Chapter 2540 Unprecedented, behemoth of war!

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Whoa - Fang Lin's figure quietly appeared in mid-air.

It can be seen that the clothes on Fang Lin's body are making hunting noises, and the sword scabbard on Fang Lin's waist is empty! Below the canyon, in front of the ice blue light cocoon, you can see streaks of sword energy surrounding the light. Around the cocoon, in the sword energy, there was an extremely exaggerated will.

With Fang Lin's attainments in swordsmanship, as long as Fang Lin does not die, this will will never dissipate, and even the erosion of the power of time will not be able to offset half of it.

Waves of sword energy surrounded this cocoon of light, and those alien miscellaneous fish would definitely not have the ability to break through such a blockade of sword energy.

In front of the light cocoon, a long sword was stuck on the ground, and the sword even shone with purple-gold light.

The Holy Sword of Emperor Flame was left by Gu Liangwei's side by Fang Lin. This will be the last protection! On the ground, Fang Lin withdrew his slightly sideways gaze, and a smile flashed in his eyes for a moment.

I have given you the Emperor Flame Holy Sword, but no one has ever received this kind of treatment! Immediately, Fang Lin began to look at the sky.

Above the sky, a huge shadow could be seen falling, and an extremely heavy sense of oppression was being transmitted from a long distance away.

Just this pressure alone gave Fang Lin a new awareness in his heart.

This time, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide anything anymore! Even the six-winged emperor's flames are too eye-catching, and even the golden and purple divine brilliance are too shocking.

Because if he hides any longer, he may even lose his life here! At a certain moment, a violent storm suddenly descended on this world! The next second, Fang Lin clearly felt that the huge shadow fell directly. Arrived on the ground.

Boom - an exaggerated roar, like a mountain hitting the ground! "Hahahaha! It's coming, it's coming! You're finally here!"

"War beast! Tear that angel to pieces!"

"As aliens, angels are natural enemies. Come and show your majesty!"

In the distance, a naked man could be heard howling with excitement, as if what was coming was not a monster but his father.

However, what was even more exaggerated was the huge mouth that the war beast suddenly opened! The war beast looked like the dinosaur in Fang Lin's memory, with four extremely thick thighs standing on the ground, and its body was extremely strong. It is far superior to the King Kong orangutan.

Just in terms of size, it was over a hundred meters tall! And when this big guy opened its big mouth, it let out a fierce roar.

For a moment, that majestic roar actually stirred up a huge storm, sweeping across the earth.

Under the terrifying pressure, the air was distorting violently, and the exaggerated sense of oppression was almost solidified.

The power of cultivation rose up from Fang Lin's body, and the storm blew loudly, but Fang Lin's figure remained unmoved at all.

However, in Fang Lin's eyes, it seemed as if a stormy sea was gathering.

War is coming! With a wave of his hand, Fang Lin's body gradually began to float.

Behind Fang Lin, phantoms suddenly emerged, which were pairs of huge wings.

Six wings appeared together! The sky was completely enveloped in golden color almost instantly.

This is something that has never appeared in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Burials before, the six-winged Emperor Flame Angel! Bits of golden flames quietly ignited around Fang Lin, floating in the air like pieces of holy feathers.

When the six wings emerged, the coercion between heaven and earth was already overwhelming. The oppressive feeling of the Emperor Flame Angel was no worse than that of the giant war beast.

After the Emperor Flame Angel passed by, a grand brilliance began to appear in the mid-air.

The brilliance gradually condensed into the shape of a rainbow, and the color of the rainbow was strikingly golden.

Two golden rainbows! In the distance, the naked man's eyes widened on the spot, with an unparalleled look of horror on his face.

Seraphim, double golden radiance! How could he not know what such a terrifying scene meant! Fang Lin’s power was only really exposed now. Before that, Fang Lin had never used it.

With all your strength! The naked man couldn't help but take a deep breath and subconsciously jumped into the air.

This guy was actually retreating! Not far from the opposite side, the giant war beast suddenly opened its mouth and roared again.

But now this time, a bloody storm swept directly from the roar, and in that storm, there were extremely deep and manic fluctuations rising.

Fang Lin's expression did not change, the wings behind his back trembled slightly, and he disappeared on the spot in an instant.

In the distance, behind the giant war beast, Fang Lin's figure appeared extremely suddenly, and a shocking aura suddenly rose from Fang Lin's body.

"Emperor Technique, Three Thousand Emperor Kills!"

Buzz - For a moment, there seemed to be a violent buzz in the air.

Behind Fang Lin, a large swath of bright stars overflowed into a turbulent scene in the blink of an eye.

In that galaxy, countless purple-gold stars are twinkling.

The spreading star shadows quickly began to twist, and they all converged on Fang Lin's right hand.

What was caused by such a scene was directly the surge of aura in Fang Lin's body.

Such terrifying condensation and compression has simply reached an exaggerated level. These complicated processes may sound long, but in fact they only happen in an instant.

After a blink of an eye, the purple-gold fist shadow suddenly erupted, directly charging into a beam of extremely bright light! At this moment, the war beast obviously felt a considerable threat.

Nowadays, Fang Lin has three levels of Emperor Flame Angel and two golden divine radiances. This is the first time that Fang Lin has raised his power to such an extent.

The same was true, even the giant war beast on the opposite side roared subconsciously, and its body lit up with a dazzling bloody light.

Swish - you can see that at the last moment, the grand blood-red light on the war beast condensed into a light mask-like appearance.

It looked like an enlarged version of a giant war beast, and its strange aura made people unconsciously think of some kind of mysterious totem.

And it was this layer of strange blood-colored light that stood directly in front of Fang Lin.

For a time, a huge storm directly rolled up endless sand and rocks, setting off a huge wave.

Under this spreading shock wave, the earth was rolled up directly, as if it was swept by a big hand.

The hundred-meter giant war beast was forced to retreat inch by inch under the terrifying impact of the three thousand emperors.

Although the blood-colored light shield only trembled violently, this bright purple-gold light pillar pushed the war beast back hundreds of meters!

This chapter has been completed!
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