1356 Chapter 1356

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Even the earth-level warriors they feared were no match, so what could they do to fight Fang Lin?

Besides escaping, what other way out is there?

As a majestic wind blew past the ears of the eight people, several of them barely had time to hum before their bodies went limp and they all collapsed in the grass.

"If you don't want it if I give you a chance, you won't be able to blame me."

Taking a puff of his cigarette, Fang Lin quickly dialed a phone number. After a few brief explanations, he looked at the nine people scattered around and shrugged with a faint smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Lin didn't linger any longer and reached the door of the factory in a flash.

His appearance was not hidden from anyone in the factory, because Fang Lin's original intention was to make a big splash.

But even so, it had not aroused the vigilance of anyone in the factory before.

Because in their opinion, it was just a matter of effort for a military commander to take action against such a fat man with a big belly.

It wasn't until all nine people fell down that the factory became chaotic and alert.

However, the chaos in the factory was not because of how powerful Fang Lin was, but because he was shocked by the military master's failure.

Even now, few people in the factory still regard Fang Lin as a difficult enemy.

The reason couldn't be simpler. As the Ye family's largest warrior training base, there are many strong people.

Even if the other three major families come, they will have to pay a bloody price to capture this place.

Based on this alone, they didn't need to take Fang Lin seriously at all.

In fact, no one thought it was necessary to notify the Ye family.

After all, it's a training base that can't even deal with an intruder. If it's revealed, where will everyone save their face?

What do outsiders think of them?

How should the Ye family view them?

Although no one still paid attention to Fang Lin, when he arrived at the factory gate, hundreds of warriors armed with cold weapons still surrounded him from three levels inside and three outside.

"Boy, you are so brave! You even dare to break into this place. Do you know where this place is?"

At the same time, a young man holding a feather fan walked slowly from the factory, looked at Fang Lin with a frown, and said coldly.

The young man is about 24 or 25 years old, about 1.7 meters tall. Even with a stern face, he still gives people the image of a gentle scholar.


Fang Lin replied casually.

"You know how dare you come?

Lin Zhizhong, you are just a dog of my Ye family, everything you have is given by my Ye family, what do you want to do?"

The young man shouted sharply.

"Dogs also have a difference between good dogs and crazy dogs! Your Ye family has so many dogs. Is it abnormal for one or two to go crazy occasionally?"

Anyway, it’s not him he’s scolding, Fang Lin joked nonchalantly.

Having said that, Fang Lin really admires the Ye family's ability.

How many CEOs are there in the Ye family like Lin Zhizhong?

One is in charge of business and the other is in charge of military affairs. The two are not compatible.

It is precisely because of this that the military master is defeated in a row without knowing at the hands of whom.

But in such a short period of time, this young man was able to know his identity in this skin, and the source of the information cannot be said to be unpleasant.

"You..." I have seen people call others crazy dogs, but this was the first time for the young man to see someone like Fang Lin who was so cruel that he even called himself a mad dog.

In addition to sighing that Lin Zhizhong is really thick-skinned, he was also choked for a moment and was completely speechless.

"There is no need for you to come here to die if you are young. Call the two heaven-level warriors among you! It will save everyone trouble."

Fang Lin really didn't care what he was thinking specifically, and said very coldly.

Since they are still staying in this training base, except for the small part of the management, the vast majority of people have not helped the Ye family to commit evil, and they can still be regarded as innocent people.

Fang Lin's target is only the Ye family. These people do not pose any threat to him, and they may be of use to me, so he is not in a hurry to take action.

"Haha... Although you are indeed powerful, two elders still need to deal with you?

Boy, are you too good at raising your own worth?

I am enough to deal with you."

It was as if he had heard a joke. After a few sneers, the young man said nonchalantly.

"Who are you?"

"Boy, you don't deserve to know my name now.

But soon, you can ask the King of Hell."

"You are an ordinary person, you are not even a warrior. How can you get the courage to speak so brazenly here?"


Haha...Are you a foolhardy guy like you?

Boy, I will teach you a lesson today.

Many times, intelligence is much more useful than your fat body."

Suddenly the young man glanced at Fang Lin's feet, a sly sneer flashed at the corner of his mouth and said.

"Just because of this little broken mechanism under my feet?"

Fang Lin smiled rather disdainfully.

At this moment, the man suddenly snapped his fingers, and instantly the ground split into two, and Fang Lin quickly fell down as his feet flew into the air.

With another snap of the man's fingers, the mechanism quickly closed, and an even more proud smile appeared on his face.

"Haha... It sounds like you are very awesome. I thought you were so awesome?

In front of our Brother Yun, don’t we even have a chance to resist?”

"You still shamelessly want to fight with our elders, haha... I'm afraid you'll laugh to death."

Flattery and sarcasm from Fang Lin abounded, but it only lasted a second or two. The smile on the young man's face instantly solidified. He seemed to realize that something was wrong?

The moment his thoughts started to change, he immediately understood.

Obviously, Fang Lin knew about the existence of that mechanism.

Since he knew everything so well, how could he fall into his trap so easily?

Just when the young man secretly shouted something bad, a white shadow suddenly wavered in front of his eyes. Fang Lin, who had clearly fallen into the pit just now, landed firmly in front of him again.

"You...you shouldn't have..." Seeing the younger brothers around him suddenly falling to the ground one by one, the pale-faced young man trembled with fright.

Even though he already knew that Fang Lin definitely didn't fall into the trap, he still couldn't help but ask in a trembling voice.

"It seems like your brain isn't that good after all."

Gathering a trace of vitality in his palm, Fang Lin casually touched the young man's chest and said coldly.

Even if it's just a little bit, the young man is just an ordinary person, how can he withstand Fang Lin's true energy?

It was too late to even doubt. The man rolled his eyes and fell to the ground as hard as a wooden stake that had been pushed down.

"What a quick skill. I never expected that my Ye family company would have such a management team that is well versed in martial arts. It's amazing."

The moment the young man fell, a white shadow came quickly and quietly like a light shadow, and landed silently in front of Fang Lin less than five meters away.

This chapter has been completed!
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