Chapter 259: The distinguished guest and the bitch arrive together

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Chao Yubo and Chao Yufu finally returned to the villa at nearly five o'clock after enjoying the wonderful taste of making pancakes.

The old man and the old lady were waiting at home, but the siblings were a little disappointed. They thought Bo Geer could bring the little pink dumplings back for the festival.

When Chao Yufu returned home, he threw off his shoes and coat, rushed to his side, hugged his grandmother's arm and his aunt's arm, and vividly recounted his travel experiences.

She talked endlessly, and the old men and women listened with great interest. When they heard that people were competing for the price of the stones that were mined in Panyuan in the morning, they all got into trouble and shouted, "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Xiaofenduanzi is amazing!"

, jade expert, this is the rhythm to grab the jade expert’s job.

When I heard that I went to the He family for a wedding banquet, the old man and the old lady were very ordinary. When they heard that they went to a jewelry company to gamble on stones, their expressions were particularly excited. When they heard the exciting part about solving stones, they were as excited as chicken blood.


The three brothers of the Chao family looked up to the sky and sighed silently. They thought that Xiaofenduanzi was finally written into the family tree of their old Chao family. They had enough reasons to take on the task of raising them, and they could confidently take care of Xiao Lele's tuition, living expenses, pocket money, etc.

, As a result, Xiaofenduanzi turned around and went to earn a huge fortune. With her temperament, she would definitely not agree to let them bear her living and study expenses. Their beautiful wish of becoming parents and giving pocket money to their children was once again ruined.
The child is too smart and good at making money, and as a parent, there is nothing you can do.

The three brothers are particularly sad. Their children used to spend adults' money when they were young. After junior high school, their pocket money basically came from scholarships earned by themselves. They didn't have to worry about it at all. The pocket money they gave them became dispensable.

Finally, Brother Bo picked up a sister. They thought they could have a taste of the wonderful feeling of pampering children and a happy life with naughty children. However, Xiao Lele refused their support before going to Beijing.

It’s really heartbreaking to still not give them a chance after entering Beijing.

Sanjun of the Chao family was so worried that he wanted to scratch the wall. Having a naughty child in the house would give people a headache, and not having a naughty child would also give a headache.

The three brothers secretly regretted that their wives were so amused that they were trembling with laughter. Xiaofenduanzi not only knew medicine, but also knew how to break gold and jade. He was a little prodigy. What they liked most was that Xiaofenduanzi deliberately made people

Seeing the behavior of not selling the best jadeite, Xiaotuanzi is so cute, I think those who want to buy jadeite must be hurt internally.

In the eyes of the Chao family's sisters-in-law, the cutest little pink dumpling is sitting in the cheetah car, holding his backpack, playing with the deep purple, cockscomb red, and pure blue jadeite, smiling so hard that his teeth can't even see his eyes.

Anyone who looks at Se's little appearance would want to put a sack over her head and beat her up.

Yan Xing was one of the people who wanted to put a sack on the little Loli's head and beat her. In other words, isn't it just a colored stone? Is there anything worth pursuing?

Jade cannot be eaten or drunk, and it must be protected against falls and theft, which is very troublesome.

Jade cannot speak or do things. He is a dead creature. Apart from his beautiful color, there is nothing special about him. He is not as good as him. He can talk, fall, walk, and work. He is also good-looking. Even if he is so handsome, little loli can't see him.

, I only have a few stones in my heart, what kind of vision do I have?

Yan Xing seriously suspected that there was something wrong with the little Loli's eyes, and that she was more interested in dead things than him, a living person. The more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became, and he wanted to grab the stone and throw it away.

He dared to secretly be dissatisfied with the stone and never dared to show it at all. If he really threw away the little loli's jade, it is estimated that today next year will be his death anniversary.

He didn't want his master and his family to lose their black hair in vain, so he could only endure it. However, looking at the little Loli holding the stone and stroking it tenderly, her eyes shining brightly, and her smile forgetting everything, Yan Xing felt depressed in his heart.

The charming face turns into a depressed face.

Depressed and depressed for more than an hour, with the station in sight far away, the cheetah bravely fought its way out of the sea of ​​cars and crawled to the vicinity of the station. Finally enjoying the unimpeded and wonderful treatment, it happily went to the gate of the station to receive electronic mail first.

Scan the record before entering the gate.

The cheetah bull rushed through multiple inspection doors, passed through multiple areas, jumped into the medical room of a certain brigade, and stopped in front of the medical building.

The troops also take a break during the New Year's Day, but they do not leave their posts during the holiday. Only a small number of them go home to visit relatives during the family visit period. Most of them stay in the base and do not need to train. They can go out to play, gather in the base dormitory, or go to the family area.

Visiting friends.

The snow is falling, and the ground is covered with a thin layer. The snow is white where there are no people or cars. Some places are variegated because the snow is mixed with other colors.

Someone is walking around in front of the medical building, making a path.

As soon as the car stopped, someone on the first floor slipped out to take a look, and a few people on the second floor ran from their rooms to the balcony and corridor to lean out and look. When they saw the cheetah, they shouted passionately: "The captain is back."

The four or five young people on the first floor rushed towards the car, shouting and braving the snow. Just as they were about to help open the door, they saw Mr. Liu coming down from the cab and shouted with a smile: "Captain Liu!"

"You guys, be polite and don't scare the guests." Liu Xiangyang turned around cheerfully and went to help open the back seat door.

"Guest?" Seven or eight soldiers looked at the car in astonishment.

Liu Dashao just opened the car door, and a slender leg fell from the back seat, and a little short-haired girl came out. Her round face was whiter than snow, pink and cute, and her smile was like the sun in winter, warm.


Less than half a minute ago, the lively soldiers suddenly became shy, and their smiles were also shy.

The little girl got out of the car, and the upright young man got out of the car. He put his hand to cover the little girl's forehead to block the wind and snow. Looking at the shy teammates who were coming, Long Mu smiled: "Why are you all so stupid?"

"Hello, captain." The young people stood up straight. Even if they were not wearing military uniforms, they were all wearing ordinary home clothes, which suddenly turned into a military camp style.

"..." Yan Xing shook his head, what was he calling him for? I didn't see the little loli here, so why can't I help him get an umbrella or something to keep out the snow? Forget it, it's not difficult for them, they are a bunch of innocent singles,

You can’t pretend to be a warm man.

"Okay, okay, it's a rare holiday, let's all go and have fun." A group of wolf kings can go on a mission, but if they are expected to coax girls, they are probably not as good as him.

Yan Xing helped little Loli shield the snow with his hands and walked upstairs with her: "Hongsi is upstairs."

The young soldier was sent away to play like a child by the captain. He blushed and followed the captain. He even winked at Captain Liu and asked what was going on.

Liu Xiangyang pretended to be sexy, put his hands behind his back, and ran upstairs in a high-spirited manner, explaining at the same time: "The little beauty is just here for a follow-up consultation and will leave soon. Don't be nervous."

Walking under the eaves, the young people used their hands to brush the snow off their faces. They were a little depressed. If the little loli didn't stay at the base to play, then the captain and Captain Liu would definitely not stay longer.

Feeling a little depressed, I followed the captain and Captain Liu to the second floor.

Several young people waiting on the second floor greeted the captain and Captain Liu with smiles, and smiled particularly kindly at the little girl. Unfortunately, they all had strong and serious faces. No matter how they smiled, the lines on their faces were not much softer, and they looked...

Extraordinarily joyful.

None of the young men upstairs and downstairs looked familiar to Le Yun, and she envied the physique of the soldiers. It was cold in the north, so the soldiers wore thermal underwear, military woolen sweaters, and home clothes jackets.

Han is very capable.

When she walked to an inpatient ward and opened the door, she finally saw a familiar face. It was the team leader who had been ordered to carry out the rescue after notifying Handsome Yan that she had been kidnapped.

Rather than saying they were familiar faces, they were more familiar smells. The people who ran to pick up the survivors that day were all well-armed. She didn't see the faces, but only remembered the breath of each person.

At first glance, he is quite handsome. He is not particularly handsome, but his face is more handsome than ordinary faces. In the capital where handsome guys are everywhere, he is not really a handsome man. His handsomeness is handsome in temperament. He is a very handsome man.

A gentle young man with soft facial lines, so he looks handsome.

Heijiu's heart trembled when he was stared at by the little girl. He wouldn't have offended the little Loli unintentionally, right?

After looking at the handsome soldier for a few times, Le Yun looked away and stepped into the ward. The inpatient room is not an operating room. There are no disinfection tools. There are only two beds, a wardrobe, a bedside table, a TV cabinet, a TV, and a bench. They are all necessary.

daily necessities.

Red Fourteen's right eye was still wrapped with gauze, and he was leaning on the bedside. He was originally reading a book, but when he heard his brothers calling "Captain", he put the book down and looked at the door.

The room temperature is controlled to be neither too hot nor too cold, making it appear much warmer than the outdoors.

When Chi Shishi saw the captain coming with little Lolita, he smiled and said hello to Captain Liu, and happily asked the little girl: "Little Lolita, can I remove the gauze?"

Stepping into the room, Le Yun turned on the special function of her eyes while walking to observe the condition of the handsome red boy's right eye. He recovered well and had no sequelae.

When I heard the question about myself, I turned off the eye scanning function: "Well, it's well maintained. You can remove the gauze."

I followed the young soldier buddies upstairs who poured into the ward. They all stood near the door, not daring to get in the way and cause trouble. I heard the little lolita say that Chi Shisi was well maintained, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She can remove the gauze to represent her.

My recovery is going well, no surprises.

Liu Xiangyang did not regard himself as an outsider. He quickly rushed to the front of the ward, moved a bench and set it up: "Little beauty, sit down."

Heijiu: "..." Captain Liu, is it really good for you to steal other people's jobs like this?

"I'm not here to chat. Why don't you sit down? Bring something like warm water and cotton balls." Le Yun wrinkled her nose and snorted, then sat on the edge of the bed, picked up her backpack, and got ready to go to work.

Yan Xing and Hei Jiu were waiting for Little Loli to help Chi Shishi remove the gauze. When they heard her shouting, Hei Jiu quickly opened the bedside table and took out the tool tray, scissors, disinfectant, and cotton that had been prepared.

A young man ran to get hot water from a basin, brought it to the bedside, and put it on the bench.

Others were not idle either, and ran to the bed like a swarm, standing beside the captain and watching.

The little girl looked up at the light. The young people immediately understood that the light was too bright, and immediately turned off another one, leaving only a twenty-watt light, and the light in the room was also weaker.

The light was suitable, and Le Yun was not picky or tormenting. She washed her hands and helped the handsome man remove the gauze wrapped around him. The right eye covered by the gauze was covered with a layer of plaster, which was so frozen that it looked like a plaster.

She took a cotton ball, dipped it in warm water and applied it on the plaster and surrounding skin, soaking the plaster. When the plaster absorbed water and softened, she carefully peeled it off. The eyes covered by the plaster had white skin because they had not been exposed to sunlight and air for a long time.
The medicine on the eyes was removed, the heaviness pressing on the eyes disappeared, and the eyelids were no longer burdened. Red Fourteen sensed the weak light, which was a conscious reaction, and did not open his eyes.

The handsome red guy’s eyes were moving but he didn’t open them. He had good self-control. Le Yun was very satisfied. She took a cotton ball and moistened it with water to help the handsome guy remove the remaining ointment on and around his eyelids. He washed the area around his eyes and took it out of his backpack.

A very clumsy porcelain bottle, unscrew the lid, take a new cotton ball dipped in ointment and apply it on the eyes of the handsome red guy.

The aroma and refreshing coolness spread around the eyes. Chi Shishi suddenly felt that the slight aching, dryness and discomfort in his right eye disappeared, and he felt very comfortable.

The little Loli helped Chi Shishi gently wash his eyes and apply ointment. The young people held their breath and were exceptionally quiet.

After helping the handsome boy apply the medicine several times, Le Yun put away the bottle, picked up her backpack and stood aside, and finally said the words that everyone had been waiting for: "You can open your eyes."

Well, a group of people looked at Red Fourteen, waiting for him to open his eyes.

Red Fourteen closed his eyes and rolled his eyes, slowly opening a line, and saw light, a faint light. He laughed excitedly, forgetting to open his eyes slowly, his eyelids suddenly pulled up, and he opened them for a long time.

Feng’s right eye.

Light, bright light.

The first thing I saw was light, and then I saw the sheets and my legs.

"I saw it!" Red Fourteen couldn't help but cheer as his right eye saw light again.


"Fourteen, can you really see it?"

The young people swarmed up and surrounded the bed, and every young face was filled with deep joy.

"Well, I saw it!" Chi Shisi raised his face to let everyone see his right eye.

Everyone looked over and saw that the circle around Chi Shishi's right eye was white, and the eyeball in the eye socket was black and white. It was no different from his left eye. The difference must be mentioned, that is, he had double pupils, which could not be seen from a distance.

"Wow, it looks the same as the original."

The young soldiers cheered.

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were also excited and smiling. They had been waiting for this day for many years and finally got their wish.

"Don't be too excited. You should also be careful in the past few days. Close your eyes and rest your mind more often. Apply warm water to your eyelids frequently. Don't see strong light. Don't go out for a walk. Get used to the changes in light and temperature first, and wait a day or two before trying to go outdoors.

You are still recovering, and do not stay outdoors for long periods of time. Excessive temperature differences can easily irritate eye nerves."

Le Yun didn't want to say anything disappointing at first, but she was afraid that the handsome young men would be too excited and get carried away with the excitement. She would rush back to her normal life before, even if her eyes were irritated and felt uncomfortable, she would have no place to cry. <


"We understand!"

Hong Si did not answer, while Hei Jiu and others responded in unison.

Red Fourteen rolled his eyes, looking around at his brothers and his captain, feeling very happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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