Chapter 467 Seeking Medical Treatment 2

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 On Saturday, Mr. Chao, his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chao Yi, and Mr. and Mrs. Chao San rushed to Chao Er’s house early in the morning. They happily ate porridge with the beggar’s chicken that Little Pink Dumpling left yesterday. They also deliberately ignored the time difference and gave it to them in Europe.

The second girl who was traveling posted a beautiful picture, deliberately making little Afu jealous.

On weekends, most students have a rest, and the members of the student union are busy working during the holidays. The pretty boys have no time to go to their cute little girls’ dormitories to enjoy the good life.

There are no organized activities in the school on weekends. The provincial champions who came to Qingdao University in advance from various provinces can play freely, and they can also go to the seniors. Feng Shao, Duan Shao, Dantai Shao Wushao, originally wanted to go to Le Xiaomei, but they only went yesterday.

Sorry, don’t bother me too often, just have fun by yourself.

While others were playing on the weekend, Mr. Le Xiao had an appointment with the patient. He packed up his dormitory in the morning and rode his bicycle to the west school gate to pick up Ms. Wei after eight o'clock.

Wei Qiumeng received the appointment notice from Miss Le on Thursday night. He was so excited that he got up at 5 a.m. on Saturday and drove off. He rushed to Qingdao University and took a seat in line outside the west school gate early.

She started early, but she still didn't get the first place. She was still ranked behind the top ten, but she was already pretty good. If she had arrived later, she might have been ranked dozens of places away.

Le Yun went out of the west gate of the school and found Ms. Wei outside the guard station. She picked up the suitcase and a backpack she brought and entered the school first. Ms. Wei lined up to get her number as required.

Outsiders are only allowed to visit the school at 8:30 on weekends. At that time, the guards will let them go as usual. They still have to go through security checks to see if they are carrying dangerous goods. Only small luggage such as handbags are allowed to enter the school. Large luggage needs to be

Leave it at the gatekeeper's office and pick it up when you leave school.

Ms. Wei followed the school rules and lined up. When the few people in front of her entered the school, she underwent a scan and received her number to enter the school gate.

When Ms. Wei waited, Leyun took her to the bus station and sent her to the bus. She rode her bicycle to the bus station in the dormitory area first. She arrived first and waited for seven or eight minutes before waiting for the bus that Ms. Wei took.


Wei Qiumeng got off the car with her luggage and walked with the little girl to the independent dormitory building and climbed to the fourth floor. The little girl helped her carry the suitcase and climbed up to the fourth floor without even breathing. She was dripping with sweat from walking.

After entering the girls' dormitory, the lady saw piles of books and her eyes widened in shock: "There are so many books, how long will it take to read them all?"

"Just looking at it, half a year is enough. It's hard to fully understand and remember. Ms. Wei, sit down first. The space here is small. I feel sorry for you." Le Yun put the suitcase aside and went to wash her hands and pour a cup for Ms. Wei.


"Although the place is not big, it is a place full of books." Wei Qiumeng put the backpack containing personal belongings on the floor and sat down at the table. He also sincerely admired the little girl. She loves reading so much. No wonder the young man is promising.

Leyun poured Ms. Wei a cup of warm herbal tea. There was no fruit or anything like that. She had bought groceries in the morning but not fruit. She had space for fruit herself, so she usually didn’t buy fruit to avoid wasting it.

Wei Qiumeng drank a cup of herbal tea and felt refreshed. She took the initiative to drag the suitcase, opened it, and gave the gift to the little girl: "These are the baby's clothes and supplies. There are a few sets of clothes for the little classmates. The clothes are made by

Designed by Mrs. Zhou and made in my workshop, my little classmate will try it on when he has time to see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, let me know and I will change the size. I also have four sets of clothes for the little girl's parents. I can't give this to Xu Bo Li. Please give me some advice.

Don’t be surprised.”

"It cost Ms. Wei money." Ms. Wei gave clothes to her father and new mother. Le Yun was very happy. She respected her father and new mother and treated her better than her, which made her happy.

Ms. Wei started her business by selling children's clothing, and developed into a one-stop service for children's and adults' clothing. They are all handmade. She specializes in women's clothing and takes a high-end route. She pays attention to fabrics and production. She strives for excellence in baby clothing and is very popular.
The clothes for babies are made of pure cotton and silk. The fabrics are soft and will not hurt the delicate skin of newborn babies. The silk fabrics are suitable for wearing in hot summer to prevent babies from getting prickly heat due to the hot weather.

Ms. Wei is not a stingy person. She has several piles of baby clothes, including clothes from birth to about one year old, as well as small quilts, scarves, drool jackets, hats, plus adult clothes, and stuffed a large password box

It’s full.

Le Yun squatted down and looked at the baby clothes. The more she looked at them, the happier she became. She looked at two more sets of clothes for herself. One of them was a semi-retro half-arm suit. She didn’t need to try it on. She knew the size was right after just a few glances, which also meant that Mrs. Zhou

He has a very vicious eye, and he can guess pretty much her body size just by looking at her.

The only little regret is that the clothes are all skirts. She doesn't like to wear skirts, especially summer skirts. Wearing skirts is easy to expose and makes it difficult to fight.

Of course, Classmate Le couldn't say it clearly, so she thanked Ms. Wei again and again. Originally, she wanted to order some baby clothes for her soon-to-be-born brother. She was more assured of the quality and safety of the workshops of acquaintances. Ms. Wei knew that it was her who ordered the clothes for her, so she refused to charge.


Wei Qiumeng was particularly helpless. The little girl helped her see a doctor and made her aware of the consequences of infertility. Even if she was not allowed to become a mother again, she was grateful to her little classmate. She had nothing to repay, so she gave her a few sets of clothes.

In exchange for a thank you, she was embarrassed.

Putting away the box, Le Yun carried the gift from Ms. Wei into the bedroom, brought out her medical tools and a bowl of prepared medicine, asked the lady to drink the medicine, then brewed half a bowl of warm water, kneaded the medicine balls again to prepare a bowl of concoction.

, let Ms. Wei take ten green pills and then drink the medicinal soup.

Wei Qiumeng drank the medicine, took out spare clothes and a clean towel from her backpack, and waited for more than ten minutes. When she was sweating all over, she went into the bathroom of the girls' dormitory, hung her dry clothes on the clothes hook, took off her coat, and only wore underwear.

A young classmate gives himself acupuncture.

Le Yun put the gold and silver needle sheath on her arm, and carried the disinfectant into the bathroom. She asked Ms. Wei to stand up straight, and applied some ointment to her waist and lower abdomen before inserting the needle and pricking a circle around her waist.

, then insert needles around the lower abdomen, then insert four needle paths toward the arms and legs, and finally insert a few needles into the uterus, and then massage the acupoints.

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Ms. Wei has a well-maintained figure, her skin is smooth and elastic, and she wears small clothes to hide her shame. She is very embarrassed, her face turns red, and when a little girl gives her acupuncture, she is embarrassed to look at it. She closes her eyes and pricks her lower abdomen.

There was a slight pain and she opened her eyes.

She saw the little girl pricking her abdomen with needles one by one, and then hanging the needle sheath on the pole where towels were hung to dry her hands to rub her belly. The little girl's hands were soft and boneless, and the place where she was rubbing with her fingers felt like an electric current was flowing and generating heat.


Soon, she felt bloating and pain in her lower belly. First it was bloating, then there was a slight pain, which was like the feeling of the first episode of dysmenorrhea. The pain became more and more severe, and the pain in her whole belly made her convulse.

"This is just a prelude. After a while, the uterus and ovaries will be cleaned with potion, and the blood clots will peel off from the upper layer of the uterine wall. It may be more painful. You can bear it. Don't bear it if you feel like urinating. If you are afraid of pain, I can help you tap acupuncture points.

Let the pain ease a little."

Ms. Wei was so painful that her whole body was shaking like an electric shock. Le Yun was afraid that she wouldn't be able to bear it, so she softened the strength of her fingers a little to let her relax her nerves.

"No, I can bear it. I want to remember this pain." Wei Qiumeng endured the pain and struggled to smile. She has endured it for so many years. This little pain is nothing. She wants to remember this pain. Remember

The suffering that the old lady of the Wang family made her suffer will one day be repaid to the old lady of the Wang family.

Ms. Wei hoped to stay awake, so Le Yun naturally did not force her to hit numb or painful points to relieve pain. She continued to massage the acupoints to stimulate the blood flow. Repeatedly, the medicine degraded some impurities inside and outside Ms. Wei's uterus, and some of them were carried with the blood.

Flushed away by circulation, some of the blood clots attached to the uterine wall melt and peel off.

The blood layer in the uterus was peeling off, and the pain was like a cramp. Wei Qiumeng was so painful that she burst into tears from the sharp cone-like stabbing pains. She did not howl, only tears like rain.

Ms. Wei was so painful that she burst into tears. Le Yun could not relent. He massaged her lower abdomen over and over again for more than ten times, letting the medicine help clean the uterus and ovaries. After confirming that it was perfect, she pulled out the needles one by one.

, pulled out the last needle, Ms. Wei went limp and leaned against the wall, crying into tears.

She did not offer any consolation. She put the medical needle into the detoxification water bottle, took the needle cover and bottle out of the bathroom, helped her to the door, put the tools back in the bedroom, washed her hands, changed her clothes, and sat down to drink tea.


The little girl went out, and Wei Qiumeng leaned against the wall to vent her emotions wantonly, sobbing loudly and lowly, with hatred and pain in her cries, and a part of her hope that she was qualified to be a mother.

She cried for more than ten minutes, dried her tears, took a shower, put on clean clothes, folded the dirty clothes neatly and put them in a bag, washed her face again, put on light makeup again, and walked out of the bathroom feeling like she was old enough.
The little girl was sitting at the table, drinking tea. She had the elegance and indifference of a worldly expert. If she didn't see the lady's red eyes, she smiled faintly: "Sit down and rest."

Take a break and have a cup of tea to cool off."

Wei Qiumeng stuffed her clothes into her backpack, slowly walked to the table and sat down, holding up a white porcelain cup to drink tea. The herbal tea was fragrant, clear and sweet, entering the throat and moisturizing the heart and soul.

Le Yun asked Ms. Wei to drink three cups of tea, then took out a green pill and asked her to eat it. She continued to drink tea slowly. After half an hour, she gave her another pill and suggested that she should be warmed up.

Body medicine for ladies.

Wei Qiumeng hugged the pills excitedly, asked questions such as whether there were any taboos, etc., put the pills in her handbag and held it like a treasure.

After taking three pills in a row, she felt that her belly, which had originally felt wide and full, was full again. The little girl also gave herself the medicine to warm and nourish her body. Wei Qiumeng knew that it was time to leave, so she took the initiative to leave so as not to affect the little girl's study.<


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