Chapter 23 Ren Yufei was taken

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His family's vegetable land totals twenty acres, so he simply asked Master Guo to dig pile holes here and set up a spirit-gathering shanda array.

In this way, the vegetables and grains grown by his family in the future will contain spiritual energy and become spiritual materials. They not only look good, taste delicious, but also have many benefits to people.

His parents have suffered for many years, so letting them eat more good food in the future can be considered an act of filial piety from Fang Linjin.

Master Guo could still accept it even if he was confused about driving pile holes at the foot of the mountain, but driving pile holes next to the crop fields completely confused Master Guo.

He felt in his heart that either his professional knowledge was lacking, or Fang Lin was out of his mind.

However, he didn't mind if he could make a fortune by drilling just one pile hole. He wished Fang Lin would let him drill hundreds more.

By the time the construction team matters were properly arranged, the personnel recruitment matters that Fang Baoguo was responsible for had also come to an end.

Fang Baoguo was different from other villagers. He had no grudges against Chen Xiangyi's ominous rumors, and he didn't dare to have any grudges. After Wang Xiu'e fell ill, Chen Xiangyi was the first to step forward and lend money to his family. Folks.

It doesn't make sense to take other people's money without feeling bad about them, but to hire people as domestic workers and still feel bad about them is unjustifiable.

However, the other women who were successfully recruited by Fang Baoguo all looked at Chen Xiangyi with colored glasses. No one was better than the other, so why did she become the supervisor all of a sudden?

Someone whispered that Fang Lin fell in love with that pretty widow Chen Xiangyi, so he made her the supervisor?

Her ability to grow weeds is definitely not better than anyone else's, but she is beautiful after all! xdw8

The news spread among the seven aunts and eight aunts at once, and soon swept the entire Fenghuang Village.

Even Wang Xiu'e, who was lying in bed, and Ren Yufei, the party secretary of Beauty Village, had heard about it.

During the afternoon meal, Wang Xiu'e called Fang Lin to the bed and asked solemnly: "Son, can you tell mom that you made your sister Xiangyi the supervisor? Do you think you have fallen in love with her? "

Fang Lin was startled. For some reason, he thought of that pretty white body on the way back to the village yesterday.

He quickly waved his hands and said: "No, what's the matter? Mom, don't listen to others' rumors. Sister Xiangyi has helped our family, and it's not easy to live alone, so I'm thinking of letting her earn more. Help her."

Wang Xiu'e didn't know whether to believe Fang Lin's words. She looked at Fang Lin deeply and then said: "Son, I have no intention of letting you be the master of the family. No matter what you think, I will not let you Changed your mind. But there is one thing, Mom has to remind you."

"Well, you tell me." Fang Lin still respected Wang Xiu'e very much.

Wang Xiu'e said: "Chen Xiangyi is a good girl, but as soon as she got married, she killed her parents-in-law and her husband. This is an indisputable fact.

No matter what happens in the future, don't even think about marrying her, it's absolutely not allowed."

Fang Lin smiled bitterly and said, "Mom, why are we talking about this again? Don't worry."

Wang Xiu'e just asked him to keep it in mind, and then she said nothing more.

After Fang Lin left, there were almost no guests in Wang Xiu'e's house. Aunts from this family and aunts from that family came to see her one after another and chat with her.

The Fang family, which had rarely been visited before, suddenly became lively.

Fang Lin now feels as though he can ascend to heaven by himself. At least in Fenghuang Village, his family feels that the treatment and respect are completely different from before.

In the evening, the rumbling sound of machines kept coming from the south of the village. It was the construction team working all night long.

Regarding the construction of this winery, Cao Ranran gave the order to the engineering team: It must be completed as soon as possible with all its strength, without any slack!

Moreover, Cao Ranran did not treat them badly and offered twice the usual price. The engineering team worked together and worked enthusiastically.

Although it was evening, the searchlights from the construction site in the south still illuminated the village as bright as day.

Fang Lin and Fang Baoguo had been busy all day, and finally they were able to sit in the yard, drink tea and enjoy the cool air.

However, before she had been comfortable for a long time, Fang Tianai suddenly ran back sweating profusely and shouted: "Brother, go to the village committee courtyard and have a look, something happened to Sister Ren!"

Fang Lin raised his eyebrows, stood up, and asked, "What's wrong with Party Secretary Ren?"

Fang Tianai looked panicked and told the story anxiously.

Fang Lin admired Ren Yufei from the bottom of his heart.

She was in a foreign land, and even though she was excluded by the entire village committee, she could still think of the villagers and stick to her bottom line.

Moreover, regardless of whether it was intentional or not, Fang Lin had finally seen Ren Yufei's body, which made him always feel that he owed Ren Yufei something.

Hearing that something was wrong with Ren Yufei, Fang Lin didn't dare to delay and strode towards the village committee compound.

Ren Yufei was originally not welcomed by the village committee and had to live in a dilapidated Taoist temple.

However, after a series of events yesterday, Liu Xiangyang claimed that he was ill at home and Ren Yufei was in control. The village committee naturally invited Ren Yufei to live in the dormitory of the village committee compound.

This evening, Ren Yufei moved from the Taoist Temple to the dormitory in the village committee compound, and Fang Tianai also went to help her.

The two of them had moved well and had almost packed up the dormitory in the village committee compound.

However, Liu Xiangyang suddenly came out and cursed loudly, saying that he built the village committee compound and would not let Ren Yufei live there. He hit Ren Yufei on the back with a stick. Ren Yufei fell to the ground and could not get up.

Fang Lin was filled with anger and his steps were fast.

He originally thought that after yesterday's series of events, Liu Xiangyang would settle down, but he didn't expect that he would dare to cause trouble.

In his opinion, Liu Xiangyang is the black sheep of Fenghuang Village, and he must be dealt with!

Walking into the village committee compound, Fang Lin looked gloomy and saw Liu Xiangyang occupying the door of Ren Yufei's dormitory. He seemed to have gone crazy and dropped Ren Yufei's daily belongings on the ground. No one could persuade him.

Ren Yufei was lying on the ground, her face pale, and the fine beads of sweat on her forehead wet the ground beneath her. She looked extremely painful and could not get up.

"Village Chief Liu, what are you doing here? Isn't it just a dormitory? It's empty anyway, so it doesn't matter if Party Secretary Ren stays there." He Dafu, the village accountant, persuaded at a loss.

Ren Yufei is no longer the same Ren Yufei as before, and Fenghuang Village is no longer the same as before. Fang Lin's winery has already begun construction. With him supporting Ren Yufei, who dares to offend her again?

However, on one side is the powerful village party secretary, and on the other side is Village Chief Liu who has fallen into poverty. It is difficult to offend either of them.

"Impossible!" Liu Xiangyang waved the stick in his hand and shouted: "I paid for this village committee compound to be built brick by brick, why should she live in it?"

This chapter has been completed!
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