Chapter 457: Volume Four: Accidental Murder

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Words written before the beginning of this volume

Time flies, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, we come to the fourth and final volume of this work, "Accidental Murder".

The accident referred to in this volume is not like the accident that Chen Liangshan accidentally killed Liu Jianmin, but Xu Tiannan really encountered an unprecedentedly powerful opponent this time. The opponent was a murderer who was good at using "accidents" as weapons to commit murders.

A Coke can, a live wire, a screw, or even a banana peel can all be used as weapons for this murderer.

However, when the victim died at the crime scene, the murderer was already thousands of miles away and had prepared a complete alibi in advance.

This kind of opponent is often the most troublesome and the most troublesome for the police. Every arrest made by the police is like all the strength of the body being punched into the cotton, but it is powerful but cannot be released.

And the murderer actually stood openly in front of the police, with a look that seemed to say, "I'm standing right in front of you, what can you do to me without evidence?"

Therefore, accident is really a very powerful weapon. Even if the murderer has been arrested by the police, even if everyone knows that this guy must have committed the crime, the police still have no evidence to convict him in the end.

In society, we often hear voices like this.

——"Damn it! I knew she was the murderer just by looking at this person, and she still dares to make excuses!"

——"What kind of court is this court holding? People like this should be punished by the nine clans! Even if Ling Chi is executed, he won't be relieved!"

——"Evidence? Collecting a piece of evidence? It's a waste of taxpayers' money! Even if you think about it, she is the murderer! Just kill her!"

It is true. Everyone has eyes, so many cases may really look like this. We can obviously judge from logic and motivation that the defendant must be the murderer, but why do the police still spend a lot of time with the murderer?

Energy, to find the witnesses and physical evidence when the crime was originally committed, and finally form a complete closed-loop evidence chain and hand it over to the prosecutor's office?

This is by no means taking off your pants and farting, nor is it condoning crime. However, every time this happens, we often hear a loud voice - ah! This lawyer actually defends the bad guy! Let's join me in violently attacking him online!

Of course, it is easier to use the keyboard than to use the brain. Some people may find it funny to talk about the above cases, but after these cases were publicized on the Internet, I really counted the review directions of the comment areas of several popular cases.

The results obtained are unexpected. At least 80% of netizens will say things like "shoot him directly" and "investigate the lawyer who defends the bad guys." It's like whoever associates with the bad guys will be punished.

It's the same logic as the bad guys.

Indeed, it is really satisfying when we see bad people being punished. Modern cases are too sensitive to give examples. Let’s just talk about a distant one. For example, the ugly queen Jia Nanfeng who planned the Eight Kings Rebellion and led to hundreds of years of people’s poverty, in

When he was given poisoned wine after being deposed, the people looked very happy and even laughed loudly and said, "Haha, I never thought you would end up like this, you deserve it!"

However, our attitude towards criminals should not only be "kill them quickly", but also "how to prevent such things from happening again".

Therefore, legal principles are universal. In the vast land of our country, if there is really such a thing as "trial without cross-examination" or "whoever dares to speak out for a bad person is also a bad person", this must be

The retrogression of history is a huge disaster.

Because, whether it is the police or lawyers, whether they make judgments against bad people that are "not enough to inflame the common people" or "defend bad people", they are by no means accomplices of bad people. They are only safeguarding the dignity of the law and the work of criminal investigation.

procedural justice.

And this is precisely the most fundamental bottom line of a civilized society.

Perhaps, when there is a sentence that is too light, causing a criminal to receive a sentence that is "not commensurate with his crime," some people will say, "Huh? Why is the sentence so light? Shouldn't xxx have collected money?"


In fact, among the values ​​​​of this type of people, what they care about is not whether the bad people are really educated, nor whether such things will happen in the future. What they care about is "whether what you do is in line with my values"


There is a saying that goes well - in the eyes of prostitutes, no woman is unsold.

Therefore, when these keyboard warriors see something happening that goes against their own values, they can always think "Did someone take money from this?" instead of thinking about something deeper.

In fact, there are many things in this world that are more valuable than money, such as the "faith" that Xu Tiannan and Wen Sibao uphold in their hearts.

Therefore, when one day our society becomes the kind of "trial without cross-examination" or "no lawyer dares to speak out for evil people", it will definitely become a disaster, and our society will also become a

A world where penalties are controlled by public opinion.

At that time, no one will dare to speak out for fairness and the dignity of the law, and only then will ordinary people know what real despair is, because the means of capital can control everything, even control the actions of the vast majority of people.


At that time, in this land we love, there will be countless similar unjust, false and wrongful cases, coercion and inducement, and submission.

In short, letting a bad guy go is an injustice to the victim. However, without cross-examination, investigation, and evidence collection, brutally judging a suspect even if he is really guilty will definitely cause controversy everywhere in the future.

Following suit, countless unjust cases eventually emerged.

After all, not every suspect is guilty, and not every suspect is innocent. If a verdict is made based only on the guidance of public opinion, it will undoubtedly be a huge disaster.

In this volume, Xu Tiannan faces such an opponent.

This opponent is not as affectionate and righteous as Ma Bond in the previous volumes, Yang Wanli has a righteous mind, and Chen Liangshan has no choice but to fight back in desperate situations.

The opponent in this volume is a powerful and cruel personality defect patient. He has no kind heart, no right and wrong that are generally recognized by the world, and no such noble purpose as self-sacrifice for the sake of justice.

What this opponent has is endless hatred, jealousy and the purest evil.

Everyone knew he was the murderer, and he even stood there without resistance, waiting for the police to catch him.

So how will Xu Tiannan choose?

Is it like Xu Wudi often said, "It doesn't matter what the fuck, a beating will do anything for you", or should you continue to look for evidence and stick to your "procedural justice"?

Continued from Chapter 1: Mobei F4.

This chapter has been completed!
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