Chapter 95

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 August in Kyoto is sunny and rainy, and the hottest one is muggy. September is less rainy and sunny. Every sunny day when the autumn sun hangs high, the air is dry, and it is easy to get dry and get angry.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the sun hung in the sky, and its silvery rays made people feel like they were in a sauna. The military trainees who had just finished the training were still sweating on their bodies, and most of them were slumped on the ground shapelessly. They felt comfortable no matter how comfortable they were.

How to place limbs.

When several national defense students came up in high spirits, people in each military training class subconsciously sat upright, waiting to watch the show. When they saw the national defense students running to the 2nd Battalion and 1st Company, everyone's expressions became even more excited. The national defense students had only lost face two days ago.

, must be here for revenge!

There was news that a certain class of the 1st Platoon of the Second Battalion had dismissed the national defense students. Considering that the national defense students were reserve personnel of the national army, some face had to be saved for them, so the instructors still mentioned it and let everyone discuss it privately.

Okay, don’t go around preaching and destroying the unity of classmates.

Therefore, even though everyone in the next few classes didn't spread the word about that little thing, it was still known internally. Everyone knew it tacitly, but in their hearts they still despised the national defense students.

It’s so embarrassing for a girl to lose in a duel!

Now, according to yesterday, only one day has passed, and the national defense students have come to stir up trouble again. All the military trainees have one idea: classmates, beat them hard and beat them to the ground, so that they will have no face to stir up trouble again.

Many freshmen in military training are secretly looking forward to the wonderful scene where a certain classmate will show off his power and beat the shit out of the national defense students.

A class of students from the Department of Medicine finally had a chance to take a breather, which was of course a pleasant way to relax their nerves. However, the pleasant time was disturbed. 44 boys sat up in a roar, stood in rows, and glared angrily.

"Have you finished yet? Challenge this class today and choose that class tomorrow. Is it interesting?"

"You have been training for a month and now you are challenging yourself. Do you feel a sense of accomplishment when you win?"

"Do you think it's an honor for national defense students to challenge ordinary students?"

"A group of boys challenge a girl, why are you so shameless?"

"There is a challenge there. It is clear that the greater number bullies the smaller."

"Classmate Le is only fourteen years old. You guys, a group of sixteen, seventy-eight and seventeen-year-old boys, challenge a little girl under the age of sixteen. If you lose, you are not disappointed, but you come here to start a group fight. It is not embarrassing."

The boys were indignant. Everyone criticized several national defense students one by one, but their words were not as polite as those of other students of the same age.

There were so many boys, and they were all chattering away. Sun Shilin, who came to look for someone, had no chance to interrupt. The few times they tried to speak, their voices were suppressed, and the five boys looked very ugly.

Han Yuntao sat aside calmly, and the national defense students came to challenge him again. It must have been approved by Major Wang, so he ignored it and let the students solve it themselves.

The boy got up, but Leyun sat still. According to her past temper, she would usually ignore someone who was making trouble. Just like the schoolgirl next door in high school, Yang, who often came to her every once in a while to make up all kinds of things out of nothing, she just took it as a joke.

The little dog is barking. If you ignore it, it means you are irritated and you can't bear it any longer. You can just shake your fist at Mr. Yang like you did before the college entrance examination.

Classmate Le originally decided to ignore the five boys who were looking for her by name. However, before she could get angry, the boys attacked in anger, which made her feel mixed.

In the third year of high school, when someone picked on her, no matter whether it was justified or not, except for her deskmate Xiao Tie, other people in the class, regardless of gender, would not help her speak. They would only watch the show, and then wait for the fight or quarrel to end.

, those so-called class cadres came out to be peacemakers.

I was used to living a life of relying on myself, but in a different place, suddenly someone stood up for me and someone stood up for me. At that moment, Le Yun was really moved.

During the three years of high school, no one except her classmates regarded her as a member of the class. When she arrived at Qingdao University, these were not classmates yet, just military training classmates. After only a few days together, the boys already regarded the class as a whole.

He is willing to stand up to protect her from the wind and rain and rush forward for her. How can this friendship not be heart-warming?

Sometimes, you are moved in just a moment.

A trace of warmth flowed through her heart, and Le Yun opened her eyes with a gentle smile, put her elbows on her knees and supported her chin, quietly acting like a pampered little girl.

Sun Shilin and his companions were criticized by the boys and had no room to speak. They looked around angrily in search of their target. When they saw the girl who was not involved in the incident, they immediately left the group of men behind and ran two steps quickly to the girl: "Le

Yun, what kind of hero can you be if you hide behind others? You have the guts to fight."

"A girl's defeated general has the nerve to shout?"

"A shameless person is invincible."

"So shameless!"

"I was beaten like a dog yesterday, and no one dared to say a word. I probably got comfort from my parents last night, so today I forgot how much I weighed."

"Classmate Le, don't be polite next time, just beat people to death."

"It's better to beat the shameless guy until his parents don't recognize him."

Student Sun's arrogant attitude made the boys angry, and they almost spit on each other's faces. Aren't they just national defense students? What's so great about it? If they had been willing to apply for the exam, they might not have had any trouble with them.
In fact, boys can still curse and curse. They don't curse just because of their demeanor and cultivation. They don't want to show off their verbal quickness. Once they get angry, their verbal fighting ability is no less than that of professional scolding women.

The boys were so angry that Han Yuntao couldn't laugh or cry. You can be reasonable and don't curse. It's too immoral for a group of proud men to form a team and fight.

"You..." Sun Shilin's face turned red and he wanted to punch in anger.

"What happened to us?" Le Yun hugged her knees with her hands on her cheeks, and took over the words coolly: "Tell me what happened to us? Did we go to your national defense and health teams to provoke trouble? We should have been fighting for power everywhere like you.

Did you fight? Did we form a team to bully you? Did we go in groups to challenge the girls among your national defense students? We non-defense students were beaten up by you and formed a clique.

Are we sending someone to find you to recover the situation?"

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"That's good!" the boys responded one after another.

"Is it possible that you are bullying the minority now?" Wang Xiuwen found something to say and used his reputation to win over others.

"Pfft, you came to our class to find me, and you didn't allow us to fight back with words? When did the national defense students of Qingda University have the right to control other people's speech?" Le Yun didn't like the national defense students in front of her. She really didn't understand when the national defense students of Qingda University had the right to control others' speech.

The threshold is so low that even people with average qualities are accepted, which is really embarrassing to future soldiers.

"We are not here to stir up trouble, we are here to challenge." When the boys started to attack again, Sun Shilin looked directly at the girl who was sitting on the ground and felt very angry. The little girl still sat still in front of them.

It is disdain for him.

"Not interested." Le Yun stretched lazily, then put her hands on her knees to support her chin: "Boring people do boring things. Handsome guys in the same class, you don't have to worry about boring people, you might as well seize the time to rest, or

Think about which restaurant is more practical to go to for lunch."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." A group of boys felt that it was reasonable. They huffed and sat down again. They drank water when they should drink water and looked for chocolate to eat. They really regarded the five-year defense as nothing.

"You don't accept it?" The chests of the defense students were filled with frustration. They ran over with all their strength, but the little girl just said "not interested" and that was it?

"Who stipulates that I must accept it? You have the right to challenge others, and others have the right to accept or reject. This is everyone's freedom." Others formed a team to bully her, why should she accept it in order to give others face?

"You don't have to accept it now, we will challenge you again." Sun Shilin glanced at the little girl and the boys gloomily, greeted his companions, turned around and left.

Wang Xiuwen gave a sneer before leaving.

The five people came with a fierce momentum and rushed away. The place they passed was like an uninhabited land, and they were as proud as warlike roosters.

That look is very flat.

The military trainees also tolerated it. National defense students occupy the word national defense. As long as personal safety is not involved, they generally do not conflict with the national defense students directly, so as not to cause trouble.

"It feels like something's not quite right."

"They came so fiercely, how could they be so easy to talk to?"

The five national defense students left just like that, which made the boys very puzzled. Judging from the posture, the national defense students came with bad intentions, how could they end up without any problems?

"Never mind them. If they like tossing, let them do it. If we are happy, just ignore them. If we are not interested in ignoring them, we will ignore them. Is it possible that a group of them can pounce on us and make us fight?"

Military training consumes physical energy. Who cares about boring people when they are free?

Le Yun is really too lazy to chat with others. There is no point in chatting with others. When she has time, she might as well rest her mind and analyze the books and knowledge that have been scanned and stored in her brain.

There is not much free time during military training. There is a period of rest at noon every day, and there is also a period of time after the team breaks up in the evening. Those are free time, at the discretion of the person.

Classmate Le is busy scanning textbooks at noon or evening every day. He can scan a thin textbook in one hour. It takes about an hour at noon to scan a thin textbook. In the dormitory at 11 o'clock at night

Turn off the lights, military training ends at nine o'clock, excluding the time for taking a shower and going into the space to harvest, there is about an hour left to read a book, and you can also scan a not too thick textbook for discussion.

You can't read a book in one go, but you can read it in two times. Generally speaking, you can scan at least one book in one day. By analogy with this speed, the results are also impressive.

Le Yun was busy reading the book against the clock. She only scanned and stored it first, and then sorted it out, memorized and understood it when she had time. She had no time to play with others and play challenging child-like games.

The little girls don't care, and the boys don't bother to guess what the defense students are thinking.

A group of students did not start a fight, and Han Yuntao breathed a sigh of relief. The little girl is young and has her own opinion. She is not competitive, which saves him a lot of worry.

Rest for a while, continue training, and disband at the end.

The instructor gathered the students after they were dismissed and lined up to go to the cafeteria. After the meal, a group of people took the school bus back to the building where the school arranged for them to stay for a small meeting that must be held at noon every day. Instructor Han's mobile phone came back.

It rang.

Instructor Han said to the team leader and walked to a quiet corner to listen to the phone. The female voice from the other end of the phone was very impatient: "Xiao Tao, have you considered what I told you yesterday?"

"Mom, soldiers have discipline. I can't violate troop discipline."

——"I'm just asking you to help take care of individuals, but I'm not asking you to do anything that violates disciplines and laws. I'm not asking you to give gifts through the back door, and I'm not asking you to pay bribes. How is it against the law?"

"Mom -" Han Yuntao's eardrums were numb from his mother's soprano shouting.

- "Tell me directly, will you help? Your dad has been a section chief for so many years and finally has the opportunity to be promoted to a manager. Your dad is asked to do such a small thing. If you don't help, how can you live up to your dad? Your dad

If you can't get promoted, you have to live up to your conscience..."

"...Mom, I'll think about it..." After receiving a lot of scolding, Han Yuntao reluctantly squeezed out a sentence, and then hung up the phone after listening to Xiao Zhi's loving words from his mother.

When I walked back to the building after talking on the phone, I saw that the head of the instructor group, Liu, was still waiting for me, so I walked over embarrassedly.

"Xiao Han, is there something urgent at home?" Seeing instructor Han's unhappy expression, Liu Zhenjun asked with concern.

"It's nothing urgent, just trivial things that parents don't care about. It's not important, but it's very annoying." In the past two days, the family had to do ideological work for him on something every day. Han Yuntao had accumulated some depression and was upset, so he tried his best.

Control your emotions and don’t show them.

Instructor Han didn't want to say anything, and Liu Zhenjun didn't ask for details. Every family has its own rules, and the most difficult thing in the world to deal with is housework. Naturally, he can't meddle in other people's housework.

The old students have a lot of time to eat whatever they want at noon, and which cafeteria to eat in. The freshmen's military training consumes a lot of physical energy. They usually rush to whatever is nearby, eat and rush back to the dormitory for a short nap, or go to the nearest

Which library to read in, and which cool place to surf the Internet?

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Just at this noon, an invitation to challenge appeared on the Youth University campus forum. To be precise, it was a challenge post. The main title was "Challenge Post" and the subtitle was "Freshmen in Liberal Arts Challenge the No. 1 Scholar in Science."

The subtitle is so eye-catching that it forces the forum administrator to pluck it out from a pile of posts, refine it and put it at the top of the list so that people who access the Internet can see it at a glance.

Because the post was highly polished and pinned to the top of the page, it quickly attracted attention. People who entered the forum were eager to watch the fun. The post was about a challenge to a science top scorer from this year's liberal arts freshman. To put it bluntly, it was liberal arts.

Freshmen send messages of support to science students.

After reading the content, people who entered the forum immediately searched for the challenger and the challenged, and quickly pulled out the information of both parties. There were three people who issued the challenge. The leader was Sun Shilin, who was also the liberal arts champion of Ynan Province this year, and Wang Xiuwen.

Two classmates, Bian Yuan.

The three students are all liberal arts students and also national defense students. Among them, student Sun got a perfect score in English in the pre-study exam, student Wang also got a good score of 147 points, and student Bian’s overall score reached a high score of 139 points.<


The three students are all outstanding in liberal arts.

The person being challenged is even more remarkable. The person being challenged is Le Yun, the female number one scholar in the country this year in science.

Mentioning classmate Le Yunle, many people in Qingdao University who fell in love with the forum are familiar with it. When the college entrance examination results came out in June and July, Qingdao University collected the names and scores of the top scorers in each province, made a post and posted it in the forum.

Update, then, the national rankings of the top picks in each province are out, and the list of top picks who applied to Qingdao University is also out.

Obviously, the name of Mr. Le is at the top of the list. The last name of Mr. Le caused the forum commentators to discuss for a long time. The dispute is whether the surname is yue or the surname is le. The vast majority of people support the surname yue. Guess

There are very few people named le.

As a result, the truth did not side with the majority, and the minority won. As a result, Mr. Le also gained a certain degree of popularity.

Laosheng Lunmin, who logged in today, saw the name of classmate Le in the post, and his originally vague memory became clear again. Someone pulled out the information from both parties and posted it directly in the free speech area.

Also because of the fun of classmates, many people are more interested in the challenge post and are willing to pay attention to it.

To be honest, everyone is not very interested in the challengers. They are interested in the reaction of Mr. Le who was challenged. You must know that the three challengers who submitted the challenge challenged Mr. Le at the same time. There were three content, the first one: 10,000 meters.

Long-distance running is endurance running;

The second event: push-up competition;

The third item: Wrestling.

Theoretically speaking, the three challenges are all boys' strengths. From a rational point of view, they secretly disapprove of the challenger challenging Le. After all, the three liberal arts students are all boys, and Le is a girl.

, there are differences between men and women. The school sports competition is also divided into men's and women's groups. It is morally unreasonable for three boys to challenge girls.

Originally, some liberal arts or science students saw liberal arts students challenging science students and were ready to cheer for their own subjects. After checking the information, they found that it was a boy challenging a girl. Well, okay, the liberal arts students stopped talking;

When the girls who were science majors saw it, they immediately became unhappy. Boys formed a team to bully girls? They had to fight back, so they responded with a sonorous sentence: Classmate Le/School Girl Le, fight them back, we will support you! <


Over and over again, the number of followers on the battle post is slowly increasing.

Young Master Liu and Young Master Yan ordered takeout, ate in the dormitory, and worked overtime to handle official duties. Liu Xiangyang browsed the Internet, ran on the computer, and excitedly jumped to Mr. Yan, shouting happily: "Xiao Xingxing"

, I’m telling you great good news, do you want to listen?”

"Tell me about it?" Considering that Mr. Liu has been wandering around with a handsome face for tasks these days, and his behavior of sacrificing his appearance to achieve his goal is very great, it is rare for Yan Xing to accompany him in his fooling around in a pleasant manner.

"Kengkeng, let me tell you, someone has issued a challenge to the little beauty. The little beauty has been challenged. This is such a joyous event. Look, the challenge is here."

Liu Xiangyang couldn't help but be happy. He handed the computer to Mr. Yan and shared the happiness with his brothers. The little beauty is an ancient martial arts disciple. Someone dared to post a battle post to an ancient martial arts disciple. The battle situation is worth looking forward to.

A boy challenges a girl. If it were someone else, he could only sympathize with the unlucky girl. Now the person being challenged is a little beauty, and he sympathizes with the three boys.

What inspired those boys to challenge a girl? Who would it be wrong to challenge, but the little witch who knows ancient martial arts?

Just imagine, even a guy like Mr. Yan can't get any favor from a little beauty, and he just stares at the wall and thinks about it for a long time. It's amazing how much favor those three boys can get.

Under the same conditions, the physical strength and endurance of ordinary girls are naturally much inferior to those of boys. He doesn't think so about little beauties at all. The physical strength, endurance, and strength of girls who know ancient martial arts cannot be judged by ordinary theories. You

If you look at the disciples of Guwu from a normal perspective, you will be beaten badly.

Finally having fun!

The sun is shining brightly in Liu Xiangyang's heart. He has classes every day at Qingdao University and can't go out for a walk. It's so boring. Now he finally has something interesting to do, which is enough to liven up his boring life.

"Huh?" Yan Xing thought he heard wrongly. Little Loli was challenged by someone. What the hell was that? He was about to ask someone Liu, when the computer stretched out in front of him, and he saw the forum that Mr. Liu had opened.

Post, it’s really a challenge.

I scanned the lines at a glance and scanned them quickly. The deep eyes flashed with a dim light: "Three national defense students challenged a little girl? Do their instructors know?"

"I guess I would turn a blind eye if I knew about it. Should we come forward to make some comments?" Liu Xiangyang sympathized with the three national defense students and the two national defense student instructors, whom Mr. Yan was suspicious of. Generally speaking,

Everyone is in a worrying situation. Even if the situation is worrying, the secret information of eight generations of ancestors is also worrying.

"Don't worry about it yet. The Qingdao Student Union has no intention of interfering. It's not our turn to interfere in students' affairs." Yan Xing calmly continued to read the replies of other students.

The Qingdao Student Union has autonomy. Its literature department and forum network are only subject to the supervision of the school department, and the management and decision-making power are in the hands of the student union.

The post was posted at the top by the forum department, which means that the student union's literature department is aware of it, and letting it develop shows that it is a healthy development and everything is under control.

Besides, even if some things go beyond certain boundaries, there is still Brother Chao. There is nothing that Brother Chao cannot solve in Qingda University. Now that Brother Chao has not come forward, it is their turn to meddle in others' affairs.

Yan Xing is sure that Brother Chao will take charge, and he also believes in the abilities of the young men of the Chao family. Otherwise, Brother Chao would not be able to secure the position of chairman of the student union. They are here to further their studies and cannot steal others' limelight.

"I'm afraid that the little beauty will be bullied and feel wronged and cry." Mr. Liu thinks that this time is a good time for them to show off. They can express their anger in front of the little beauty and gain a good impression. If necessary, they can

A hero comes to save the beauty.

"If you cry, the little loli may not cry." The little loli is tenacious and unyielding. When she feels wronged, she will probably just swing her fist and beat the person to pieces.

"Look at what you said, it's as if my brother is a woman made of water." Liu Xiangyang was dissatisfied with being looked down upon, and then became very interested: "Actually, I want to know the little beauty's mood now, whether she should respond or not.

What should I do?"

"You can think about it slowly. The challenge time is set on the 10th. On that Sunday, you can also watch it live."

"I don't like the behavior of the three little brats. The only thing I like is the time they chose. I just hope that the little beauty can rise to the challenge and let me, brother, feast my eyes on how a female ancient martial arts disciple defeated three boys.

Majestic and heroic."

Yan Xing's hands itched to slap someone, and Liu Xiangyang hoped that the little Loli would accept the challenge, just because he wanted to use some clues to figure out the little Loli's martial arts skills.

This chapter has been completed!
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