Chapter 610: Another Daughter Controller

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 The end of September is the beginning of August in the lunar calendar. The moon comes out late. When it appears at nine o'clock, it is still the first quarter moon, with only a crescent moon.

Under the weak moonlight, the city of Munich is brightly lit, and it is also the most fervent moment of the Oktoberfest. However, it is pitch dark everywhere in the Alps, and nocturnal animals are hunting. There are scenes of big animals eating small animals, and small animals eating small animals.

Little beasts, little beasts eat vegetation and insects in the jungle survival battle.

Aragorn guarded his dinner and silently counted the time. When it was midnight, everything was quiet. He stood up excitedly, moved his hands and feet, and gently moved towards the place where the human girl was camping.

He jumped on the top of the tree, as light as a giant bat, and soon flew a few hundred meters away to the edge of the woods where the human girl was camping.

The human girl's tent was pitched behind the adjacent oak and chestnut trees. The tent was dark blue, relatively small, and quiet. Because there was no light, it looked like a big mushroom emerging from the ground.

The human girl used small curved wooden bars to make small traps outside the tent, forming a protective circle. Once an animal stepped on certain branches, the curved wooden bars would bounce up and hit the animal. Some of the wooden bars were even tied with

Bells, animals will ring the bells and sound warning sounds when they encounter small traps.

Human breathing is very steady, which occurs when people are sleeping.

As Aragorn stood on the tree, all the cells in his body became active, and his heart beat extraordinarily. Dinner, delicious dinner!

Finally, when it was time to hunt, he jumped down from the top of the tree and landed on the grass, as light as a leaf falling to the ground.

A vampire's eyes can see at night. Aragorn happily jumped over the small trap and ran to the tent. He rubbed his hands excitedly and carefully opened the zipper of the tent door.

The zipper was pulled, making a slight sliding sound, but the faint sound would not disturb the people sleeping in the tent, and the girl's breathing was still so calm.

In the tent, Le Yun calmly waited for the vampire's visit.

Because she didn't know when the vampire would act, it was inconvenient for her to stay in the space and wait in the tent. She had nothing to do, digesting the various knowledge stored in her brain through scanning, while also secretly analyzing the various smell changes in the air and the surrounding environment.

Various slight noises.

The vampire has been silent. The enemy cannot move, and I cannot move. If he doesn't come, she won't go. I have made up my mind to fight the vampire to see who loses patience first.

Waiting and waiting, from the absence of the moon to the moonrise, to the moon on the willow branches, and then to the moon rising into the sky, the vampire was very patient, and Mr. Le Xiao was also not impatient.

I originally thought that the vampire would take action at least until two or three in the morning, but I didn't expect that he couldn't resist the temptation and took action as soon as midnight.

The last time I fought a vampire at the Hua family, I used the two vampires I had seen before as a reference. Based on the breath, smell and various auras scanned on his body, I found that this vampire was between a count and a viscount.

It is only slightly weaker than the count-level vampire last time, but its speed and power should be stronger than that one.

After repeated speculation and analysis, we came to a conclusion: we must not be caught by a vampire. Once caught by him, it will be more serious than bad.

Classmate Le was quite excited about the vampire that came to his door. It was a free guinea pig. If he died after trying the medicine, he would not be responsible. He didn’t even have to dig a hole, just sprinkle a few handfuls of medicine to solve the problem.

The vampire wants to drink human blood, and the human wants to use him as an experiment. The two are interested in each other and are each other's prey. It's fair. It just depends on who has better hunting skills.

In the tent, Le Yun, who had been waiting for the vampire to come to her door for a long time, jumped from him to the top of the tree, then jumped to the grass, and then walked to the tent. Every step was within her hearing control, and she was ready to give him a head-on blow.


Outside the tent, the vampire's face turned pale with excitement under the stimulation of the sweet smell of human blood. He gently zipped the tent to the top and gently opened the tent door.

He opened the tent door bit by bit and looked inside. It was pitch dark inside the tent. A human girl was lying on her side with one hand on her leg. Her face was white and tender, and her skin was whiter than that of a Caucasian.

She must be clean and look extremely young, probably no older than 18 years old.

With the delicious dinner right in front of him, Aragorn was so greedy that his mouth watered. He couldn't control his excitement. His teeth grew automatically and his heart beat happily. He moved forward excitedly, eager to get into the tent and pounce on his prey.

Bite through her neck and suck out the delicious blood.

The moment he was halfway into the tent, Le Yun, who was lying calmly on her back, jumped up, moved her arms in the darkness, and poured the basin taken out from the space towards the vampire.

Even without using the special function of her eyes, she knew the location of the vampire clearly based on the breath and heartbeat. What's more, she was prepared and turned on the X-ray function of her eyes, so she could tell which was the head and which was the chest at a glance.

The human girl suddenly jumped up, and Aragorn was shocked. Wasn't she asleep?

Just after a brief hesitation, a stream of water with a very unpleasant smell was poured over him. He stepped back, but he couldn't get back. The water full of unpleasant smell splashed onto his face and shoulders.

There was also water on the chest, eyes, and ears.

When the water splashed on his body, Aragorn felt his face sting instantly, and his eyes and ears were burning like flames. He could not see anything, and there was a "buzzing" sound in his ears. At the same time, he smelled a strange smell, like

It smells like clothes being burned, and meat put into sulfuric acid.

The next moment, he felt as if his face was melting, and indescribable pain surged into his shoulders and chest. His ears could no longer hear anything else except the sound of gurgling.

Aragorn subconsciously touched his face, touching up and down, and felt the blood, flesh and bones that melted into liquid. He didn't react at the time and pinched it with his fingers. Then he realized that he was pinching his cheekbones, his own face.

The meat is gone!

At the same moment, his eyes were corroded by the medicine, and a needle-pricked hole appeared in his eyeballs. There was a "pop" sound and the eyeballs exploded.

His eyes were broken, and the pain hit his heart. He let out a shrill scream, rushed out, and jumped into the darkness with a cry. He bumped into the wooden bars of the human girl's tent in any direction, and when he touched a bell, he let out a loud sound.

"ding ding" sound.

Aragorn, who hit the bell, didn't hear the sound at all. He covered his eyes, jumped and trampled several wooden bars that were raised up, jumped onto the lawn, and eagerly washed his whole body with the blood of his powerful heart, expelling

The thing stuck to the body kept jumping up and down because of the pain.

Le Yun poured out the medicinal soup in an instant and immediately threw the pot back into space. At the same time, she grabbed the tent mat on the ground and held it in front of her to prevent the potion from splashing back onto her.

Time is too short, and there is no medicine to resolve it. If that medicine splashes on her, a hole will be burned out, so even if she wants to strike while the iron is hot and take advantage of the opportunity to deal with the vampire, she can only give up and protect herself first.

The vampire shook his head subconsciously when the water splashed on his face. The water droplets splashed, some splashed on the tent mat, and some splashed on the tent cloth. The mat and tent cloth were also corroded silently, and small holes appeared one after another, and slowly changed.


When the vampire rushed out, it threw away some water droplets and melted flesh and blood. Le Yun, who was hiding behind the mat, was lucky to be well hidden, otherwise she would have been stuck by strange things.

After the vampire rushed away, she put down the mat, hurriedly walked to the tent door, took the knife, decisively cut off the tent door, and carefully got out of the tent.

The tent was pitched under a tree. The light was very dark and the ground could not be seen clearly. Le Yun had to take out a flashlight to illuminate. Where the vampire walked, some weeds caught water droplets or melted flesh from his body, and the grass blades were also corroded.

But it is far not as fast as flesh and blood corroded, indicating that the damage caused by the medicine to the plants is relatively minor.

The vampire was howling and hissing on the grass. Le Yun jumped over the wooden bars protecting the tent, ran closer and shined a flashlight on the vampire. When she saw it, she was shocked, oh my god, the vampire is crippled!

His clothes seemed to have been burned by fire, with only one sleeve still on his body. The upper part of his clothes was also burned, leaving only one piece, which fell down and fell to the ground.

Most of the vampire's face and scalp that were splashed with the medicine were corroded by the medicine, exposing part of the bones. The shoulders and chest were also rotten by the medicine, with many holes, and the melted flesh and blood was flowing like pus.

The appearance of a vampire can be described in one word: miserable.

Two words: So miserable!

Three words: Very miserable!

As the creator of the figurines, Le Yun did not expect that it would cause such tragic consequences. She couldn't help but wipe her forehead: "Oh my God, it hurts Tianhe."

She really didn't expect this, and the effect of the medicine was too terrible, right?

What is the reason that makes the medicine more effective than she expected? Is it the sandalwood chips added later, or is it because many medicinal materials are disliked by zombies, and using them on ghost blood-sucking bodies can greatly improve the effectiveness of the medicine?

Vampires are a type of zombie, but they are not all zombies. Real zombies have dead hearts, blood and flesh. They are actually lifeless creatures. If there is a heartbeat, it is an illusion formed by using Qi control after cultivation;

Vampires are alive, have body temperature, heartbeat, intelligence and thinking.

Perhaps, drugs have a stronger effect on living flesh and blood than on rigid flesh and blood?

After much deliberation, Le Yun still couldn't figure it out. She silently observed the vampire, but she didn't dare to get close. If he jumped around and threw away dirty things and stuck them on her, she would be in trouble.

Aragorn couldn't hear or see, but his consciousness was still there. He found that the corrosive power in his body could not be driven away with the blood of his heart, and his body was going to destruction very quickly. He smelled the smell of death, gave up on saving himself in pain, and walked rhythmically on the grass.

Jumping, dancing the round dance of death of the vampire clan, and making a shrill whistle - the call of death.

The sound was sharp and rapid, spreading into the distance in waves.

"Strange, what is he doing?" Le Yun observed the vampire's changes and was confused. After a few seconds, she suddenly realized that he was either summoning his companions or giving a warning!

This chapter has been completed!
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