Chapter 287 Let him be your boyfriend

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 Zhou Qiufeng married into the Lejia family and was the wife of the Lejia family. During the Chinese New Year, she did not go to worship the Zhou family’s ancestors. She would wait until next year’s Qingming Festival to go to the Yueqing family for sweeping sacrifices. Therefore, after paying homage to the Lejia ancestors, she went directly down the mountain and drove a covered tricycle home.

, the ancestors of the Zhou family have brothers, there are many graves, and it will take a long time. When going up the mountain, the Zhou family asked Le's father not to wait for them.

When the two eldest children and one young boy of the Le family returned home, Le father Zhou Qiufeng made a fire and made steamed buns. Then he killed chickens, ducks and fish. No animals were killed on the day of the New Year. Chickens, ducks, goose and fish were all killed one or two days before.

There was no refrigerator before, so it wouldn’t break if I hung it to dry in the winter. Now the refrigerator is more convenient.

Le Yun sneaked back to her bedroom, dug out the medicine pound placed under the table, washed it, found the medicinal materials, pounded the herbs, and mixed them into ointments. Since some medicines had already been prepared, her work was completed quickly.

In the evening, I moved the large stove outside back to the main room, cleaned the large pot, boiled water, cut the konjac tofu and put it in the pot to cook. For the first time, I cooked it in a large plastic pot. Cut the tofu into cubes and put it in the pot. It was too thick and difficult to use.

If cooked, it will fall apart easily if it is too thin. It is most suitable to cut it into a uniform thickness like water tofu.

Everyone is busy preparing items for the New Year. Many people steam steamed buns at night, so they have no time to visit. Most households close their doors early and get busy.

Leyun also closed the door early and made dinner with her father and Aunt Feng.

After an hour's rest after the meal, Leyun got busy. First, she burned sterilizing herbs in the hall to fumigate the room, then spread out mats and quilts not far from the stove, stretched wires above her head, and hung two hundred-watt energy-saving lamps.

Turn on the power and try the brightness. It's very good, very bright, and it won't hold you back.

Place a table where you can easily access it, cover it with a sterilized cloth, do the preliminary work, take out your backpack, arrange the tools, and place the medicines you need.

The preparation work is completed, put on the mask and blue overalls, and prepare for surgery.

Zhou Qiufeng moved a bench and sat by the stove to control the fire. She covered her eyes with a cloth. She didn't want to be blindfolded, but Xiao Lele said that the surgery scene was bloody and should not be looked at directly, so she was not allowed to look at it. She didn't want to hide, so she obeyed the blindfold.

Upper eyes.

Dad Le rolled up his trouser legs to his thighs, lay down, and covered his upper body and other leg with a thin quilt, leaving only his right leg outside.

Le Yun put a tarp under her father's right leg to prevent the blood that seeped out during the operation from soaking the quilt. She disinfected it first, applied disinfectant all over the calf, and disinfected it three times. She first tapped her father's acupuncture point, and then used a golden needle to seal it.

Hold the acupoints on the right leg and observe changes in blood flow rate.

The golden needle seals the acupoint and the blood slows down. When the blood decelerates to the slowest moment, the formal operation begins.

To correct the tibia of the lower leg, it must be re-broken first. If the operation is performed on an unrelated person, Le Xiaoxiao can devote himself to it in minutes and can do it neatly, because the target of the operation is his most important relative, his own father.

She was extremely careful, and she secretly tested numerous molds, and also tested them on people, so that she could have an idea.

The guy who did the in vivo experiment was Yan Sheng’s father, Zhao Zhazha. She broke Zhao Zhazha’s hand bones neatly and neatly, and the final observed results showed that it was in the condition she expected.

Everything was ready, Le Yun decisively took out the scalpel to open the operating window, her eyes never blinked, and her hand speed reached the limit from the beginning.

Zhou Qiufeng's eyes were blindfolded and she couldn't see the operation scene. She could only hear the slight sound of things hitting each other and smell the smell of blood. She probably had Lele's medicated diet during pregnancy and was in good health, with no morning sickness, no nausea, and no nausea.

It was no different before pregnancy.

He was in good physical condition and didn't react much to the smell of blood. He could only tell by the smell that Xiao Lele had officially undergone surgery, and his heart couldn't help but tighten.

Lele's father was lying down, extremely depressed. Ever since Lele poked him a few times, he couldn't make a sound when he wanted to say something, couldn't even move his fingers, and could only blink his eyes.

My brain is awake, but I can't move. It's strange.

Dad Le could even feel the touch of the knife cutting the skin, but he didn't feel any pain. He could only blink his eyes and count the number of chickens and ducks in his house.

Le Yun concentrated on the operation, opened the operating window quickly and perfectly, dealt with blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, etc., turned on the X-ray function of her eyes to scan the fracture, and scanned to locate the best stress point, and judged how much force she should use to make sure everything was safe.

, grab dad’s leg and bend it hard.

"Kacha" was artificially broken by force. The fractured end of Lefu's fracture that had healed slightly was broken due to stress. Due to the force problem, the tibia was not shattered. After the break, only the two points with the greatest stress extended a few inches to the surroundings.

Thin cracks.

When Lele's father heard the sound of his own fracture, he still didn't feel the pain. He was even more surprised. Lele's little cotton-padded jacket didn't give him an anesthetic. How could he be unconscious?

Zhou Qiufeng was frightened when she heard the crisp sound of broken bones, and her back stiffened. She tried to calm herself down, bent down and touched the firewood on the stove to distract herself and relax herself.

Cruelly breaking her father's leg, Le Yun kicked her heart hard. She had no time to think about anything else. She used her special eyes to observe the fractured end. There were several places that needed to be ground and chipped. She didn't hesitate for a moment and took the

The scalpel is used to cut the bone first and remove the growing bone to avoid uneven alignment and deformed healing.

Cut off a few extra millimeters of bone in a few places, then grind the bone, and grind the upper and lower parts of the fracture port that do not correspond to the optimal joint shape.

Complete the two steps, close your eyes and rest.

Le Yun is not nervous when performing operations for others, probably because "bystanders are obsessed with the authorities." When performing operations on others, she is just a doctor. She adheres to the professional ethics of a doctor and does her best. The rest is to do her best and obey fate. She can treat the patient's family.

I feel the same, but reason is always stronger than emotion, and I will not lose myself in the emotions of the patient’s family members.

She was also nervous when she performed an operation on her father. She was a doctor and also a family member of the patient. She had two identities. It was inevitable that emotions would flow into each other and she would become worried about gains and losses. Even though she knew that her skills were reliable and she would only succeed and not fail.

There will still be tension.

Because of the tension, I kept the X-ray function of my eyes open most of the time, which put a heavy load on my eyes and made me feel a lot of pain.

When doing important steps, you must turn on the special function of the eye. Therefore, let your eyes rest for two minutes, then start work again, apply ointment on the fracture port, turn on the special function of the eye again, and neatly connect the bones, check, and achieve perfect alignment.

Apply ointment to the connected fracture again. After two minutes, the ointment solidifies and the bone is bonded and fixed.

Le Yun secretly sighed. Although the Gugu ointment prepared according to the ancient recipe was far from ideal due to the incompleteness of the medicinal materials, it was enough to meet the primary requirements.

The bones are bonded and will not fall apart or become crooked unless twisted. The next step is to reconstruct a meridian and the damaged muscles.

She took out a vein from the medicine bottle she had opened, found the two ends of her father's atrophied vein, transplanted and reconnected it, like reconnecting the intestines of handsome Milo, first applying ointment and then wrapping it with a special membrane

, and then do muscle reconstruction.

Complete the reconstruction work and suture.

Suture layer by layer, and rest for two minutes when the final surface is sutured. There is no need to turn on the X-ray function of the eyes, and the sutures are performed under the natural direct vision of the eyes.

Sew up the surgical window, apply ointment, and apply ointment to a five-centimeter wide area above and below the fracture. Wait for it to solidify before applying the ointment. Apply three layers in a row, then apply herbs, wrap a film layer to isolate it, and wrap gauze outside.

After wrapping the gauze, Le Yun simply helped her father do a three-body splint, retracted the golden needles, wiped the blood on the tarp under his leg, folded the thin quilt, and wrapped it around his right leg to prevent

His left leg collided with his right leg, and he went to pick up a thick quilt to cover his father.

After finishing her work, she told the new mother: "Aunt Feng, you can take off the cloth from your eyes." She looked at her father, who could not move, and gritted her teeth against the severe pain in her eyes: "Kiss me, dad.

, I will make you a wooden man tonight, so you lie down like this to avoid touching your right leg by moving around. I will fix it for you tomorrow morning, and then you can move and speak."

Dad Le: "..." This is not a game played in childhood, where you are not allowed to move or talk.

I heard that you can watch it. Zhou Qiufeng pulled off the cloth strips from his eyes and found that Yueqing had covered himself with a quilt and Lele was packing up his tools. He was a little confused. Is this okay?

She was stunned and quickly checked the time on her phone. It started at 8:40 and it was now 10:50. An operation only lasted more than an hour?

"Lele, are you ready?" Zhou Qiufeng swallowed.

"Well, Aunt Feng, my dad will let him lie here to avoid touching his legs. If the bone is crooked, I will have to reattach it tomorrow. I will go back to sleep in a while, and Aunt Feng will go to bed early too."

Her eyes were throbbing in pain, and her head was hurting from overusing her eyes. Le Yun quickly packed away her tools, put the used knives into a bowl filled with disinfectant and soaked them, and put the unused knives into another bowl.

In my head, I put all the medicine bottles away and stuffed them into my backpack.

She put away the tools as quickly as possible, didn't care about the table, just turned off the super bright light, and rushed to the bedroom: "Aunt Feng, I'm going to bed first."

"Thank you for your hard work, Lele. Go to bed." Zhou Qiufeng didn't help little Lele clean up her work. She looked at her quick actions and didn't ask why Yueqing couldn't speak. She watched the girl go to the bedroom, knowing that Lele might be very tired.
Le Yun rushed back to the bedroom, put her things on the ground, took off her shoes, quickly returned to the space, landed on the place where she put the medicine, immediately applied medicine to her eyes, wrapped it with gauze, and fell asleep.

"Every time I make myself look like a dog, it's true." The little fox sleeping in the hole of the Dracaena tree collapsed on all fours when he saw the little human girl returning to the Paradise of Cave Heaven to apply medicine urgently.

Beard, human little girls are cute sometimes, but sometimes they are just trying their best.

The little black monkey fell asleep and didn't wake up, so he didn't hear the little fox talking.

Little classmate Le fell down and fell into trance. He didn't hear what the little fox said. There was no audience. The little fox talked to himself without talking nonsense, and squinted his eyes to rest.

This chapter has been completed!
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