Chapter 427 Steps to take off the Uzo vest

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 The wheels of the Big Dipper train could not be inflated, but the trip was delayed due to another reason. This was similar to the situation of the previous vehicles with flat tires... Amuro Toru's thinking unconsciously drifted in certain directions.

A little, but soon got back on track and continued to check back.

In the second Spider Mansion incident, Jiang Xia and the rude Osaka high school student detective were present. With these two high school student detectives together, it’s no wonder something happened...boom.

Tohru Amuro tapped his forehead with his finger to stop this kind of judgment that relied purely on experience and intuition.

...Compared to the high school detective, what is more noteworthy in this incident is obviously the missing puppets and client list - according to the reasoning given by Hattori Heiji, the murdered Takeda family head may have been engaged in drug trafficking.

...So, the murderer in the first case also said that the store manager he killed was secretly selling drugs.

Moreover, Jiang Xia did not solve the case in the Spider Mansion incident, but just left the Takeda family...

Combining these factors, Toru Amuro had a vague feeling that the case in the Spider Mansion might be related to the organization. But he didn't know what role Jiang Xia played in it. Was he involved in the task; was he aware of clues or was warned, so like

Did they proactively avoid conflicts like they did on Moon Shadow Island?

Looking further down, the third case - the Star Murder Case that happened almost at the same time as the Spider Mansion case - made Toru Amuro look slightly calmer.

This time, the deceased and the murderer had nothing to do with drugs, and were no longer related like the previous two incidents.

Moreover, the trigger for this murder was a murder that occurred a year ago. Regardless of the time or the nature of the case, it had little to do with the organization and was probably just an ordinary murder.

In addition, there is another thing that people are concerned about - in addition to Jiang Xia, the witnesses in this case actually include Jiang Xia's neighbors and several children... Why does Jiang Xia always meet acquaintances when she goes out?

In this way, it seems that when I go on business trips, I often run into Jiang Xia, and usually before and after that, I run into Jiang Xia's classmates or neighbors. There are so many coincidences around Jiang Xia, and his luck is indeed a bit strange...

Toru Amuro thought as he continued to look down.

The fourth case was an electrocution homicide that occurred on the Haiyuan.

Toru Amuro looked at it very carefully.

Based on Jiang Xia's previous description, this ship "Haiyuan" seems to be very important to Uzuo. Even gin and vodka were arranged to take the ship. There may be some important secret hidden on it.

But after reading it carefully several times, I found that this case had nothing to do with drug trafficking, and the ship seemed to be just an ordinary ship.

The only suspicious thing is that the deceased in the case, President Yamazaki, was not very clean, but this level of wealth and crime are not enough for the organization to regard him as the target of the mission.

Toru Amuro looked through the ready-made information obtained from the police and became more and more confused about Uzo and Gin's arrangements. He couldn't figure out what there was about this ship that could be used for plotting. Could it be that this was actually another, larger

Part of the plan?

When the limelight is over, I have to ask my subordinates to investigate carefully. Now I can only keep an eye on it from a distance to avoid exposing myself...

Toru Amuro thoughtfully went through several files, and then his eyes fell on the last piece of information.

——The explosion at Yueying Island Community Activity Center.

Jiang Xia was also involved in this incident. But it was very marginal.

Before and after the explosion, Jiang Xia had an alibi for a long time - Jiang Xia had been surrounded by the police and reporters from the time the ship docked. Later, when the explosion occurred, Jiang Xia was even at the door of the police station. There were indeed

It was the same as what he just said: he went to the island with the police and then left quietly.

After going through it all, Toru Amuro had a general idea in his mind.

——He still prefers Jiang Xia to Wu Zuo.

When you are in a dream, it is difficult to think rationally. You just connect a few key points simply and crudely, so you dream that Wuzuo is Jiang Xia.

After waking up now and thinking about it a little, you will know that the conclusion "Jiangxia = Wuzuo" lacks sufficient support.

Uzo's confidentiality level and Ginjiu's attitude have already demonstrated his status in the organization. However, this does not correspond to Jiang Xia's identity at all.

——Toru Amuro has a rough idea of ​​the cadres in Tokyo who can get along with Gin on missions.

Therefore, in his opinion, Uzo, the "new face" that he had never heard of, was unlikely to be a member who had often been active in Tokyo in the past. It was more likely to be a permanent cadre from Tottori, or parachute from other places.

Came to Tokyo.

Jiang Xia has lived in Tokyo since childhood.

In addition, there is another possibility - Usa is not a foreigner, but was discovered in Tokyo and was promoted quickly because of his outstanding abilities.

...But no matter how "fast" it is, there should still be one or two years for settling and investigation, and in that way, Uzo should have already emerged as a peripheral member.

On the other hand, a few months ago, Jiang Xia was still a cannon fodder member who was implicated by the Miyano sisters and was almost casually disposed of by Gin. If Jiang Xia was really Usa, at that point in time, he should have already had a code name.

, Gin could not have wanted to kill an official member so hastily at that time.

...unless Jiang Xia is a genius who is very suitable for the organization, has shown his abilities to the organization, has been recognized, and continues to work for the organization.

But in fact, according to Tohru Amuro's observation, Jiang Xia is at home, in the office, at crime scenes, and on the road late at night every day. Occasionally on business trips, they are mostly invited by classmates, neighbors, or they have drawn some lottery tickets... In short,

He had no time to do the organization's tasks at all, and there was no sign of completing the tasks.

Also, regarding Vodka's reaction and the doubt about "the organization's method of restricting Usa"... Toru Amuro felt that it was still as he thought before - according to the organization's usual caution, if he wanted to restrict members of Usa's level,

Organizations will inevitably adopt a more long-term, stable and effective approach.

Rather than using a necklace that may fail at any time due to distance, signal interruption, etc.


Toru Amuro flipped through the emails again and his eyes stopped on two of the cases.

——The Star Murder Case,

And one day later, there was an electrocution homicide on the tour boat.

In the previous case, when the reporter interviewed Jiang Xia, she was still wearing normal clothes, with her neck exposed and nothing on top.

But in the interview after the electrocution incident on the ship, Jiang Xia had a cute furry scarf around his neck. Although the scarf was carefully arranged by him and the shape of the scarf was barely harmonious, the overall pattern and style of the scarf really did not match the clothes.

The tune must have been borrowed temporarily from someone to cover up the "necklace".

In this way, it is even more impossible to equate the "necklace" and "the organization's method of restricting Uzo" - even if the "necklace" is a very stable black technology, its restrictions should start from the very beginning of the mission.

Progress rather than hastily applying such patches midway.

As for the excessive overlap between Jiang Xia and Gin's itineraries... Certain factors on Yueying Island attract organizations and detectives. As long as the destination is the same and the time when the conflict breaks out is the same, then Jiang Xia and Gin will also start from Tokyo.

It is normal for the trajectories to overlap after departure.

In addition, Toru Amuro really couldn't imagine that if Jiang Xia was Uzuo, then why Uzuo, a cadre, would work in his office incognito.

Moreover, as a "loyal" member of the organization, there is no need for Uzo to go to great lengths to conceal his identity from "Bourbon"... unless the organization has already become suspicious of Bourbon and sent Uzo here to obtain some tangible evidence.


Thinking of this, Amuro Toru thought for a moment.

Although this possibility is very slim, if it does happen... the losses will undoubtedly be very heavy.

...Although he felt that Wu Zuo was not Jiang Xia, to be on the safe side, it was necessary to verify it again.

This chapter has been completed!
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