Chapter 194 Discrimination

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Bai Yunyun's face turned green and red for a while.

This was completely different from what she had imagined before.

She simply couldn't figure out where Fang Lin had the courage and confidence to reject her.

Guo Jiangong was also furious when he saw Wu Ming. He slapped the table and said, "Fang Lin, are you mistaken? Bai Yunyun took the initiative to reconcile with you regardless of her past grudges, and you even started to drag her into a fight?

What qualifications do you have to drag me here?

So what if Bai Yunyun and Wang Sicheng have been together for several years?

Wang Sicheng has raised your wife for several years, what are you unhappy about?"

Fang Lin turned to look at Guo Jiangong, his eyes narrowed, and his face darkened for the first time.

I don't know why, being stared at by Fang Lin in vain made Guo Jiangong feel cold all over for a while, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"What are you staring at me for? What did I say wrong?"

Guo Jiangong was a little annoyed that he was so scared that Fang Lin would look at him, his face became ugly, and his voice suddenly became louder!

Fang Lin snorted and said with a stern face: "Shut up, sit down and eat your food."

"Hey! Are you still excited?" Guo Jiangong was annoyed and angry. He came to Fang Lin in two steps and reached out to grab Fang Lin's collar.

"What do you think you are?

Today is a class reunion. It was because of our past friendship that I gave you the opportunity to have a meal with me.

If you were left on the street, I wouldn't even look at you when I saw you, do you understand?"

A male classmate who had a good relationship with Guo Jiangong also sneered: "Fang Lin, I advise you to apologize to Guo Jiangong as soon as possible.

This is no longer the age of students who study for grades. Guo Jiangong is rich and powerful. Who among you has disrespected him?

Guo Jiangong originally saw how well you were doing and planned to introduce you to a job.

When others encounter such a good thing, it is too late to curry favor.

But when you are here, you actually start a fight with Guo Jiangong? You are really ignorant!"

Several people around him echoed this, implying that Fang Lin was not qualified to make trouble with Guo Jiangong.

He should pretend to be a grandson, flatter Guo Jiangong, kneel down and lick Guo Jiangong, which is the normal operation.

Fang Lin's face dropped as his eyes swept over the classmates who asked him to apologize to Guo Jiangong one by one.

Gu Manting couldn't stand it anymore, so she got up and came to Fang Lin, glared at Guo Jiangong and said: "Guo Jiangong, let go of Fang Lin quickly.

We are all classmates, if there is something we can’t talk about properly, why do we need to do something about it?”

Guo Jiangong glanced at Gu Manting and said, "It's this boy Fang Lin who is so shameless.

But since you, Man Ting, have interceded on his behalf, I will be merciful and not argue with him. I will just treat him like a fart and let him go."

Loosening Fang Lin's collar, Guo Jiangong reached out and patted Fang Lin's face gently, then sneered: "You are not welcome here, get out of here!"

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

Several classmates looked at Fang Lin with disdain and spoke indifferently.

Seeing Fang Lin being ridiculed and humiliated by these people, Bai Yunyun also changed her previous attitude, feeling that Fang Lin was too incompetent and too embarrassing.

He said indifferently: "Fang Lin, you really can't hold up the wall with mud.

People are not afraid of being poor, but they are afraid of not knowing themselves.

People like you deserve to be poor for the rest of your life!

It's a pity that I thought about getting back together with you before.

Now it seems that that is a very wrong idea.

You should get out of here quickly, it will be a disgrace if you continue to stay here."

Gu Manting looked at this group of people, her eyebrows were raised, and she said angrily: "You guys have gone too far!"

She was confused. Fang Lin had done nothing wrong. He had been pouring wine and serving dishes for everyone just now.

He just rejected Bai Yunyun's love.

It was just a small conflict with Guo Jiangong.

Why did everyone suddenly dislike Fang Lin so much that they all started asking him to leave!

We are all classmates.

We have just graduated from high school a few years ago, so why do everyone judge the friendship between classmates based on their wealth?

Shouldn’t the friendship between classmates be the purest?

Shouldn’t the friendship between classmates last a lifetime?

Even if today’s society is a society that advocates power and wealth, even if everyone has a side that clings to power.xdw8

But there’s no need to be so unkind, right?

Looking at Guo Jiangong and the others coldly, Gu Manting said in a deep voice: "Fang Lin didn't offend you at today's party, right?

Not only did he not offend anyone, he also ran forward and backward to serve everyone.

There was a conflict between the two of them, so you didn't want to persuade them to make peace, but you actually started to chase Fang Lin away?

Is it just because Guo Jiangong has been doing business for several years and made a lot of money?

So he is more important than the head of a poor village like Fang Lin?

There’s no need to treat them so differently, right?”

Having said this, she couldn't help but sneered: "Besides, people don't always look back and forth.

As the old saying goes, don't bully young people into poverty.

If Fang Lin becomes famous one day, he will be richer than Guo Jiangong.

Then how will you deal with it then?"

Gu Manting was so disappointed with these classmates for the first time, and she showed no mercy in what she said.

Shaking his head, he looked at Bai Yunyun again, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips.

"You were the one who dumped Fang Lin in the first place.

It is you who want to continue to reconcile with Fang Lin today.

Now you say that Fang Lin can't hold up the wall with mud, and it's you who makes him roll away.

Are you planning to find an honest person to take over, but in the end you feel that an honest person is not good enough for you?"

Gu Manting's words made all the students blush.

When she was in school, she was a member of the study committee and was always respected and feared by her classmates.

Even though he has graduated and gone his separate ways, he still has prestige in the hearts of his classmates.

But now that everyone has graduated and many people have entered the society, who would really care about her as a college student?

Someone sneered and said, "Gu Manting, please stop talking.

Could you please be more realistic?

Isn't it Wang Shaowei, a wealthy man, who is responsible for most of the expenses for today's party?

The high-end wine we drank was not provided by Guo Jiangong?

This is the way this society is, the rich are the boss.

Fang Lin had no ability, no money, and he didn't even have a decent job.

What qualifications does he have to show off in front of everyone?"

Another person said: "As for you, Fang Lin will one day be richer than Guo Jiangong, what should we do?

I will give you a clear answer now.

Totally impossible!

Fang Lin had been a soldier for several years and didn't even have a resettlement card.

I'm afraid there are not many people here who don't know what the situation is like in Fenghuang Village.

In his situation, if he didn't know how to respect Guo Jiangong and fawned over him, he was doomed to be poor for the rest of his life.

In my opinion, it will be difficult for him to buy a house in the county in his lifetime..."

Guo Jiangong waved his hand and stopped the classmate from continuing, and said with a smile: "Okay, there's nothing to say. From now on, everyone can just pretend that they don't know that person named Fang.

Don’t invite anyone to future class reunions.

Anyone who invites him will be in trouble with me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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