Chapter 632: Scary

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Ask her if she feels weak?

The answer is of course!

"Of course, I am not even a fairy, I am as weak as an ant." Le Yun nodded matter-of-factly. In a place like the God Realm, she is not even a weak chicken, at most, she is a dragonfly.

The insect leader must have felt that the Buddhist cultivator was not easy to deal with. It bullied the weak and feared the strong, so it bypassed the Buddhist cultivator and ran to pick up the weak persimmons.

When others say that she is weak, she is self-aware, but Xiyue actually calls her weak?! Nanga is speechless. The little fellow Taoist has a wrong understanding of herself, and it is confirmed!

The little fellow Taoist was unwilling to admit that she was strong, and he was not prepared to discuss with her what it meant to be weak. He nodded in agreement: "That's right. In the eyes of high-level immortals in the world of immortality, little monks below mortal immortals are not

Weak as an ant, the young monk is also an ant."

He pinched a shell and sucked out the fragrant meat, and then asked, "Did you retreat because the insect leader caused you trouble, or are you tired of killing insects?"

Fellow Daoist Xiyue's spiritual energy is very abundant, and he clearly does not look tired.

The aura of the divine soul is also stable, and it doesn't look like the spiritual consciousness has been consumed too much.

There must be a reason why she retreated so early.

"The insect leader caused me a little trouble, but it was not the reason for my retreat. I observed that the heavy rain would stop after dawn. When the rain stopped, the locusts would be minimally affected. It would not be good for me to stay in the insect army any longer, so I

Pulled back."

"Then we retreat towards Qiangu Garden while catching insects. We have retreated to the vicinity of Qiangu Garden. We can return to the safe city at any time." Nanga had no objection.

Even though he and his fellow Taoists have high-level magic weapons and are not afraid of locust attacks, if they are caught in the insect tide, the magic weapons will consume a large amount of divine crystals every day, which will not be worth the gain.

Just keep it when it's good and stop it in moderation, which is also the way to survive.

The Buddhist and Taoist friends also decided to retreat in the direction of Qiangu Garden. Le Yun talked to him about the scope of the retreat route and the area where they would meet again in Qiangu Garden.

Inside the defensive barrier, the two of them were eating and chatting leisurely and comfortably. Outside the barrier, the locusts stationed on the ground moved when they saw the light and flocked towards the golden light group.

The locust swarm demonstrates with practical actions what it means to "fly into the flames".

The people in the magic weapon barrier were happy to see the success, smiling and chatting, waiting for the insect monsters to deliver the goods to their doorsteps.

After chatting for nearly half an hour and almost resting, Le Yun took the Buddhist cultivators who were staying in the Ruyi House out of the barrier, and went into the air to catch a giant ball full of locusts in a net.

Then kill the insect demon, transfer the insects into the storage container, and then take out the magic weapon light group and return it to the Buddhist friends.

Nanga got out of the Ruyi House and fell into the air.

Le Yun waved her claws at Jun Buddhist cultivator friend and flew towards the direction of Qian Ji Secret Valley.

It was a rainy night, and the sky and the earth were so dark that I couldn't see my fingers. A bit of golden light penetrated the rain curtain, flashed a few times, and then disappeared from sight.

Nanjia watched the little Taoist friend's magic weapon light group disappear into the night, sacrificed the Golden Lotus magic weapon again to smash the locusts, picked up the corpse, changed the direction, and walked in the direction of Qiangu Garden.

He had previously turned his back to Qiangu Garden and walked towards the south, planning to kill insects while moving forward. He had traveled more than 90,000 miles, but now his location was more than 100,000 miles away from Qiangu Garden.

Nanga used his magic weapon to smash the insect swarm while advancing towards Qiangu Garden.

The little Lolita who was separated from her Buddhist friends flew for more than ten thousand miles before catching insects with a fishing net or using the black lotus magic weapon to catch footed insects.

She walked and caught insects, and traveled more than 50,000 miles toward the Qianji Secret Valley. She stopped going forward, turned around, and headed towards the giant mountain range to the north of the canyon.

With a large number of locusts collected in her hands, the little Loli was not reluctant to leave and returned to an area about a thousand miles away from Qiangu Garden before dawn.

She arrived at the agreed meeting area, but did not see the Buddhist monk, and continued to use the fishing net to catch insects.

Nanga killed insects as he walked, and at dawn he entered an area about 10,000 miles away from Qiangu Garden. He no longer used the Golden Lotus magic weapon to kill insects, but instead used fish nets to trap insects.

At the end of the day, the heavy rain that lasted all day and lasted all night subsided.

The netizens on the way to Nanjia rushed to the agreed location about four quarters of an hour later, found the figure of the little Taoist friend, and flew to the vicinity of the Taoist friend with the golden lotus magic weapon.

When friends came, Le Yun jumped into the Buddhist golden lotus magic weapon.

Nanga did not open a defensive formation, but flew towards Qiangu Garden with his magic weapon, casting a net for insects as he flew.

The little loli stood on the other side of the magic weapon and kept casting the net.

The magic weapon, which marched in the rain, arrived outside Qiangu Garden in less than a quarter of an hour.

The rain has stopped, and the swarm of insects clinging to the barrier of Qiangu Garden have not left either.

The Buddhist cultivator and the little Lolita who were standing in the magic weapon had a tacit understanding. They both took action and invariably produced a fishing net.

The two fishing nets headed towards Qiangu Garden and fell between lightning and flint, scraping off a layer of locusts adhering to the barrier.

Finally, there is a bug-free area on the surface of Qianguen's barrier.

Retracting the fishing net, before other locusts came, Nanga flew to the edge of the barrier, jumped out of the magic weapon, opened the magic weapon barrier, shrunk it and put it on his shoulder, holding the jade slip in hand, and walked into the barrier.


Le Yun who stayed in the magic weapon, when the Buddha entered the barrier, his eyes were in a trance for a moment, and then he saw the endless spiritual field.

The western end of Qiangu Garden is still as peaceful as ever.

After returning to the safe area safely, Nanga put the magic weapon on the ground, got into it himself, flew to a river with the magic weapon, and jumped into the river to take a bath.

The Buddhist cultivator also had a mysophobia, so Le Yun smiled and flew to the other side of the river, placed a wish-fulfilling house on the grass, and fetched more than a dozen buckets of water into the wish-fulfilling house to wash herself.

Nanga took a bath in the bath and washed the golden lotus magic weapon in the water. Then he flew to the other side and waited for his little Taoist friend not far from the Ruyi House.

Buddhists don't take much time to bathe. They feel clean after soaking in clean water. Little Loli doesn't take much time to take a bath. It mainly takes a lot of time to wash her hair.

By the time my hair was cleaned up, half an hour had passed.

After cleaning myself up, I went out of the Ruyi House, poured the used water on the grass, took the clothes to wash, cleaned them, dried them with my spiritual power and put them away.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! There are Buddhist friends there, Le Yun is determined not to use her own magic weapon, takes over the Ruyi House, and runs to the Buddhist friends to gain territory without blushing or out of breath.

Now, she finally knows why those handsome guys like Xuan Shaoyan and Hua Shao always want to run away from her paradise. Not to mention, it is really fun to go to friends' houses to gain territory.

When the GOU arrived, the little loli was happy to take advantage of the territory. She happily got into the magic weapon barrier of her Buddhist friend, walked over to her master and sat down next to her.

When the little fellow Taoist arrived, Nanga took out a small table and placed it on the floor, placing two plates of spiritual fruits.

Le Yun ate two spiritual fruits, took out a small stove and set it aside, using the spiritual wood as firewood, she lit a fire to boil water.

The fire was boiled, tea was made, and the fruit was eaten while drinking tea.

Nanga drank the fragrant spiritual tea and said with emotion: "This is called spiritual tea. Why can't the young monk make spiritual tea with such a taste?"

The spiritual tea brewed by the little Taoist friend is called spiritual tea. In the past, the tea he brewed by himself only had a little more flavor than boiled water, which was a waste of good tea leaves.

"I suggest fellow Taoist Nanga find a fellow Taoist with Shuimu Linggen to accompany him when traveling in the future, so that he won't have to worry about not being able to drink spiritual tea." Le Yun gave a friendly suggestion.

Nanga smiled and said nothing, friends are hard to come by, and friends who can travel together must be the kind of close friends who can depend on each other for life and death.

After drinking two pots of spiritual tea, the little Loli packed the tea sets and began to sort out the insect corpses she collected.

After working hard outside for a day and night, the harvest was gratifying, and Nanga also got busy, putting the insect monsters into storage bags according to their level of cultivation.

The two of them stayed in the magic weapon and were busy counting the results, while the team of monks in Qiangu Garden sat and waited for the rain to stop.

At dawn, the heavy rain turned into heavy rain, and the rain became weaker and weaker, and then turned into light rain.

In the middle of the morning, the rain finally stopped.

Due to the continuous heavy rain, a large amount of rainwater poured into rivers of all sizes, causing water levels to rise sharply.

After the rain, the sky is clear and the sky is clear.

The insect swarm was finally freed and flew into the air to dry their wings.

Within half an hour, the locust army had all left the ground and swarmed into the air, leaving the canyon ground empty.

The grass in the canyon was eaten away by the insect swarm, and golden-red soil was exposed in many places.

The insect monsters gathered in the sky, blocking the light like clouds, and the ground was dark.

After resting for a day and night, the team of monks regrouped and were ready to go hunting at any time.

The army of locusts flew in the air for a full hour. The insect leaders gave orders, and the insect swarms divided their work again, taking turns to gnaw at the barrier.

The insect swarm that had stopped working for the time being fell to the ground again, with only a few insect monsters still flying around in the air.

The canyons and mountains on both sides of Qianji Valley were once again covered with dense locusts.

The team of monks in Qiangu Garden who were ready to go rushed out of the barrier with full enthusiasm, opened up their stance, and hunted down the insect monsters.

Zhu Songqing and his teammates rested for a day and a night and almost regained their energy. Except for those who still needed to recuperate, the others also formed a team and went out to hunt insects.

Nanjia and Le Xiao's classmates were oblivious to external affairs and focused on sorting out their harvest.

The two were busy until midnight, spending a lot of time and finally sorted out the killed locusts in batches. After resting for half a night, they went out to hunt and kill the locusts together the next day.

The two of them cooperated to hunt insect monsters purely for experience. One was to practice the sound-killing technique, and the other was to practice hand speed.

Buddhist cultivators and little Loli follow a regular schedule. They kill insects during the day and finish work in the evening and return to a safe area to rest.

After returning to the safe area and chatting, Nanga said his opinion: "The young monk found that the insect monster's ability seems to be weaker, and its speed and aggressiveness are not as good as before the rainstorm."

"Same sentiment, visual inspection shows that the insect swarm is about to retreat." Le Yun agreed.

Nanga agreed with the young Taoist friend that the strength of the insect demons was weakening and they would not stay in Qianji Valley for long.

They discovered the changes in the Zerg, and the monks who hunted the insect demons also discovered it. Each team seized the time to hunt the insect demons, and did not withdraw until they needed to rest.

As Nanga and Little Loli expected, the Zerg army retreated after seven consecutive days of attacking the secret valley barrier.

The Zerg army withdrew at midnight on the seventh day and in the early morning of the eighth day.

It was the third watch in the middle of the night, and many monk teams were still hunting locusts outside the safety barrier. Following a series of sharp insect sounds, the swarms of insects on standby in the air among the canyons and mountains also began to chirp.

The chirping of insects and the flapping of wings of insects in the air formed sound waves, impacting the safety barrier set up by monk Qianguen and the monks.

The monks outside the safe zone were so shaken by the sound that they were dizzy and their ears were ringing. The teams without insect monsters in the barrier were fine. Some teams still had unkilled insect monsters in the barrier and were counterattacked by the insect monsters.

Although the insect demon did not successfully counterattack, it still dealt a heavy blow to the monk team, causing some teams to lose troops.

The monk team still didn't understand the reason for the commotion among the insect swarms, but they heard the words of Qiangu Yuan's law enforcement: "The insect demon is about to retreat, and all monks will return to the safe city immediately!"

When the monk team heard that the insect swarm army was about to retreat, they ignored the shock and immediately returned to Qiangu Garden.

The neighing sound of the insect swarm spread from the front of Qianji Secret Valley to the distance. The sound waves were wave after wave, sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

At first, the barrier of Qianguen was gnawed by a swarm of insects but showed no damage. However, it trembled slightly when it was attacked by a continuous wave of attacks.

The chirping of insects lasted for half a cup of tea before it stopped.

After the insect buzz, the locusts on the ground flew into the air, and what happened next shocked the monk team in Qianya Garden - the insect monsters flew in groups to the sky above Qianya Garden, and then sprayed stink bombs.

Locust dung balls fell from the sky and hit the barrier one after another.

The insect monsters that dropped the stink bomb flew at low altitude over the canyon opposite Qiangu Garden, then flew west, and another batch of insect swarms continued to drop stink bombs on the boundary of Qiangu Garden.

The locusts were dense, and so were their excrement. The lumps of insect excrement were like stones. In a short time, the surface of the Qiangu Garden was smeared so that no color could be seen.

There is also a large amount of insect droppings sliding along the surface of the barrier and accumulating in piles at the base of the barrier.

When the Zerg retreated, there was a wave of cool moves. Le Yun was stunned for a moment, and turned her head and asked her Buddhist friend: "Fellow Taoist Nanga, did the Zerg use another big move like this when they retreated?


Ask him? Nanjia also had questions in his mind. He looked at the sky and the ground and looked around in the air. He hesitated before answering: "The young monk has never heard of it. Maybe it's because the Zerg this time are smarter than before, and they know how to stay behind."

Hand, put the ultimate move that presses the bottom of the box at the end."

If you have never heard of it, it means that it has never happened before.

In other words, this time the Zerg attacked Qian Gu Yuan with a powerful attack before leaving, which was the first time in history.

It has to be said that the Zerg are ruthless enough. Even if this move cannot damage the barrier of Qiangu Garden, it cannot hurt the monks, but it will definitely disgust people.

Le Yun suddenly thought of another possibility, and her expression was hard to explain: "Hey, if every Zerg tribe imitates the Locust tribe in the future, it would be too unreasonable."

"Amitabha!" Nanga recited the Buddha's name, quickly turned the rosary in his hand, and kept chanting: "Tong Yan Wuji, the strong wind blows away, Tong Yan Wuji, the strong wind blows away..."

Taoist friend Ruo Ruozui, her guess has become a reality. It is estimated that no one is willing to bear the responsibility of Qianguyuan's safety city defense array. After all, even if the safety city's defense array is not stained with dirt, just think about the defense barrier.

The sight of being filled with feces also makes me feel disgusting.

Nanjia recited Tongyan Wuji very devoutly, hoping that the little Taoist friend's words were unintentional.

"?" Le Yun didn't react at first, but when she understood the meaning behind Buddha Xiu's actions, she silently covered her face. She was just talking nonsense. Look how scared she was!

This chapter has been completed!
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