Chapter 892: What a injustice 2 updates

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 It was quiet in the dead of night, even the chickens and dogs were sleeping, and there were only a few insects chirping and frogs chirping from a distance.

Listen, there are only the breathing sounds of people in deep sleep upstairs and downstairs.

Even so, Le Yun was still a little uneasy. She listened to the analysis again and again, confirming that the handsome man and the elders had found out that when the black dragon entered a deep sleep, he tiptoed into the kitchen and turned on the light.

The lights spread out and illuminate the whole room.

Le Yun moved to the fire pond to study a brick. The fire ponds in rural areas are surrounded by thick wooden strips or stones. Generally, the fire ponds made of bricks will not be moved unless they are moved.

The fire pit of Lejia is built squarely with thick wooden strips. There is a brick on each south-facing corner in the north and on the south-facing side in the south. The bricks are irregular-shaped ordinary stone slabs, and the two stone slabs are next to each other to build the fire pit surround.

Wood strips.

Le Yun touched the brick on the north side of the fire pit and looked at it for several minutes, then took out a sharp-nosed hoe and dug into the ground. When she was cooking and washing dishes and boiling water at night, she took the opportunity to splash water on the ground to let the soil absorb water and facilitate digging.


Because the kitchen fire pit is lit all year round, the soil in the entire kitchen is as dry as frozen cement floor. Even if water is poured on it several times, it is still dry and hard and difficult to dig.

I carried the hoe and dug a few times and listened carefully to see if I had woken anyone else up. When I heard the silence around me, I dug the ground with peace of mind.

The tip of the hoe is polished very sharp, but it is still very laborious to dig up the hard ground. The depth of eating mud is limited. The most important thing is that Mr. Le is afraid that if he uses too much force, the mud will be splashed all over the floor, so he can only use his strength.<


She excavated the soil with hoe after hoe, prying the mud blocks around the two sides of the stone, and dug seven or eight centimeters deep into the stone slab before reaching the bottom. Le Yun roughly calculated the time. It took more than 20 minutes, and she was sweating from exhaustion.
Time waits for no one, so I continue to dig with my hoe, complaining while digging, looking for something in my own house, and still acting like a thief. She is probably the only one in the world. Of course, I can’t blame her for having a guilty conscience.

, Grandpa hid things too well.

After digging for another ten minutes, I removed all the soil on the edge of the stone. I moved the stone again, but failed to move it. I had to continue digging the soil on the other side, cleaning off some of the soil, and digging out some mud under one corner of the stone slab.

After prying the stone slabs several times, I finally managed to loosen a piece of stone slab and remove it. There was a layer of dry mud underneath.

Because I didn’t know how thick the soil layer was, and I was afraid that vigorous digging would damage the things buried in the soil layer, I dug lightly into the soil layer and dug to a height of five centimeters. I dug out a cedar tree core board along the edge of the board.

Clean away the soil and pry the wooden boards.

After prying off a wooden board, there was a square wooden board underneath. Le Yun carefully dug a small hole in the corner of the board, used a hoe to pry the board loose, and then moved it away.

The second piece of wood was about one centimeter thick. After it was removed, a rectangular pit was revealed at the bottom. Thick wooden strips lined the sides of the pit, and one end of a red-painted wooden box was exposed in the middle. There was not much space around the red-painted box.

"Finally found it." When she saw the tip of the iceberg where the treasure was hidden, Le Yun muttered briefly, then moved quickly, grabbing the side slot of the box and lifting it up.

According to the data she collected, the box has been painted eight times. The paint is made from tung oil mixed with a variety of raw materials. It is an earth-made paint that is many times purer than the tung oil currently on the market.

The box was painted multiple times with waterproof and insect-proof tung paint, and was stored near a fire pit. The box was not affected by moisture and was in good condition. The paint did not fade, and the edges of the box were sealed with wax.

The box was placed on its side in the hole. Leyun lifted it up by the edge, then hugged it and moved it up. The box was quite heavy. In order to ensure that it did not hit the surroundings, she had to be careful and careful. It took several minutes to lift the box.

Removed from the pit, the red lacquer box is about fifty centimeters long, less than thirty centimeters wide, and about twenty centimeters thick. It has no lock, only a copper buckle, and a thin copper strip is used as a plug across the lock hole to prevent the lid from opening.

The bottom of the pit where the box is placed is also sprinkled with moisture-proof plant ash, and there is still a little bit of plant ash stuck to the bottom end of the box.

Her great-grandfather and grandpa hid treasures so secretly that Le Yun admired them. If it weren't for the fact that her grandfather and grandma repeatedly told them where to hide the things before they died, even she would not have known that there were relics left by her predecessors hidden by the fire pit.


The thing is hidden in the soil, and there is no aura. Even if she has a pair of strange eyes, she will know where the treasure is hidden. If the grandparents do not have a last word to tell them that there is something hidden by the fire pit, no one in the family will know. What if the house is sold?

Base, I don’t know who will benefit from it.

After sighing with emotion, he laid it flat on the ground and used a scalpel to carefully dig out the wax in the seam where the box merged. The wax was also made from honey nests and was filled in the seam. The glue was very strong and hard. The scalpel

It was very sharp, and it took two blunt knives to remove the wax from the seam of the box.

Remove the copper plug and open the lid. The inside and edges of the wooden box are also painted with tung oil. There is also a brass box inside. The two ends of the copper box are filled with waterproof plant ash. There is no moisture in the box, and the ash is still there.


Use a soft cloth to sweep aside the plant ash on the brass leather box, take out the copper box, sweep away the dust, and open the buttons. The copper box is stuffed with cotton wool. The color is a bit gray. Remove the cotton wool and reveal the box wrapped in waterproof oil paper.

Small package.

In order not to damage the items in the paper bag, quickly move a small table and place it next to the fire pit, then cover it with a soft cloth, then carefully take out the items from the box, place them one by one on the surface of the small table, and finally take out a rectangular bag

Four squares of strips.

After arranging several packages of items neatly, Le Yun first opened the heaviest rectangular package, unwrapped the oil paper and a layer of cloth. The cloth layer was wrapped with four golden gold bars, pure gold, with a gold content of up to 99.99%.


One gold bar weighs about one kilogram, and four gold bars total four kilograms.

"Gold bars..."

In an instant, countless guesses flashed through Le Yun's mind. There were obviously gold bars at home, but grandpa would rather pretend that he didn't have them. He didn't exchange them for money even though life was so hard. It was definitely not stingy, it could only be that he had money that he couldn't show off.


If gold bars could come out and be exchanged for money, her father's leg would not be delayed, and her grandfather would not be delayed to death after a fall.

Le Yun's mood dropped. She wrapped the gold bars intact and put them aside. She unwrapped the square oil paper package. The things were wrapped very carefully. There were two layers of oil paper and one layer of cloth. After removing the cloth layer, there was still a layer of silk.

silk, and finally a layer of tissue paper.

Open the tissue paper. Inside is a hand-stitched book with a cowhide cover. The binding thread is silk thread. Open the cowhide filling and there is tissue paper inside.

After turning a page, Leyun turned the book over and turned it from the back to the front. The first page was blank. Then she turned another page and there was a line of words written in traditional Chinese characters. The characters were written in ancient Chinese characters and arranged in a straight line from right to left.

There were two lines, one line was in ancient oracle bone script, which she couldn't recognize completely, and the other line was in seal script, but she could barely recognize them all. There were four big characters in total: Le Family Genealogy. In the space where about three characters were blank, there were two small characters "三."


If I guess correctly, that family tree is the third one.

The characters on the cotton paper are as clear as new, and the seal characters are upright and serious.

Seeing the seal script, Le Yun's eye sockets felt hot, and a sudden surge of sourness surged in her heart. She was too familiar with that font. Her grandfather taught her how to read and write with a brush using that font.

However, she knew that the music book was not written by her grandfather, because she recognized her grandfather's handwriting. Grandpa's handwriting imitated the writing style and shape of the fonts on the music book. Each font can be imitated. If you imitate it well, it will be as if it were written by one person.

For example, imitating Song Dynasty is easy to imitate.

She didn't read it and closed the book. She could study the musical score slowly. The most important thing now was to look at the relics left by her grandfather and great-grandfather.

Then he opened another oil-paper package, which was still two layers of oil paper, cloth, satin and cotton paper. There was still a music book inside, with "Fifth" written on it. He opened two oil-paper packages again and took out "Two" and "One".

"Two musical score books.

The four music books were originally stacked and placed in one place, and then another pile of oil-paper packages was unpacked. There was still a music book inside the stacked packages, written in traditional seal script and simplified regular script.

With just one glance, Le Yun recognized that the simplified characters written in regular script were written by her grandfather. She still put them aside first, and then opened the oil paper package. What she took out were several letters, one with "Le Yun Qi" written on it, and the other with "Le Yun Qi" written on it.

It’s my grandfather’s name, and there are two copies without my name written on it.

She refrained from opening and reading them yet, and continued to open several other oil paper packages, taking out four hand-written thread-bound medical books, two hand-written notebooks, and a thick stack of hand-written prescriptions.

Finally, I took apart a small square object, peeled off the oil paper, and revealed a wooden box. Inside the box were several small items wrapped in silk, including a mutton-fat jade pendant, a beautiful white jade hairpin, and a two-finger-wide and six-inch-long hairpin.

A jade slip is a rectangular sign that looks like a shield but not a shield, and looks like jade but not made of jade.

Every item is extremely simple, especially the sign, which is engraved with complex and exquisite patterns, with word-like patterns engraved on both sides, exuding a chilling spirit.

Seeing the items in the small box, the corners of Le Yun's eyes suddenly jumped a few times. She wiped her hands and gently picked up the sign made of special materials in silk. She held it up to her eyes and looked at it for a long time before recognizing the characters on each side.


That character is composed of dozens of patterns, and its structure is exquisite and unparalleled.

Holding the sign and looking at it for a long time, he put the sign back into the box without packaging, moved the things together with the small table back to the space, and moved the red paint box and copper box back to the space. He immediately started to deal with the subsequent problems. First

Cover the hole where the box is hidden with a wooden board, then mix it with water and mud, cover the surface of the wooden board, then cover it with another layer of wooden boards, then cover it with soil, and put the stone slab in its place.

Place the stone slabs, rub them with water and mud until they are thick, then fill the dug area with a layer of concrete, layer by layer, and press the surrounding areas of the stone slabs hard and solid so that no one can tell that they have been moved.

Looks like.

It took a whole hour to fill the ground. In order to prevent people from noticing that the soil around the stone slabs and other areas were immobile, Leyun took the ashes from the fire pit and sprinkled it on the surface, then swept it clean. When she felt it was done, she cleaned the kitchen and made it spotless.
Seeing that it was already past three o'clock in the morning, I washed my hands, lit a stick of incense and placed it in the main room. I flashed back to the space, took out the night pearl for lighting, took a few deep breaths, and moved the suicide note left by my grandfather in front of me.<


This chapter has been completed!
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