Chapter 265 I am also your god (2)

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In the dormitory, the lawyer took out a copy from his briefcase and said: "This is the IOU for Miss Lin Aji to apply for a loan from my client company. Please take a look."

Chen Liangshan pushed the IOU back without even looking at it, and said coldly: "Speak directly."

"Oh! It's good to be more relaxed like this!"

The lawyer nodded and smiled, then suddenly looked at Lin Aji and said seriously: "Ms. Lin Aji, I am here today to formally inform you that if you are unable to repay this debt on time, Shanshuihe Company will entrust me to pay the debt to you."

If you file a lawsuit, the property in your name will also be enforced."

Lin Aji seemed a little hesitant when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask: "Real estate? What real estate? I don't have any real estate?"

The lawyer said: "Of course you do, it's in the 'Night Rose' community on Widow Street in Beicheng."

Lin Aji suddenly remembered this matter and immediately defended loudly: "No, Mr. Lawyer, you are wrong! That is not my house, it was transferred to my name by my mother just a few years ago! But that

Not my house!"

The lawyer responded: "I'm sorry, Miss Lin, I don't understand the situation you are talking about, but I would like to remind you that when the judicial proceedings are initiated, the court will only be based on the registrant of the property certificate and will not care about you at that time.

Saying that it is your mother's property or someone else's property will be regarded as invalid evidence and will not be accepted by the court."

Lin Aji was speechless and said: " can you be so unreasonable...that is obviously the house my mother left for retirement..."

Chen Liangshan suddenly thought of an idea, so he said to the lawyer: "I understand, how about this! Let's find a way now and try to pay back the money as soon as possible. Do you think it will work?"

The lawyer said: "Please give me some time."

Chen Liangshan thought for a while and replied: "Can it be done within a week?"

The other party's lawyer suddenly laughed, and then said bluntly: "Sir, I want to remind you, since this is my job, then I naturally know what crooked ideas you are making, so I suggest that we should be more sincere.


After saying that, the lawyer took out a document with the official seal of the Mobei City People's Court from his briefcase and explained: "If I guess correctly, sir, you probably want to take advantage of this week to transfer property.

But I advise you not to waste time on this. I can tell you clearly now that your plan will not work, because I have already done property preservation for Ms. Lin’s house.

Before this money is paid, the house will remain frozen and cannot be traded."

Chen Liangshan's heart sank. He didn't expect that the other party had figured out his thoughts, so he thought quickly, and then asked Lin Aji in a low voice: "Is this the only property in your name?"

Lin Aji nodded, not knowing why the other party asked him this question, but Chen Liangshan quickly said to the lawyer: "She only has this property in her name. Even if she owes your company money, the only property cannot be forcibly


The lawyer smiled and said contemptuously: "It seems that you know the law, sir, but not much."

"What's the meaning?"

You really don’t want to give up until you reach the Yellow River!”

This time, the lawyer took out several stapled documents from his briefcase and explained.

——"This is a copy of Ms. Lin's property certificate. It can be seen that the area of ​​​​this house is 103 square meters."

——"This is the registration certificate for Miss Lin to rent out the house. It also shows that Miss Lin now has another house to live in and has leased the vacant house in her hand."

——“And this one is the regulations formulated by the National People’s Congress this year on the seizure, detainment, and freezing of property during civil execution by the People’s Court.”

——"In the regulations, it is clearly stated that if the person subject to execution has a residence, the house is idle, or the residence owned by the individual and his family exceeds the minimum living area necessary for life, the court will still enforce the debtor's debt.

The only residence.”

——"But it doesn't matter. If the court enforces Miss Lin's house in the future, it will be replaced with another house that meets the minimum living area per capita standard, which is about 37 square meters."

——"And when the current 103-square-meter house is enforced, the price difference after deducting the amount owed by Ms. Lin from the proceeds from the auction will still be returned to you."

After he finished speaking, Chen Liangshan's head was buzzing. He never imagined that the lawyer on the other side could be so cunning and cunning. But what made him even more unexpected was the Shanshuihe Loan Company's approach.

Just because of a debt of more than 100,000 yuan, this company actually went to the extent of executing other people's real estate. This method of trapping Lin Aji is simply a chain of links, eating people without spitting out the bones. (Note)

However, Lin Aji still didn't seem to understand the other party's words, and just kept defending: "But... that house really belongs to my mother, and... she rented it out by herself, and it has nothing to do with me! And...

...I borrowed a loan, but the loan money... I have no use for it! Mr. Lawyer, can you..."

"I'm sorry, Miss Lin!"

The opposing lawyer interrupted bluntly: "I completely understand what you are saying, but forgive me for not being able to help."

At this time, Chen Liangshan's face was angry and helpless, but Lin Aji's face was filled with despair. The lawyer seemed to be very satisfied with the current situation, so he did not intend to argue with the other party anymore, but quickly packed his briefcase and left.

The last words left in front of him were: "I'll give you 3 days. If the money still cannot be repaid after the 3 days, Shanshuihe Company will take Ms. Lin to court. Thank you for your cooperation!"

After the lawyer left, Lin Aji immediately fell into a state of chaos. He looked at Chen Liangshan in despair and asked: "Brother Liangshan, what should I do now? What if my mother and my stepfather get married one day?"

If she doesn't get divorced, that house will be reserved for her to provide for her retirement! Don't... don't let those people take it away!"

"Aji, don't worry, I'm thinking of a way!"

Chen Liangshan frowned and paced back and forth, but the mature business routine of this loan shark company was basically a watertight closed loop, and it was impossible for anyone to find any flaws in it.

Suddenly, there was a loud commotion from the poultry cage not far outside the house. The two looked out of the window and found that the pigeons and chickens were jumping up and down and flapping their wings for some reason, splashing all around the big cage.

There was a lot of dust.

When the two rushed over, they discovered that in this large cage, there were more than a dozen chickens and pigeons flapping on the ground. However, these poultry flapping on the ground had one thing in common, that is, the inside of their eyes were very cloudy.

Even the original color of the eyeballs could no longer be seen clearly, and they were struggling on the ground in a weird posture. No matter how these small animals rolled and flapped their wings, they could not get up from the ground.

Chen Liangshan immediately realized something was wrong, "Oh no! These poultry have been poisoned!"


Lin Aji repeated the word as if it was unfamiliar, but the next moment she suddenly realized what "poisoning" meant. She opened the cage in a panic and rushed in, checking each one one by one.

However, no matter how Lin Aji tried to rescue them, those poor animals could only stare at their dirty eyes and die in pain. At this time, her emotions finally collapsed and she ran out of the cage screaming loudly.

"Who is it! Who is it?"

Lin Aji frantically searched around, but at this time, the park had already passed the closing time, and there was no one around. He couldn't even detect when the other party poisoned these animals.

"Aji, here!"

Suddenly, Chen Liangshan saw a piece of white paper in the corner of the cage. He picked it up and checked it, only to find that there was a sentence written on it in red pen: If you don't pay back the money, your precious hippopotamus will die next!

Lin Aji's body trembled even more as she read this passage. She suddenly tore the piece of paper into pieces and shouted at the top of her lungs to the empty park around her: "Beasts! You bunch of beasts! Why are you...

Why are you so cruel! Why don’t you even spare animals! You bastards... you will get retribution sooner or later!"

In the end, Lin Aji knelt on the ground, tears dripping down uncontrollably, and with his throat broken by shouting, he could only use up his last bit of strength to shout intermittently: "You... will be punished... You...

…These bastards!”

During her several years at this zoo, Lin Aji had already regarded every animal here as her own relative. Now, watching the tragic death of these relatives who could not speak in front of her, it almost broke her heart.

Torn into pieces.

This chapter has been completed!
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