Chapter 454 Secret

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 Le Yun picked at the small shell and repeatedly studied the ingredients of the shell. While listening to the conversation between the two little cuties, one talking in human language and the other squeaking, she smiled so much that the corners of her mouth almost went behind her ears.

These two little ones, one is a know-it-all, and the other is a newbie who only likes planting and does not like to learn other skills. They are a perfect combination of a top student and a bad student.

The little fox was also a little depressed: "Little girl, how did you find this?"

"I found a large lake when I was collecting resources. The small shells had probably stayed in the sand for a long time. I came out to bathe in the sun. I found it, and when it wasn't prepared, I brought back the shells and sand together."

"But now you clearly touched it, and it didn't respond."

"Little fox, let me tell you a secret about catching pearl shells. This thing likes purple bamboo the most, pure purple purple bamboo. As long as there is enough purple bamboo and the breath of bamboo can cover the shell living area, they will not make a fuss."

"What?!" The little fox was so shocked that his feet slipped and he fell to the ground.

When he fell, he fell to the ground, but it made little Huihui laugh so hard that the little fox couldn't even speak. If he fell a few more times, his delicate awl face might turn into a peaceful and peaceful face.

The little fox fell down and was chewing on the mud. He didn't care whether he lost the fox or not. He climbed up and looked at the little girl in surprise: "You said Zizhu can restrain Pearl?"

"It can't be said to be restrained. It's probably because the breath of purple bamboo has the power to calm the soul of pearls. Where there is the breath of purple bamboo, pearls are exceptionally gentle.

Purple bamboo also needs pure purple bamboo. The purple-spotted bamboo like the Xiangfei bamboo in my hometown is not effective. This is a secret. I will only tell you because you are one of my own."

"Purple bamboo is not a rare treasure. Why is it that there are no rumors or records in the world that purple bamboo has a soothing effect on pearls?" The little fox wondered if he was a little ignorant.

"I've already said this is a secret, so naturally it can't be spread across the world."

"Then, is there any way to deal with Zhubei's collective sound attack?"

"Of course there is, it's Zizhu. Make flutes or xiaos from Zizhu. When they launch a sound attack, play a tune on this secret instrument, which will naturally calm their anger."

"No wonder you treat everything you see as a treasure!" The little fox is not acclimatized now, so he will obey the little girl!

"Originally, many things are treasures." Le Yun smiled so hard that her eyes turned into crescent moons. Haven't you heard of being prepared? Besides, she has never had a hobby of collecting garbage, so naturally the things she collects cannot be junk.<


"Little girl, you have discovered this treasure, hurry up and catch it." The little fox came online in a second.

"There is no rush. Sharpening the knife will not delay the work of chopping wood. Before digging the shells, I have to do some preparations. Besides, according to the growth pattern of pearl shells, they are almost in spawning season, so there is no rush to catch them yet.

"Le Yun, don't worry, the shell is right there, it can't escape.

The little fox stopped urging him. He prided himself on being well-informed, but his knowledge was still not as good as that of the little girl. He had better stop trying to do whatever he wanted.

Le Yun put away several pearl shells in the bamboo bucket, transferred the previously collected purple bamboo to a separate storage container, and then calculated the distribution ratio of purple bamboo to the lake beach area.

After calculating the required amount of purple bamboo, he left the star core space and quietly exited the lake bay in his spirit boat, traveling hundreds of millions of miles away to meet up with the puppet troops who were still on the way to collect.

She is the leader of the group, scouting or clearing the way in front, while the puppet army cleans up the smaller monster families and collects them from behind.

After surveying the environment of the treasure's hiding place, Le Yun felt reassured and led the team of blue-armored puppets to continue eliminating hidden dangers for the collecting army.

Within 500 million miles of Haiji Lake, from south to north, the climate transitions from continental temperate climate to tropical rainforest climate, with luxuriant plants.

After running around for several months, at the end of July in winter, Le Yun cleaned up the entire area between the puppet collection team's itinerary and Haiji Lake Bay, and eliminated the monsters that could threaten the puppet army.

Solve it.

There are some scattered monsters left. If they dare to cause damage, the team of puppets responsible for collecting them can handle it.

After clearing the obstacles for the collection team, Little Loli took a thousand blue-armored puppets and ten thousand silver-armored puppets to the lake bay first, and occupied a mountain range near the lake bay for the little cubs to collect and mine.
Arrange the little cubs clearly, and then arrange work for the puppet beast group - dig the spirit stone mine.

There is a large spiritual stone vein under the mountains adjacent to Haiji Lake. Its starting point is about 30,000 miles west of the lake bay, and the other end extends eastward.

Le Yun led the army of puppet beasts to dig a tunnel deep into the ground, and arranged all the puppet beasts to work. Under the supervision of the little fox, she refined some practical magic weapons in the mine before running towards the lake bay.

The beach of the lake bay is very flat, and the width of the intertidal flat is at least twenty or thirty miles, and the widest place is more than fifty or sixty miles.

The average width of the subtidal shoals also exceeds a hundred miles. The silt and sandy sediment layers in the intertidal and subtidal shoals contain a large amount of mineral sediments and organic debris.

The lake bay area is a freshwater area, and the soil in the muddy and sandy sedimentary zone is rich in nutrients, making it the best habitat for pearl oysters.

The mud and sand layer in the intertidal flats and subtidal lake shallow water areas is more than 100,000 feet thick. Pearl oysters like to inhabit the mud and sand layer from one meter below the sand surface to about 30,000 feet away from the mud and sand surface.

Pearl oysters are rare spiritual treasures, with the lowest spiritual level being the first level. Although they have high self-defense means and are easier to hunt, they advance slowly and can grow up to the third level under natural conditions.

Even if the level is not high, the lifespan of pearl oysters is extremely long. First-level pearl oysters can live for ten thousand years, and second-level pearl oysters start at 50,000 years. They are the longevity stars among shells.

Pearl oysters are omnivores, eating both vegetarian and meat dishes. They live in the muddy and sandy sediment layer most of the time, and will go to the lake to look for food at regular intervals.

The shells of seashells have powerful absorption and refining functions. They absorb the minerals in the sediment and then refine them to extract their essence, making the shells very hard.

The mineral composition of the pearl shell is extremely rich and complex, almost comparable to the golden body of the immortal. Its shell is also a precious material for casting the golden body.

However, it is not always possible to find ancient relics in the God Realm, and monks from all realms can only imagine the good materials of pearl shells.

Rushing to the lake bay area, Le Yun once again inspected the distribution of pearl oysters in the mud and sand layer.

A large number of pearl oysters live in the intertidal zone and subtidal flats of the lake bay, with the number of pearl oysters per square foot ranging from about 30,000 to 50,000.

The longer pearl oysters live, the more they like to run deeper into the sand.

Elephants and sea crabs are basically distributed in the silt sandy sediment layer about a thousand feet deep from the silt sand surface. The shells of elephants are mostly white with golden lines, and the middle section is about 30 centimeters thick on average, like

A prismatic stone.

The back shell of sea crabs is navy blue and small in size. The back shell of large crabs is about fifty or sixty centimeters long, and the back shell of sub-adults is about forty centimeters wide. Each crab is like a large or small millstone.

The reason why pearl oysters, elephants, and crabs can coexist peacefully is that elephants often poke their heads out, and sea crabs crawl out of the sand every day to look for food, which is equivalent to loosening the soil or opening pores in the mud and sand layer, allowing some organic matter to penetrate deep into the mud and sand layer.
Whenever elephants and sea crabs hunt prey, they will drag the food into the sand and eat again, and pearl oysters will also have the opportunity to enjoy it.

If it is profitable, pearl oysters and elephant crabs can coexist. If there is a serious shortage of food, pearl oysters will also hunt elephant crabs, and elephant crabs are also equal to pearl oysters' food reserves.

In order not to disturb the pearl shells, Leyun uses every thousand miles of lake shoreline as a collection area and places purple bamboo at a density of one length of purple bamboo every ten miles.

The method of digging pearl oysters is similar to that of digging oyster shells. Before digging, use spiritual power as a wall to encircle patches of beach, then scrape away the sand on the surface, and then dig away the sand and pearl oysters together.

Pearl oysters are too small. It would be a waste of time to dig and select the shells at the same time. Leyun made twenty large sieves, a magic weapon.

The excavated sediment is poured into a large sieve. The sieve rotates on its own after it is opened. During the rotation, the fine sand and soil are filtered out. What remains in the sieve are pearl shells and debris larger than the sieve holes.

The puppets are divided into groups, and each team divides the work and cooperates. Some are responsible for dredging sand, some are responsible for guarding the sieve, and some are responsible for cleaning out the debris from the pearl shells that have passed through the sieve.

The elephants and sea crabs are big, and the mining puppets are sorting out the elephants and sea crabs while working.

The puppet who was in charge of the sieve for the magic weapon followed the excavation team and was sifting sand over the huge pit where the mud and sand had been dug out. The sand that leaked out fell to the ground and just backfilled the pit.

The speed of the sieve passing through the sand is naturally slower than that of the excavator. The puppet man who digs the sand will first store the excavated sand in the storage space. Whenever the space container is full, it will be handed over to the companion who is guarding the sieve.

Soon after the tide passes, the surface of the shoal becomes dry due to evaporation of water. In fact, it is water about thirty to forty centimeters away from the sand surface.

The puppet team is responsible for dredging sand, and Le Yun carries a snail to suck away the water in the pit, thereby significantly improving the efficiency of the puppet team in dredging sand.

After the silt sand in the intertidal zone is dug out, the swallowing snails and mining arrays are used to absorb the mud and sandy sediments in the shallow water area of ​​the lake shore.

Near dusk, the tide rose in Haiji Lake.

The evening tide in the lake bay area is relatively gentle, and the waves come gently from the lake to the shore, one wave after another, hitting the beach layer by layer.

Le Yun asked the excavation team to temporarily stop working and go to the rainforest to pick plant fruits. Only the puppet man in charge of the sieve was still sifting mud and sand.

The lake tide lasted for about an hour and then weakened, leaving many fish, shrimps or shells, and seaweed on the beach.

After low tide, a large number of sea crabs and pearl oysters emerge from the muddy sedimentary layer to prey on fish, shrimps, seaweed or single-valve shells.

There are also many seabirds flying here to pick up bargains, fish, shrimps or crabs.

There are also small monsters in the rainforest. They may have experienced the power of the overlord Pearl on the lake beach and dare not cross the border to grab food.

Pearl oysters also emerge from the silt sand after low tide. Whenever they see seabirds nearby, they will inevitably attack and kill them.

When hunting seabirds, pearl oysters don't use sound attacks that are overqualified. They basically spray venom directly. The poison condenses into water arrows as thin as cow hair and is shot out. Seabirds within the range are almost impossible to escape.

Wherever the shot seabird fell, the surrounding pearls rushed over and cut it into countless pieces. One piece was cut into pieces, and in less than half a stick of incense, a seabird was completely divided.

Sometimes sea crabs also go to grab food, but they usually can't grab the pearl shells. The pearl shells are round and piled up together, making it impossible for the sea crabs to get a foothold.

There are many kinds of seabirds in the ancient secret territory, and they are also large. The smallest seabird is as strong as a duck on earth.

Le Yun put on a curtain hat and hid in the rainforest near the beach to watch a hunting battle. She also had to lament the cruelty of the law of the strong eating the weak in the biological world.

I can only sigh with emotion, after all, humans are also one of the species standing at the top of the food chain.

The hunting battle at dusk soon came to an end. The sea crabs burrowed back into the silt and sandy sediments shortly after dark, while a large number of pearl oysters piled up on the shoals to bask in the moon.

This is a good opportunity to pick up some bargains.

Unexpectedly discovering a business opportunity, Le Yun was overjoyed. She found bottles and jars and prepared an ointment. She drank two large bowls of water, then used another ointment to wipe her hands and face, and applied more than a dozen ointments.


I put a pill in a piece of fine gauze and tied it around my waist. After the smell on my body changed, I quietly set out to plant purple bamboo along the beach of the lake shoreline.

Le Yun ran around for a while, then returned to the shell digging area and called on several puppet teams to "pick up" pearl shells.

In the area with the aura of purple bamboo, the pearls were basking in the moonlight peacefully. When they were "picked up", they did not use sound attacks or spray poison. They were extremely well-behaved.

It's effortless for the puppet team to pick up shells.

The little loli has fun picking up shells.

When the moon goes down, the pearl shells basking in the moon dive into the sand one after another.

Le Yun, who had been working for most of the night with a puppet helper, was so happy that she returned to the starting point of digging shells and continued to dig shells.

The puppet team has a steady stream of spiritual stones to provide power, and they work tirelessly and day and night.

The puppet people worked all night long, and soon after dawn, the morning tide of Haiji Lake came.

The daytime tide runs from about 10 o'clock to the end of chen o'clock. The morning wave is faster than the evening tide, and the waves are more turbulent. Dense water waves rush onto the beach one after another.

In open areas, the waves overflow the intertidal flats, then hit the supratidal zone, penetrating tens of meters into the rainforest or tidal marsh area.

Similarly, there are more fish, shrimps, shells or seaweed thrown on the shore or left on the intertidal flats.

When the tide rises in the morning, a large number of seabirds flock to the bay area to catch the waves and prey on the small fish and shrimp struggling in the waves.

As seabirds continue to arrive to join the morning hunting feast, the sky across the bay area is full of bird figures. Birds and beasts are gliding in the air, fluttering their wings, flying up and down, or flying down.

And when it flaps its wings and rushes upward, its body is strong and graceful.

The heartless little loli, wearing a curtain hat, uses the teleportation technique to shuttle through the air, and casts a net in places where birds and animals are densely populated. Each net will surely catch thirty or forty prey.

The harvest is rich, but there are also risks. If you can't avoid it, you will receive a gift from the bird monsters - feces.

At the risk of being showered with bird droppings, a student from Le Xiao cast a net in the air. After netting a total of 98 nets, he stopped in time and dived into the rainforest to pick rainforest plants.

While the seabirds were foraging, the puppet team all went into the forest on land to take shelter.

Seabirds come with the rising tide and retreat with the ebbing tide.

After the tide recedes, the intertidal flats of the lake and bay have become home to pearl oysters and sea crabs, which they like to pull out for food or ventilation.

It also means that it’s another good time to pick up bargains.

So, the puppet team followed their master to work again, running to the intertidal zone to collect shells and catch elephants and sea crabs.

The tool puppets are like bricks, they can be moved wherever they need to be, working hard and without complaint.

This chapter has been completed!
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