Chapter 1471

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We thought that Yan Shixiong would sincerely apologize and say that he would correct himself in the future, etc. But what everyone did not expect was that he immediately issued a provocation as soon as he came on stage.

In an instant, there was once again an uproar and anger in the martial arts performance hall. Countless masters rushed to the martial arts stage, vowing to directly take off Yan Shixiong's head. However, they were intercepted by the masters of the Yan family again, and the two sides were completely involved in a melee.


With roars and roars, bursts of killing sounds, and fighting, in less than two or three minutes, the originally luxuriously decorated martial arts performance hall had turned into a huge garbage dump.

Amid the painful moans that filled the place, the smell of blood quickly filled the entire martial arts hall.

But the outside has long been surrounded by countless unknown masters. Even if someone escapes by chance, they will just fall into another Shura land again.

"Has the Hidden Dragon ever offended you?"

Fang Lin had seen scenes more brutal than this fight, but he didn't feel too disturbed in his heart.

As Yan Shixiong came on stage, Fang Lin's sharp and cold eyes immediately shot over, and even his words suddenly became sinister.

"Aren't you Captain Hidden Dragon?

Don't you have any idea in your heart?

Those so-called sinners who endanger China's security in your eyes are like golden Buddhas to my Yan family.

Whether it's white or on fire, it's a very profitable business.

If you remove these people, how can my Yan family still make money?

Therefore, as long as the hidden dragon does not die, the Yan family will suffer more and more disasters day by day. This is nothing but a solution because you have offended people you shouldn't offend."

At this point, Yan Shixiong had nothing to hide. Anyway, it wouldn't be long before his and the Yan family's crimes would spread throughout China, so he simply spoke out without hesitation.

"My own selfish interests can actually override the safety of the entire China. I have nothing more to say. Let's take action! It's time to settle things completely."

Fang Lin didn't expect him to have a conscience at all for being so paranoid that he could commit such an unforgivable crime, so he didn't bother to reason with him and just scolded him coldly.

"I don't dare to have any illusions about this evil son of the Yan family, but you, Fang Lin, are affectionate and righteous, unlike him.

He is heartless and doesn't care about his sister's life or death.

Can you, Fang Lin, not care about your fiancée’s life or death?”

Rolling his eyes at Yan Bing, Yan Shixiong said calmly with a smile.

Just as Yan Shixiong thought, Yan Bing had no reaction at all when he learned that Yan Shanshan was in danger.

Deep down in his heart, Yan Bing is full of hatred for the entire Yan family, including his parents and his biological sister Yan Shanshan.

If they hadn't been stubborn, Yan Shixiong wouldn't have deliberately targeted them many times, so there was no relationship at all.

Although Fang Lin didn't react much on the surface, Yan Shixiong felt that he knew him very well. He was by no means a heartless person, so Yan Shanshan alone could eat Fang Lin to death.

Yan Shanshan is a kind and filial person. This is not the first time that Fang Lin is worried about her safety and does not want her to return to the Yan family. Although he has sent people to protect her secretly and has amulets.

"What did you do to Shanshan?

Don’t forget, she is your granddaughter.”

However, there are many experts in the Yan family, so it is not completely impossible to attack an ordinary person, Yan Shanshan.

Therefore, Fang Lin did not completely doubt Yan Shixiong's words, and instead said in a deep voice.

"This is my grandson! Do you think I need to care about their life or death?"

Raising his hand and pointing at Yan Bing, who didn't know what he was thinking, Yan Shixiong smiled contemptuously.

"Okay! You are indeed such a person.

Tell me! How can you let him go?"

"Kill Yan Bing with me, and the others will not be in any danger."

Yan Shixiong's eyes suddenly burst out with a murderous aura and he said coldly.

"Old man, you hide it really deep! Fang Lin, you are not a stupid person. Do you think his words are credible?

Isn't the life of just one fiancée more important than the lives of dozens of brothers who have been with you through life and death?"

Feeling slightly startled, Yan Bing quickly reprimanded.

Among the three of them, the cultivation level of Fang Lin and Yan Bing can actually be said to be transparent. Even if there is a gap, it is not particularly big.

Yan Shixiong is an exception. No one has ever seen him take action in person. He is no different from an ordinary old man.

But how could an ordinary old man dare to stand alone in front of two enemies of Nascent Soul Realm cultivators without any bodyguards?

Yan Bing and Fang Lin were all deceived by Yan Shixiong before, but now they can think clearly.

So at this time, the situation between the three people formed a closed tripartite confrontation. As long as one of them is biased, the other person he has to deal with will inevitably be doomed.

Yan Bing and Yan Shixiong were at odds with each other, and with Yan Bing making such a fuss, there was the least possibility of cooperation, and Fang Lin became the favorite.

"Your grandpa is your grandpa after all. How can I not do anything with you hiding such a curse around me?

Are you afraid that you really think that I am old and confused?

Which is more important, the dead or the living? Anyone with a little bit of intelligence should know how to choose, right?

Yan Bing, you miscalculated."

Yan Shixiong believed that he was bound to win the chess piece Fang Lin, so he was not anxious at all, and even teased Yan Bingdao in a joking tone.

"Haha...who made the miscalculation in the end?

I'm afraid it's hard to say, right?

You know clearly that I have hated the Yan family since I was a child, but in the end you still gave me a high position step by step. Do you really think that I don't know what you are thinking?

If I am not completely sure, will I stand up?"

Yan Bing said sarcastically without hesitation.

"It's been more than twenty years since we've exhausted all our agencies and been on guard against each other every day. Aren't you tired?

You guys should stop fighting, otherwise, what if I withdraw and you fight first, and I won’t participate at all?"

The two of them thought each other was smarter, and Fang Lin was completely speechless for a moment.


In fact, Fang Lin just talked about it casually, but in the eyes of Yan Bing and Yan Shixiong, it was undoubtedly that he wanted to reap the benefits, so the two of them said it without thinking.

"If it doesn't work, then it will be easier.

Anyway, I won’t let any of you go. Why don’t you just work together to kill me first, and then it doesn’t matter which one of you wins?

Anyway, the Yan family wins."

At this time, Fang Lin already knew the situation within a ten-mile radius. He didn't have time to continue inking with them, so he simply said straightforwardly.


The two looked at each other and once again spoke almost in unison.

"Nima, you've tricked yourself! I'm going to go, it's just a joke, do you want to be so serious?"

Glancing at the grandfather and grandson who were already standing in a row, Fang Lin pretended to be speechless and said in a joking tone.

This chapter has been completed!
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