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Chapter 657: Temporary Alliance of Vampires

The vampire's sharp howl turns into a special ultrasonic wave, which spreads in all directions, from the forest to far and wide.

In Munich, even though it is already midnight, the Oktoberfest feast is still in full swing. There are still huge crowds of people on the lawn and the big tent is full.

Some of the vampires are active among the crowd, following their prey, while others are still drinking and chatting, enjoying the wonderful night.

When the same kind of ultrasonic waves came from a distant place, the vampires under the night sky were all quiet, listening carefully to the words of the same kind.

Soon, the vampires hiding in the bustling crowd retreated without leaving a trace, exiting the Oktoberfest Square and hiding in dark corners. After a while, there was a summoning language that only vampires could understand in the air, and the vampires avoided it.

Open up the crowd and rush towards the effect from different directions.

Earl Ryan was also enjoying the wonderful night of beer. When he heard the death call of the vampires, he retreated to the corner of the square as quickly as possible, issued an order to summon the vampires of the Ravno tribe, and turned into a big bat to go to the place he designated.

Count Casio was already on his way back to the manor when he received the summons from the vampires. He immediately stopped the car, issued an order to summon the vampires of the Gange family, and turned around.

At the same time, many high-ranking vampires in Munich issued orders to summon family vampires, and the vampires from each family followed the orders.

Count Ryan flew out of the city and arrived on the grassland of Nanxiao. After waiting for less than ten minutes, several vampires from the Reifno tribe arrived. Soon, vampires arrived one after another. There were eleven in total. It can be said that the number was very small.


Viscount Abner, the earl's personal attendant and butler, was one of the first people to arrive. When the tribesmen arrived, they counted the number of people, asked which vampire came from where, if they had companions, and whether their companions came, and confirmed that they were in Munich.

Only when all the vampires of his own race had arrived did he report back to the earl.

"The vampire who issued the death call is a viscount of the Lesenba clan. He has encountered a strong enemy and is expected to be in danger. My foresight tells me that we cannot participate in this matter. Once we join, it will bring great consequences to the Reifno family.

Disaster of annihilation. Now, I have officially issued an order. Without my permission, all vampires in this clan are not allowed to participate in the hunting of the Temporary Blood Alliance, nor are they allowed to go exploring in the Alps. I will go to the Temporary Blood Alliance alone to show up. You guys should go back.

Let's enjoy the Oktoberfest feast. Remember not to prey on the Eastern Chinese people at this year's Oktoberfest. A group of monks have come to their country. If you pick the wrong person, you will pay the price with blood."

Count Ryan's bloodline ability is precognition. When Miaomiaodan asked him to cooperate, he foresaw the danger, so he refused. Facts have proved that his choice was correct. The idiot of the Ganger family was accidentally used as a weapon, and he paid a heavy price as a result.


"Yes, Your Excellency the Earl!" The vampires of the Ravno family did not question anything and dismissed the meeting without hesitation.

The vampires of the Reifno tribe like to travel and are scattered everywhere like straw. They often wander around at will and their whereabouts are erratic. They also like to walk alone and rarely gather together. Only at large events like the Oktoberfest because of the large number of people, they

They only appear in the same city in order to hunt. Otherwise, it is generally difficult to gather a dozen vampires.

Even though they like to be independent, the vampires of the Reifno tribe are very convinced by the current patriarch of the family, Count Ryan, and they will listen to his call. They are even more convinced of the count's ability to foresee. If the count says there is danger, it must not be a good thing. The count does not allow them to participate in the temporary vampire clan.

Team up for hunting, a group of vampires happily run away and return to the Oktoberfest feast to find suitable prey to suck their blood.

Convinced that the vampires of the Ravno family were not interested in the vampire's call to death, Count Ryan once again transformed into a giant bat and flew into the night sky.

Count Casio turned around and drove toward the city of Munich. After driving for a while, he parked the car on the grass beside the road and turned into black bats flying. He rushed to the city effect lawn in the southeast of Munich and saw a few floating in the night sky.

Count-level vampires include Edela from the Lesemba family; Count Arturo from the Fenzo family; and Count Philip from the Cappado family.

The three counts are like bats floating in the air, each occupying a place. Each family has its own vampire of the same race. In addition, there are blood families that do not have count-level vampire families, such as the Bruch family, the Novel family, and the Zmich family.

The family, the Amaka family, is led by a viscount, a fellow vampire.

The vampires of the Ganger family also form a camp. Each family has more than 20 members. The largest family is still the Ganger family, with a total of more than 30 vampires. After all, the original hometown of the Ganger family is country D. The hometown of Munich holds an Oktoberfest.

Feast, of course they will actively participate.

There are several counts among the vampires present. Among them, Count Arturo of the Fenzhuo family is the oldest, nearly 700 years old. The vampires unanimously believe that he is very likely to break through the earl level and enter a higher lord level. Several other earls are better than him.

With less qualifications, even Count Edela, who was second only to him in age, did not dare to offend him.

The vampires of the Ganger family were very happy to see Count Casio. Other vampire families did not react much. Vampires of all races and below the count followed the etiquette and paid their respects to Count Casio.

Cassio nodded to the vampire leaders and flew to Count Arturo: "Sir Arturo, you are older, please preside over the affairs of the temporary alliance team."

It stands to reason that things happened in the mountains in country D. The local blood clan will naturally take the lead in any matter. Among the blood clans, there are the Ganger family and the Bruch family living in country D. The two families will jointly handle the matter, because the Bruh family

If there is no count present in the family, Count Casio will take priority.

The Fenzhuo family is one of the founders of the Camarilla Alliance and is also the leader. It is highly praised by the Gange family, which is also a Camarilla family. Count Arturo is very useful and nods elegantly and arrogantly: "Okay. Wait a moment, there are still people.

If not, wait until everyone is here to discuss and vote together."

What kind of vote? Shouldn't it be a matter of teaming up to go into the mountains to rescue the same people who issued the summons? The vampires of the Lesenba family were secretly unhappy. The viscount of their family issued the summons, and Count Arturo actually said that he would discuss it before voting. What does that mean?


Count Edela, the patriarch of Lesemba, felt uncomfortable and did not dare to object in person. Count Arturo was one of the most powerful among the count-level vampires. Only Bas, the patriarch of the Setet family in the blood clan,

Tian and Arturo are equally powerful.

The other vampire families had no objections. After waiting for a few minutes, the vampire families saw Count John, the patriarch of the Amaka family, flying unhurriedly from the direction of Munich. He soon arrived in front of them. He was a handsome middle-aged gentleman. He was elegant.

Say hello to the counts in the vampire clan and fly above the camp of the vampires of the Amaka family.

After waiting for several more minutes, the patriarch of the Reifno family finally arrived belatedly.

The handsome earl, who is of pure blood, is handsome and noble, politely and elegantly greets the heads of the vampire clan, and then floats in the air, forming a camp by himself. He is truly unique and stands out from the rest.

Arturo looked left and right, but after a few glances he didn't see any other vampires from the Reifno clan, and asked: "Count Ryan, why haven't your compatriots come yet?"

"Sir Arturo, are you asking my family members?" Count Ryan still had an extraordinary demeanor and explained with a flattering smile: "I called the vampires of the Reifno tribe for a small meeting before I came. I asked them to

Let’s go back to the Oktoberfest and have fun, as long as I’m here.”

"You..." Arturo felt provoked... no, he was despised. Count Ryan despised the lives of the vampires, so when all tribes heard the call of death and formed a temporary alliance team to rescue the vampires, he did not bother to lead the clan members.


"Earl Ryan, do you despise the lives of the Lesenba family members?" Edela was very angry, very angry. The Lesenba family members were in danger of death, and the Reifno family did not help, which was a disservice to the Lesenba family.

Contempt and contempt.

"Whatever you think, I declare clearly that I will not participate in this operation." Count Ryan glanced at Count Edela with contempt, and lightly crossed his arms: "Although I have experienced more than a hundred years of cultivation,

The power of the Reifno clan has recovered, but it is far from what it once was. I cherish my clan, but I don’t want to get into trouble for no reason, and I am not interested in being a spearman for others."

"Rian, you have no sense of love between the same clan. At this moment, we should unite as one." Someone challenged his authority, Arturo unhappily accused the leader of the Reifno clan.

"Before your Excellency Arturo accuses me, please first investigate the Lesemba family and what the Zmich family has done, and then ask why the Gange family went to China. They are the ones who caused the trouble. It is their fault.

Solve it yourself, the Reifno tribe has no obligation to wipe their butts for them, let alone make meaningless sacrifices."

Ryan is not afraid of Count Arturo's authority and coercion. If Count Bastian, who is also a neutral, presides over the meeting, he may still give support and forget about Count Arturo presiding over it.

Cassio looked very unhappy, Edela shut up, and the vampires of the Zmich family unanimously did not express any opinions because there was no count present.

The Amaka tribe is also a neutral faction. Earl John flew to Count Ryan and asked friendly: "Your Excellency Ryan, did you foresee the danger?"

"Yes," Ryan nodded: "My power of foresight tells me that the Zmich family and the Lesenba family have caused a very dangerous trouble. If my guess is correct, that trouble is the vampire of the Ganger family.

The one China provoked,"

Seeing the looks of the earls with resentment and ferocity in their eyes, the young earl was not afraid at all: "The Eastern monks whom the Ganger family has offended have come to the Oktoberfest, and the Zmich family and the Lesen family want to prey on them the most.

It is an oriental girl. That girl is more mysterious than the oriental monk. I saw the oriental girl from a distance a few days ago. My prediction told me that the oriental girl is a huge danger. Provoking her may bring disaster to the family.

, I have issued an order to the vampires of the Reifno clan, prohibiting them from provoking the Eastern monks, let alone that Eastern girl. Whoever provokes her, for the future of the entire family, I will give up the troublesome tribesman to appease the anger of the Eastern monks.

Oh, I forgot to mention that in the past few days, only the Eastern monks who came with the girl were playing at the Oktoberfest. The girl was not seen, which means that the girl most likely went to the mountains to study some plants. The summons issued by the members of the Lesemba family came from

Alps, so I guess he was in danger because he provoked the oriental girl."

"Oh, my God, I know who you are talking about. You are talking about that very cute oriental girl. Her blood is extremely clean and sweet. It is rare to see it in a hundred years. That girl is very keen. I am in a hundred years.

Mi Yai wanted to listen to her soul, but she discovered it." John shouted exaggeratedly, turned around and waved his arms: "Children of the Amaka tribe, listen, my decision is the same as that of Earl Ryan,

If you don’t want to participate in the action, let’s go back to the Oktoberfest dinner and enjoy the carnival.”

The Count of the Amaka tribe left as soon as he said it, opened his arms and turned into bat wings, and flew towards Munich City. He took the lead, and the vampires of the Amaka tribe cheered "carnival" and "drinking and drinking",

Following the count's footsteps, he returned to the bustling city.

Earl Ryan showed up at the Temporary Alliance of Blood Tribes. He nodded slowly to the counts, opened his arms gracefully, and flew lightly into the night sky.

"God, what can we do about this?" The vampires of the Bruch family shouted in a low voice: "Our Lord, Count Ciro, heard the vampire's call and rushed to the mountains to rescue him."

The Bruch family are the best warriors among the vampire clan. They usually like to incite and instigate fights in the vampire clan. They are also famous for being warlike. Most vampires are not bound by the rules and regulations of the Alliance Party and often engage in acts of rebellion against the group.

Hearing the call of death this time, Count Ciro, the leader of the Bruch tribe, did not wait for the nearby vampire gathering, and happily rushed to the mountains to fight with the guy who asked the vampire members to issue the summons.

The vampires of the Chiruhe family were shouting endlessly, and the vampires of the Novel family also shouted: "Our Lord, Count Ares, also rushed to the rescue first."

The Nophele family is an anomaly among the vampires. All vampires are beautiful in appearance. The Nophele family has been cursed and ugly in appearance. They have been ostracized and disliked by their own clan, but they are good at hiding and are an excellent source of information and intelligence.

Collectors, even if other vampires hate them, they often have to turn to them to get intelligence information.

Casio and others were stunned. Those two...arrogant vampires actually acted alone?!

It would have been a happy thing for a vampire to run to rescue a fellow clan first, but at this time, they were not very happy. It would be fine if the two earls killed the oriental girl without the knowledge of the oriental monks.

It would be a bad thing if they didn't kill the person, but provoked the oriental girls and oriental monks to take revenge on the vampires.

Several counts couldn't stay any longer, so they quickly discussed together and decided to let all members of the count and below levels return to the city, and they would form a reconnaissance team to go to the mountains to see what was going on. As for whether it was a battle or a negotiation, it would be decided based on the situation.


This chapter has been completed!
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