Chapter 851: Secretly Drinking Dabu Decoction

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 Classmate Le Xiao couldn’t wait to spread his wings and fly away from that giant bird in the sky. He ran away without looking back after getting off the plane and rushed to the airport to get his stamp stamped at the port of entry.

Tunisia is located at the northernmost tip of Africa, separated from Europe by only the Mediterranean Sea. It has a 1,300-kilometer-long coastline. It straddles the east-west route of the Mediterranean Sea and has strategic geographical significance. It is one of the few places in the world that has concentrated beaches, deserts,

One of the countries with mountains and forests and ancient civilization, it is known as the Desert Rose.

Tunisia adopts an open development attitude, has sustained and stable economic development, and has a relatively developed tourism industry. It is the second country in Africa to open visa-free access to China. Tunisians are very friendly to Chinese people.

Tunisia respects its own country, and Leyun has a very good impression of Tunisia. When going through customs procedures at the port of entry, exchanging currency, and asking questions about flights, the attitude of every staff member was also very friendly and sincere, which made her very fond of Tunisia.

The favorability of the Chinese people has skyrocketed again.

The Tu Kingdom is in the Eastern District and has winter and summer time. From March to October, the daylight saving time is 6 hours later than that of the Huaxia Kingdom, and the winter time is seven hours later. The local daylight saving time is in May. Due to the complex terrain within the territory, there are several

The climate in the capital and northeastern China belongs to the subtropical Mediterranean climate, and the climate throughout the country is very mild in May.

Because they were given time bombs by scumbags in the Falklands, they were sent small rocket launchers in Namibia, and they were tried to send venomous snakes in Kenya. Although Le Xiaoxiao got rid of the little scumbags, because he killed two groups of people one after another,

I was also disgusted and felt dark inside.

Originally, she was feeling gloomy in her heart because of the slaughter of many scum, and she was struggling with flying. She did not want to fly again in a short period of time, so she decided not to rush to fly to Morocco and give herself a short vacation to relax first, so she did not buy it immediately.

For the next itinerary, take a taxi to the capital city of Tunisia and find a hotel to check in.

Tunisia is an Arab country that was ruled by whites for a long time before independence. The old cities have the strongest French style, while the modern new cities are a fusion of Tunisian and European styles.

The hotel that Le Yun chose has a traditional Tu style. She booked a large, prosperous room with a balcony, put her luggage, took a shower and went to the hotel restaurant for dinner, where she ordered the most famous "Couscous" in Tu country.

Crock-pot mutton and cabbage salad and a grilled kebab.

Before the food is served, the hotel serves a free plate of fresh fruit to welcome guests and a small plate of national treasure dates. The fruit is abundant and it is really very, very simple.

When the dish was delivered, Le Yun was stunned for a long time with her big eyes. Oh my god, the portion... was too substantial. Can she finish it? She expressed strong suspicion that eating it all would burst her belly.
It has both color and taste, and the smell of it will whet your appetite. Open your belly and eat it! You must eat it, and the hard work of the chefs must not be wasted.

However, even if she exerted all her strength and ate as much as she wanted, she couldn't eliminate all the delicious food. She only finished the salad, couscous and lamb, but left the skewers untouched. In order not to waste it, she asked the waiter and packaged it, along with the fruit.

Take it back to the guest room with the dates as a late night snack.

Speaking of late night snacks, Le Yun sat on the hotel balcony and enjoyed the night view. She sent pictures of her late night snacks and night views to handsome guy Milo and Yan, showing off her leisurely life.

Handsome Milo is still on the plane, and his phone is turned off, so he hasn’t seen the child’s message for the time being. However, Young Master Yan returned to the station during the day, and his phone is also turned off, and he also hasn’t seen the little Lolita’s message.

Yan Xing was busy in the office all night. At dawn, he put down his official duties and went out with his teammates. After morning practice, he went to the cafeteria and had a good meal. He took a dozen people and carried tools and drove straight to the Yuqian tree in the military region to start.

Luo Yuqian.

In the south, elm flowers bloom in March and April, but in the north spring comes late, and May is when elm flowers are at their peak. Strings of elm threads hang on the trees, like countless green strings of copper coins.

Young Master Yan led his teammates to pick the elm coins in the station in a sweeping manner. Moreover, he had greeted the head of the military region in advance. The elm coins in the entire region were not allowed to be moved by other groups, and were all left to him to pick for the little Lolita.


When Mr. Yan led his men to loot the elm money tree stationed in the base, classmate Le slept soundly on the comfortable big bed in Tudu Capital. After a night of recuperation, he felt refreshed and in a much better mood the next day. After enjoying the whole

After breakfast at the hotel, take a bus to the most famous archaeological site of Carthage in the capital of Tunisia.

The ruins of Carthage are a city once built by the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians had great wealth and were once prosperous in history. Later, they were destroyed by the Romans, and even the whole nation was annihilated. The Romans destroyed the Carthaginian buildings.

city, and built a luxurious Roman-style city on the base. Later, the Arabs arrived in the current territory of the Turks, defeated the Romans, and destroyed the Roman city buildings.

Because of the passage of time, the buildings and antiquities built by the Carthaginians have long been lost in history, with only a few records left to be handed down to the world. The architectural antiquities left in the Carthage archaeological site today are all remnants of the city built by the Romans.<


The bus stops outside the heritage park, and people buy tickets to enter. There are guards guarding the entrance of the park, and there are also guards inside the park, but they are not checking tickets or anything like that, because the Presidential Palace is right next to the ruins, and those guards are patrols protecting the presidential palace.


The currency of Tunisia is Tunisian dinar, 1 RMB is equal to 0.4208 dinar. The park ticket is 8 dinars, which is less than 20 RMB. The park also stipulates that if you want to take photos in the park, you need to add another dinar.

Why not take photos when you get to the park? Le Yun didn't feel sorry for the little money, so she bought tickets for herself and the driver to enter the park. The driver was a native of Tunisia, knew Arabic, English and French, and was more than adequate as a guide.

Le Xiao’s classmate asked the driver to be a guide in order to learn and master Arabic more deeply. He rented his car for a day and invited him to be a guide to accompany him to the heritage park to explain to him. He could not only learn the language but also have a deeper understanding of the history of Tunisia.

and culture.

Tunisian people are simple, gentle, warm and friendly, and the driver is very happy to serve as a guide for friends from far away eastern countries. Especially the eastern friends can speak their national language, like and respect their national culture, which makes him feel proud.

Because he acts as a guide and explainer, he is also very serious. When he encounters a place that he does not know particularly well, he will go out of his way to attract other professional Tunisian commentators who specialize in explaining things for tourists to explain things he does not understand to the guests he is accompanying.

Familiar sights and history.

There are only pillars and broken walls in the ruins park. Many tall trees grow in some places, and there are also plants in the open spaces. Many of the remaining broken stones are carved with patterns, which are exquisite and exquisite.

Many stone pillars and stones had spiritual energy, Le Yun was itching to see them. Even if some things were touched away, no one would find them, because the Tu Kingdom was too friendly to the people of the Great Celestial Dynasty. No matter how much she liked it, she could not bear to move it.

After all, those antiquities were left behind thousands of years ago and are of historical significance and precious.

The park is very wide. I left the park at noon to find something to eat. Then I bought a ticket to visit the park in the afternoon. I visited every corner before returning to the hotel in the city in the evening.

The next day, classmate Le rushed into the old city of the capital of the conflict country with a backpack. He first went to the toilet in a secluded area, secretly took out a luggage trailer, and happily rushed to the street to search for treasures.

The most distinctive features of the Turks are pottery and carpets. The pottery jars of the Arab countries are distinctive - they basically have two ears. The teapot-like containers are almost thin necks, round bellies and long mouths, and are made with excellent craftsmanship.

Little Le’s classmate loves porcelain pottery the most. He happily buys exquisite pottery. There is a kind of pottery with a small drum covered with cowhide, and a kind of plate with grids, which is very cute. He buys many pieces at once and secretly transfers them while stuffing them into his bag.

Some enter the space, or "miss" a transferred item.

She often buys multiple pieces in one place, and the owner of a pottery shop enthusiastically invites him to drink mint tea. She likes the owner's beautiful teapot, and she insists on teasing the owner to take away the pottery teapot.

There are countless exquisite handicrafts and wonderful scenery in the shopping streets and retail streets in Tuguo's old city. You can see women weaving carpets, and you will never get tired of shopping even for a day.

Classmate Le went shopping in the streets and alleys all day long. It was almost dusk when he evacuated with his luggage bag in hand. When he returned to the hotel excitedly, he caught a familiar smell at the door. At that time, his thinking and olfactory reactions were not at the same time.

A channel, I couldn’t keep up the pace of my thinking for a moment, so I didn’t have a corresponding reaction and stepped into the hotel door.

When she stepped into the hotel and stepped on the beautiful carpet, her eyes subconsciously drifted to the front desk along with her sense of smell. There were people going through the formalities there, and the smell of one of them was exactly what she was familiar with - that person

It's the smell of the blood of a certain Feitoujiangshi family in Southeast Asia. That person is related to that family by blood.

The brain thought was finally online. Le Yunduo took a look at the person with a familiar aura. He was a middle-aged man. Based on the torso image analysis scanned by the special function of the eyes, he was about fifty-one years old and less than fifty-two years old. He was of medium height.

He has a short hairstyle and is well-dressed.

She confirmed that she had not seen that guy before, and that he was a new follower sent by a Feitou family to gather information. According to her reconnaissance, no suspicious person was found the day before yesterday and tomorrow, and only one appeared today. Maybe it was because a certain family wanted to confirm her.

Is it true that I came to North Africa alone, so I sent people to find out the truth?

Scanning someone's eyes, Le Yun didn't stop. She carried the few items she had picked up and went upstairs to the guest room. Then she packed her luggage and went downstairs for dinner. She "accidentally" met someone in the restaurant. She remembered him. That guy had never been there before.

I didn't pay much attention to her, and she treated her as a stranger. I rested overnight and rushed to the airport with my luggage the next day.

When she got on the plane to the Kingdom of Morocco, she was surprised to find that a member of the Feitoujiangshi family was also on the same flight as her. Her seat was in the front and that person's seat was in the back.
Haha, I will never give up until I reach the Yellow River.

Le Yun welcomed the scumbags who came with both hands and feet. Come on, come on. How many people are willing to follow them to the desert of Morocco and protect them until they are completely annihilated!

This chapter has been completed!
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