Chapter 1455 Completely crazy

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Although the Yan family is evil, it is obviously not on the same level as the Fuxi Clan's heart-rending madness.

Not to mention Master Pu Hui, even Fang Lin was very angry at what they did, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Master, haven't you finished visiting the prison?

I can't let you in without approval from superiors and new procedures."

As soon as the four of them approached, they were immediately stopped. A high-spirited middle-aged man saluted and said very politely.

As people within the system, Master Pu Hui and others certainly knew the rules, and they did not receive any approval or procedures, so it was really embarrassing for a while.

"My name is Fang Lin, and I want to meet Ye Yuheng."

Taking a step forward, Fang Lin said politely with a smile.

"Please come in."

After checking Fang Lin's ID, the middle-aged man immediately waved his hand to the right and said respectfully.

"Young Master Fang, you are so awesome!"

"How did you do this?

It took us nearly half a day just to complete the approval process. Isn't this amazing for you?"

The journey was smooth and smooth, which was the envy of the other two men in the Huaxia Mansion. The two men looked at Fang Lin with eyes full of admiration and admiration.

"It's just a small thing."

Even Fang Lin didn't know the specific identity of the mysterious man, so he couldn't explain it clearly, so he just smiled politely.

"That guy Ye Yuheng is not good at anything, and he is extremely arrogant. Taoist friends must be mentally prepared."

Although Master Pu Hui did not act as exaggeratedly as his two colleagues, this once again refreshed his standards for Fang Lin's abilities and reminded him kindly.

"Don't worry, Master, I'll be back as soon as I go."

Of course Fang Lin knew his worries, so he responded with a relaxed smile full of confidence.

Because someone had already greeted him, according to Fang Lin's request, he soon met Ye Yuheng again in a large, almost airtight empty room.

Although they haven't seen him for a while, Ye Yuheng is not as depressed as Fang Lin imagined. On the contrary, his face is shiny and his spirit is extremely strong.

Obviously, what Master Pu Hui said is true, this guy is living a better life than ordinary people even here.

However, this is not something that should be surprising. After all, the Ye family was once one of the four top families in China, and their relationship network has already penetrated into various departments.

Although the Ye family's power has basically disappeared, this alone is enough to prevent him from being punished like ordinary people.

However, one thing is for sure, this guy will never get out of here in his life, otherwise the public opinion and the public's saliva will drown him and the people who take care of him.

The patriarch of a top family ended up in prison for life. He deserved it.

When meeting Ye Yuheng this time, Fang Lin was actually not at all sure.

After all, Ye Yuheng had already been beaten into a cripple by himself, and it was no longer realistic for him to take action personally. If he didn't reveal his skills, there would be nothing he could do to him. After all, this was not outside, and Fang Lin couldn't act recklessly.

"Oh, I thought who was so capable of meeting me alone?

It turns out it’s my old friend Mr. Fang! You’re so capable, you’ve even reached out here.”

Although the Ye family did many evil deeds, without Fang Lin, the Ye family would not have perished so quickly.

It would be false to say that he didn't hate him, so when he saw Fang Lin, Ye Yuheng couldn't help but ridiculed him.

"You're not bad! It seems like life here is very gentle to you!"

He handed him a cigarette and lit it for him, then lit another for himself, smiling like an old friend.

"Okay, I'm not stupid. The old bald donkey just left and you come again. I know what your purpose is?

Don't worry about it. Do you know how happy I am when I know that the Fuxi God Clan has begun to take action?

If I were outside, I would have set up a large banquet to celebrate this epoch-making moment."

Without being verbose, Ye Yuheng took a long puff of cigarette and said with a joking tone and eyes, a bit of a playful smile.

"Are you really happy?

The targets of the remnants of the Fuxi Divine Clan are all humans, and your Ye family is no exception.

If I remember correctly, although you have come in, there are still many of your descendants who are struggling to support themselves outside, right?

Aren't you afraid that they will also become victims?

If you have such an attitude, to be honest, let alone the Fuxi Clan, we, Fang Lin, will be the first to stand up and make them the first victims.

You should know that if I can say it, I can do it."

Soon, a strange purple light flashed in Fang Lin's eyes, but the magical thing is that now he is just an ordinary person, and hypnosis can't control him at all.

There is only one reason that can explain all this, and that is that someone has already thought that he will come to him and has done something in advance.

Although he was a little surprised, Fang Lin quickly adjusted his mood and talked unhurriedly.

Although there was no roar or direct action, when the words came out of Fang Lin's mouth, no matter how plain they were, Ye Yuheng absolutely believed that he could do what he said.

In fact, everyone knows that among the Ye family's children, how many of them have never done anything to bully or harm others?

As far as Fang Lin knew, he probably couldn't find even one, so he felt that what he said was not excessive.

"Didn't that old bald donkey tell you that he had already said these words?

If I really cared, would I still need you to make this trip?

To be honest, the Ye family is already like this, there is no hope, I have given up, and everything doesn't matter anymore.

You can say that I am a pervert, or you can say that I am sick, but that is the fact. I hope that the whole of China, and even the world, will be as chaotic as possible."

As if he had heard a joke, Ye Yuheng not only did not panic at all, but instead snorted coldly.

After listening to Ye Yuheng's words, Fang Lin didn't know what to say for a while.

I just feel that this guy really needs a psychiatrist, and I'm afraid there won't even be enough.

However, Fang Lin didn't have time to wait for the psychiatrist to cure him. As he raised a smile, five silver needles fell into his hands through the Qiankun Gourd, and a cold chill gradually rose in his eyes.

"What do you want to do?

You should know very well what kind of place this is, right?

If we start here, can you get out?"

Looking at Fang Lin, who was gradually showing his fierce look, Ye Yuheng still showed no fear at all and sneered disdainfully again.

From his eyes, Fang Lin not only could not see any fear, but also seemed to have some expectation. It seemed that this guy was really crazy and was determined to keep the world in chaos.


Are you taking action?

To be honest, you don't have the courage of an old bald donkey. At least they really took action last night.

Haha... In comparison, you are much more cowardly than him."

This chapter has been completed!
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