Chapter 766: Concussion 2 updates

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 In the Namib Desert, rains and showers often occur in the spring and summer. Rain falls at will, which is inherently unstable. Therefore, when it rains at night, it is not surprising for the animals and plants in the desert plain.

Animals go to take shelter from the rain, and plants greedily absorb water.

A shower covered a wide area, from the vicinity of Brand Mountain in the Namib Desert to the desert plains in the northwest and north areas.

There is no water in the dry rivers in many parts of the country. Whenever it rains, it only takes ten minutes of rainfall to form a river. When a shower lasts for more than ten minutes, the rainwater flows, and many dry rivers in deserts, plateaus, and plains turn into dry rivers.

When it reaches the lower reaches, the river becomes turbulent and overflows in some places.

The heavy rain began to fall at around five o'clock, and occasionally became lighter but did not stop. It was heavy and sometimes light, and continued until dawn, and then continued until after half past six. The rain slowly stopped, and the water mist and clouds

Slowly spread out and see the sun again.

The abundant rainfall that lasted for more than an hour also allowed the dry deserts and plains in the north to be irrigated and nourished by rainwater. Rivers and ponds have sufficient water sources, and plants are thriving. Animals do not have to go far to find water sources.

It was windy and rainy. Milo sat in the car and listened to the rain quietly. He waited for the rain to stop before getting out of the car to get some air. After the rain, in the desert, the air smelled of sand, and the sky above was exceptionally blue, astonishingly blue.<


He went to the wild to solve his metabolic problem, washed his hands, washed his face, had something to eat and set off immediately. After the rain, the road surface was clean, and vehicles would not raise dust when passing by, making it perfect for traveling.

Due to the heavy rain in the early morning, many sand dunes in the desert became shorter, and the sand was alluvial onto the road, making it impossible to distinguish the road. Vehicles galloped past, leaving clear marks.

After walking a long way, Milo saw a self-driving tourist consisting of two off-road vehicles. The other person had run out of gas and was waiting for help from a passing vehicle. Seeing that the other person seemed to be frightened, he gave the other person some gasoline.

We learned that last night, self-driving tourists parked their cars at the foot of a dune in the desert to watch the sunrise and spend the night. Unexpectedly, it rained heavily just before dawn, and the dunes flowed, almost sinking their car into the sand. They drove desperately to escape.

Pile of sand.

Because I was in a panic and couldn't tell the direction, I drove towards the desert instead and stopped on a gravel plain. I didn't know the direction until the rain stopped. I drove the car to the coastal highway. I also used up almost the same amount of fuel last night and drove on the road.

It didn't take long before I ran out of gas.

Milo expressed his deep sympathy. During heavy rains, the sand in some dunes will really flow. Whether people or objects stay next to the dunes, they will easily be submerged.

The two self-driving cars were originally going to Whale Bay, but they didn't have enough gasoline to reach Rocky Point. They were closer to Fria Bay when they came from, so they had to go back to refuel. Moreover, they still had to cross a river to get to Rocky Point.

There is a possibility of being submerged by the river, so it is safer to turn around.

Milo teamed up with two off-road vehicles from the self-driving tour group to go northwest and stopped at the Gulf of Fria to wait for his children. He also gained the friendship of the self-driving tour group members and spent a day playing together.

After dealing with the lying body of Zha Zha in the desert plain, Lexiao climbed back to the space to practice for two hours to make up for the missed practice of the previous day. When she finished the meditation with high energy, the first thing she did was to collect all the things she had collected yesterday.

Bottles and cans of human body parts are all packed in a box. It is too disturbing to see them outside. Not to mention that the little fox and little Huihui dislike it, she herself also feels that it is an eyesore.

Recover mentally, take care of the crops, finish the work that the little fox is not capable of, return to nature, and dig up plants again, no longer walking southeast, but walking northwest instead.

The little lolita was happily digging plants, while Wu Gang had a relaxing day at the resort and had a good sleep. He thought there would be good news in the morning, but there was no news in the morning. He was not in a hurry. There was still no news in the middle of the morning. He sat down

I couldn't help but asked the person in charge of contact what was going on. The answer I got was that the person who went out contacted me at 7 o'clock last night and said he was ready to leave. There was no news after that. He had already rented a helicopter to see the situation under the pretext of taking a photo.

When he learned that there was no news about the people sent out, Wu Gang felt strangely frightened. He did not go to the beach to bask in the sun, but traveled alone by car in order to receive the news more conveniently.

Waiting and waiting, there was no news until noon. It was not until mid-afternoon that he finally waited for one of his subordinates to report the progress of the matter. What he received was very unfortunate news. He asked in disbelief: "What did you say, everyone disappeared?"

"Yes," the person in charge of contact said in a low voice: "rented a plane to take pictures and found the vehicle. There was a heavy rain in the northern desert plain last night. Their car was parked next to the sand dunes. One car was almost submerged by the quicksand. The car

Now, we can’t contact anyone, and we have found the child, but we have not been found. We have already reported the case, and the Naifang Police Department rushed to the scene in the afternoon to investigate and deal with it.”

"!" Wu Gang's face turned gloomy in an instant. All six of them were missing, which only meant one problem: the Chinese girl did not come to Africa alone at all. She was protected secretly by secret guards, and it was very likely that she was killed when his men moved.

Found out and took away his people.

It can be seen from this that the secret escort protecting her is no ordinary person. He must be a top-notch mercenary in the world. He acts ruthlessly and will not leave anyone alive.

There was another heavy rain in the northern plains last night. Even the traces left behind will be wiped away by the rain. Maybe the six people have been thrown into the river long ago and let the river wash them into the sea. The police can't find any traces. Even if there are no traces

Throw the body into the river and bury it under any sand dune. Because of the heavy rain, the traces are perfectly covered up. When the body is discovered one day, it will only be a set of bones.

Four people were lost in an instant, as well as two hired personnel. Those two were missing, and they had to pay the other organization a huge sum of money. The more Wu Gang thought about it, the more frustrated he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Damn that Chinese girl, how can she be so stubborn!<


I was so angry that my lungs were about to explode, but I still held my nose and admitted it. What made me even more angry was that the people I sent were missing and I couldn’t send more people for the time being. If they disappeared again, the police investigation found that all the missing people were from Burma.

It was suspected that the Burmese man had some ulterior motive in coming to Namibia, so he was secretly silenced. A strict investigation into the missing man's past would be even more detrimental to his people.

He deliberately went to Nanami to wait, but lost his troops in the first action. Wu Gang felt extremely aggrieved. He secretly greeted the Chinese girl from head to toe, suppressed his anger angrily, and told his men not to follow the girl for the time being.

, to prevent the person who secretly protects her from finding out.

After the order was given, he had no intention of staying at the seaside resort. He immediately checked out of the hotel and drove to the National Zoo Park in the north to wait for a certain girl to go north and wait for his move.

This chapter has been completed!
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