Chapter 1140 1139 [Bourbon Wuzuo and Jiang Xia] (Month

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Although Okiya Subaru's whole body seemed to have "I don't want to hear it anymore" and "I want to leave" written all over his body, he did not dare to leave Usa's cat behind and went straight to the apartment, so he had no choice but to endure the humiliation and stop his escape.

"Well..." Unable to propose leaving in person, Subaru Okiya could only cast his expectant eyes on the two high school students, "What are your plans next?"

——Quickly tell me that you are still very busy and have things to do!

"Originally we planned to play with two Osaka friends, but they never answered the phone, so we planned to go find them first." After Mao Lilan finished speaking, she saw the anticipation in Okiya Subaru's eyes. She was slightly startled and invited

He said, "Why don't we go together? It will be more fun if there are more people."

Jiang Xia had no objection.


Subaru Okiya felt the sharp cat claws on his calf, forced a smile, and accepted the high school student's invitation: "...Haha, okay."

Failed to run away.

On the one hand, Subaru Okiya regretted that he had been distracted just now and could not act as decisively as Toru Amuro; on the other hand, he could only quickly collect his mentality and try to look forward.

Speaking of which, there is one thing he cares about...

"You haven't answered the phone all the time. In other words, your two Osaka friends are missing?"

Subaru Okiya always felt that this situation was very familiar - he had friends who had arranged to come to play with him before, but lost contact halfway. When he saw him again later, his friends were already in the game.

I heard from the police afterwards that the friend wanted Subaru Okiya to prove his alibi, but he met a detective on the way and unfortunately overturned... In short, in Subaru Okiya's view, "lost contact" is infinitely similar to "something happened."


He adjusted his glasses and asked naturally: "Speaking of which, the cases we encountered today are all related to 'resignation'. Isn't it possible that your friend has had something similar happen to him recently - for example, he wants to transfer to another school?"

Tokyo or something.”

Mao Lilan was startled, smiled and waved her hand: "How is it possible? They are all natives of Osaka, and they are only high school students. They will not suddenly transfer schools for no reason at this time. They just come here to play."

"That's it." Okiya Subaru was a little surprised. Since it had nothing to do with the keyword "resignation", why did Usa let himself continue to follow this group of people? Or was it that Usa didn't actually mean this, and the cat made his own decision?

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xia next to him seemed to suddenly think of something, and started chatting with Mao Lilan: "Speaking of resignation, the 'Detective Kusukawa' Hattori is looking for seems to have resigned from the police and changed his career to become a detective - what a coincidence.


Okiya Subaru: "...?" In this case, your friend's friend is probably dead now... maybe your friend was also implicated.

While he was thinking, he quietly observed Jiang Xia, trying to discern something from Jiang Xia's reaction. But he gained nothing at all.

——Jiang Xia seemed to just make a general association based on the key words he just heard. And this is undoubtedly an extremely normal thing for a high school detective...

Before he could see anything, a middle-aged man ran down the slope ahead.

"You must be Jiang Xia."

The middle-aged man ran closer and looked at them curiously. His eyes quickly fell on Jiang Xia...

He reached out his hand to Jiang Xia enthusiastically: "I am Noda from Abedo Detective Agency. I heard that you were looking for me just now?"

As he spoke, Noda thought of the various reports he had seen before, and couldn't help but patted Jiang Xia's shoulder familiarly, as if recruiting talents: "If you still want to be a detective after graduation, you are welcome to come to me at any time! - We

The firm is also ranked among the best in the country.”

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment, compared the crime rates of Mika Town and Aipido Town, and declined politely: "I already have an office."

"Haha, you haven't graduated yet, it's just a part-time job. Even if it's a full-time job, you can still change jobs." Detective Noda didn't think it was a big problem and said enthusiastically, "Young people shouldn't be too rigid in their thinking. Nowadays, society is developing rapidly, and new careers are becoming more and more popular.

More and more..."

Halfway through, the detective's intuition suddenly alerted him.

Turning his head suddenly, he saw the elegant-looking young man staring at him faintly next to him - Subaru's lenses reflected the faint light, and his eyes were complicated, as if he were looking at a dead person.

Detective Noda: "...?"

After all, it was blocked by lenses. He suspected that it was his illusion and blinked hard.

When he took a closer look, he saw that Subaru Okiya had looked away. What just happened seemed like an illusion.

Detective Noda: "..." Maybe I saw it wrong?

After all, he was still a little concerned. Noda was about to find out who Okiya Subaru was. But before he could speak, Jiang Xia, beside him, seemed to be a little moved after hearing what he said: "That makes sense. Let me think about it... Can I change my business card?"

As he said that, he turned around and took out the business card. He moved skillfully, and it seemed that he usually gave it to people.

Noda Hiroshi immediately forgot the strange sense of peeping just now, happily took out his business card and exchanged it with Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia took it and glanced at the beautiful coat of arms of "Acupido Detective Agency" on it, thinking deeply.

"..." I almost forgot that there is such a thing as a "store emblem". Should "Amuro Detective Agency" also design one? The image of the God of Death carrying a scythe is very good - it is all dark and mysterious, and it fits perfectly.

It has only two members of the organization. And the imagery is also very auspicious...

After briefly thinking about designing the store logo, Jiang Xia carefully put away the business card - he was indeed somewhat interested in Abedo's detective den.

And let alone graduation, there is still a long way to go before entering the senior year. Why not just agree to it first, and come to Beihu to do some part-time tasks when you are free, and get to know more customers with stories by the way.

Next to him, Okiya Subaru looked at the interaction between Jiang Xia and Detective Noda, and for the first time he showed a truly shocked expression.

Okiya Subaru: "..." It's Jiang Xia who wants to resign?! ​​Is it his turn this time? Speaking of which, Jiang Xia stepped on Usa's minefield so accurately... Could it be that I was overthinking it? Wasn't Jiang Xia just now?

He was working with Usa to frame Tohru Amuro, but it was just because of other reasons that he didn't solve the case immediately?

The situation is too complicated. The possible identities of Usa, Toru Amuro, and Eka, as well as the possible connections between them, are intertwined like a tangle, and it makes Subaru Okiya’s head bigger than when he wrote the thesis at the beginning.

It's even harder - after all, if you don't write the paper well, you won't die, but if you don't understand the relationship well, you might be killed quietly one day.

Okiya Subaru: "..." Let's discuss it with the FBI's boss after we get back - Mr. Akai seems to have been in the organization for a long time and is well-informed. Maybe he knows what is going on.

Subaru Okiya walked with tired steps, numbly following behind the energetic high school students and detectives, like a humanoid self-propelled brain supplement machine that was about to run out of power.


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