged glasses. Mr. Yan and the old veterans were all drunk.

Only the master and the apprentice, who were not drunk after a thousand cups, seemed like nothing happened. Young Master Yan settled the people and talked with the master at night by holding a candle.

"You said that the little girl will take you to the secret realm with you?" The old man Shan Weng was shocked when he learned that his disciple had invited him to Beijing.

"Yes." Yan Xing affirmed again: "Little Loli is going to take me and Mr. Xuan together this time. She said that Mr.

I will go, I want to go and see it no matter what."

The old man pondered for a moment: "You have thought about it. I respect your choice. You have official duties and want to protect the little girl's family. If you are worried, I will come to Beijing to live in the paradise or go to Ebei Town.

The people who control the world are not related to the world, so you have to make arrangements in advance."

"Master, I will arrange it. If you take care of me secretly, I will naturally feel more at ease." Yan Xing felt sour in his heart: "In these years, I have never been able to enjoy your life at your knees. Instead, I have always made you worry about me. Disciple


"What are you talking about? I'm just a close disciple like you. If I don't worry about you, who should I worry about?

If you decide to go on a adventure, be fully prepared. Make all the necessary arrangements first, and prepare everything you need to bring in advance.

You go to the secret realm to gain knowledge and improve yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you bring back any resources. Therefore, when you go to the secret realm, don’t think about collecting resources to bring back. Just focus on using them for yourself.

When you follow a little girl, you must listen to her and get along well with Mr. Xuan. Don’t become a pig teammate who holds the little girl back.

If you don't obey, if the little girl comes to complain later, the master will not protect you. He might tie you up and deliver you to your door."

To be honest, the old man is really not worried about his apprentice's safety. The little girl is actually willing to take Xiao Longbao and the Xuan family boy to the secret realm, which shows that the two boys are not unlucky people.

He and his senior brother saved Xiao Longbao's life. Xiao Longbao's fate was rough before he turned thirty, and he still had a chance of death. If he survived the previous disaster, he would be able to find peace in the future.

Although the secret realm is an unknown place, as long as Xiao Longbao and the Xuan family boy are obedient, not arrogant and arrogant, and have a little girl to protect them, their trip to the secret realm will be safe and sound, and they will all come back intact.

It's okay that the master didn't tell me. He told him not to be a pig teammate as soon as he opened his mouth. Yan Xing was frustrated: "Master, do I seem to be such a careless and ignorant person? When did I become a pig teammate?"<


"If you think you are not, the little girl may think you are. After all, at the ancient repair party, you had the record of being a pig teammate, and you made the little girl so angry that she wanted to return it."

"..." Yan Xing choked and was speechless. The incident that year can't be solved, right?

The old man choked his young apprentice so much that he couldn't reply, and suddenly felt refreshed. Like this, it's not bad to tease the young apprentice occasionally!

One of the master and the apprentice was in a good mood, while the other had a sad face, but this did not affect the evening conversation.

As we talked, we talked about our cultivation insights and experiences.

Generally speaking, the old man Shanfan was quite satisfied with the progress of his young apprentice. He stayed in the apprentice's den for two days, and when the young apprentice went to work, he went to visit the old master of Baiyun Temple.

The old temple owner Lou was surprised when he saw the old man who seldom walked in the world. He couldn't understand why he was interested in going out for a walk in the first month.

Will the old man tell the truth?

Of course not. The old man said calmly that he had a sudden whim and felt that going out for a walk might gain something, so he followed his heart and went out for a walk to visit old friends.

Even if Old Guanzhu Lou didn't believe it, he didn't ask endless questions. He stayed with his old friend for a while and had a chat from time to time.

This chapter has been completed!
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