Chapter 1520

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Just when Oda Amagashi was about to scream subconsciously, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and a cold big hand silently grabbed his throat, forcing him to swallow all the words he wanted to shout.

Went back.

This scare really frightened Oda Amagashi, and he almost lost his breath from fear.

For ordinary people, this may not be a big concept.

But Oda Amanoke is different. He is a real martial arts practitioner, and his strength is close to that of China's prefecture-level warriors.

Logically speaking, at this level, not even a mosquito should be able to escape his eyes wherever he looks.

But Oda Amagashi's eyes never left the position where Fang Lin was standing. From the beginning to the end, he didn't notice anything leaving there at all. How did Fang Lin leave and come behind him?

And Oda Amanomiya didn't even feel that there was an extra person behind him?

Therefore, Fang Lin's strength was simply unimaginably terrifying to him.

"I...I'm talking nonsense,, life."

He knew that there was a huge gap in strength between himself and Fang Lin, let alone relying on those stupid hands.

How dare Oda Amagashi be disrespectful at all?

He quickly raised his hands slowly to express surrender and said tremblingly.

It can hide from one's own eyes quietly and appear behind one's back unknowingly.

Based on these two points alone, Oda Amagashi knew that if Fang Lin wanted to kill him, it would be easy. How could he dare to be as arrogant as before?

"You are talking nonsense?"

There is nothing nice to say to him, Fang Lin said coldly with an indifferent face.

"Yes... he's a little bitch..." Oda Amagashi was not stupid at all. He immediately understood what Fang Lin meant, and quickly and mercilessly slapped him in the face one after another.

He greeted me.

Of course, what made Oda Amanomiya feel most ashamed and painful was that, in addition to the burning pain on his face, he had to slap and scold himself for being a bitch.

But all this humiliation was far more cost-effective to him than losing his life directly.

" is he up there?"

" is this possible?"

"Could it be...could it be that you saw a ghost?"

......... A loud sound completely woke up everyone who was still fighting for Fang Lin. At this time, everyone looked up in confusion and realized that Fang Lin and Ren Yufei had already arrived behind Oda Amanokeshi at some unknown time, and

What they are fighting for is nothing more than a bunch of air.

In an instant, everyone was even more confused, but most of them were still frightened.

Because only then did everyone realize that in fighting for the ethereal air, half of them had been disabled.

There were originally over a thousand people, but half of them was not a very small number. There were probably hundreds of people at least.

What made them even more confused was, of course, that Oda Amagashi had fallen into Fang Lin's hands unknowingly, and he had no ability to resist.

"Do you think they are mean?"

Glancing at the dumbfounded crowd, I found that although they were only following Oda Amagashi's orders at first, later on they actually wanted to kill themselves, and they also really wanted to misbehave with Ren Yufei.

Fang Lin never let go of guys like this who have ideas about his own woman, so he turned around and said coldly behind Oda Amagashi's ear.

"Why...what are you still standing around for?

Want...want to die?"

In response to Fang Lin's orders, Oda Amagashi did not dare to slack off at all, after all, his life was still in his hands.

Even if he attacks himself, Oda Amanogashi is not polite at all, not to mention he is still a warrior himself.

After a few slaps, his face was already bruised and swollen like a meat bun.

He was already simmering with anger in his heart. In his opinion, these guys were extremely stupid, so naturally he became even more furious and roared at everyone.

Although everyone doesn't know what strength Fang Lin's silent departure represents, but even Oda Amagashi is not an opponent, and they are not worth mentioning.

Coupled with the prestige of the Oda family, how could anyone dare to slack off at all?

He quickly followed Oda Amanomichi and slapped him in the face one after another.

“What a relief.”

Even Ren Yufei, who usually doesn't like to use force to solve problems, couldn't help but feel happy at this time.

"Who is that little brother?

It actually made the entire Oda family kneel down and beg for mercy."

"Although I don't know who he is?

But he’s a handsome guy.”

"This is breaking news. If it is posted online, the response will definitely be good."

Suddenly so many people gathered, and all of them were fully armed. Naturally, they had already attracted the attention of many guests.

Originally, because the Oda family was blocking the front, everyone couldn't see clearly.

But at this moment, the people of the Oda family knelt down one after another, and the scenery inside was immediately exposed to the public's view.

In an instant, voices of curiosity spread in all directions, and the sound of the shutter on the mobile phone was no less than the sound of people applauding, and the entire shopping mall became heated.


This was an opportunity to make a name for himself in the Japanese country. Fang Lin didn't stop him. He didn't let go of Oda Amanomichi until almost five minutes later, stretched his waist and said.

"Didn't you hear the order?

Hurry up and get ready and send all the best food here."

Oda Amagashi's face had long been swollen into a big pumpkin. When he saw that Fang Lin was finally willing to let him go, he suddenly felt as happy as if he had received an amnesty. He quickly kicked the two men next to him and said hard.

Fortunately, his subordinates were quite clever. Although they basically didn't understand Oda Amagashi's instructions, they got a general idea from Fang Lin's words and quickly called everyone to retreat, and also dispersed the onlookers.

Come on.

Of course, Fang Lin is not a person who likes to be in the limelight.

On the contrary, he prefers an ordinary life.

However, he had to do this at this time.

I hope to tell the Koga faction and Su Xiaomeng in this way that I have arrived in the Japanese country.

First, it would shock the Jiahe faction so that they would not dare to attack Su Xiaomeng.

Secondly, it also gave Su Xiaomeng hope. If she was really being coerced, he would have come to save her.

Under the guidance of Oda Amagashi, Fang and Lin were quickly invited into a luxuriously decorated private room, and arranged for someone to remove the cushions and replace them with tables and stools that Chinese people are accustomed to.

At this time, Oda Amagashi was as obedient as a little sheep, following Fang Lin obediently, fearing that he would be killed again because of an accident.

"Do you know anything about the Koka sect?"

Although Fang Lin didn't have high hopes, after everything was ready and the dishes started to be served, he still asked Oda Amagashi.

This chapter has been completed!
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