Chapter 393 From now on, life will change (2)

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Compared with the days when Lin Aji was in the detention center, Chen Liangshan's current treatment is almost like a vacation. Except that he cannot go anywhere other than this iron gate, he has great freedom in the prison cell at any other time.

He also always follows the prisoners sent by him.

Just after 8 o'clock in the morning, when the wake-up bell rang in the detention center, Erpang jumped up from the bed, rushed into the water room with a wink, and used the remaining warm water from last night to replace Li Tieniu and Chen Liangshan.

I put hot water in the toothbrushing cup.

Afterwards, the other dozen or so people in the cell entered the washroom one after another. However, these people would rather be crowded together like sardines to brush their teeth, and they also wanted to leave the sink in the middle wide enough for two people to brush their teeth. The second fat man

He even took the towels aside early and waited for Chen Liangshan and the other two like butlers.

The same was true for the meal that followed. Chen Liangshan didn't need to say anything. The bowl in front of him was already filled with vegetables. However, he found that when Li Tieniu looked at him, there was always an uneasy look in the other person's eyes.

Finally, the two of them had a chance to be alone in the water room. Li Tieniu looked outside the room and found that no one would come here for the time being. He forced a smile and said: "Brother, your service to me...

Are you still satisfied?"

Chen Liangshan was almost amused and responded: "I'm not here for vacation. Besides, this is not a hotel, so you don't need to care so much about my feelings."

But Li Tieniu said stubbornly: "That won't work. Since I agreed to this, I must do it well. I want you to stay here comfortably."

Chen Liangshan nodded helplessly and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, you took good care of me, I'm very satisfied, okay?"

Seeing this, the other party asked nervously: "Then...what we, you must do it!"

Although he didn't know what the other party was talking about, Chen Liangshan saw Li Tieniu's frightened and humble look under Li Tieniu's seemingly terrifying face, as if he was begging for something.

Chen Liangshan felt a little confused and didn't know what the other party wanted, so he asked: "What is the agreement? I don't know yet."


When Li Tieniu heard this, he immediately said nervously: "Brother...don't you know? Will the time come...then the words will not count?"

Chen Liangshan: "Don't worry, tell me first what's going on? Because this matter was indeed arranged by others, and I don't know many things in between."

Li Tieniu came over and lowered his voice: "I promise to let you live comfortably here. In return, the big boss will buy a cemetery for my mother. If I die here in the future, I can still be with my family."

Bury a piece of it!"

Chen Liangshan frowned, and his mood suddenly became gloomy, not because he heard about such a deal, but because he felt that although the Li Tieniu in front of him was rude, he did not look like such a serious criminal, so he asked: "What are you guilty of?"

Now? As for saying such things?"

Li Tieniu hesitated and didn't want to say anything at first, but under Chen Liangshan's questioning, he finally said slowly: "I accidentally... killed someone!"

Chen Liangshan: "You don't look like a murderer. What is going on?"

Li Tieniu reached out and groped for a while from the pad under the sink. He took out two cigarette butts with only their butts left and a box of crumpled matches. After lighting them for each other and himself, he took a big puff. At this time

His mood calmed down a little, and then he said.

——"I am from the countryside on the other side of the Gobi Desert in Mobei. I came here with my mother, my wife, my baby and my family just last year."

——", do you city people look down on us who come from the countryside?"

Chen Liangshan said a little annoyed: "How can there be such a thing? Don't talk nonsense!"

"It would be great if they... could be like you."

Li Tieniu said with a sad expression on his face.

——"In my daughter's primary school class, there is a girl who always bullies her, and she always likes to bring other children with her to bully her."

——"She was made to eat mud, and she was made to crawl on the ground to learn how to pee from a puppy. My daughter grew up in a rural area, so she didn't know about such things! She thought all girls in the city played like this.


——"But then one time, I couldn't stand it anymore... so I went to find the girl's father to ask for an explanation, but..."

——"Unexpectedly, after I went there, I found out that the father of the girl who bullied my daughter was a big boss. At that time, he found a few workers and beat me up severely."

Chen Liangshan looked at the countless lumpy muscles on Li Tieniu's body with confusion, and said doubtfully: "With your body, you can kill a cow at least. I don't believe those people can touch you."

Li Tieniu shook his head, "No matter how uneducated I am, I still know that you have to pay for hurting someone. I can't afford the money, so how can I dare to do it?"

"Then... how did you... commit the crime?"

Li Tieniu greedily sucked the last puff of the cigarette into his mouth, and suddenly there was a smell of burnt filter. He choked at the smell and coughed, and finally said in frustration.

——"At that time, I really felt that there was nothing shameful about being beaten, but...but the big boss's daughter actually rushed over at that time...held my daughter down and scratched her face hard!"

——“One after another, my daughter’s face was scratched and the bloody marks were so deep that it was scary!”

——"I didn't know what happened at the time, but suddenly I couldn't bear it anymore. I couldn't even control my body. As a result..."

——"In the end, I just punched the big boss, and I beat him to death without even thinking about it... and then it became like this."

——"I have forgotten how I was brought here. I only remember that the lawyer they sent me said, what is this kind of thing called...excited killing?"

Chen Liangshan: "That's called passion killing. To put it in words you can understand, it means killing someone suddenly without premeditation."


Li Tieniu hurriedly said: "It's the passion murder! The lawyer said... If I plead guilty this time with a good attitude and be more polite when I see people in uniform, with luck I will probably be sentenced to something like... life in prison!"

Chen Liangshan let out a long sigh and said in a low voice: "So it's a life sentence... That's okay. I think you seem to be a rule-abiding person. You will probably be released in less than 20 years..."

"Twenty years..."

Li Tieniu stared blankly ahead and muttered: "My wife ran away with the children, and my mother is no longer here. I have to live like this for 20 years..."

Chen Liangshan patted the other party and asked, "What's going on with your mother?"

Li Tieniu rubbed his eyes and said.

——"It was only a few months after I was imprisoned. When my mother knew that I was going to be sentenced to that life sentence... life sentence, she couldn't bear the blow at that time, so she left..."

——"But I don't know why, but the people in charge here don't allow my mother's body to be transported back to my hometown, saying that it doesn't comply with special regulations. I wonder, isn't it normal for someone to bury her back to her hometown after she leaves? But

I just can’t figure it out, this is not the case in the city!”

——"As a result, because of my punch, now my wife ran away with the child, and even my mother didn't see her for the last time. She was burned like that..."

——"Brother, you said... let this person burn it. As a result, even the grave made of a few broken stones cost tens of thousands of yuan. I really... I really didn't expect it in your city."

It costs so much money to even die!”

——"So yesterday, when someone told me that if I could protect you here, they would help my mother buy a decent tomb outside, you said... wouldn't you really

Are you going to turn your back and deny it?"

Looking at the humble, worried and desperate eyes of the other party, Chen Liangshan suddenly felt as if his heart was hit hard. He never expected that Li Tieniu's experience was exactly the same as his own.

In fact, he seemed to have seen the shadow of his future in the lonely man in front of him.

But this thought only lasted for a moment. Chen Liangshan knew that he shouldn't think about it now. After all, he still had many things to do.

But Li Tieniu's request was not excessive. Perhaps for this kind of person, tens of thousands of dollars is almost a mountain that can crush him. However, Chen Liangshan strengthened his confidence in fulfilling his wish, so he patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

: "Don't worry, Brother Tieniu! I will definitely fulfill your request. Just rest assured! I promise you!"

After hearing this, Li Tieniu's anxious heart seemed to finally calm down, and a smile he had not seen for a long time finally appeared on his face, and he was even so happy that he couldn't help laughing.

Only then did Chen Liangshan realize that the other party usually just pretended to be fierce. After all, in a place like this, it only makes sense to have a hard fist.

In fact, Chen Liangshan saw clearly that the burly man in front of him was just a poor man with little education but incompatible with this world.

He really didn't know how many people like him, or people like Li Tieniu, were huddled in a corner of society, humbly enduring the oppression of others.

When Li Tieniu was happy, he opened up his chat box and whispered: "Brother, you... what are you thinking about?"


Chen Liangshan smiled bitterly and shook his head, "I was thinking...Actually, these people in the city don't look down on your country status, they just look down on the money in your pocket."

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of the iron door of the cell being opened. The guard then walked in and called: "Chen Liangshan comes out, the lawyer will meet you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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