Chapter 317 The Disaster of Three Demons 5

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 Refining a weapon naturally requires melting materials.

Melting materials is a big project. Le Yun placed three furnaces above the magma cracks she dug, stuffed a pile of high-quality fusible ores, and then took out several rare ores and melted them directly with the flames of Taixu Huanhuo.


Divine fire is indeed a divine fire. It takes about three days for the same kind of ore to be melted using magma or flame stone as fuel. If the Taixu Real Fire burns it directly, the ore will soften into liquid in about one to one and a half hours.<


Leyun also put a furnace in the flame, and whenever a type of ore melted into liquid, she threw it into the furnace to keep it warm.

Fenyue is also an excellent employee. He draws inferences from one example and throws the molten molten liquid into the furnace himself while the contractor is busy.

Having a small helper for refining made Le Yun's work much easier. It still took two days and two nights of melting ore to prepare enough raw materials to officially refine the spirit boat.

The so-called spirit boats actually only have the shape of a boat without a scull. Most spirit boats do not have masts and sails. Only some craftsmen make the spirit boats with decorative masts or sails due to personal hobbies or to highlight their personality.
Little Loli's newly refined spirit boat is an innovative work - most of the structure of the spirit boat is like the Yunlan spirit boat, with an extra captain's cabin!

The captain's cabin is the control cabin. In the cabin, there is not only the starting array of the spirit boat, but also a rudder that can be manually operated to control the direction and speed.

The spirit boat mix not only preserves the advantages of the Yunlan magic weapon spirit boat, but also combines the control equipment of the earth's modern technological ships, creating a new model of the spirit boat.

Theoretically, there is no requirement for divine consciousness to operate the new spirit boat's hand-controlled rudder, which means that even a mortal with no cultivation can control it.

Because it is an innovative work, Leyun also pays great attention to it, from materials to shaping to engraving the magic circle, striving for excellence in every step, not seeking the most perfect but seeking more perfection.

In order to make her vision come true, she was also very patient. It was obviously a small spiritual boat that could travel a million miles, but she spent half a month carving the magic circle.

The formation of the spirit boat was still in the middle of the night, around the end of midnight. It was winter, and the night was dark and starry.

When the spiritual boat traveling at a speed of a million miles was completed, there were no phenomena of heaven and earth. It was born silently in the dark night and floated quietly above a ball of moon-white flame.

Lingzhou is blue-grey in color and has a ship-shaped appearance. It has a double-layered main cabin. The first floor is a place for rest and activities. The second floor has no walls and is open on all sides. There is only an outer fence, which is suitable for watching or leaning on the railing.

There is a large platform on the top of the main cabin. There are stairs from the first floor to the second floor. There are also stairs on the second floor and a large platform on the roof. Things can be dried on the platform and can also be used to hold various gatherings suitable for outdoor events.<


The captain's cabin is connected to the ship and has a mountain-style roof.

The windows, partitions, columns, and hangings of the Lingzhou cabin are all carved with exquisite patterns.

It looks like a small spirit boat, but there is something else inside. The interior size of the cabin is equivalent to that of a medium-sized spirit boat. The first level of the cabin is divided into a lobby and a rest area.

The hall occupies most of the area, and is accompanied by a semi-open kitchen and small dining room. The stairs connecting the second floor are also in the hall.

The rest area is divided into separate areas, with a large passage in the middle and rooms on the left and right sides. There are a total of 120 rooms, each of which is more than 100 meters long and wide.

In order to see her new work, Le Yun did not lie down as usual when she finished drawing the last magic circle talisman. She put away the stove and insisted on waiting for the spirit boat to be formed.

After the spirit boat was formed, it cooled for a full hour before it was finally ready to be released.

Leyun, who was waiting for the results, summoned the freshly baked spirit boat and inspected it carefully. Regarding her masterpiece, it was like "a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law - the more she looks at it, the more satisfied she becomes."

Fen Yue, who successfully completed her mission, was so excited that she got into the spirit boat to take a sneak peek.

Le Yun checked the various functions of the spirit boat with her spiritual consciousness, took the spirit boat into the coniferous spiritual plant space, then moved the spirit boat to a length of about one foot, and went into the captain's room to control the rudder personally.

The rudder is a double rudder, one controls the direction and the other controls the speed.

The craftsman Le Yun adjusted the speed, turned the rudder, and set sail.

The spirit boat soared out, and the arrows flew into the sky. With the control of the helmsman, it turned, went straight, turned, soared, dived... and performed fancy performances in the air.

Fenyue ran into the cockpit, flames roaring: "Little fairy, little fairy, this is fun, let me do it!"

He set his sights on the rudder and thought about having fun.

"You can't touch the rudder like this." Le Yun refused sternly. Shenhuo can control the temperature on its own, but it is very dangerous for it to be directly attached to the steering wheel. If it is happy, the temperature rises and the steering wheel tilts.

It turned into scrap metal.

Fenyue floated away silently, floated back and forth in the air a few times, and jumped up and down a few times. The flames flashed and condensed into a human form.

His human form looks like a mortal boy, just over four feet tall, with an indistinguishable androgynous face, red lips, white teeth, and pink makeup.

The young man is dressed in a white robe like snow, with a red shawl of hair on his head. The red hair and white robe make his skin white and tender, as delicate as jade.

The little boy who transformed into a human form floated slowly to the contractor, stretched out a jade-like hand, pinched the corner of her clothes, and shouted in a low voice: "Little fairy, can I touch the spirit boat like this?"


The divine fire was everywhere, but Le Yun paid no attention to him. She didn't look over until he got close to her, and saw a little red-haired boy. She was so shocked that her beautiful almond-shaped eyes widened: "Are you Fen Yue?!"

Can divine fire turn into human form?

Guan Jian is so cute in humanoid form, this is unscientific!

At this moment, Le Yun realized the fact that knowledge is endless!

The library of Yaoguang Palace can be said to contain all the books, all-inclusive, and is supplemented by the collection of Huoyun Jinxian's study. She can be said to have read a lot of books, and in terms of the amount of knowledge stored, no one in Yunlan can surpass her.

However, the collections of Yaoguang Palace and Master Huoyun collected information on various spiritual fires, but they did not say which kind of flames can condense humanoid entities.

The spiritual fire takes form, at most it is a human-shaped flame.

Taixu is still a real fire, but it has truly transformed into a humanoid entity, just like the fire attribute monster transformed into a humanoid entity.

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This is too much for Leyun.

The contractor was obviously frightened, and the young boy Fen Yue smiled beamingly: "Yes, I am! Can I touch the boat like this?"

Leyun looked at Yuxue's cute little boy up and down several times, still wondering: "Can spiritual fire also transform into a human form like a monster?"

Fen Yue was happy to explain the contractor's doubts: "Not all spiritual fires can be condensed into entities. You need to look at the nature and comprehension ability of the fire. The nature of the divine fire is pure and has unique innate advantages in many aspects. It has been cultivated for tens of millions of years.

Perhaps after a longer period of time, when certain rules of the great road are thoroughly understood, the entity can be condensed."

The entity condensed by the divine fire is not necessarily in human form, it may be in the shape of an animal or a tree, but no matter what form it is, it is similar to the humanoid entity after the transformation of a flesh-and-blood demon beast, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Le Yun understood, and moved quickly, letting Fen Yue come closer, and taught him how to steer the steering step by step. After teaching him twice, she saw that Fen Yue had kept the steps in mind, and allowed him to operate with confidence.

In fact, it was too early for her to worry!

Fen Yue personally took the helm, and was so excited that her heart almost flew up. She steered the spirit boat to make a 90-degree turn on the spot, and then made a big swing of the tail and the hull stood up, and climbed up with the head and tail down.


Le Yun, who was standing steadily, was thrown into the air and almost hit the roof of the cabin.

She stabilized herself in the air, letting out her consciousness. When she saw the spirit boat rushing up into the sky like a cannon, she felt that her whole body was not in a good condition. This was too violent!

Fen Yue had a great time, steering the spirit boat up several thousand feet, braking suddenly and turning at right angles, darting left and right, and then dived again.

He had a great time.

After playing around, the spirit boat flew to the northwest highlands.

The spirit boat flew too fast and crashed into a mountain peak.

"Ah ah ah", Fen Yue let out a series of screams, and turned sharply when she was about to hit the mountain. The spirit boat passed by the mountain peak, sparks and lightning along the way when the boat body collided with the mountain wall.

The spirit boat is hard and has no damage, and Yuyun endures it.

After successfully avoiding the crisis of crashing into the mountain, Fen Yue became more confident in her driving skills and became more and more excited, turning the rudder wherever she wanted.

The spirit boat is like a headless fly, bumping around in the air.

After passing by the mountain several times and sparking love, Fen Yue felt that the atmosphere was not right. He secretly glanced at the deed owner and found that her face was gloomy. She suddenly felt guilty and quickly let the spirit boat fly high into the sky.<


It flew around in the air for a while, and then returned to the center of the original Lingzhi space.

Fenyue had so much fun that after several sharp dives, he reacted quickly and successfully passed by the ground or treetops. He believed even more in his skills to pass the test.

Because of his excessive excitement, he once again rushed straight into Yunxiao and then turned sharply and swooped down. He made a mistake in judgment and the bow of the spirit boat kissed the earth.

The spirit boat has high defense and plunges directly into the earth.

The speed of a spirit boat is faster than that of an airplane. If an airplane crashes on the earth and hits the ground, it will cause a huge crater. You can imagine what a huge disaster will happen when the high-speed spirit boat hits the ground.

The spirit boat hit the ground, shaking the ground for a while.

The moment the spirit boat plunged into the soil, Le Yun lifted Fenyue away, took over the rudder, stabilized the spirit boat, and rushed forward for more than a hundred feet before stopping.

She made the spirit boat go backwards and slowly followed the path it came from to get out of the ground.

As soon as the spirit boat broke out of the ground, Leyun stopped it in the air. She grabbed the young Fenyue boy by the back of his clothes with one hand, then bent his knees and put him on his knees with his face facing the loess and his back tomorrow. He raised his palm and started beating him.


The slap of the violent storm fell, and the little boy's little butt suffered.

Fenyue, who knew she was in trouble, didn't dare to howl, and honestly accepted the education of love from her contract owner.

Le Yun spanked the little guy until the temperature of the little guy's little ass was like a fire and it was hot to the touch before she stopped. She put aside the little Shenhuo who liked to play dangerous projects and ordered with a dark face: "In the future, you will never do it again without my permission."

Control the spirit boat! If you dare to violate the law, I will seal you directly."

Fenyue, who was beaten until her little butt blossomed, quickly turned into a ball of flame as soon as she was freed.

When he was beaten, he did not protest. He was ordered not to touch the spirit boat again, and he immediately became anxious: "Little fairy, little fairy, I was wrong! I will definitely correct it in the future. Can you give me another chance?"

"You've given up on this idea." Le Yun grabbed a ball of flame and got out of the spirit boat, letting him take a good look at the great achievements he had made.

Where the spirit boat hit, a huge crater with a radius of about five miles was exposed. Due to the huge force wave generated by the strong impact, the trees within several miles were uprooted, broken, or tilted this way and that. It was terrible to see.<


Those flowers and plants are all spiritual fruits and spiritual plants planted by Le Yun and the little creatures.

The originally lush grass and flowers were brutally murdered overnight. Such a loss made Le Yun so angry that her liver ached again and again. If this was because the divine fire was not her own, she would have to peel off a layer of his skin.

Fen Yue saw the evidence of guilt left after the spirit boat hit the ground, and silently shrank into a small ball the size of a fist, trembling.

A certain group of flames had self-awareness and finally fell silent. Le Yun took a deep breath and went to clean up the disaster scene by herself, backfilling the soil and picking up the remaining branches and grass that could be used.

Try to save the spiritual trees and plants that can be saved, and those that have no chance of saving can only reluctantly give up.

It took her a day to tidy up the accident site, add a new layer of fertilizer soil, sow some seeds and plant these spiritual plants.

After handling the accident scene, stuff the divine fire back into Dantian, and then drive the spirit boat to find a group of little creatures.

The little creatures are still stepping on the boundaries of the newly added land.

The Plum Blossom Spear is an immortal weapon. If he walks alone, he can travel around the spiritual plant space in a day and a night at most. The Hanmei Hairpin is equivalent to a Nascent Soul monk, and he can also fly by himself.

However, neither of the two weapon spirits ran away on their own. They walked together with a few small creatures and enjoyed themselves.

When the little fairy arrived, the three spiritual plant dolls and the little flower spirit howled and jumped onto the bow of the spirit boat. They either hugged their arms or hands and stuck to their shoulders, becoming pendants on the little fairy's body.

The plum blossom spear also clung to the little fairy's arm, and the plum blossom hairpin also fell on the little fairy's shoulder.

"Little fairy, little fairy, the space is so wide!"

"Little Fairy, we have seen this spirit boat before."

The little creatures turned into brown candies and clung tightly to the fairy, refusing to let go of their claws.

When Fen Yue drove the spirit boat around, it flew past the little creatures several times or at a high altitude near it. The little creatures all saw the spirit boat. They thought it was the other two friends of the little fairy who came to open their eyes.


Let the little creatures make a fuss, Le Yun took them into the captain's room and taught them how to control the rudder and control the flight of the spirit boat.

The young boy knew that the spirit boat could be controlled without any spiritual consciousness. He was so excited that he did somersaults in the air. He listened to the lecture first and then started the experiments one by one.

The Plum Blossom Spear and the Winter Plum Hairpin have real entities, and they are watching from the sidelines.

The little creatures are much more well-behaved and contented than Fen Yue. All of them fly in spirit boats and no one wants to do exciting activities.

After teaching the little creatures how to operate the spirit boat, Le Yun input a large amount of spirit stones into the spirit boat, leaving the spirit boat for the little creatures to use in space.

The little creatures happily drove their spiritual boats to the border.

After coming out of Lingzhi Space, Le Yun calculated the date, and since there were still four days before the auspicious day to perform rituals at Fentou Mountain, she decided to go to the handsome boy Xuan Shaoyan and the beasts first.

This chapter has been completed!
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