312. Chapter 312 Putting the blame on (1)

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As the commotion from the cattle pen became louder and louder, the lights in the workers' dormitory in the distance finally came on.

After a while, a worker who had gotten up to take a pee came out in his clothes. When he saw the cows running wildly all over the field, he was frightened and woke up. He shouted: "Oh my God! The cows are frightened."

Come on! Hurry! Get up and chase after us!"

Chen Liangshan heard the other party's shouts and knew that all the workers would get up soon, so he put on his gloves and quickly took out the transparent plastic bag that had been prepared from his pocket.

There was a high-end-looking gold lighter wrapped in a plastic bag. Chen Liangshan took out the lighter and looked around before throwing it into the innermost corner of the cattle pen.

Time was running out and he had to leave before the workers arrived, so Chen Liangshan dug into Usopp's pocket to find his cell phone and left the scene under the cover of night.

Walking about 200 meters from the cattle farm, you came to a deserted gravel path. Two rows of tamarisk and poplar trees were planted on both sides of the path. Chen Liangshan had passed the stepping point a few days ago, and he had already

It was clear that this small road was the only way for vehicles to enter the cattle farm.

Later, Chen Liangshan hid behind a large red willow tree beside the road, holding a flashlight in his mouth, and took out the mobile phone he took from Usopp, only to find that the flip phone had been trampled to pieces by the frightened cows.

When turned on, even the screen becomes fragmented.

However, he had already expected such a small accident. Chen Liangshan pulled out a dagger from his waist, opened the cracked mobile phone case in front of him, and took out the small phone card inside.

Then he inserted the calling card into his mobile phone.

After replacing Usopp's calling card on his phone, Chen Liangshan quickly adjusted to the interface of the text message draft box. There was a text he had backed up in advance. He entered a string of phone numbers and clicked send, and then directly sent it.

The battery of the mobile phone was unplugged.

At this point, nearly 90% of tonight's plan has been completed. Chen Liangshan also let out a long sigh and ran towards the suburban area in the opposite direction of the funeral home.

Just a few minutes after Chen Liangshan ran away, a black Mercedes-Benz car came quickly from a distance. Mr. Jiang was sitting in the car at this time, looking at the farce outside the car window with a puzzled look on his face.

In the huge cattle farm in front of us, hundreds of cows were running around like crazy. There were even a few strong cows that had opened the gate of the cattle farm and ran towards the suburbs.

He ran out, and several workers chased after him, shouting and yelling.

The frightened cows ran farther and farther, and soon followed the light of the Mercedes-Benz. The driver suddenly turned the steering wheel and almost hit the poplar tree on the roadside, and then the cows almost hit the cow.

The group drove by.

Seeing this, Mr. Jiang felt more and more something was wrong in his heart, and muttered: "This... what on earth is going on here?"

The driver squinted his eyes and looked into the distance for a while, then responded: "Mr. Jiang, it seems...it seems...that the cows in this cattle farm were frightened and ran out?"

"You don't have to say such a thing! You can see it at a glance!"

Mr. Jiang was in a irritable mood at the moment, and he never expected that he would be in such a scene when he arrived.

It stands to reason that when Chen Liangshan called him just now, he was obviously in a very quiet situation. How could such a farce happen now?

Moreover, Mr. Jiang knew in his heart that Chen Liangshan rarely made mistakes when doing things. If the other party was really just guarding Usopp's body at that time, it would be impossible for him to do anything to frighten the cows.

While Mr. Jiang was puzzled, several workers ran past his car out of breath. As the two sides passed by, these workers occasionally glanced at the license plate curiously and habitually looked into the car.

Take a look.

In an instant, a very bad premonition suddenly appeared in Mr. Jiang's heart. Although he could not figure out what was going on now, after all, someone died here, and he happened to appear here at such a sensitive time tonight.


Is it possible that all this was set up by Chen Liangshan?

Just about twenty minutes ago, when Mr. Jiang received the call from the other party, he was not without any precautions, because at that time he saw that the other party was calling him from an unknown number.

But Mr. Jiang didn't pay too much attention at the time. He was not worried that everything tonight was set up by Chen Liangshan, because for this kind of thing, he would definitely bring several thugs with him, even if the other party was really

Even if you plan to trick yourself here to take revenge, it is impossible for the other party to kill so many of your thugs alone.

Therefore, Mr. Jiang came here tonight just to verify whether Chen Liangshan really killed Usopp and whether he was seriously injured and unable to move. He brought a car of goons here.

But the current situation really made him a little confused.

After a while, Mr. Jiang really couldn’t think of a reason, but his premonition was always bad. In addition, several workers saw his license plate tonight, so he immediately said to the driver: “Let’s go back!


At the same time, in the criminal investigation detachment office.

After several days of intense work, Wen Sibao was almost exhausted at his post.

At this moment, Wen Sibao was sitting in front of the table, holding a file on the recent Mobei Hongdu shooting case in his hand, his eyes fixed on the file in front of him.

Time passed by second by second, but he suddenly let out bursts of snoring. It turned out that he fell asleep with his eyes open...

At this moment, the mobile phone placed on the table suddenly made a "ding" sound, and the screen indicated that a new text message had been received.

Wen Sibao trembled slightly. Although his brain was still asleep at this time, out of professional instinct, he habitually picked up his phone and took a look.

But just this glance made him wake up as if he had been shocked by electricity. All this was because he suddenly saw a line of text on the screen of his mobile phone that was enough to shock his mother for a whole year.

——Beijiao Dairy Farm, Shanshuihe Company, Mr. Jiang, kill me, come quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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