Chapter 437 Fog Tengu or Kidd? Ask for a Monthly Pass ()

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 Thinking of this, Koizumi Hongzi forced herself to smile and walked towards Jiang Xia holding the chocolate.

At the same time, on the building next to it.

A hand wearing a white glove reached out silently and pulled the trigger hard.

There was a soft click, and a highly malleable rope was ejected from the muzzle of the gun, crossing the empty street. The end of the rope was firmly nailed into the concrete on the other side. In the middle, it passed the magic where Koizumi Anko and Kiritengu were.


Before that, several smoke bombs had already fallen into the formation and exploded on the ground.

A large cloud of smoke rose up. Kidd used the cover of the smoke to swoop down the rope and reached out to grab the foggy dog ​​in the magic circle, intending to take the person away.

But before reaching the target, the rope suddenly broke without warning.

Kidd lost his support in an instant and fell into the formation. He rolled twice due to inertia, and then was caught by the foggy dog ​​and thrown aside.

The burning magic stress surged out from the formation and wrapped around Kidd, who had just joined the formation, like mucus. But as soon as it spread over his clothes, it was sucked away by the shikigami stuck nearby, leaving only a trace of its existence.

...The final effect was that in an instant, Kidd felt the warmth of spring in the middle of winter.

Unfortunately, the seemingly urgent situation at this time prevented him from experiencing this magical change.

——Although the magic power in the formation had not yet had time to invade Kidd's body, it spread all over his body, locking his movements like glue.

Kidd's movements were hindered. Halfway through his rise, he was forced back to his knees, making it difficult to move for a while.

Feeling this strange situation, he felt like he had turned into an insect stuck in a spider web. Being unable to move freely meant that the rescue was a complete failure:

Kidd thought to himself that as a high school student who believed in science, he couldn't fight head-on with a wizard who was so stupid, so just now, he planned to make a quick decision, grab the Kiriten Dog trapped in the formation and run away - Kiriten Dog

They fly very quickly, and as long as they leave that weird magic circle, they should be able to escape smoothly.

However, the abacus was calculated well. Unexpectedly, the sliding rope broke at the critical moment...

Kidd clicked his tongue inwardly.

Just now, when he was in Terai's car, he checked this new equipment. The rope inside should not be so fragile.

So someone should have taken the initiative to cut it off - this "someone", judging from the motive, could only be Koizumi Anko.

... He just made a sudden attack, and with the smoke bombs covering it up, Koizumi Anko was able to react immediately and cut the rope... While Kidd was subconsciously reviewing the reasons for the failure, he looked warily at the unexpected person opposite.

A witch with quick reactions.

Then he was slightly startled.

——On the opposite side, Koizumi Anko looked down at the broken rope, and then at the extra Kid. The confusion in her beautiful red eyes was even worse than that of everyone present.

This also confused Kidd:

...It wasn't Anko Koizumi who broke the rope?


Based on the elimination method, Kidd subconsciously turned his head and looked at the foggy dog ​​next to him who was wrapped in magic and seemed unable to move.

As soon as their eyes touched, Wutengu's eyes turned slightly to the side, and then quickly turned back to look at him. Although he had no expression, he looked inexplicably innocent.


...It doesn’t look like it’s a foggy dog?

Kidd was even more confused. Is it really a problem with the equipment?

Thinking about it this way, it is true that the ropes coiled together are difficult to inspect carefully... Of course, there may be something weird about this magic circle that automatically cuts off the ropes.

Anyway, since the plan failed, now we can only try other methods of getting out of trouble...

Kidd secretly reached into his side pocket, where a tranquilizer gun was hidden - even if he was bound by magic and unable to move, Koizumi Hongzi was so close, it was not difficult to hit him.

Right now, for some unknown reason, Koizumi Hongzi's eyes kept going back and forth between him and Kiritengu. She looked so shocked that she probably had no time to worry about a sneak attack.

Take this opportunity...

Kidd took a deep breath, used all his strength, and quickly took out the anesthetic gun.

He turned the gun and was about to pull the trigger on Koizumi Hongzi.

But at this moment, the originally quiet Kiriten Dog next to him suddenly started struggling in the magic circle. While waving its huge wings, it "accidentally" slapped Kidd on the back.

Kidd was caught off guard, his hand slipped, and the gun clattered to the ground.

He was startled for a moment, looking at the gun on the ground in shock, and then looking back at Wutian Dog's refolded wings. He slowly felt something was wrong, and his eyes gradually became suspicious.

After you have doubts, look again.

Kidd suddenly discovered that Kiriten Dog's current state gave him a very strong sense of déjà vu - this was very similar to the way Kiriten Dog used to focus on eating gems.

...Wait a minute, think about it carefully, the recipe of Wutian Dog is indeed different from ordinary people.

Moreover, at this time, the way the magic circle beneath them slowly faded reminded Kidd of the way those gems in the past gradually faded in the hands of the foggy dog.

Thinking of this, Kidd suddenly realized something.

His forehead twitched, and he turned his head to look at Wutian Dog: "Could you..." The remaining words changed from the sound to the mouth shape: Are you cheating on food and drink??

Wutian Dog glanced at him and made no response coldly. He only flapped the wings behind his back slightly, much like some people unconsciously move their hands and feet when they feel guilty.

Kidd: "..."

He touched the ejection prop on his waist, and vaguely felt that he had mistakenly blamed it just now - it seems that the quality of the equipment obtained by Grandpa Terai is still guaranteed. The reason why the rope broke just now seemed to have some other reasons...

Koizumi Anko did not discover the secret one-way communication between Kidd and Kiritengu.

Her mind was very confused at this time. Sometimes it was the equation "Kid = Kuroba Kaito = Tengu", and sometimes it was Kiritengu and Kaitou Kid in front of her... In this world, there is no clone technique. So now...

How is this going??

Is there something wrong with the divination or the positioning of the handkerchief?

Koizumi Anko looked around, holding the only piece of chocolate in her hand, and fell into deep thought.

The reason why she did these things today was because she heard from the magic mirror that Kidd was the only man in the world who would not become her prisoner, so she wanted to eliminate this "exception".

...And now, let’s put aside the relationship between Kiritengu, Kidd, and Kuroba Kaito for the time being, and think about things a little simpler.

——Currently, it seems that Kidd is an "exception" certified by Magic Mirror, which directly projected his image at that time.

But just now, judging from the way Wutian Dog resisted her chocolate, this was obviously another "exception".

Two "exceptions" appeared at the same time that required force-fed chocolate, but there was only one piece of chocolate. If it was divided into two halves, it would be ineffective, so one had to be solved first.

Who should feed it...

This chapter has been completed!
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