Chapter 619 Show off your skills

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 After the second-instance verdict, those who deserved to be shot were pulled to death. Mrs. Zhao, Zhao Zongze and Zhao Danxuan only stayed in the detention center of the Supreme Court for less than an hour before being sent to where they should go. Mrs. Zhao and Zhao Danxuan sent the woman

Prison, Zhao Zongze was sent to the prison where serious criminals are sent.

When they left, the detention center staff also treated the clothes and articles worn by Zhao Li, Zhao Yixiong and Guo Furong as relics, packed them and distributed them to one or three members of the Zhao family. Jia Ling's relics were also given to the Zhao brothers and sisters. After all, Jia is the grandmother of the Zhao brothers and sisters.


Mrs. Zhao, Zhao Danxuan and Zhao Zongze were so frightened that they wanted to throw away the things they said were relics, but they had no right to move freely and no place to throw them away. They could only receive them under the watchful eyes of the staff and take them all away.<


The father and son of the Zhao family and the mother and daughter of Jia Ling died. The young and old of the He family were happy. When they returned home, they went to the villa where He Qili lived to celebrate. He Qili was in charge of the economic investment of the He family. There was a villa on the mountain of the most famous mountaintop villa in Beijing.

As a businessman, you have to communicate with business people, hold small cocktail parties or tea parties, or invite partners to your home. The villa is spacious enough and has a swimming pool, fitness room, etc., so it is suitable for entertaining guests. Therefore, he himself spends most of his time in the mountaintop villa.
There is no shortage of anything in the villa, and they have been prepared in advance. When they return to the villa on the top of the mountain, the young and old of the He family don't have to do anything else. They can take a grapefruit leaf bath, change into clean clothes, and then have lunch.

The office workers of the He family took a day off, drank and celebrated at noon, happily shared family happiness in the afternoon, and held sacrifices in the evening to comfort the spirits of the two deceased descendants of the He family.

When the He family was celebrating that the bad guy finally went to hell, Mr. Yan locked himself in the study and sat alone in silence. Liu Lao Teng always accompanied him home. He originally wanted to accompany him for a day or two to enlighten him, because Lao Yan did not need their company.

They happily returned to their homes.

The He family had a day off on Wednesday. Early Thursday morning, they rushed to their respective posts to fulfill their responsibilities as screws. Yan Xing also returned to Qingdao University to be a good student.

Liu Shao accompanied Fa Xiao to the second-instance trial and was recalled to work in the army on Tuesday. He went to work in his field of expertise. Naturally, he did not have the opportunity to hear the verdict, nor did he go to the execution ground to watch the execution of bad guys.

Thursday, September 28th, when people in China are diligently going to work, farm work, studying or playing, Europe is still in the middle of the night at the alternating time between the night of the 27th and the 28th, and the big cities are also sleeping. Only

Drinkers in the big tent of Munich's Oktoberfest are still enthusiastic.

The forests in the deep valleys of the Alps are also quiet. Apart from the sounds of animals foraging for food, there is only the occasional rustling of the wind.

It was a quiet night in the deep mountains. Ares, Arturo and other six count ghost-suckers clung to the place where the human girl disappeared. Several humanoid bats turned off their hearing and rested as if entering hibernation. Arturo was monitoring the environment.

Count Tourot and Count Philip sat on the branches, breathing the air full of grass and vegetation, opening their ears to receive sound waves, monitoring the wind and grass around them, and not paying attention to the sound of small animals jumping on the grass among the trees in the distance.


Both of them knew the sounds near and far very well, and looked in the direction of Count Ciro of the Bruch tribe from time to time. Count Ciro was very strange. His reaction had become slower since yesterday, and his blood energy seemed to be weakening.

Even the heartbeat is not as strong as before.

They asked Siro if he felt anything strange during the day, and he said nothing. He only said that because he gave up some flesh and blood and consumed a lot of blood from his heart to heal his wounds, he got tired easily and needed rest to repair his body's wounds and restore his blood and energy.
Siro's shift was scheduled for the day tomorrow. He started sleeping in the morning and didn't wake up in the middle of the day. He just stayed on the tree branch. If his heart wasn't still beating, they would have suspected that he was hibernating.

In addition to monitoring the changes around them, Arturo and Philip regarded observing Ciro as the best way to pass the time. They studied and studied but couldn't find any reason. They were just having fun.

At three or four in the morning, the cold air slowly condenses into moisture, and the humidity in the woods becomes heavier and heavier.

Dew has no effect on vampires. Count Arturo Philip doesn't like dew very much, and he doesn't hate it either. He occasionally sucks dew as water to drink.

When the two counts were bored, they suddenly heard a strange movement and looked in the direction where Earl Ciro of the Bruch tribe was staying. They suddenly discovered that Ciro fell off the tree stem and fell towards the bottom of the tree.

Arturo and Philip flew up and flew towards Ciro quickly. Although they were flying, they were slightly delayed due to the obstruction of branches. Earl Ciro flew from a distance amidst the whistling wind.

He fell to the ground from a height of more than ten meters. When he landed, there were many crackling sounds of broken bones on his body.

The loud noise also woke up Cassio, Ares and Edela who were sleeping. The three counts instantly turned into bats and flew into the air. Then when they asked what happened, they also saw Arturo and Count Philip flying towards

They also rushed towards Count Ciro.

Arturo and Philip rushed to the place where Count Ciro fell and landed on the ground. Count Ciro, who had fallen to the ground, finally woke up from his hibernation-like state, climbed up and sat up, and saw two vampires falling in front of him.

He asked strangely: "Your Excellency Arturo, Your Excellency Philip, are you looking for me?"

When Arturo and Philip landed on the ground, they looked at Count Ciro and found that Ciro's left hand was severely fractured. It seemed that several sections were broken from the elbow to the palm. There may be bones that cut through the skin and the blood flowed out. The smell was very strange.

, but Silla himself didn’t seem to notice.

Arturo was particularly surprised: "Count Ciro, your left hand is broken, don't you feel it?"

"Hand?" Silla raised his left hand in surprise. The arm was broken about 5 centimeters from the elbow to the shoulder. It looked like a completely comminuted fracture. When he raised the arm, the hand was like a long bag filled with liquid.

There was a hole in the leather bag, and blood was flowing gurglingly, exuding the smell of rotten flesh.

"My God, what's going on?" Count Philip and Count Arturo screamed.

Cassio, Edela, and Ares also flew to where Count Arturo was standing. The three of them happened to see Count Ciro raising his severed arm, and they were surprised and said "My God" and "My Lord"


Silla stared blankly at his broken arm that was still leaking strange liquid. Why didn't he feel anything at all? He looked at it blankly for a few times, raised his right hand, and suddenly found that there was only half a palm left on the palm of his right hand. He hurriedly looked for it, but there was nothing around him.

The broken palm only has a few bones attached to the flesh.

"Ah -" Silla jumped up to the sky in fear, wanting to fly, but he did fly. However, just after flying less than three meters high, his huge body fell again, landing heavily, and his leg bones and waist bones were like broken glass.

It breaks, making a crunching sound like exploding beans.

"Ah!" Arturo, Count Casio and several other Counts screamed and jumped into the air, observing Count Ciro in horror.

Silla fell down and wanted to get up, but this time he could only hold up his upper body. He touched his waist and legs with his right hand that was missing half of his palm. He suddenly found that all the bones in his body below his heart were broken, but he couldn't feel his heart.

I felt no pain at all, and my heartbeat was very slow, close to the frequency of only a few beats per hour during hibernation.

Why is this happening?

His brain was still intact and he could still think about problems. After a while, he shouted in horror: "Magic potion! It's the magic potion that is destroying my body!"

"Ahhh!" The five vampires, Arturo, Ares, Cassio, Philip and Adela, were petrified and flew several meters high. They were trembling with fear. The magic potion was too scary.


Didn't Silla cut off the flesh stained with the medicine, break and throw away the bones corroded by the medicine, and clean the wound with the blood of the heart? Where did the medicine invade his body? Why couldn't he feel anything else?

Power invasion?

"Your Excellency Shi Luo, you have already amputated the flesh and finger bones stained with the medicine, and you have also covered the wound with the blood of your heart to prevent infection. Why are you still being invaded by the power of the medicine?" Ares's heart was contracting violently in fear.

, he and Ciro jointly hunted down the oriental girl. If the oriental girl also threw a magic potion and hit him, he would be no better than Count Ciro, and his body would also be damaged by the magic potion.

"I...I think I know why. The medicine resonates with my heart blood. The heart blood does not reject the medicine. The magic medicine melts into the blood and returns to the heart together, thus slowly corroding the whole body. Ah,

Ancestor, the eternal immortal body you bestowed upon me is about to be destroyed, please save me..." Silla fell down in pain and looked at the sky, horrified beyond measure. He would not have died originally, but he was hit by a magic potion.

He is going to die!

"No, no, no..."


Several vampires floating in the air shook their heads in horror, unwilling to believe the cruel truth told by Count Ciro. If the magic potion resonates with the heart blood of the vampires, it means that the vampires cannot resist the magic potion, and being stained by the potion means death.

Count Ciro looked up at the night sky, trembling in despair. Why is the immortality given by his ancestors no longer eternal? Why can humans kill vampires? Why are there still magic potions... Why, why, there are too many reasons why I want to think about it.

Ask, why did he come to the forest? Why didn’t he listen to the human girl’s words for the first time and cut off his flesh and limbs in time...

He felt that his heart was getting weaker and weaker, and his vision was becoming less and less clear. He seemed very tired. While his mind was still clear, he used all his strength to make a sharp scream, and the high-pitched scream was transmitted in the form of ultrasonic waves.


Count Ciro let out a long series of howls, and when he was so tired that his consciousness was about to become blurry, he screamed with all his strength and cruelly: "Your Excellency Arturo, for the sake of the immortality of the blood clan, please do not offend that person... Please convey this to Bruch.

Earl Thranduil of the tribe, the Bruch tribe must not go to the Eastern China to take revenge during the lifetime of the Eastern girl, must not take revenge, must...must..."

He tried hard to get up but failed. He only raised his head once, then fell to the ground. His pupils rolled outward, blood gushed out, and a strange liquid spurted out of his mouth.

Count Ciro, who had lived for hundreds of years, reluctantly lost his voice, lost his strength, and his immortal body also lost its vitality.

Arturo, Cassio, Philip, Ares, and Edela were all frightened when they saw Count Ciro's last vestige of power disappear with their own eyes, like bats floating motionless in the air.

"My God! Your Excellency Siro has gone to meet the ancestors!"

"My Lord! He went to see God like this."

After a few minutes, the five Counts screamed like a ghost, and Count Ciro died just like that! Count Ciro, who had an immortal body and had lived for hundreds of years, died in such a... humiliating way. It was simply too humiliating.


Only vampires know how strong the body of a high-level vampire is and how strong their vitality is. The reason why vampires are called immortal is because as long as the heart does not die, the damaged body can be repaired. The body cannot be reborn, and it can have a human for the first time.

, and then transplant the body of the first lover into one's own body, and it will soon merge with one's own body.

However, Count Ciro, who had an eternal immortal body, was killed by a potion, and it was because he knew that he had been poisoned by the potion and took protective measures that he was silently destroyed. His immortal body was destroyed the most.

The heart of the toughest and most powerful source of strength.

The five high-level vampires were afraid. They were more afraid of magic potions than they were of all dangers. Especially Ares, who was so frightened that his heart almost jumped. He was also very lucky that he was a little late and was not the first to chase them.

The girl is a vampire, so she escaped life and death.

The five counts paused for a moment in fear in the hollow, then slowly descended, still not daring to get too close to Count Ciro's body. They sang a requiem for him five or six meters above the ground and paid homage to Count Ciro.

A final farewell.

After singing a requiem, the five earls were shocked to find that Count Ciro's chest collapsed, his face also collapsed, and liquid gurgled out from his eye sockets. The smell of rotten flesh was very strong, and there was something disgusting to vampires.

They were frightened again by the smell. First they jumped up and circled high in the sky. They circled fearfully for several times before slowly descending.

After descending three or four meters to the ground, I was once again shocked by the scene before me: Count Ciro's left leg, left hand and right hand turned into a pool of blood, and his right leg and abdominal cavity were also melting. He was like a piece of steel stretched into a furnace.

, the steel melted into molten iron section by section from the inside out in the high temperature. The speed of change was visible to the naked eye. The place where he lay was soaked in blood and water, the vegetation was also corroded, and the branches and leaves were rotten.

The five counts stayed in the air blankly, watching Count Ciro's body melt into water little by little, leaving nothing behind. They watched the vegetation corroded by blood and water into a piece of festering slag.

"Oh my god, it's so terrible!"

For a long time, the five vampires screamed in surprise. They dared to stay where they were and observe whether the oriental girl would appear there. They hurriedly flew to Munich. They had to rush back as soon as possible to gather the family vampires for a meeting.

Advice to vampires not to provoke Eastern monks.

This chapter has been completed!
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