Chapter 1486 Life Gate

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As a mouthful of black blood spurted out from Pang Ji's mouth, Jiang Wuchen's lips once again showed a proud and cunning smile of victory.

But Jiang Wuchen didn't even have time to mock Pang Ji for overestimating his own capabilities. Just when he gathered his energy and wanted to stand up from the ground, as soon as his eyes moved, Fang Lin's ghostly figure was already in front of him.

"What's the point of a sneak attack?

If you are brave, wait for me to come out and fight to the death."

Looking at Fang Lin with a stern gaze, Jiang Wuchen was instantly startled to the point of breaking out in cold sweat, and said angrily and angrily.

“Isn’t it true that I have always said that Young Master Jiang is very capable?

When did you say you were capable?

So why waste time fighting you to the death when I can make a sneak attack?"

Gathering the Qi in his palm, Fang Lin struck Jiang Wuchen's body-protecting Qi without hesitation, and said coldly with a cold smile.

In fact, Fang Lin's palm strength was not too strong, but even under the protection of the body-protecting Qi, Jiang Wuchen still felt as heavy as a mountain, and he couldn't even move.

More importantly, he was instantly speechless by Fang Lin's words.

Indeed, no one with a little bit of brains would agree to such a thing as letting the tiger return to the mountain.

As for those who would agree, they are just trying to show off.

But Jiang Wuchen no longer even had the qualifications to show off at this time, because he found that he had completely underestimated Fang Lin's strength, let alone at a time when he had just consumed a lot of infuriating energy?

Although Jiang Wuchen has already stolen the limelight from the way he appeared, and he is indeed very capable among the younger generation.

But no matter how arrogant he was, Fang Lin never took him seriously.

After all, I have beaten two Nascent Soul Realm masters, so why should I be afraid of him, a cultivator in the early stage of Gangjindan?

With his little strength, he is not even as good as Master Pu Hui. He only bullies warriors below the mid-level heaven level. When it comes to Fang Lin, he is not worth mentioning at all.

As the zhenqi circulated, a cold light flashed between Fang Lin's brows. Jiang Wuchen's body-protecting zhenqi broke in response, and eight silver needles were driven directly into his body under the powerful force of Fang Lin's zhenqi.

In the blink of an eye, with Jiang Wuchen's wailing, the remaining true energy in his body spurted out like a punctured balloon.

As a cultivator, Jiang Wuchen certainly knew that he would never be able to cultivate martial arts in this life, and he would definitely be inferior to ordinary people.

"Boy, don't be too proud. I don't believe you can really leave this boundless glacier."

At this point, Jiang Wuchen had to accept this fact, but he still glared at Fang Lindao very unconvinced.

"Fang...Young Master Fang, I...I know I was wrong. Really, I shouldn''s all my fault. I don't want anything. Please...please take...take me away."


Regardless of whether he could leave here or not, it was clear that Fang Lin had completely dominated the situation here, and Pang Ji had no choice but to shamelessly plead to Fang Lin in a very weak voice.

As soon as Pang Ji stopped speaking, his body suddenly became as light as cotton, and then his vision went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

When Pang Ji and Jiang Wuchen woke up again, they were instantly stunned by everything in front of them.

The biting cold has long since disappeared without a trace, and the endless glaciers have also disappeared.

What is in front of you is a paradise with flowers in full bloom and birds singing and the fragrance of flowers forming a sharp contrast with the desolate glacier before.

"This...where is this?"

"Is it difficult...are we really coming out?"

Looking at everything in front of them, the two of them greedily absorbed the fresh air that was no longer cold and pungent as if they were reborn, and murmured to themselves in disbelief.

However, the two of them soon felt something was wrong with their bodies at the same time, because at this time they looked just like ordinary people, but their bodies were not even as good as ordinary people, and they could not even use the slightest effort to pick a flower.

Recalling everything that happened before, the two knew without even thinking that this must be Fang Lin's masterpiece.

However, compared to dying on that endless glacier, all of this no longer seems important.

At least, even if you die in the fertile soil of this paradise, it is better than becoming a permanent popsicle in your life.

"Don't you want to come out?


Now that I have brought you out, what are you dissatisfied with?"

Just when the two of them were in an indescribably complicated mood, Fang Lin quietly appeared behind them and said with a teasing smile.

" really came out? is this possible?"

Upon seeing Fang Lin, Jiang Wuchen immediately trembled with shock, shook his head repeatedly, and said with disbelief on his face.

"It's boring anyway. Seeing as you are so diligent and eager to learn, I don't mind giving you a simple explanation.

In fact, the glaciers we see are simply illusions evolved from Bagua. I think you should also know very well that Bagua metaphysics is very subtle and magical.

If the formation is done properly, it is not difficult to control the wind and rain and reverse the yin and yang.

Since it is the Eight Diagrams, there will be life and death, and Du Jing's death will open the eight doors, so according to the evolution of the Eight Diagrams and the change of direction, just find the door of life.

With the compass, if you were born in the Earth zodiac in the northeast, no matter how the Bagua below changes, as long as you follow the compass and keep walking toward the northeast, you will be able to come out.

Of course, as the position below changes, the gate of life also changes, so the compass is very important."

No need to think about it, Fang Lin started talking.

"Young Master Fang is indeed smart and witty, but it's just a glacier. How did you come up with the idea of ​​gossip?"

Pang Ji admired sincerely, and then asked in confusion.

"This is even simpler. You also know the abnormal noises underground.

But what you didn't notice is that as soon as the abnormal noise occurs, the distance the compass pointer moves is one-eighth and a circle.

So the glacier is also divided into eight, moving in a way that we can't see with the naked eye.

Although we feel like we are not moving at all, in fact, every half hour, we are in a different direction of the Bagua."

"I am convinced that I have lost. In losing to you, I, Jiang Wuchen, are not unjust, Yan Ye's family is not unjust, and my Jiang family is even less unjust. It is simply overestimating one's own capabilities."

He didn't expect that such subtle changes would be connected by Fang Lin. Jiang Wuchen had nothing to complain about and let out a long sigh of helplessness.

"As long as you understand, don't tell me, this holy land is really full of treasures.

In just one hour, I picked up at least a truckload of spiritual stones containing huge spiritual energy, and countless magic weapons."

Fang Lin said with a smile that was not modest at all.

"I wonder if Mr. Fang has found something that looks like a small tripod?"

Jiang Wuchen suddenly had a glimmer of light in his eyes and asked in a tentative tone.

This chapter has been completed!
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