Chapter 42 The Magical Well Water

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 The expansion of the space made Le Yun overjoyed, and she searched for medicinal materials more diligently. Even if she wanted to plant all the land in the space, she did not want to plant all the land in the space, so she only picked water lotus, Polygonatum, Bletilla, Baiqian, and Wuqi.

, start with Tianqi and other rare medicinal materials.

There are many wild fungi in the woods, and many wild fungus have been collected. The air in the mountains is moist, and shiitake mushrooms and fungus mushrooms grow all year round, so you can often encounter them.

While collecting the more precious medicinal materials, they looked for the bead on the top of the head. In the afternoon, classmate Le finally arrived at the place where the bead on the top of the head was. The bead on the top of the head, whose scientific name is Trillium, is also called the earth bead. It was damaged due to environmental damage.

, Trillium species are decreasing year by year, coupled with its low reproductive capacity and small ability to occupy living space, wild Trillium is on the endangered list.

The place she found was on the hillside of a small valley, hidden deep in the mountains and inaccessible. There were also a large number of other medicinal materials, including Dendrobium officinale.

This place was Grandpa Leyun’s medicine garden, and it was later passed down to Grandpa Le. Because Le’s father did not study medicine, there was a gap in the middle. Fortunately, there was a granddaughter Leyun who preferred medicine. Grandpa Le was afraid that he and his father would have to work hard to plant it deep in the mountains.

My medicine garden was lost, so I took my granddaughter to "inspect the territory" and drew a simple map.

With the memories and maps from many years ago, Le Yun lived up to her expectations and patrolled her ancestors' medicinal base again.

The two ancestors of the Le family are truly wise men. They know that medicinal materials are taken from the forest and planted in the forest. They plant them according to the location in the small valley and according to the preferences and personality of the medicinal materials. Those who like shade are planted in the shade and those who like moisture are planted in the shade.

Plants are planted in valleys, and those that like sunshine are planted on the sunny side, so that there are medicinal materials everywhere under the forest, on the hillside, and next to the rocks.

Dendrobium officinale is precious, and it is rare to find a suitable place for it to grow. It is easy to find a half-yin and half-yang place, but even if it is suitable, it is difficult to survive or develop because it is too wet or too dry.

The place Grandpa Le found was neither dry nor wet, the terrain was neither high nor low, half sunny and half shaded. It fully met the conditions and became a paradise for the growth of Dendrobium officinale.

After many years of growth, the medicinal materials have grown vigorously for many years, and the results are eye-catching. Dendrobium officinale has automatically expanded its territory, and the clumps are so big.

"..." Standing in the wild medicine garden, Le Yun was dumbfounded. This is how the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade! The predecessors planted medicine, and the descendants enjoyed the blessings.

The two ancestors of the Le family were so foresight.

She doesn’t know where to start now, okay?

I stood and looked around, then ran away. Even if I wanted to be careful, I stepped on a lot of medicinal materials. Fortunately, the roots are used as medicine, so I was not afraid of stepping on them.

I ran through the dendrobium field and got under the sparse oak trees. I threw away my backpack, squatted down, took out my hoe, and with a "crack in the air", I dug through the weeds and rotten wood, and dug out a few sweet potato-like fruits.

Root block, it has only one stem.

After patting off the mud on the rhizome, Leyun happily kissed it and shouted happily: "Grandpa, Lele loves you to death!"


Wild Gastrodia elata.

She did not expect that the last time her grandfather took her into the mountains and buried the oak trees under them was to plant gastrodia elata. Seven years later, the gastrodia elata also grew up and formed its own system, with clumps and seedling stems.

Big and small.

Gastrodia elata has many uses and is a precious Chinese medicinal material.

Le Yun is looking for it. Not only is it precious, but the most important thing is that it is also a necessary medicine to treat her dysmenorrhea. Even if she does not have the conditions for treatment at the moment, she can find wild Gastrodia elata and gather a few other things. When the conditions are ripe, she can

Put it into practical action.

After finding Gastrodia elata, Classmate Le was very excited. He dug several more bushes, removed some of them, and left some for them to reproduce.

I dug gastrodia elata and trillium until it was so dark that I couldn't see the plants before I returned to the space. I didn't even bother to eat, and worked tirelessly to plant.

That night, she fell asleep with a smile on her face. When she woke up the next day, she saw that the white mist was still there. Well, the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

The beginning of a new day is also the beginning of hope. Le Yun happily digs dendrobium officinale. Similarly, she picks three and leaves one, dividing the ones with a large family into batches, leaving the main branches to let them grow offspring.

After a busy day, she was exhausted. At night, she was again actively planting in the space. After planting all the medicinal materials collected during the day, she thought about it and took her own mineral water bottle to fill the well with water.

After pouring all the medicinal materials on the ground, he lay down contentedly.

In the dream, the space expanded several times, and then I woke up with a smile. The sky was slightly bright. The first thing I did was to look at the space anxiously. As seen in the dream, the space had expanded. The white mist only moved back a dozen centimeters. The mouth

The well is still not fully exposed.

Even if it only expanded a little, Le Yun couldn't help but be happy. She rolled around on the ground with a smile, rolled a few times, and looked up at the sky. She seemed to have forgotten something?

Gulu rolled up and looked at the land. He was shocked. That... was that really her medicinal patch?

Even if Mr. Le works hard, he can only plant part of the ten grids. In order to prevent the medicinal materials from being mixed up, many of them are planted separately. For example, Dendrobium officinale has its own grid. There are five grids of medicinal materials planted. In total, it is equivalent to planting three small plots.

piece of land.

Now, the land has turned into green forest.

Really, and this is not an exaggeration, those yellow-flowered water lily trees whose trunks were originally only the size of longan grew thicker than a disposable cup, over one and a half meters tall; the dendrobium officinale seemed to have taken a growth booster and grew to about seventeen

The eight centimeter long vines are full of flowers on the new branches, and the old branches are full of fruits. Even the root pockets of each branch have grown a dozen new shoots one or two centimeters high.

The seedlings of Polygonatum and Chonglou also grow taller than a person, the lily is about three meters high, and even the trillium, which was originally only 20 to 30 centimeters tall, has grown to be as high as a person's knees. Various plants seem to be competing to grow taller.

, who developed faster than the family, worked hard to grow taller, and kept having children. The original lonely family changed from one to three to four overnight... and became a family full of descendants.

The most exaggerated ones are August Fried and Black Tiger, Akebia five-leaf, with mature, immature, waist-shaped and round fruits hanging all over the branches. There are flowers everywhere in the branches and leaves. There are so many fruits that they almost overwhelm the bamboo fence.

Moreover, the old plant stems that were still yellowing yesterday have all withered, and the new branches and stems are either blooming or bearing fruit. The space seems to have gone through a cycle overnight, and the plants have completed a cycle and then entered the middle of the new era.

"...Does that well water have a stimulating effect?" Le Yun stared at the dense forest of medicinal fields, in a daze, and murmured to herself after a long time.

The reality shocked Classmate Le. He stood there like a fool for a long time and quickly gathered the existing medicinal materials in the space. He picked flowers, fruits, pruned vines, and dug rhizomes. He wished he could grow two more pairs of hands. He was so busy that he was so busy.

, I started thinking again in my mind, well water can speed up the growth of plants, can it also help wounds such as external and internal injuries heal quickly?

This chapter has been completed!
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