Chapter 70 Who is the Oriole

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 The waterfall is pouring, the mountains are covered in the rain curtain, the animals are hiding, and even the birds are choosing trees to sacrifice themselves, no longer flying all over the sky.

In the pouring rain, thousands of mountains were silent.

At such a moment, two men were engaged in a life-and-death fight in the grass on the edge of a forest. Both men were in their early thirties. One was handsome, but unfortunately a scar at the corner of his left eye ruined his overall beauty; the other was average-looking,

The eye sockets are sunken, the root of the nose is also sunken, and the pupils are colored. The eyes are lighter than the light blue in the West, and you can tell that they are colored pupils, which is very characteristic of the northwest ethnic group.

Both of them were wearing the same dark gray shirts and carrying blue-green backpacks. They probably didn't hold much stuff. The half-deflated bags were carried on their backs, but it didn't affect their movements.

The vegetation in the mountains is dense, and it is the season of the year when vegetation is most luxuriant. The grass is as deep as a person or as high as half a person. There are also small bushes or rocks in some places among the dense grass.

The two men were holding daggers in each hand, and they were going back and forth among the grass on the hillside, fighting to the death. No matter who looked at the other person, his eyes were similar to those of a wolf, hiding a ferocious anger and relentless indifference.

Their life-and-death chase lasted from morning to now, and they fought several times. During the half-day chase, both sides were almost exhausted. No one dared to relax for even a moment, and every nerve was in a state of high concentration.

The two of them were soaked to the skin, and their clothes clung tightly to their bodies. It was hard to tell whether it was rain or sweat on their faces. Every time they attacked decisively, they never looked back even if their heads were broken and bleeding.

The pouring rain covered up the sound of people's rapid breathing and heartbeat, making the collision between the two sides and the sound of weapons clashing became softer.

The rain blurred the mountains and fields, blurring the space between heaven and earth. A man in blue, who was also carrying a bag and holding a small black pistol, came from the direction of the trampled grass and chased the two fighting people. The heavy rain was perfect.

The sound of his footsteps and the sound of stumbling over the vegetation was covered up, and the dense raindrops also provided him with the best cover. He ran through the grass, and neither of the two people fighting noticed him.

The man in blue wore a visor hat with a brim to cover his eyes from the rain. He chased him nearby and touched a rock about a hundred meters away from the two of them. He crouched on the ground and adjusted the gun to the right position.

The gun is pointed at the two men who are fighting fiercely in the distance.

No, he was aiming at the man with the scar at the corner of his left eye, because the two people over there were fighting at close quarters. They were going back and forth, constantly exchanging positions, and it was impossible to accurately locate him.

The man holding the gun turned around and quietly touched a few tens of meters. It was still not ideal. He ran again, changed his sniper position, found a suitable place, and adjusted the angle.

The two men in the fight did not notice the third person lurking in the dark. The two men collided violently again. There was clearly the sound of bones breaking and the sound of teeth piercing the flesh.
At that moment, the man in blue pulled the gun, and the bullet sprayed out of the gun barrel and passed through the silencer. It was already tiny. The heavy rain was noisy between the sky and the earth. The sound of the gun was swallowed up by the rain. The bullet passed through the rain curtain and flew.

To the two people who collided together.

The bullet speed of a pistol is about 300-500 meters/S. Even the most ordinary pistol can reach a bullet speed of more than 300 meters per second. The gunman is less than 100 meters away from the two people, and the bullet can reach it in less than half a second.

The moment Yan Xing collided with his opponent, he sent his sword into the opponent's chest. Similarly, the opponent's dagger also penetrated into his left waist.

One of them is a member of the most famous killer organization in the world, and the other has a national mission. Each of them belongs to a different camp. The competition is a life and death battle. Even if they know that the confrontation will cost the enemy one thousand and oneself eight hundred, both sides will lose in the end.

Neither he nor the other party avoided it.

Similarly, the snub-nosed killer also has the consciousness. If he is not absolutely sure to deal with the opponent, then both sides will suffer, or both will perish.

The two of them attacked at the same time, and Yan Xing was slightly better. He used his arm as a shield, allowing the opponent to break his left arm at the cost of breaking his bones. He blocked the killer's left hand, avoided the vital position, and sent the sword into the opponent's chest. He

The saber has killed two people in the past two days, and this is the third time.

The gray-clothed killer's dagger also stabbed deeply into Yan Xing's left waist. The two hugged each other, and blood flowed from the wound. It was washed away by the rain and formed a gurgling red stream on the surface of the grass.


With a broken arm and bone-chilling pain in his waist, Yan Xing didn't even frown. He turned his wrist and twisted the saber in a circle on the killer's chest. At the same time, the killer in gray also raised his dagger, and their muscles were twitching violently.
At the moment when they hurt each other, Yan Xing felt the threat of death, and the danger came from behind!

That kind of feeling was an intuitive feeling gained from many years of life and death. Almost instantly, he used his folded arm to hold down the gray-clothed killer, and with a twist, he spun the opponent around, using the killer as a shield.

Snap -

The bullet passed through the back vest of the gray-clad killer, and blood spurted out.

The two people who were close to each other fell down and fell heavily in the grass. The blood, the bright red blood, could not be distinguished from whose. It was dyed red by the rainwater, flowed into the tangled grass, and soon disappeared.

Kill two birds with one shot.

The man in blue holding a pistol lurked and observed. After waiting for about two or three minutes, he saw that the two people who had been shot did not make any movement. He ran over the grass with the gun and observed carefully. The place where the two men were fighting was covered with weeds.

After being trampled down, the two sides still maintained the position of falling to the ground facing each other, quite like a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate.

The man in blue looked behind the grass and confirmed that the bullet hit the center of the body. No matter which one of the two people was alive, he moved towards the two people. He checked the man with the scarred face underneath and found that he had no breath.

With a murmur, he lifted the man who was pressing on Scarface.

Even if the killer in gray lost his life breath, he still held the dagger tightly in his hand. When the man in blue lifted it off, the dagger in his hand was also pulled out from the body of the scarred man, bringing with it a stream of blood arrows.

The bullet passed through the back of the man in gray and made a big hole in his chest. The bullet that passed through the chest penetrated into the scarred man's heart. The man in blue confirmed that the two of them were dead.

He entered the neck of the man in gray and touched the necklace around his neck. The moment he lowered his head, a sharp saber cut into his neck, first severing the main artery and then severing his throat.

The man first felt the coldness that penetrated his heart and the subtle cracking sound, and then the overwhelming pain. He subconsciously covered his throat with one hand and fell to his knees. Blood spurted out and stained his hands and feet red with the rain.


The man in blue clutched his throat in pain, his eyes bulging, staring at the scarred man who had already died, but at this time he opened his eyes and cut the sword into his neck.


"You're not dead?" But he couldn't utter those words, and it only became "Uh... uh...".

Yan Xing gritted his teeth and used the remaining strength to push the knife forward. He seemed to understand the eyes of the man in blue, and an elegant smile appeared on his pale face after losing too much blood: "You are still alive, how can I


This chapter has been completed!
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