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Chapter 492: There are treasures in the mansion 1

The Hua family had two night visitors left behind, and they were in a relatively calm mood. After all, they had been mentally prepared, and they did not take away the two-blood tribesmen when they evacuated. After this incident, the floors and roofs needed to be overhauled and cleaned, as there was vampire blood on them.

All the wooden boards need to be replaced, so why not just let them lie there.

The head of the Hua family wanted to help the little girl change her guest room. The little girl said that she could see the sky from above and there was a cool breeze in the room. It was the most atmospheric place and there was no need to move.

As a precaution, the Hua family took turns to keep vigil, with two people sitting on the roof, and others meditating under the eaves of the main courtyard or side courtyard. When dawn broke in the east, the two people on the roof quietly jumped down from the house and went to wash their faces in the morning.


A guest broke into the Hua family's house in the middle of the night. Although it made a bit of noise, it didn't make the whole house restless. The old and young of the Hua family didn't panic. When the lights in the main courtyard were turned off, they went to sleep.

The next day was also June 25.

When the sky in the capital was dimming, the handsome guys from the He family who had been traveling all the way to the capital under the stars and the moon finally returned to the compound of the He family where Mr. He San lived.

They set off from Z province back to Beijing on the 22nd. Because the car contained delicate Cordyceps, they were afraid that the Cordyceps would be suffocated. When the temperature rose to a certain height during the day, they needed to find a place to take shelter and drive the carriage to ventilate. For this reason, they had to make careful calculations.

You can budget your itinerary well, travel in the evening, morning, or evening, and accurately calculate at what time and where to stay, and at what time to set off.

It took me several days to get back to the capital after stopping and stopping all the way. I also spent the whole night traveling last night. I finally avoided the morning rush hour and managed to get back to the compound at dawn.

That day was Monday, and because yesterday was the weekend, everyone in the He family in Beijing returned to the courtyard and got up early in the morning to wait for He Xiaoer and his party. When the car of He Xiaoer and others just arrived at the door, the young and old of the He family

They rushed out to greet him.

He Xiaoer, Xiaosan, He Xiaoba, Xiaofifteen and Xiaoliu were so moved. The two handsome boys with plateau red faces threw themselves into the arms of their ancestors, cooing and coquettishly.

Several purchasers from the Hejia Company who came back with the car first said hello to Mrs. He, then to the old men and ladies of the Hejia family, then to the men and ladies of the Hejia family, and finally to the chief executive of the Hejia Group.

He Qili reported on the work.

He Qili highly praised the hard work of several staff members on behalf of the He family and asked them to go to the He family to rest. However, these staff members were not willing to work as porters with the He family, old and young, sharing the joys and sorrows.

Because the men and ladies of the He family had to go to work, they first moved the Cordyceps into the courtyard and placed it in the east wing of the main hall, and then went to have breakfast. There were many people, so four tables were set up.

After the meal, He Qishu and other public officials went to work on time, leaving only a few businessmen at home. They rested for a while before moving other things. There were specialties from Province Z, some gifts, and a truck carrying

Half a truckload of dried cow dung.

Many things were placed in the main hall of the east wing, mostly for a certain little lolita. The He family's own items were placed in the west living room. After moving the items, everyone took out the cordyceps and repackaged them, giving each buyer half.

Give them a pound of cordyceps as a reward and let them take it home as a gift or to honor the elderly.

The purchasing staff took Cordyceps and went back for vacation. The old men of the He family also felt sorry for the children who went to Z province and let them rest.

When the handsome guys from the He family returned to the He family, the young and old from the Hua family at the foot of Yishan Mountain in Province A also got up early and got busy. However, Le Xiao's classmate got up to meditate after a good sleep, and didn't wash his face or brush his teeth until he was about to eat.

There was no family banquet like a family gathering for breakfast. The Hua family head and several clan elders ate with the little girl in the west hall of the main courtyard. When the sun rose, the Hua family young master and the Hua family head followed with seven or eight young and middle-aged people.

The little girl "visited" the Hua residence. The head of the Hua family took the family's professional videographers to record the scene inside and outside the house that was damaged last night, and how to hide the two vampires.

Hua Shao and the old master followed the little girl out of the main courtyard. The little girl was walking leisurely and leisurely with her little hands behind her back in front. They were always wondering, what on earth did the little beauty show them?

After wandering to the patio of the first side house next to the main house, the little girl stopped, pointed at the high wall of the first side yard, and pointed at an eaves: "There is something in the crossbar under the eaves that is connected to the gable.

This thing can be found in the bolt set near the gable wall by unplugging the wooden tenon bolt.

Remember the place, if you accidentally demolish it in the wrong place and can't find anything and damage the old house, it will be very troublesome to repair."

Everyone in the Hua family was shocked, and the head of the Hua family was even more serious: "Little fairy, what's there is..." The old house was actually tampered with? When did that happen?

"It's not a poison that is extremely humane. However, if it encounters other poisons, it will still have certain side effects on human fertility. Come on, let's continue the treasure hunt." Le Yun held her little hands behind her back and continued to move her short legs.

Who put the things in the eaves of the Hua family and when they hid them were things that the Hua family should worry about, so she didn't have to worry about them. She only had to find out some factors that were not conducive to the birth of a boy in the Hua family.

Patriarch Hua was very angry, so angry that his whole body was on fire. Someone had actually tampered with his old house. They had been kept in the dark. If the girl from the Immortal Medical Sect hadn't found out, they would have found out one day.

Wait until the moment something is exposed in case of accidental damage to the house.

The Hua family has always protected the old house very well. There will be no external factors such as bombardment and thunder. It will be no problem to live there for another two hundred years. However, the Hua family has always had many boys and girls for several generations. If things go on like this, another year will come.

Two hundred years later, the bloodline may become so thin that it is no longer as good as a side branch.

Hiding dirty things in the Hua family's house is equivalent to hiding behind the Juehua family's back, which is a plan to destroy the family.

Thinking of the consequences, Mr. Hua's back was filled with chills. He suppressed the anger in his heart and continued walking with the little girl. He secretly analyzed who built the house back then and which ancient cultivators and special personnel had visited the Hua house over the years, trying to find

Clues revealed the perpetrator.

Hua Shao had already made preparations, and immediately wrote down the problematic areas pointed out by the little beauty, and even took photos.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The person who accompanied the Hua family also took notes. Everyone remembers it together. Even if someone remembers it a little confusing, others will always remember it accurately, and the chance of making mistakes is lower.

The little girl walked in front, and the Hua family followed behind. After passing two more houses, the little girl pointed to the place where the pillars of a house connected with the stone: "There is also a treasure hidden in this pillar. Remove the stone from the stone."

Look for the bottom of the pillar toward the middle."

The head of the Hua family stopped asking, and Hua Shao and others were busy writing down the location.

After finding the second "treasure", the little girl continued to run with her little legs, circling the main house of the Hua family in a clockwise direction, and found the treasures in two houses, and finally wandered to a well.

, the well water is clean, and there is a pavilion above it to protect it from rain.

"There is an extra stone in the well. Fortunately, it has been soaked in water for a long time, and the harm is getting weaker and weaker. However, the impact on the water can still last for decades. The water in this well is quite clear and clean. There is no need to seal the well. I will give it to you later.

Medicine, follow the instructions and put the balls in gauze and soak them in water. Do not drink well water within three months. Once the medicine is mixed with the water, the harm will be turned into benefit. If you still have Tai Sui in your family, it would be better to throw some Tai Sui away.


"Thank you, little fairy." Patriarch Hua was extremely grateful and gave a gift to the little girl.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. I did receive your consultation fees." Le Yun bared her teeth and her eyes were as crescent-shaped: "Although I have found some things that are not good for men, they can only be said to be one of the culprits of the overabundance of boys and girls.

This is not all the reason. People’s physical constitution, mental and living conditions during childbirth, etc. also have an impact on fertility. In the future, whether a boy or a girl is born, you still have to let it happen and cannot force it.”

"The Hua family does not favor sons over daughters, but all naturally born men and women are determined by the fate of the descendants of the Hua family." The head of the Hua family expressed his attitude seriously. The Hua family's treatment was not to look down on girls, but because the blood lineage would be difficult to continue without a male.

If it is destined by fate, the Hua family will accept it calmly, but if it is a man-made accident, the Hua family will never hold back and must find out.

Le Yun no longer discussed the topic of having a boy or girl with the Hua family head, and leisurely returned to the Hua family's main house, went back to the guest room, took the banquet list written in detail last night and handed it to the Hua family head in the main hall, and gave her three bags of pills.

Let them soak in the well in stages according to the dosage she marked.

After the head of the Hua family led people to record the scene, he contacted the Xuanyuan family who was on duty in the ancient cultivator family with the clan elders in the main courtyard to explain the matter of the alien cultivator's blood clan breaking the contract and breaking the boundary. After communicating with the Xuan family, he put the matter aside for now and discussed what to do.

They repaired the east wing of the main house, and when the little girl returned, they temporarily suspended the family meeting.

When they heard that some "treasures" were found in the mansion, the elders of the Hua family looked extremely embarrassed. They were ten thousand times more angry than last night when alien cultivators broke into the mansion at night. They were so angry that they almost burst out.

Last night, the vampires broke into the old house at night just to sow discord between the little girl and the Hua family. If the little girl had an accident in the Hua family, the ancient martial arts sect who begged the little girl would definitely blame the Hua family. If the little girl had an accident, the Hua family would definitely be blamed.

If a girl stumbles, the Hua family will naturally have no choice but to take the blame.

The people who hide things in the Hua family are from the Juehua family who want to fight without mercy. The blood of the blood family is hateful. The sinister heart of those who want to kill the Hua family bloodline is a hundred times more hateful than the blood family.

The elders of the Hua family were so angry that their faces were blue and their necks were thick. They suppressed it and did not leave to find a place to vent. They stayed in the main hall and waited for the little girl to come back with her things. They drank tea with her.

She had done everything she should do, and Le Yun proposed to say goodbye and return to Beijing. The young and old of the Hua family repeatedly asked her to stay for lunch, and arranged for the young master of the Hua family to take someone to accompany her to Kyoto in the afternoon.

The head of the Hua family and others knew that the little girl was busy, so they immediately sent a message for someone to prepare lunch.

The luncheon is scheduled to start at eleven o'clock, because the earliest flight from Huang City to the capital is not until four o'clock in the afternoon. There is no need to advance the banquet. The banquet will be held on time, and the whole Hua family will be seated together, so as to give

Farewell to the little girl.

The little girl went to the Hua family to see a doctor and found out the things that were harmful to the Hua family. She also made a list of people in the Hua family who needed to be nursed back to health, and also indicated how to nurse them back to health. The head of the Hua family and the elders of the Hua family were very grateful and talked one by one during the dinner.

He toasted to the little girl, and the heads of the Hua family also raised their glasses.

Dozens of people took turns to toast. Even when drinking tea, Le Yun drank to the point of urinating. She had to bite the bullet and politely express gratitude. Fortunately, the younger generation of the Hua family gave Mr. Hua three cups instead, so she was spared the banquet.

The embarrassment of running to the toilet.

The farewell banquet ended at one o'clock. The head of the Hua family and his wife took the housekeeper to prepare the food for the young master of the Hua family to take to the capital and load the car. The old head of the family entertained the young girl.

After resting for half an hour, they set off for the city. In addition to the guards sent to protect the young family, the Hua family also sent twenty people to escort the little girl to the city airport.

The journey went smoothly and we arrived at Huangshi Airport safely. The young people from the Hua family picked up their tickets. The Hua family had booked a group purchase ticket. They picked up the tickets and checked their luggage and changed their boarding passes. The bodyguards responsible for protecting them sent the young master and the girl to the waiting room.

Instead of going back to the family room immediately, they went to the general lobby of the terminal first. They had to wait until the plane took off before they could rest assured.

Hua Shao and others arrived at the airport more than an hour in advance. They didn't have to wait long to board the plane. After getting on the plane, they still had to wait for a while before boarding. By four o'clock in the afternoon, the plane took off on time.

The Hua family members who were escorting the young master saw the plane flying into the sky in the distance and returned to their family.

It took a two-hour flight from Huangshi to the capital. We arrived in the capital at 6 o'clock in the evening and landed at the South Airport. It is opposite to Qingdao University where Le is from. It is really the opposite.

After getting off the plane, they waited for twenty minutes to collect their luggage. The young people of the Hua family were divided into two groups. One group picked up the luggage and returned to the Hua family's annex in Beijing. The other group followed the young master closely and escorted the little girl back to school.

July is coming soon, and colleges and universities will start taking exams in mid-July and then have holidays. Leyun has to complete the medicine before mid-July, so she doesn't have much time to play. She goes directly back to school to get the medicinal materials before going to He's house.

It only takes two hours to fly from Province A to Beijing, but the short journey from the airport to Qingda University by taxi took two and a half minutes. Going to the city is slower than crossing several provinces. It can be seen that the traffic volume in the capital is huge.

How amazing.

That day was Monday, and Qingdao University was in session, so outside vehicles were not allowed to enter the school. Students from Le Xiao also abided by school rules and got off the bus at the school gate.

The young people of the Hua family helped carry out the luggage. The little girl had a backpack, a suitcase, and a lockbox that was a gift from the Hua family.

Classmate Le Xiao was disrespectful, and he and Hua Shao waved their paws and dragged a suitcase into the school gate with one hand. Hua Shao and four personal guards watched the little girl enter the school gate without seeing her back, got into a taxi, and set off back to Huajia Courtyard.

Classmate Le, who was dragging his luggage, took the school bus to the dormitory area where there is a school bus and got off the bus. He walked back to the Xueba Building and saw that there were no lights on the west second floor. He guessed that Brother Chao must be very busy.

Go back to the fourth floor.

After returning from a long trip, the dormitory she had not lived in for a long time was clean, the windows were open for ventilation, and it was not stuffy at all. She put down her luggage, walked around the bedroom and balcony, and looked in the refrigerator. There was a small amount of vegetables and a little meat in the kitchen.

The pots and pans also show signs of new use.

Classmate Le Xiao was so happy that he quickly carried his suitcase into the bedroom and opened the gift box from the Hua family. There were two five-pound jars of Gorgon wine, beautiful stones and pearl agate, four gold bars, and a set of exquisite buckets.

colorful tea sets;

There are also several wild old ginseng, Shouwu and other medicinal materials that are more than a century old, several jade carvings, a piece of jade tree, and a wooden box containing two tiles.

Seeing the tiles, Le Yun laughed out loud. The tiles were the kind of cultural treasures that she said were on the eaves of the main hall of the Hua family and were about to disappear. One piece was from the Zhao and Song Dynasties, and the other was from the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.

Collect the gifts from the Hua family, throw them back to space, pack your luggage, go back to the kitchen to wash your hands, take out noodles and space bananas, make pancakes, make delicious food, and sit down to read a book.

June is the month of the college entrance examination. On the 22nd of the last month, all provinces across the country will release their results one after another. The top scorers in each province have become the new favorites, and many of them have been called to Qingdao University and Beijing University early. The top scorers have come to Beijing one after another to adapt to the environment and receive key training for pre-school cadres.

As the president of the student council and the instructor of the Youth League, the beautiful young man has been very busy since mid-June. He also worked overtime on Monday night to deal with official duties. He did not return to the dormitory until ten o'clock in the evening. When he went to the Xueba Building, he looked towards the east fourth floor as usual.

, when I saw the lights, flowers bloomed in my heart. Without saying a word, I climbed to the fourth floor and opened the door to enter the girls' dormitory.

Hearing the door knock, Le Yun, who was reading, jumped up and rushed to the door. When the beautiful young brother entered the room, she rushed over and hugged the beautiful young man: "Brother Chao, your sister is back. Are you surprised or surprised?


Holding a soft and cute little pink dumpling in his arms, Chao Yubo rubbed the little guy's head with satisfaction and poked her tender face: "You didn't even say a word when you came back, bad boy."

"I'm not a bad boy, Brother Chao, I made pancakes, let's go have a supper." In order to prevent her face from being pinched, Le Yun held Mei Gege's hand and dragged him to have a supper.

I was so busy that I was dizzy. When I came back, I was teased by a cute girl who also had delicious food. The pretty boy's heart almost warmed up. He washed his hands obediently and sat back and waited for the delicious food to be served.

After having supper, the brother and sister sat and talked. As usual, the beautiful boy first told Xiaotuanzi where to put the express delivery he had picked up. Lexiao’s classmate nodded with a "yingying" sound, and finally hugged the beautiful brother with a pout.

Arm: "Brother Chao, the new semester is here, and my life of living alone is coming to an end. I don't want to live with others. You are familiar with the school. Please help me find a two-bedroom apartment for rent. If I can't find a suitable place,

, I will move in with my wife first."

"My Lele doesn't have to rent a house. You have the privilege of living in a dormitory by yourself until graduation." Chao Yubo held the clingy little Lele in his arms and played with her little head gently.

"Special care? Why?" Le Yun was surprised. She had no merit in the school, so why did she get the privilege?

"It's a reward given to you by the military. Didn't you catch a spy during your military training? You are not a soldier or a national defense student. If you publicize it or give you a reward but are afraid of causing unnecessary trouble to you, send someone over there to talk to you.

The school negotiated to arrange for you to live in a dormitory by yourself as a reward, and then provide other compensation to the school. You made the school look bad, but the school leaders declined the material compensation and made an exception for you, allowing you to live alone in your dormitory until graduation.


"Wow, the school leaders are all good people!"

"Our little dumpling is also a good boy."

"You said I was a bad boy before."

"That was a slip of the tongue. We Lele are the best children in the world..."

In order to coax the girl, the handsome boy praised her eloquently, but in the end he was cruelly kicked away by the little girl, who was wide-eyed and speechless, and even took away a box of pancakes and rolls.

This chapter has been completed!
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