Chapter 1723 1723 [Dark Deal]

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 When Conan heard this topic, his mind immediately focused on the business. He suddenly made a guess: "Car accident?" - For example, President Takei drove drunk and hit Secretary Hanai's brother 4 years ago, and then fled in a hurry, pretending to be an accident.

It was an accident and no evidence was left behind... He seemed to have seen many similar cases.

Secretary Huajing shook his head: "My brother was killed."

Kinoshita Yoko's train of thought just now went astray just like Conan.

When she heard the truth at this time, she was startled: "..." There was no conspiracy, he was just killed? Is it so straightforward? After all, who could bear to do something to such a young child?

Secretary Hanai mentioned her sadness and did what she had been wanting to do since just now: "Let me hug you for a while." She knelt down and hugged Conan.

Jiang Xia quietly poked her head out from the door and saw Secretary Huajing's posture pulling her clothes, exposing a section of her forearm. There was a light white mark on her left wrist.

Conan was still a little sentimental at first, but Secretary Hanai hugged him like this, and his wrist was right in front of his eyes. He also saw this mark, and his expression changed.

Jiang Xia collected the clues and secretly retracted her body under Kinoshita Yoko's worried gaze.

Secretary Huajing didn't stay any longer. She looked at Conan and said, "I'll prepare lunch for you."

With that said, she let go of Conan, got up and left.

Secretary Hanai originally planned to find something to eat for Conan first, and then go to exchange the ransom for the hostages with the president at night.

But as soon as she arrived in the corridor, she suddenly found Katsuhiko Takei answering a phone call. Then the president frowned, picked up the ransom box in the study, and strode out of the door.

Secretary Huajing was startled and followed quickly: "What's wrong?"

Katsuhiko Takei said irritably: "There's something wrong with one of the branches. I'll go handle it. After I handle it, I'll go find the kidnapper. There's no need to go back here."

"It's now like this, do you still have the heart to go to work?!" Secretary Huajing was shaking with anger, but found that she couldn't stop him, so she could only grit her teeth and follow, "...I'll go with you. It seems that the kidnappers are not here this time.

He said he couldn’t bring a secretary.”

Katsuhiko Takei was a little timid when facing the kidnappers alone, and wished he had someone with him. He nodded, and the two of them left together.

When they arrived at the garage, Secretary Hanai went to drive, and Katsuhiko Takei put the ransom money into the back seat. As soon as he closed the car door, he suddenly received a message.

[The transaction time has changed. Come to Xiaoshan Automobile Factory to pay the ransom immediately. If you dare to call the police or find a detective, we will immediately break up the case. We only give you half an hour. If you are late, you can collect the body of your daughter.]

Katsuhiko Takei was furious: "...Why did you come to me at this time! This kidnapper has no sense of time at all. He can change the schedule at any time!"

Secretary Huajing looked at him in the rearview mirror: "Go to the branch or go to the kidnapper?"

Katsuhiko Takei thought for a while: "Let's save Naoko first."

"Xiaoshan Automobile Factory..."

At the same time, this location also appeared on another person's mobile phone screen.

Ireland originally thought that Uzo would be punished to some extent for causing such a big thing. However, in fact, he had not heard any similar news at all. Uzo's deeds were still circulating in the organization, but it was him, the victim, who was punished by the superiors.

He was warned, saying that his previous group message was suspected of leaking cadre information.

When Ireland received the condemning email, he almost wanted to crawl along the email and crack the heads of his superiors to see if it was filled with Uzo, but it was obvious that he was not strong enough to compete with the entire organization, so he had to press

Accept this ridiculous idea.

But this is a reminder to Ireland - it shows that the organization obviously values ​​Uzo more than himself. If he wants to deal with that bastard again, he must be careful in his words and deeds and try not to leave any excuses.

Therefore, Ireland was more inclined to have a detailed face-to-face talk with Bourbon than to provide evidence via email. He had checked before and heard that Bourbon's experience with Uzzo was not much better than his own.

Most of these mystical lone wolves are face-saving and vengeful. When it comes to dealing with Uzo, Bourbon will be a good ally. At least even if he disagrees, he will not leak the conversation and let Uzo pick it up in vain.


But Bourbon's vigilance was higher than he thought, and he didn't look like a fraternity at all. Ireland, who took the initiative to find Bourbon yesterday, failed to gain the slightest trust, and they didn't feel confident wherever they talked about Bourbon.

So in the end, Ireland had to cede a little initiative and allowed Bourbon to provide several locations for him to choose, and then go to the appointment immediately after choosing.

The Bourbon list was sent quickly.

Ireland considered the comprehensive situation of these locations and chose a place that had been abandoned for several years, the Xiaoshan Automobile Factory, and sent the news back to Bourbon.

"Oyama Automobile Factory." Toru Amuro was not surprised by Ireland's choice. He sneered, "This kind of desolate place with its own horror legends that makes citizens afraid to approach it is indeed the favorite of the shady rats in the organization.

gathering place.”

Undercover agents are like rats in the eyes of organization cadres, and organization cadres are also treated like rats in the eyes of the police.

Toru Amuro felt disgusted with all the cadres equally. He became a lone wolf firstly to protect his undercover status, and secondly because he got annoyed when he saw the group of guys and wanted to shoot a bloody hole in each of them with a gun.

However, now that Ireland has taken the initiative to send it, Toru Amuro will certainly not reject this kind of walking information.

Toru Amuro is also quite satisfied with the location chosen in Ireland. He has traded here several times before and is very familiar with the surrounding environment. There are rivers and forked roads here, and the terrain is complex. He can hide and retreat. No matter what situation arises, it is very easy to deal with it.

The two organization cadres successfully arranged to meet. In order to prevent the other party from setting up an ambush, they decided to set off immediately. The conversation between the two parties was not chosen at night, because sometimes there are more people in the abandoned factory at night. During the day, those who should go to work go to work, and those who should go to school go to school.

, few people have nothing to do and go to abandoned factories to find excitement.

Toru Amuro looked at his watch, got into the car, and drove to the appointed place.

On the other side, President Takeru's house.

As Secretary Hanai closed the door and left, Jiang Xia and Kinoshita Yoko walked out from behind the door.

The three lawless gangsters who reunited looked at each other. Kinoshita Yoko was about to ask what to do next. At this time, she suddenly heard Jiang Xia say: "Call the police."

Kinoshita Yoko was startled and asked in a low voice: "Won't you alert the kidnappers?"

Jiang Xia: "The kidnapper is probably the secretary."

"That's it." Kinoshita Yoko nodded halfway before reacting, "...who is it?!"

...Miss Hanai is the one who is most worried about Naoko Takei. How could she be a kidnapper?


This chapter has been completed!
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