Chapter 1181 Persecution

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After walking into Xiang Tianlong's house and politely serving tea and water, Fang Lin got straight to the point.

It's not that Fang Lin was very anxious, and he made an appointment about five hours later, which was the mysterious phone call.

The other party made an appointment with Fang Lin at room 8888 of the Lulin Hotel at two o'clock. At this time, Lulin Hotel seemed to be a completely different person, and everything had changed.

But listening to the man's commanding tone, Fang Lin concluded that the mysterious phone call must have something to do with the tough manager from before.

There are too many secrets in Lulin Hotel, so Fang Lin must go there. There are not many people in this world who can order him.

Therefore, Fang Lin initially suspected that they should also have something to do with Yinlong. This was the main purpose of the trip to the capital.

"To tell you the truth, I walked around the village early this morning, and most of the villagers were still in a wait-and-see attitude.

To put it bluntly, we don’t understand business, we only care about how much benefit we can get from it.”

After hesitating for a moment, he said to Tianlong in a serious tone.

"Does Secretary Xiang want long-term benefits?

Or immediate benefits?

On the way here, I had carefully considered both options.

If we want long-term benefits, we can adopt the dividend model.

I use your fields, use your people, and then share in proportion the profits generated.

Another option is for me to own your land directly, and then ask the villagers to help take care of it, and I will pay you the wages.

I am an investor, and of course I have benefited the most from both.

However, I still very frankly recommend that you adopt the first dividend model."

Everyone has the same background, and Fang Lin is not the kind of bad person who deceives others, so he speaks directly and frankly.

"Uncle Xiang, don't worry, our Chu family guarantees that you will never suffer any losses."

Chu Huairou said quickly and firmly.

"Miss Chu, of course I trust the words of your Chu family, and I also trust the people you bring.

After all, your Chu family has helped us so much, and we are not ungrateful people, but..." After glancing at Chu Huairou, Xiang Tianlong hesitated again and then said solemnly.

"Uncle Xiang, do you have something to hide?"

Fang Lin noticed something was wrong, so he quickly asked doubtfully.

"Hey... wait a minute, I'll be back soon."

Suddenly, Xiang Tianlong let out a long sigh, then rode on a battery car and quickly headed towards the village on the right.

Although his reaction was indeed a bit strange, Fang and Lin could not figure out the reason, so they had no choice but to wait patiently.

During the chat, Lin learned that the Chu family has always been keen on charity, and the only Hope Primary School in Tianxiang Village was built with funds from the Chu family.

Not only that, the agricultural products in Tianxiang Village are purchased by the Chu family every year. Everyone is grateful to the Chu family. It is no wonder that Xiang Tianlong trusts the Chu family so much.

Originally, the Chu family had the idea to build a resort in Tianxiang Village and make it the largest resort in the country.

However, because of Fang Lin's needs, the Chu family gave the place to Fang Lin temporarily after careful consideration, hoping to promote cooperation between the two.

About twenty minutes later, Xiang Tianlong returned home, but both Fang and Lin were shocked because he actually came back with a face full of scars, and there were still many bruises on his face.


"Uncle Xiang, what's going on?"

Shocked, Chu Huairou quickly supported him and expressed concern.

After Xiang Tianlong's narration, Fang and Lin learned why he was full of worries before and why he left suddenly and came back hurt all over.

The cause of everything came from Xiang Shulin, Xiang Tianlong's nephew. A few years ago, Xiang Shulin went to the capital to develop, and then he opened his own building materials company with great success.

Just when I thought everything would go smoothly, God played a huge joke on Xiang Shulin.

Because of his negligence, he was defrauded of more than 700,000 yuan for materials overnight.

A long-term material supplier. Because they had cooperated with each other for many years and the other party had a big business, Xiang Shulin directly paid the other party first. However, the materials he needed did not arrive that time. When he found out,

The supplier has absconded with the money.

Therefore, he owed a high amount of foreign debt to Shulin. After everyone learned about his accident, they used all kinds of coercion and inducement, forcing him to lend his hand to loan sharks.

He came from a rural family, and almost all the family money was given to him to start his own business, so he naturally did not have the ability to repay the debt.

The loan sharking is compounded by interest, and now it has accumulated to a terrifying amount of more than 7 million.

Xiang Shulin naturally didn't have this ability, so people from the loan shark company arranged for people to stay at his house every day. If he didn't pay back the money, he would be beaten up. Even his uncle Xiang Tianlong often suffered.

This also explains why the house was empty when Fang Lin first entered his house.

"Call the police!"

Chu Huairou said subconsciously.

" would be nice if it was useful.

They had IOUs in hand, and we did owe them money, but we ignored them! Even though the police were kind enough to drive them away, they came again the next day.

After repeated warnings, they changed people and tortured us even more severely.

To be honest, I feel so ashamed of my fellow villagers! Many of them have suffered and been beaten for no reason, which is so painful! To be honest, every dime we earn is given to our Xiang family, but the number is still one day

That’s more than a day! Mr. Fang, please show your kindness and help us! We will sell Xiang’s family’s land to you all at once. Just give us the actual price.

My brother and sister-in-law and I are too old to survive a few beatings."

As he was talking, Xiang Tianlong suddenly knelt down with a puff and said with tears in his eyes.

"They are simply hooligans."

As he listened, even Chu Huairou shed tears and said angrily.

Later, Fang Lin learned that the Xiang Shulin family also owned a lot of land, and Xiang Tianlong had just gone to discuss the matter with them.

After all, without the consent of those guys, Murakami can't accomplish anything.

"Let's go! Let's go there and take a look."

Since Tianxiang Village is to be the foundation, then Lin can help or must help with matters in the village.

And just like Xiang Tianlong said, if these guys don't leave, he won't be able to start work smoothly at all.

While getting in the car, Fang Lin deliberately gave Xiang Tianlong a hand, taking advantage of the situation to inject a trace of vitality into his meridians, and stopped after the pain disappeared.

Although Xiang Tianlong also felt that his whole body was much refreshed, Fang Lin had not fully cured him and was in grief, so he did not completely care.

"How are you going to deal with those guys?

Give money?

I don’t agree, it is encouraging bad social trends.”

As soon as the car started, Chu Huairou whispered in his ear.

This chapter has been completed!
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