Chapter 557

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The monks can fly in the air and are very fast, not to mention that their group also has a spirit boat. Le Yun was not polite when arranging the tasks, so they separated and went to a house each.

A prefecture covers a very wide area. Basically every county or town has a large amount of farmland. Wherever there is farmland, there are rice field fish, not to mention crabs. They can be found everywhere in lakes, rivers and ponds.

Therefore, no matter which county, town or city you go to, it is impossible to run out of money.

Calabash Wa and Shui Dun followed Brother Yan, and Master Xuan took his two humanoid beast companions, and the three Mahayana beasts each got into the Ruyi House and acted as guards secretly.

After dividing the work, Xuan Shaoyan and Shao Xing set out at night, one to the east and one to the west, to the area they were responsible for. Waiting until dawn, they went to various cities to announce the purchase of rice field fish and crabs.

They planned the route, announced the news in advance along the route, and then returned to the first city to start buying. In order to buy as much ingredients as possible, the two took their friends to the fields to buy on the spot.

When he saw the crab, Mr. Xuan Shaoyan finally understood why the little loli was greedy for it. The crabs from Qianze Kingdom were clearly the hairy crabs from Huaxia Kingdom!

The crabs in Qianze Kingdom, called Crabs, are very similar to hairy crabs on Earth in terms of shape and color. The crabs that were born back then were about the same size, so they can completely replace the hairy crabs when you bring them back home.

Crabs that are more than one year old are much larger than hairy crabs. You can no longer risk giving up hairy crabs. Crabs that are more than three years old are as big as coconut crabs on the earth.

Xuan Shaoyan discovered the truth and naturally became more active.

The little Loli herself is not idle either. She first goes to the predetermined towns and market towns to announce the news, and leads a team of puppets to the rice field area to make on-site purchases, or to help catch fish and crabs.

Farmers in various cities, towns, and market towns were very excited when they learned that the immortals passing by collected a large number of fish in the rice fields and crickets in the fields. The old and young without labor looked after the houses, and the men and women with labor took the children to the fields to catch fish and crabs.


Children between the ages of five and ten are the best experts at catching crabs. They are small and can move freely in the rice fields. They hold small tools in their hands and do not need to bend down to catch crabs.

Crickets are most active in the early hours after midnight and usually lie dormant during the day.

Farmers also have experience. They first install fish nets or crab pots on one edge of the rice field, and in the middle of the night, people use sticks to stir up the rice seedlings from other sides of the rice field.

The crickets were frightened, so they all ran in a direction where there was no disturbance or danger, and then they fell into the human trap and became the turtles in the urn.

There are shortcuts to catching crabs, but there is no easy way to catch fish in rice fields. You can only make a few wide ditches in or on the edge of the rice fields, drain some of the water in the fields, and let all the fish gather in the ditches before catching them.

There is a competitive relationship between crickets and fish in the biological chain. Fish will eat small crickets, and larger crickets will eat small fish.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, if there are a large number of crickets in the same rice field, the number of fish will be small. If the number of fish is large, there will be correspondingly fewer crickets.

The southern part of the Qianze Empire has flat terrain and fertile land. The average area of ​​rice fields is between five and twenty acres. A field with a width of one or two acres is considered a small field.

Farmers who make a living by farming generally own a minimum of about 30 acres of farmland, and the area of ​​dry farmland is slightly less, about 15 to 20 acres.

Rice is grown in paddy fields, and wheat, upland rice or millet, millet and other crops are grown in dry fields/fields.

The ridges that serve as the dividing line between the rice fields are at least one and a half feet wide, and the trails and ditches for people, vehicles and horses are arranged in an orderly manner.

The local people also cherish the land very much, planting beans, seasonal vegetables, millet or millet on the ridges of the fields or on both sides of the ditches or trails.

There are many crickets in the southern part of Qianze Country, and they have become a favorite delicacy of local people. Farmers catch them every year before harvesting rice, and sometimes sell some of them and eat some themselves.

Live crabs caught in the rice fields cannot be kept for a long time. The locals invented a fresh crab sauce - mash the crabs with seasonings, mix them with a local type of sake brewed from red rice, and grind them with a grinder.

Grind the seeds into a pulp, then put it into a jar and seal it.

The fresh crab paste in the jar is left for about a month to complete fermentation. The fresh crab paste is fragrant and fresh, and can be used as a condiment or eaten directly as a meal.

Local people make a large amount of fresh crab sauce every year. During the busy season of harvesting crops or next spring plowing, they make naan in advance, then bring a small jar of fresh crabs to work in the fields, and smear it on the naan noodles when eating.

Sauce, it goes with rice and is appetizing.

Many towns also have workshops that purchase crickets to make fresh sauce and then sell them.

Because the local people catch crickets every year, there is no overcrowding of crabs even though the breeding ability of crickets is strong.

There are crabs all over the Qianze Kingdom, but the lakes in the south have the most lakes, and there are more crickets than other areas. Therefore, the crickets in the south have no chance to be sold far away, and they are all supplied and sold in their own houses and counties.

Suddenly, an immortal passed by and wanted to buy crickets that grew in the fields, lakes and rivers. The local residents were not surprised.

Crickets, which were once the most common, can now be exchanged for spiritual beads. Not only farmers are catching crickets with great enthusiasm, but also many idlers from business houses go to rivers, lakes and ditches to catch crickets.

There are also merchants who go to the fields to buy crickets, and then resell them when the immortal comes to make some hard money.

Classmate Le Xiao had already thought of this, and when announcing the acquisition information, she also said in advance that if any merchant was willing to collect the crickets on his behalf, she would pay corresponding hard-earned money.

If a merchant wants to make a profit from the price difference, it is strictly prohibited to force the seller to sell at a low price, and the purchase price must be within a reasonable range.

What counts as a reasonable range?

The reasonable range she agreed on was that merchants could buy three or five spiritual pearls lower than the market price for every hundred kilograms of crickets, and the maximum price for one thousand kilograms of crickets was twenty spiritual pearls lower than the market price. This was the limit.

Since the Immortal made the prerequisites in advance, the merchants were afraid of offending the Immortal, so they naturally did not dare to make shady money, and the prices given when purchasing crickets or rice field fish were also very fair.

With immortals, people no longer have to worry about being cheated, and they can be more active in catching fish and crabs.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Since large quantities of crickets can only be caught at night, Le Xiao’s classmates go to the fields to buy fish and crabs every morning, and in the afternoon and evening they also go to lakes and canals to catch crabs.

In order not to snatch the crabs from other people's fields, she ran to the wilderness far away from the farmland. She chose a place to set up a fishing net and put bait in the lake and river beach area where the crickets lived.

The foraging crickets flocked from all directions to the baited areas and all entered the trap.

Crickets in farmland are generally born in the same year. During floods, a small number of large crickets enter ditches with the water flow, and then crawl into the farmland to hide.

Among the crickets that inhabit rivers, lakes or tidal flats, there are a large number of large perennial crabs that are very large.

Every time the little Loli collects the net, she can harvest thousands of kilograms of crabs.

Whether it is in the rice fields or in the wild, there are occasional small surprises when catching fish and crabs - soft-shelled turtles are often picked up. The soft-shelled turtles in the farmland are generally about the size of the mouth of a bowl, while the soft-shelled turtles in the wild are larger.

Le Xiaoxiao is very fast. Every time he goes to a place to buy ingredients, he must go to the rivers and lakes near the city to scan the rivers and lakes, and return with a full load every time.

Yan Shaoxuan Shao led his friends to buy ingredients while heading south, and a large amount of fresh crabs flowed into their pockets.

The three of them were shopping for goods from different areas all the way south, and before they knew it, the season had entered mid-September.

Most areas in Binzhou enter the autumn harvest season at the end of the eighth lunar month. The ninth day of September every year is the autumn harvest festival. After the autumn harvest festival, the two-crop crops will gradually enter the maturity stage.

The maturity time of the crops varies due to different geography and climate. The two-crop crops in the Qianze Empire begin to mature around mid-September in the central part, while the eastern and western crops cannot be harvested until early October, while the southern part begins harvesting at the end of September.

The season has arrived in mid-September, and people in the southern district of Qianze Country are also preparing for the autumn harvest, draining water from their farmland to dry their farmland.

Naturally, it is necessary to catch rice field fish and crickets before drying the fields.

Therefore, Le Xiaoxiao and the two handsome guys did not have to go to various cities to announce the news of purchasing crickets. Every time they passed by a city, they would raise their arms and shout in the sky to see the farmers who had harvested rice field fish and crickets or were catching rice field fish.

, pulling goods in groups and delivering them to designated points for sale.

The little lolita and the two handsome guys happily shopped for goods. When the season for catching rice field fish and crickets was over, they turned to buying a large amount of grain. At the same time, they also cleaned up the uneaten crickets from the farmers' homes.

The three soldiers divided into three groups and slowly advanced southward.

I have been shopping for food and walking all the way, but before I leave Qianze Country, the annual New Year's Festival is about to come.

The three people, who had been separated for several months, finally met after the New Year.

When the friends met, Mr. Xuan didn't bother to talk about the harvest. He chased his friends and asked the question he cared about most: "Little beauty, where will we celebrate the festival this year?"

Le Yun drove the spirit boat up to high altitude and let it sail at full speed. Then she asked calmly: "Where do you want to celebrate the New Year?"

"Of course we go to the deep mountains and forests."

"I thought you were going to say you wanted to go to a human city to celebrate the New Year."

"No, no, no, no, after what I experienced in Ningcheng, I don't want to celebrate the New Year in a human city." Mr. Xuan shook his head like a rattle.

"What's wrong? The New Year celebrations in Ningcheng are not lively, or is the food not delicious?"

"No." Mr. Xuan wiped the sweat from his brow: "The people in Ningcheng are good and the food is delicious, but the ceremony of the New Year's banquet is too complicated. Just thinking about the ceremony you went through before the meal that day, I still feel scared!

If I celebrate the New Year in a human city and have a similar New Year banquet ceremony, I will definitely have a psychological shadow and I will never dare to celebrate the New Year again."

"I was the one who experienced the annual banquet ceremony at Ningcheng's annual banquet, not you. What are you afraid of?" Le Yun stared speechlessly: "Besides, the grand annual banquet ceremony in Ningcheng is the highest ceremony, not

Etiquette that ordinary people can enjoy.

Before the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, only those countries or cities where Jinxian Shangface went as a guest and celebrated the New Year there could enjoy the full set of New Year banquet etiquette.

Immortals who are slightly lower than the Golden Immortal will not enjoy the highest courtesy when they celebrate the New Year at someone’s home, or when a monarch goes to the home of his ministers to celebrate the New Year. They can only enjoy the ceremony of being offered water, wine, and tea, and then offering tea and tasting rice.

, and then start opening the meal when the food is served.

Moreover, the ritual of offering water, wine and tea can be done at most twice, usually once."

Mr. Xuan patted his chest: "Oh my god, I thought you had to go through that set of rituals to have a New Year's dinner in other places.

Let me ask, little beauty, how are you familiar with that annual banquet ceremony?"

Young Master Yan also pricked up his ears. He was also curious about why the little Loli knew every step of the annual banquet ceremony.

"I also want to ask you how you understand the word "travel", and what exactly do you travel about?

Similar to the annual banquet ceremony in Ningcheng, it is a local custom. You will know more about the folk customs when you go shopping in Ningcheng, or pay attention to books on local customs."

Le Yun gave Mr. Xuan a big dead fish eye. Why did she know about the New Year's banquet ceremony in Ningcheng? Of course, after entering the city, in order to understand the local folk customs, she bought some books and learned from them.

In addition, when I was shopping and listening to the gossip on the streets, I also went to inquire about it and collected a lot of information. The people on the street said that the ceremony was not so rigorous, and the official ritual steps were more rigorous and rhythmic.

Young Master Xuan: "..."

Ask them what they understand by traveling?

Isn’t traveling just about enjoying mountains and rivers?

Monks naturally collect resources when they travel.

The two young men were speechless after being asked by the little Lolita. They looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. They looked at me and I looked at you. Their minds were full of questions: Is it necessary to understand the local customs when traveling?

The beasts didn't care what the two brothers were thinking. Seeing that Brother Xuan stopped clinging to the little fairy and asked why, the four humanoid beasts happily took out the harvest and offered treasures.

The three Mahayana beasts also gained something. They did not want to show their faces in front of the human race. Whenever their brother made purchases in any city, they would quietly go to the rivers and lakes in the mountains and wilderness to catch fish and crickets.

Young Master Yan and Young Master Xuan also took out the ingredients and grains in their charge.

The handsome guys and the beasts purchased a large amount of ingredients and grains, and first gave a large portion to the fairy, and then divided a portion as a common food, and then distributed it according to the head.

After sharing the results, the beasts pestered the little fairy and asked where they would go to celebrate the New Year and what they would eat during the New Year.

The beasts and beasts took out their snacks while talking, chatting and chattering lively while eating.

We haven't had New Year's Eve dinner together since we left Zhuzhou. In order to appease the glassy hearts of handsome guys and beasts, Le Xiaoxiao drove a spirit boat for several days and found a high mountain to rest on the day before the New Year.

The two young men and the beasts were so excited that they picked a place in the flat valley with beautiful mountains and clear waters, cleared the weeds, and set up camp.

Young Master Xuan took out the tools to prepare the spiritual meal, and Young Master Yan became the fireman.

The beasts are like birds out of their cages, rushing into the mountains to cut firewood, collect plant seeds, and catch fish.

The little Loli didn't go out to the kitchen, but placed tools away from the fireworks, took out a batch of processed crickets, added seasonings, pounded them in a bowl, and put them into a large mill to grind them into pulp.

The work of pounding and grinding crabs is done by Lingzhi dolls.

A group of little creatures worked hard and made fifty jars of sauce in just one day.

After a crazy day outside, the beasts returned to camp and helped with the ingredients. A group of beasts and little creatures worked all night long, used up all the ingredients, and successfully made three hundred jars of fresh crab sauce.

The carefree beasts sat waiting for the New Year's Eve dinner.

This chapter has been completed!
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