Chapter 1852 Provocation

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According to the itinerary, Fang Lin, Yu Cai and Fan Yi will arrive at Shandong International Airport at 9:20 minutes.

At just 8:07, Fang Lin and Feng Lingxue quietly appeared on an uninhabited slope less than a hundred meters away from the airport, which was enough for them to have a clear view of the situation inside the airport.

"Today's airport is really very lively. Inside and outside, in the sky and on the ground, there are at least 4,000 light warrior cultivators in total. Yongcheng has probably never been so lively, right?

Some people really took great pains, and even the staff at the airport were changed, and all of them were at least martial arts masters.

Although they are openly engaging in such a big fight, I don’t know how many masters are hiding around but haven’t appeared yet. I didn’t expect that Fang Lin’s reputation would be so great.”

After using his clairvoyance eyes to carefully scan around the airport, Fang Lin's expression relaxed at this moment and he said with a hint of ridicule.

"There are so many masters gathered in one place. It has not been so lively for at least hundreds of years. I don't know what their intentions are."

With so many experts, even if they want to level the entire airport, it will be a piece of cake.

Although Fang Lin always looked high-spirited, Feng Lioxue did not dare to take any chances, and her face was more solemn than ever before.

"There are already many people who know my identity, and I can't hide it even if I want to.

And what’s supposed to come has already arrived, won’t you know if you go down and ask?”

A sly smile flashed across Fang Lin's lips with complete disapproval.


Don’t you wait until your physical body arrives?”

Seeing Fang Lin lifting his legs and strolling toward the airport, Feng Lioxue was immediately startled. She hurriedly caught up with him and said with surprise on her face.

Judging from the current situation, at least on the surface, the enemy is overt and we are covert, which is the perfect time to launch a surprise attack to deal with some of the enemies.

But Fang Lin was so blatantly exposed in front of everyone, it was like sending meat to the door, and the situation was reversed instantly, so Feng Lioxue really couldn't figure out what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd?

"Do you really think I can get off the flight smoothly?

Isn’t it too small to look down on all the forces in Yong City?

Although they dare not attack me outside Yongcheng, once they enter the scope of Yongcheng, it will be easy for them to cause a plane crash or something, so they will never let me land safely."

Fang Lin explained casually with a relaxed and natural expression.

"Then wouldn't your physical body be very dangerous?

Why do they still put on such a big show at the airport?"

Immediately understanding what Fang Lin meant, Feng Lioxue was so shocked that she almost dropped her eyes, and almost exclaimed softly with a puzzled face.

"Although they are not stupid, I am smarter than them.

Since we could anticipate this, we would naturally have taken precautions in advance.

This is not the first time that I have escaped from a plane crash. Do you think they will feel relieved?

Besides, although the Fan family has some kind of cooperation with the God-killing Society and the Fourth Master, their relationship is not rock solid, and now they all have their own agendas.

Don't forget, not all of these three parties may want to prevent me from entering Yong City, or in other words, they may not all want my life.

To put it simply, someone wants my life, but someone wants my life for other purposes."

Although Fang Lin had a hint of joking in his explanation, it was not rhetorical.

When they were still in the three provinces of Chunan, there had already been incidents of people crashing and escaping. Since they had to deal with themselves, they naturally also conducted various detailed investigations on themselves.

"It seems that this is not only a battle of force, but also a psychological competition.

Fortunately, the protagonist is not me, otherwise I would probably die without knowing how."

Because there were still too many mysteries that had not yet been solved, Feng Lioxue's explanation to Fang Lin was half-understood for the time being.

After sighing, she did not continue to ask further questions.

Because it doesn't matter what she thinks at this moment. What matters is that Fang Lin has the chance to win. As long as she is by his side, Feng Lioxue will feel safe enough.

"Strange, why did this guy come in so blatantly?

Have you found the Huang family and other outsiders?"

In the VIP lounge of Shandong International Airport, Fan Hai looked at Fang Lin and Fang Lin who walked into the waiting hall with solemn eyes, and muttered with doubts.

"No, we have checked, and within a radius of 100 meters, apart from our people, they are the people of the God-Slaying Society and the Fourth Master."

A middle-aged man behind Fan Hai replied in a very affirmative voice.

"You mean, just the two of them?

Coming to die?

How about playing?

How can this be?"

After appreciating Fang Lin's power, Fan Hai's face suddenly darkened and he angrily scolded his subordinates.

"'s true..." The middle-aged man was so frightened that he trembled all over and said with aggrieved face, burying his head.

"What's real?

Do you really think Fang Lin is as stupid as you?

He was a talented Qilin scholar who was respected by everyone outside Yongcheng.

Check, let me continue to check, things are definitely not that simple.

Also, let me inform you that no one in the Fan family is allowed to act rashly without my order, otherwise they will be shot without mercy."

Fan Hai glared hard at his subordinate and yelled angrily again.

"Yes..." Although he already knew the surroundings well, the man did not dare to disobey the boss's order, so after trembling all over, he quickly exited the VIP room.

Not only the Fan family, but Fang and Lin were also under the surveillance of the Fourth Master and the God-killing Society as soon as they appeared. A very similar conversation almost took place between the two parties. No one believed that they dared to do this.

The two of them came to the airport to pick up someone grandly alone.

Even though the facts were right in front of them, no one dared to say that Fang Lin had a problem in his mind and did not notice anything strange around him.

Although the Fourth Master did not know Zhuge Qing's true identity, both Fang Lin and Zhuge Qing were feared by them, so there was no contradiction.

Being able to completely control an international airport, even Fang Lin had to admit the strength of their methods.

I was originally worried about hurting innocent people, but this made it much easier.

"Everyone, it's boring to hide. Now that we're here, let's all come out and chat. Maybe we can even get together for a few tables of mahjong.

By the way, what do you want to do?

Such a big fight.

Just tell me what you want, and it will be yours, why do you have to fight to the point of life and death?"

Walking to the center of the waiting hall, Fang Lin casually found a seat and sat down, glancing around casually.

Although it seemed like he just said it casually, everyone in the airport heard it as clearly as if the words were ringing in their ears.

Sure enough, as Fang Lin's voice sounded, the pedestrians who seemed to be in a hurry just now suddenly stopped in their tracks, and all of them stepped forward and focused their sharp eyes on him, but they were not surprised at all, as if this was the case.

Everything was as they expected.

This chapter has been completed!
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