Chapter 161 Extra meal (2)

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 To return to the surface from the underground, you must naturally choose a suitable exit.

Le Yun chose a small active volcano crater as the exit, first sent the little fox back to the star core space, put on a set of fairy robes refined by Huoyun Jinxian, and then rushed into the magma in the fire veins.


The robe can withstand spiritual fire moxibustion. Wearing the robe and soaking in the hot magma is about the same as jumping into the boiling water of Baidu.

Because the magma blocked the line of sight, Le Yun could only see the area inside the protective light shield held up by the robe, and the outside was red.

She moved along the flow of magma, and after walking for a long time, she followed the veins of fire and entered the belly of the small volcano. She moved as high as possible, and was then thrown out of the magma flow by the upward surge of magma.

After breaking away from the magma flow, Le Yun shook off the molten liquid on the veil of her robe and flew towards the funnel-like sky.

The cone-shaped volcano with the magma outlet is about 10,000 feet above sea level. The base of the volcano is more than 7,000 meters wide. There is only a magma lake less than 100 meters wide near one side of the mountain.

The magma lake is surrounded by circles and circles, and the magma is condensed layer by layer. The red color surges in the magma lake, and circular magma circles are constantly formed and broken.

The temperature in the cone-shaped active volcano crater is very high, and there is a smell of sulfur that is not particularly strong but cannot be ignored.

It was already daytime when she came out, visually it was mid-afternoon, and the sun was hanging in the sky. Because the air was warm with smoke and dust, the sky was gray, very much like the sky in the north of my hometown when there is haze in winter.

That color of the sky is incompatible with the green mountains and green waters of the Yunlan Spirit Realm.

Leyun ran to the opposite side of the crack and flew upward. When she flew about three thousand feet away from the volcanic crack, she saw a fire sesame and ran over to pick it.

The stems of Huozhi are like buckwheat stalks, and the leaves are shaped like Ganoderma lucidum. The leaves are green, while the backs of the leaves, stems, and meridians are red.

Fire lotus and fire sesame grow in the cracks of the crater stone walls, absorbing the fire spirit and growing.

The fire sesame on the stone wall is less than eight inches high and just over a hundred years old.

This kind of fire sesame is too young.

There are several fire mushrooms among the crater walls, all of which are seedlings.

It also shows that there are often creatures visiting the volcano, picking and devouring the fire sesame. Otherwise, there will be no fire sesame or fire lotus. If there are, there must be many spiritual grasses that have been growing for thousands of years, not to mention tens of thousands of years.
Le Yun dug up a hundred-year-old fire sesame, and then dug up three tribulation seedlings. She didn't find any adult fire sesame seeds, and they flew out of the cone-shaped crater.

Flying to a high altitude and looking as far as the eye can see, my dear, I only see bare cone-shaped extinct volcanoes, active mountains or bare mountain peaks, and the plains below the peaks and peaks are all gray.

There are no plants below the halfway point of the nearby volcanoes or in the canyon plains, only the cooled lava, pyroclastic debris, and volcanic ash after the volcano erupted.

The wilderness is deserted and the environment is harsh.

Le Yun saw far, far away, smoke pillars from volcanic eruptions and red light reflecting in the sky, proving that there was a large active volcano in the distance.

Looking up at the sky, there is a thin layer of light in the distant sky, blocked by the sky.

This also shows that she was transported to a secret realm.

Based solely on volcanoes, it is impossible to determine which secret realm in the Southern Continent it is. After all, according to the records of Huoyun Jinxian and Yaoguang Palace Library, there are several secret realms in the Southern Continent that have large volcanoes.

Neither the mountain shape nor the terrain could tell where she was, so Leyun took out the earth's high-tech compass and Yunlan's native Sinanpan to locate it.

Both the compass and the Sinan Pan work normally, and the pointed azimuth angles are almost the same.

After writing down the coordinates, Le Yun did some calculations on her own, then opened her umbrella, pulled out the little fox, and asked him to sense where the exit of the secret realm was.

The little fox was lifted up with its tail hanging down, showing no temper at all. It turned over and landed in the little girl's little jade palm. After combing its hair, it felt the direction.

He turned around like a sentry woodchuck, pointing his little paws to the east and north: "There are teleportation-type space channels in both directions."

Then, the golden eyes turned wildly, and the small paws pointed to the north: "This fox has an intuition that there may be unexpected surprises in this direction."

"..." Le Yun grinned. She had also calculated that both the east and the north were auspicious directions, and the north was also a metaphor for turning danger into good luck.

It can turn misfortune into good fortune, indicating that there is danger or certain danger, and danger and danger often represent great opportunities.

"I know, you go back and play with little Huihui." Le Yun knew what she was doing and quickly sent the little fox back to the star core space.

"Ruthless." Not to mention that the bench wasn't warm, he didn't even sit on it and was thrown back into the space. The little fox put his front paws on his hips, blowing his beard and blowing into the air with eyes wide open. This is a typical crossing of the river for the little girl.


Little Huihui stepped on a fan-shaped aircraft and picked buds in a thorn bud forest. He was used to seeing the little fox disappear and reappear suddenly.

"Zhizhizhi——" Hearing the little fox's complaint, Xiao Huihui laughed until his eyes were crooked.

"You little heartless child, you only have your little sister in your heart!" The little fox understood what the little monkey said and rolled his eyes. The stinky little monkey actually said that he didn't know what is good and what is good, and he was careful to follow in the footsteps of the little lion.

He is a clever fox god, how can he be as ignorant as the little lion? The little girl looks down on the little lion, it is purely because the little lion is seeking his own death.

The little fox carried its little paws on its back, walked upright towards the thorn bud forest, and shook its head: "Don't worry, little monkey, this fox and the little girl are close friends, and the little girl will not abandon me."

Xiao Huihui nodded and squeaked again, meaning just one thing: If you get dizzy and act stupid one day, and the young lady wants to throw you away, I will give you a nice word.

"You are such a clever little kid." The little fox laughed.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" Xiao Huihui also thought that he was a clever little ghost, so he happily responded, let the fan aircraft land, and then carried the little fox into the air to pick thorn buds.

Le Yun asked the little fox to return to the star core world, get the spirit boat, get into the spirit boat herself, and then move out the Zhi Man, Zhi Ma, two handsome guys and four humanoid beasts from the conifer spiritual plant space.

People and beasts were suddenly moved out of the spirit plant space, and they didn't even bother to observe the environment. When they saw the little loli/fairy they hadn't seen for several years, they all gathered around and looked excited.

"Little beauty, where are you teleporting to?"

"Little beauty, is the transmission over?"

"Little fairy!"

"Little fairy, this is the time. It has been teleported for six years."

Yan Shao, Xuan Shao and the beasts and beasts swarmed up and surrounded the people, talking non-stop.

Le Yun listened with a smile, and waited for the excitement of the humans and beasts to stabilize before asking: "They should have been teleported to the Southern Continent. This side is also in a secret realm. The teleportation array is hidden deep underground. I will find a way to find it."

After a few months, I just crawled out."

The humans and beasts burst into screams of "ahhhhh".

The southern and northern continents are separated by a sea area several trillion miles wide. It is said that there is only a route connecting the two continents in the east. There are islands and teleportation arrays on the route, but I have never heard of a connection between the northern and southern continents.

Direct teleportation array.

The little lolita/little fairy actually said that she had arrived in the Southern Continent, which is simply unbelievable!

Young Master Xuan, Young Master Yan and the beasts howled in shock. They were about to ask which continent in the Southern Continent they were traveling to. When they heard that they had been transported to a certain secret realm, they felt excited again.

Arriving at a secret realm again does not mean that there are countless resources and ingredients, but you can also happily collect and hunt.

The secret place is good, the secret place is wonderful, the secret place is croaking!

The excited people and beasts looked around excitedly to see what the secret realm looked like, but all they saw were either bare volcanoes or gray skies.

Man and beast instantly felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured over their heads, and their hearts were chilled to the core.

People with passionate feelings are as quiet as chickens.

Zhi Ren and Zhi Ma asked weakly: "Little fairy, what kind of place is this? I feel that this place is not very friendly to us."

"It just doesn't feel right. The vitality of this place is very weak and a bit weird. I have to step on the terrain to find out why."

After the humans and beasts calmed down, Le Yun explained and made arrangements: "This is a volcanic area, which is not friendly to plant-based heaven and earth spiritual creatures. Zhizhi and Huohuo should go back to the spiritual plant space."

Zhi Ren Zhi Ma has no objection.

Le Yun sent the two little ones back to the spirit plant space, set off in the spirit boat, and flew towards the east first.

Yan Shaoxuan and his friends were also squatting on the bow of the spirit boat, observing from a high position. The spirit boat was flying over a group of volcanoes, and there were volcanoes stretching for hundreds of miles below.

Under normal circumstances, extinct volcanoes or dormant volcanoes, as well as large volcanoes at high altitudes, should have plants and rivers in the valleys between the foot of the mountain and the volcano.

Just like the world-famous concave Arey volcano in Serbia, Africa, and Russia, its geographical environment is the harshest, but plants that are resistant to heat and dryness also grow at the foot of the volcano and in the concave valley plains.

However, there are no volcanic plants visible in the volcanic group below Lingzhou. The volcanic mountain tops are bare, and the volcanic canyons and plains contain only volcanic rocks, and the debris is volcanic ash.

There is a layer of gray volcanic dust floating in the sky, and there are also gray magma veins and debris dust on the ground. Dust is everywhere, and the environment feels very depressing.

The spirit boat flew more than 7,400 miles before finally passing through the volcanoes.

Due to drought, the mountains next to the volcanoes have also become places of death. The mountains have been eroded by the wind and have taken on various shapes. Many mountains are so fragile that they will collapse when the wind blows, forming dry mudslides.

As the spirit boat flies through the sky, you can hear the howling of ghosts and wolves, and often see sandstorms flying all over the sky, and tornadoes carrying gravel roaring wantonly among the wind-eroded mountains.

The wind eroded the mountains for an unknown number of miles, and the spirit boat flew from west to east, flying thirteen thousand miles before passing through the land of death that had lost all life due to drought.

Connected to the wind-eroded mountains is the Gobi Desert, which is also devoid of life, with only gravel and no sand.

Flying in the harsh environment of volcanic areas and wind-eroded mountains, Xuan Shaoyan and Shao Yan were quite calm. When they saw the endless Gobi desert again, the two young men were not so calm.

Mr. Xuan asked the question that everyone wanted to ask: "Little beauty, isn't this secret place a paradise?"

This chapter has been completed!
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