Chapter 707: Stealing Attention 2

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 The next goal of the young people of the Huajia Propaganda is: Lyon, the third largest city in country F. Of course, Lyon is not the final goal, but to go from Lyon to the province of Va where the Earl of Ryan's manor is located.

Country F has two provinces with the word "Watt" in them, one is Haute-Watt, and the other is Haute-Watt. Haute-Watt is next to the other, and the highest peak of the Alps, the mother mountain of Europe, is within the borders of Haute-Watt.

The estate of the Revenot family is near the junction of Haute-Vancouver and Vanuatu. It is a long way from Bordeaux to Vanuatu. There is no direct train route. You need to drive or take a bus. Taking a bus requires frequent changes of vehicles, which is quite troublesome.

Driving with more freedom and flexibility.

Count Ryan spent a few days shopping with the young people from the East, and of course he also took a ride to Lyon with them.

The Xuanjiahua family had a rented car, so they could leave whenever they wanted. Wherever they saw good scenery or delicious food, they could stop whenever they wanted. The originally five-and-a-half-hour drive took them a whole day, and they finally arrived in the evening.

To Lyon.

Lyon is the third largest city in country F, because country F is a developed country with good social security benefits and stable people's lives. The overall appearance is that life is leisurely and relaxed.

When the Oriental young man arrived in Lyon, he went to the hotel he had reserved. Since it was probably after get off work, there was heavy traffic in the city, and there was also a slight traffic jam. Fortunately, European driving is civilized, and there was no traffic jam, so there would be no traffic jams. It was just a traffic jam. The traveling speed is slightly slower.

Having experienced the feeling of a small traffic jam in Europe, four cars swayed to the hotel. The cars parked quickly and entered the hotel. When the Xuanjia youths determined the travel date, they had already planned the route in advance according to the planned itinerary.

Book a hotel, so you don’t have to worry about not being able to find a hotel at the last minute.

After checking in, our luggage was sent to the guest room first, and then we went shopping and went to find a special restaurant to eat. The night street is very beautiful, mainly because of the lights. From a distance, you can see the lights shining through the buildings, which gives a different kind of warmth.

The beauty.

A group of people don't shop, they just walk around, appreciate the local customs and scenery, taste the special food, and go back to the hotel. After returning to the hotel, Young Master Xuan and Earl Ryan went to drink, and Classmate Le looked for an excuse.

Things, and Hua Shao went to the van to transfer all the red wine into the space.

After a night's rest, the next day, the troops were divided into three groups. Xuan Shao and Hua Shao took four people to accompany the little girl to the province of Va. Several young people from Hua Shao's family stayed at the hotel in Lyon; several young people from Xuan Shao's family went first.

The origin of the most famous black truffles and lavender in country F: Provence.

If you want to go to the province where you live, Earl Ryan is the best guide. He takes the team to the train station to buy tickets and take the train. It only takes a few dozen minutes to reach the Waiya train station and then take the bus.

It has the shape of a fish skull with a piece of bone, or like a small shovel head. Count Ryan's estate is located in the area where the shovel head faces north towards the sharp corner that borders the Haute-Waitland.


Take the bus to the towns in the region, and then take a taxi to the Reifno manor. On the way to the manor, you pass through some small towns and villages, and there are large areas of wilderness scenery.

It took the taxi more than an hour to arrive outside the manor. The manor is a small independent village located in a valley in the Alps and at the foot of the mountains. In the distance there are rivers, mountains, pastures, fields and fields where crops can be grown.<


When Count Ryan and the guests from the East set out on the road to the province of Va, news kept spreading back to the manor. Bastian and Count John knew exactly where they were.

The five counts Arturo, Cassio, Philip, Edela, and Ares had returned to Count Ryan's manor two days ago, ready to hand over compensation to the oriental girl at any time.

Yesterday afternoon, Michael, the patriarch of the McAvey family, and Philip, the patriarch of the Toledo family, also rushed to the Earl of Ryan manor. They would assist Earl Bastian, Earl John of Ryan, in negotiating with the Eastern girl. Among the other vampires,

There were a few people who didn't like to show up and didn't come.

Among the blood clan, there are several counts who provoked the oriental girl. Some of them are clan leaders themselves. Some clan leaders angered the oriental girl because they were afraid of showing up. When they arrived in the province of F country, they did not go to the Ryan Manor.

The earls staying at Earl Ryan's manor received constant messages from the little vampires of the Ravno clan, and felt very uneasy. The closer Earl Ryan and the Eastern monks got to the manor, the more nervous they became.

Just when he was feeling uneasy, Earl Ryan returned with his guests!

The baron of the Reifno clan went to greet him with eight young men. The four counts Bastian, John, Michael, and Philip took the lead, accompanied by Arturo. They also went out to welcome Count Ryan home and welcome the East.


The vampires walked out of the castle. A group of taxis drove along the hardened road to the small ground in front of the manor's castle. They then made a turn and parked. Earl Ryan got out of the car first. He was wearing an autumn suit, blond and blue-eyed.

Always so elegant and noble.

The second car got off a very handsome and beautiful young man from the East, a sweet and lovely young lady from the East, and a handsome young man; the third car got off three young men, one of whom was sunny and noble; the fourth car and the fifth car got off

A few young people with oriental faces came down.

A group of young people with oriental faces were carrying large backpacks. Everyone was carrying a men's cross-shoulder backpack. The oriental girl was carrying a small cross-shoulder backpack in front of her.

Looking at the men's backpack with cross-shoulder straps of the young Eastern monks, the first thought of the Earls of the Vampires was: potions! There must be magic potions in their bags.

Thinking of the terrifying magic potion, the earls' hearts trembled uncontrollably. They tried hard to maintain calm on their faces, and walked friendly towards the owner of the manor and the guests invited back by the owner.

Michael, Philip, John and Bastian walked in front. The five counts, Cassio, Ares, Philip, Arturo and Edela, had offended the oriental girl, so they did not dare to charge forward and followed Bastian.

Steve walked behind the others.

Michael is a relatively short old man, at least shorter than other counts. He is only about 1.72 meters tall. He has a very elegant demeanor, and you can tell at a glance that he is a well-educated noble gentleman.

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Philip and John had smelled the scent of an oriental girl at Count Cassio's manor of the Ganger tribe, so it was not too strange to see the oriental young people again. What was more depressing was that the girl's blood seemed to smell more alluring.

It was the first time for Count Michael to smell the blood of a girl. When he saw that little oriental girl, he felt bad. With such delicious blood, it’s no wonder that even count-level vampires couldn’t resist the temptation and ran away to the oriental monk family.

Catching the girl, if the girl is not a pharmacist, the vampires will definitely fight to get the girl to use as blood food.

Baron Abner of the Revenau tribe led the young men of the family to welcome the count and extended his warmest welcome: "Welcome home, sir!"

Earl Ryan nodded and said hello to the counts of the vampire clan.

Abner took the opportunity to carry the earl's luggage bag to the young family members, tipped the drivers, and sent the taxis away.

After the taxi left and there were no outsiders, Earl Ryan also stood with the young people of the family, carrying forward the gentlemanly demeanor of the blood clan and politely paying tribute to the guests: "The entire Reifno family sincerely welcomes Eastern friends to the manor.

As a guest, I hope everything here will make my friends happy."

"Thank you, the count's manor is very beautiful."

"The gentlemen of the earl family are also very beautiful and elegant."

Young Master Xuan Shaohua smiled calmly and accepted the welcome from the Blood Count family.

"Beautiful Miss Dongfang, young Eastern gentlemen, Country F welcomes you, and Europe welcomes you." Count Ryan expressed his welcome, and Count Bastian greeted the Eastern monks cordially.

"Mr. Count, we meet again." Le Yun was particularly happy to see a group of flying vampires. These are the gangsters, the gangsters who are so rich that one kill can feed a person for three lifetimes.

"Miss Dongfang, I am John. I wish you a pleasant trip to Europe, and you are welcome to travel to Luxembourg." Count John happily communicated with the girl. The Oriental girl's English was as fluent as a linguist, and communication was stress-free. It was a very pleasant thing.


Seeing the old earl of the Vampire Clan, Young Master Xuan Shaohua smiled brightly and nodded very friendly. The old earl was initially shocked by the little Lolita's stunning move. He can still come out as a negotiator. Sure enough, he is from the Vampire Clan.

A good and highly respected elder in China and Germany.

The oriental young man smiled warmly and had something else in his eyes. Bastian Boan felt even more uneasy. With a very gentle smile, he invited the guests to taste the wine at Count Ryan's manor.

Ares and Edela were frightened when they saw the oriental young man's meaningful smile, and carefully blended in among the other earls to avoid being noticed by the oriental girl.

Young Master Xuan Shaohua and Little Loli followed Count Ryan towards the manor and would not take the initiative to speak. They would only respond when the vampire counts chatted with them.

Earl Ryan's manor is a monastery quadrangle building in the ancient European style. It has a spire and a round or square tower-shaped building to make up the whole building. Entering through the stone round arch in the front row, there is a wide atrium with grass inside.

There are flower pools and flower pots on many balconies or on the walls, and many flowers are in full bloom.

Earl Ryan invited the guests to the hall in the first row of the castle. The hall was exquisitely and luxuriously decorated, with the flavor of a European palace. Even the handles of the crystal chandeliers were made of gold.

The hall is covered with exquisite carpets, and the walls are engraved with huge murals. In order to entertain Eastern guests, tables and chairs are arranged in the old Chinese style, with one chair and a table, and the tables are spread out in a row.

Count Ryan invited the guests inside and led the Eastern guests to sit down. When the Eastern young people sat down one by one, he, Count Bastian and others sat down one by one.

The young people of the Reifnuo tribe took care of the guests to their seats, went down first, and soon brought towels to wipe their hands. The second time brought wine glasses and red wine, and opened the red wine for the guests to taste.

The country of Great China treats guests with tea, while country F is the capital of red wine and treats guests with wine.

Earl Ryan has already experienced the super-sensitive taste of oriental girls, so he will never take it for granted. He will prepare in advance to bring treasures to entertain him. The young man from the Reifno tribe brought him seven-year-old wine, which he hung in bottles and cups.

Or the aged wine of Chateau Latour.

The aroma of the wine is long-lasting and the wine is strong and full-bodied.

For the young Eastern monks, it is perfectly fine for each of them to drink half a catty of red wine with only a few degrees of alcohol content. A person can drink a dozen without becoming drunk.

After tasting three fine wines from different eras in succession, the uneasy moods of the earls calmed down a lot. Earl John, Earl Philip, and Earl Hymel accompanied the Eastern monks, while Earl Bastian and Earl Ryan invited the oriental girl to see the five wines first.

A compensation item for a vampire family.

Thinking that there would soon be a lot of ancient knowledge in her pocket, Le Yun was in a happy mood. She accepted the invitation to chat alone, followed the host out of the hall, walked along the road in the atrium to the row of buildings on the right side of the entrance, and then walked from the column

Go forward in the corridor under the corridor and enter a door where it is connected to another horizontal building.

After entering, go through another door, walk through a corridor, and enter another door into a hall. The beautifully decorated and luxurious hall is filled with boxes, divided into five piles.

The five piles of boxes are all wooden boxes, some of which are also packed with a layer of paper boxes. Most of the boxes have the name of a certain winery printed on them. They are also wooden boxes for packaging the top brand wines in Europe. If they are inspected, the appearance will not look good.

I thought my luck was red wine.

All the boxes have been opened, and some items have been taken out from the big boxes. Even the lids of the small boxes have been opened for people to appreciate. There are so many boxes, arranged one after another, occupying a large hall, and even the space of the hall.

It seemed extremely crowded, and there was a wide passage in the middle of the hall for people to pass through.

The five Counts Arturo, Edela, Cassio, Philip, and Ares followed Count Ryan into the hall. They took a detour to one side and went to stand by their own family's treasure pile, waiting for the oriental girl to come and accept the compensation.<


As soon as she entered the hall, Le Yun scanned the whole hall and was shocked by the large amount of spiritual energy. The vampire family really has an amazing collection. There are several rare treasures in the compensation. The spiritual energy is extremely rich. What is shocking is that there are not many, so

All the spiritual energy put together is not as good as the spiritual energy of the beating stick she picked up. The spiritual energy is rich and thick, and the purity is slightly lower.

"Beautiful lady, this is a gift prepared according to your request. Each vampire family has repeatedly authenticated it before sending it. There is no adulteration. The gold purity reaches 99%. Please appreciate it."

After the oriental girl entered the door, her mood was relatively stable, with no wrinkles or an unhappy expression. Count Bastian calmed down his uneasy mood and asked the girl to accept the compensation given to her by the vampire clan.

Thinking that his family's collection would have to say goodbye to him soon, Casio and the other count's hearts were bleeding. However, thinking that losing a collection could save his own life, he felt at peace.

"Okay. Let me first see if Count Arturo of the Vampire Clan has kept his promise." Le Yun kept a slight smile and walked towards the treasure placed on the right side of the door on her short legs, which is the compensation from Count Arturo of the Fenzhuo Clan.<


In order to calm the little devil's bad mood as soon as possible when she was unhappy, Bastian asked Count Ryan to walk on her right side and he walked on her left side to accompany her to inspect the goods.

Earl Ryan played with the girl for several days and got to know her temper. As long as she and her friends' lives were not endangered, the girl was very kind and easy to talk to. If the five vampire earls did not pretend to be inferior, the girl would not make things difficult for the vampires.


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