Chapter 334 Division of Labor

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 Patriarch Youbai carried Youbai Qiji to the backyard, threw down the still stupid child, and returned to the bedroom. With his heart beating wildly, he counted the resources given by the fairy.

Ancestor Bo had read books and was able to read and hyphen. However, when he counted the resources, he suspected that he had not learned the math well several times, so that he almost failed to count accurately.

Do you know how many magic weapons there are?

The magic weapons presented by the fairy include weapons, swords, guns, hammers, halberds, axes and other magic weapons. There are 300 low-grade magic weapons, 200 medium-grade magic weapons, and 100 high-grade magic weapons!

Fifty defensive arrays and fifty flying magic weapons.

He hadn't looked carefully before, but there was a box that contained not materials for making talismans, but two wish-fulfilling houses!

There are two storage bags at the bottom of the box containing the magic books. One bag contains fifty space objects for storage. The inner dimensions of the space objects range from fifty to one hundred feet.

The other storage bag, which is a hundred feet wide, contains a bag full of spiritual stones.

Patriarch Youbai had never seen so many magic weapons and spiritual stones in his dreams. He was unsteady and his whole body was shaking slightly as if it had been struck by lightning.

The fairy gave too much!

There are more resources than he can bear mentally.

The fairy gave him the elixir, and also gave the Youbai family the practice skills through Youbai Qiji. The fairy gave the Youbai family a huge gift, and now they also gave him a resource. Ancestor Youbai felt that he deserved it.


His reason told him that he could no longer accept it calmly, and should return the resources to the fairy, or give them to Youbai Jingjing first, and let Xiao Jingping return the resources to the fairy later.

But privately, he couldn't bear to part with it. With so many resources, it would be no problem to cultivate not only Jindan monks for the family, but also Yuanying!

After experiencing a battle between heaven and man, Patriarch Youbai finally succumbed to the huge temptation to make his family stronger and pocketed the gift of the fairy.

He stopped meditating and went to wake up everyone at home, asking them to go shopping quickly, and asking the women to get up and prepare for the meal.

When the awakened men and women knew that the fairy was back, their sleepiness disappeared. They got up in a hurry, cleaned up and went about their duties. They killed chickens and sheep, went shopping, sewed clothes and made shoes, and put away the unfinished work.

After finishing, you may go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

People from the Bai family became busy, which also woke up Zhu Bo and others who lived in the county government. Zhu Bo and others guessed that there must be something big, so they hurriedly put on their clothes and got up to inquire about it.

When it was known that the fairy had returned to the county government from Fentou Mountain, the county staff also became busy. Those whose families lived close to the county government braved the severe cold to go back to pick up their children. Those who lived far away had monks from the Bai family.

Their families will be notified to send their children over, so they don’t have to go home in person.

Bai Qiji was thrown into the yard by his ancestor. He stood there in a daze for a long time before his dazed brain regained clarity. His whole person was not feeling well.

The ancestor took him out and threw him in the snow. What does this mean?

Could it be that you want him to take a breath of wind in the snow and wake up?

Unable to figure out what the ancestor meant, Youbai Qiji slowly walked towards the yard where he lived, and then recalled what happened not long ago. He walked faster and faster, and finally ran back to his room. As soon as he closed the door, he relaxed

Come down and sit on the ground.

The opportunity for the Youbai family to rise has come!

The ancestors and clan members often talked about the glory of their ancestors, saying that if the family had enough resources, they would be able to cultivate Nascent Soul monks and restore the family to its former glory.

It's a pity that the Youbai family has no resources!

Now, pie is falling from the sky, and the family has resources!

Thinking again about the secret revealed by the fairy, the time when the Youbai family will soar into the sky is just around the corner.

Youbai Qiji was so excited that his heart almost jumped out of his heart, and he could no longer calm down.

Some of the little qi-refining monks from the Bai family couldn't calm down. Little Le's classmate was very calm and had no time to watch the little ones boiling water and making tea.

The four cubs, one big and three small, have not yet formally practiced cultivation, nor have they introduced Qi into their bodies. They are still mortals and are not bound by certain rules and regulations.

In the future, when the little ones become monks, two of them are destined to be masters of deep-fried cooking due to their spiritual roots. No matter how good the ingredients are for them, they will still be able to make dark dishes.

There may be no difference in the tea brewed by the little cubs now, but in the future, using the same tea leaves and the same water, the tea brewed by two little cubs will become "different".

The cubs were not monks yet, and Le Yun did not vaccinate them in advance. She watched with a smile as the cubs worked together to boil water and make tea.

The cubs were busy for a while, and finally boiled water and made tea.

Lin Panhao is the oldest and has a steady hand, so she serves the tea.

The little cubs also ran to sit at the table.

Lin Panhao first presented the tea to the fairy, then gave the boys and himself a cup each, and learned to taste tea.

The tea leaves are kindly provided by the Youbai family. The tea water also comes from the cleanest spring water that has just been drilled out of the soil in the mountains. The tea cups are artificially withered bamboo cups.

The tea soup is yellow-red.

Picking up the small bamboo cup and smelling the aroma of tea, Le Yun took a sip, tasted the tea soup, and nodded slightly: "Based on the length of time you have studied, your craftsmanship is barely passable.

Next time you make tea, don't be too hasty when boiling water. The fire should be even. After starting the fire, wait until the fire is stable before putting the teapot on it. Keep the heat on medium until the water boils.

After the water boils, you cannot make tea immediately. You must wait for a while before brewing tea.

This refers to the combination of ordinary tea and mountain spring water. If it is spiritual tea and spiritual spring water, it is a different matter. You will learn how to cook spiritual tea later when you reach the corresponding level."

The fairy was giving some tea ceremony instructions, and the four cubs listened with their ears perked up. At the end, they nodded their heads to show that they had remembered.

Le Yunke still remembered the business, drank a cup of tea, asked about the children's study, and asked them to bring their books, so that she could read them in person.

I glanced at the children's textbooks to know roughly what they had learned, and I had an idea of ​​what they had learned, so I took the exams on site.

The children go to school in the same order. Bai Jingping goes to school first, and Lin Panhao goes to school last. The school exam homework is also based on their learning progress.

The four cubs, one old and three young, are very serious about their studies and do well in their studies. Even Lin Panhao, who is the latest to go to school, can write well.

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Even if you don’t say that your answers are correct during spot checks, you can generally get 50 or 60 out of 10 correct answers.

Classmate Le Xiao expressed that she was not satisfied. The foundation of these children was too weak. She might need to personally teach them for a year and a half before they could successfully learn various books on Yunlan's cultivation of the immortal world.

The two oil bottles she brought had zero basic knowledge of language, and she also taught them step by step. She has experience in teaching the little ones and knows how to start.

Educating children has to be postponed, and schoolwork is the priority now.

Time slipped away quietly while the little Lolita kids were doing their homework. When the sky broke at dawn, the exam was not over yet, and it didn’t end until the middle of the day.

When the fairy randomly checked their homework, the four children did not dare to breathe. When the fairy allowed them to move freely, the four cubs rushed out of the Ruyi House and went to the yard to get some fresh air.

Oops, they are so nervous!

The four of them stood in the yard, blown by the cold morning wind, and their minds, which were a little confused due to nervousness, became completely clear.

They were about to go back to Ruyi House when they saw Bai Qiji coming and stood still.

Bai Qiji flew to the front yard and was shocked to see Miss Lin and three children standing in a row in the snow. Could it be that the fairy was dissatisfied with the children's homework and punished them to think about their mistakes in the snow?
Youbai Qiji, who was startled by his own guess, ran to Youbai Jingjing and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Jingjing, have you... been punished?"

"No, the fairy has just finished her homework for the school exam. Let's go out and take a breather." Youbai Jingping was afraid that his uncle would say something earth-shattering again, so he urged him to leave: "Uncle, hurry up and go about your own business."
At this time, Bai Qiji was even more confident and fearful of guessing that the children must have been punished, otherwise Xiao Jingjing would not have been so eager to drive him away.

I asked him to leave because I didn't want him to see the embarrassment of being punished.

The children were so proud of their face that they did not dare to leave because of Bai Qiji. They stood respectfully in the snow, facing the house and trembling: "Fairy, the people of the Youbai family have prepared the morning meal. The ancestor ordered me to come and invite you."

The fairy moved to the county government office to have a meal."

"No need. If your clan members want to tell you something, please ask Youbai Jingping to take him there. Meals for Zhumi and the others will be delivered to the front yard." Leyun did not want to deepen her relationship with the Youbai family and refused the invitation to eat.<


In addition to having contact with their original family, monks should generally not have too much contact with the cultivating families in the mortal world. Otherwise, it is easy for someone to tie the two together, thereby increasing the cause and effect.

She is more special than other monks and should not have too much contact with immortal cultivating families in the mortal world. If she gives too much face to the Youbai family, it will only encourage their ambitions.

The reason why the baby will be placed with the Youbai family is because Jingjing's baby is a child of the Youbai family, otherwise she would not necessarily let the Youbai family help take care of the child.

The Youbai family helped her teach the cubs. She gave the Youbai family rich resources and settled the only cause and effect.

Leyun is sober and rational. Even if Patriarch Bai entertains her, she may not have other thoughts, and she is not prepared to make a favor for Patriarch Youbai.

The fairy refused to be rewarded and entered the courtyard where the Bai family lived. Bai Qiji responded and hurried back to the backyard to report to the ancestor.

Patriarch Youbai pondered for a while and asked someone to pack most of the meals in a suitcase or box. He then put them into a storage bag containing some of the meals and sent them to the front yard himself.

After Youbai Qiji left, Lin Panhao, Dazai, Zhumi, and Youbai Ningping also returned to Ruyi House.

Ancestor Youbai asked the fairy for instructions in the courtyard before entering the Ruyi House. He did not dare to look at the fairy's face, took out a meal and set it on the table, and then handed the storage bag containing the meal to Youbai Jingping.

The women of Bai family have been busy for more than an hour, making a rich breakfast, steaming five-color eight-treasure rice, eight vegetables and one soup.

The fairy did not stay to eat by herself, but Patriarch Bai prepared the meal and then quietly floated out of the Ruyi House to eat with Lord Bo and others.

Ancestor Bai went out, and the four children, one big, three small and four, quickly got bowls of rice.

The first person filled a bowl of rice and presented it to the fairy. Then he took a bowl and filled a bowl for himself. After filling the rice, he sat down one after another. No one touched the tachyon.

The etiquette of the little ones was very good. Le Yun took advantage of it and picked up a piece of shredded gourd and melon to eat, and said calmly: "Let's eat."

"Yes." The little cubs picked up the kuaizi and started eating.

The four of them had meals in the county government's study hall before, and they also followed the "eat without speaking" taught by the gentlemen. They were all quiet when eating, and ate neither fast nor slowly.

Moreover, the little guys are very smart. They used to wait until the gentlemen were full before putting down the tachyon. Now they wait until the fairy is done eating before they finish the meal and quickly clear the table.

They didn't need to wash the dishes. They quickly packed the dishes and bowls neatly, put them in the suitcase, and then went out and put them under the eaves. Then they took the food for the black dog and fed it to the family dog.

Dazai's black dog is also a smart dog. He never jumps around when the fairy and his little master are eating. He just sits next to him and waits until it's his turn, then jumps to eat happily.

The four friends watched the black dog finish its meal, then helped it clean the basin and put it back in Da Zai's Ruyi House.

The little ones went outside to wash their hands and rinse their mouths, and then returned to the Ruyi House to listen to the fairy's instructions.

There were three little ones, one big and one small, standing in a row. Le Yun looked at the four of them and asked, "If something unexpected happens, I will take you on a journey in the afternoon. Do you have anything to say to your family?"

Da Zai and Hei Quan depend on each other for life. He has no family, so he is not an exception.

Zhumi, Lin Panhao and Youbai Jingping all answered: "No."

They didn't know when the fairy would leave, and they were ready to leave at any time. They had already told their family if they had anything to say.

"Zhu Mi Lin Pan Hao, do you two want to go back and say goodbye to your family?" Youbai Jingping's family is in the county government, and he can go to say goodbye to his family at any time. Zhu Mi and Lin Pan Hao are far away from home, so they have to say goodbye to their families.

Go home quickly.

The fairy inquired, and Zhumi answered readily: "No, I just met my father a few days ago. My father has found a little girl for me. We will probably get married next year. My father brought the girl to the county government office to let me

We met."

Xiao Zai'er smiled happily, and Le Yun immediately became happy: "Your dad is so fast, he found a suitable little grandma for you so quickly."

The little boy nodded as eagerly as a chicken pecking at rice: "Yeah, yeah, my father is good-looking, and I heard he is very popular with girls. This girl who may become my little mother-in-law is protected by the uncles of the Ningjing family.

The matchmaker is a relative of the Bo family, the head of the county government office."

The little kid was careless and said whatever he wanted. Le Yun didn't ask any more questions. She was a little surprised that Lin Panhao didn't plan to go back to say goodbye to her family.

When the fairy looked over, Lin Panhao also guessed that the fairy was asking her if she wanted to go home, so she took the initiative to explain: "Everything in my family is very good. My mother-in-law found a job in a silkworm-raising workshop, and my younger brother went to school. He is very good at reading."

Work hard, I have nothing to worry about at home."

The two cubs were not ready to go home, so Le Yun stopped asking and asked them to think about what they still lacked in their favorite supplies.

The older one and the younger one ran back to their own Ruyi House to sort out their belongings to see what was missing.

The monks of the Youbai family have not yet brought the children from each family. Taking advantage of her free time, Leyun planned the study tutorial plan for the little boy, took the jade slips, and recorded the teaching materials with her spiritual sense.

Store the knowledge in the jade slips, and then use the learning device invented by Master Huoyun to teach, so that you no longer have to do everything yourself when teaching the little ones.

This chapter has been completed!
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