Chapter 2182 2185 [The only reliable brother]

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Judy: "..." Having said that, if the police were more powerful and could catch traces of "that person" from this series of unusual cases earlier, and then arrest the person, their FBI wouldn't have to work so hard.

...It's all the Tokyo police's fault!

The two people, who were busy with work, disliked each other for a while.

The police chief opened the trap without authorization, and the enthusiastic detective had no choice but to help solve the case. Jiang Xia asked the hotel manager next to him: "Do you have a floor plan of this place?"

The hotel manager responded repeatedly, trotted back to the office, and quickly found a picture. He looked at the picture and said:

"The route here is actually not complicated. There is only one exit. At that time, we were all looking for the eldest lady separately. People were coming and going, so no one should be able to transport the body out and back."

The two hotel security guards were not sure at this moment: "Perhaps it was because of the reflection on the water surface that we misjudged the body and the body sank to the bottom of the pool all the time?"

The hotel manager thought of something: "By the way, there is a counter at the exit of the corridor near the swimming pool. The front desk will register the identity of the people entering and leaving. If someone really transports a body, the front desk should be able to see it."

The eyes of Mu Mu Police Department lit up: "In this case, is it something..."

Jiang Xia: "There is a large piece of broken glass in the swimming pool, which is a bit suspicious."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

Mumu Police Department: "..." Forget it, let's not struggle anymore, let's just concentrate on praying that Brother Jiang Xia will solve the case soon.

He sighed and had to adjust back to his dedicated work state.

Then the Megu Police Department remembered something and looked at the hotel manager's feet: "When I first came here, I saw someone bandaging you. Did your feet get scratched in the swimming pool?"

The hotel manager nodded and gestured at the edge of the pool: "I also went into the water to rescue people, jumped from that position, and then landed almost from this position.

"When I was approaching the shore, I felt a sudden pain in the soles of my feet. When I immersed myself in the water, I realized that some evil spirit had thrown a bunch of glass fragments into the pool."

The ghosts sitting on Jiang Xia's shoulders and listening: "..." They are talking nonsense, they are obviously evil people!

In any case, these fragments are indeed unusual. Especially since they appeared at the crime scene, they must be investigated clearly.

The Mumu Police Department said to the hotel manager: "Drain the water in the swimming pool quickly, and we will go down to collect evidence."

Sister Oji thought of something and quickly stopped her: "The necklace may still be in the swimming pool. If the water is released, what will happen if it is washed into the sewer by the current?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "Add a fine filter to the sewer entrance. Although it will slow down the speed, it can stop things that should not fall down."

Sister Oji was stunned: "That's right!"

Hotel manager: "!"


There is such a good idea, why didn't you tell me earlier! They spent a long time searching in the water like kappas in vain, and they still have to be angry with the eldest lady!

...But I can barely understand it. After all, the state of vacation when you come to swim is obviously different from the state of work after discovering the case. Detectives are not using their brains all the time, there must always be time to rest.

Covering the filter, slowly draining the water, a large pile of glass fragments on the shore were exposed.

The others remembered something and began to walk along the edge of the swimming pool looking for the necklace. However, they searched the bottom of the pool and could not find the precious item that cost Miss Oiso her life.

Mao Lilan murmured to Jiang Xia in confusion: "Was it really stolen, or was it taken away by the murderer later?"

Jiang Xia: "There aren't many clues. It's hard to tell what happened, but I think it was taken away by the murderer."

Suzuki Sonoko also guessed: "Maybe the eldest lady forgot to wear them from the beginning - I sometimes thought I had lost the jewelry, but in the next few days I would take them out of the jewelry box again.

Then I remembered that I didn't wear them at all."

The corner of Conan's eye twitched as he listened: "..." What a treasure that Miss Oji has made of that necklace. How could she not know whether she is wearing it or not? Do you think that everyone is like you and losing a piece of jewelry is like losing a yen?


In any case, there is nothing we can do if we don't find it. Now in the eyes of the police who are searching Section 1, compared to the lost necklace, the most important thing is obviously the murder case in front of them.

After taking photos for identification, several police officers quickly put on gloves and shoe covers, went down to the bottom of the pool, and came to the glass fragments.

"There are actually so many." Police Department Mu Mu looked at the debris spread out on the ground and was at a loss what to do for a moment. He turned to look at the three people on the shore, "Didn't you see these fragments when you were helping the deceased find the necklace?"

"No." The three of them shook their heads at the same time. "If it were true, we would have been pricked in the feet long ago. These should have appeared later."

The Mu Mu Police Department thought it was right, so they could only sigh and lowered their heads to study the fragments again: "It's all broken into pieces, so let's put it together first and look at the prototype. But with so many fragments, how long will it take to put them together?"

Jiang Xia walked to the edge of the pool and looked down at them: "It looks like a big fish tank - the most common rectangular shape with one side empty."

Sato Miwako was startled, and gradually followed his train of thought. She carefully picked up a glass corner and counted them one by one: "There are eight right-angled triangular pyramids in total, four have no bevels, four are missing bevels and bases, and some more

The right angles that were not turns out that it is indeed a glass box!"

The Mumu Police Department scratched their heads and tried to piece together the shape in their minds. At this moment, a police officer from the forensics department trotted over: "We found a pile of fishing lines on the filter screen of the drainage outlet. When unfolded, it was about 50 meters long.

This should also be what was in the pool originally!"

Officer Takagi came over and took a look, imitating the detective's method of piecing together countless fragments in his mind, and then suddenly an idea flashed: "I know! The murderer must have used glass shards and fishing lines to make a trap to lure the deceased into a trap.


"Oh?" The Mumu Police Department didn't expect that their subordinates had such abilities. Sure enough, they had been following Jiang Xia for a long time, and Takagi could reason. He asked expectantly, "How should I say?"

Police Officer Takagi: "The murderer used fishing line and glass fragments to forge a string of fake necklaces with sparkling pearls under the water. The other extra fishing lines were used to tie this 'necklace'. When committing the crime, the murderer was on the other end of the fishing line.

Pull the fake necklace and use it to lure the deceased to swim to a specific place, just like a carrot tied in front of a donkey!"

Others on the shore listened attentively: "..."

Miss Oiso is 31 years old, not 1 year old, nor 3 years old.

...And what do you think of that precious necklace that can win the prize in the jewelry competition? It is simply an insult to the innocent necklace!

This chapter has been completed!
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