Chapter 2574 end

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When the top brass were either blocked or killed by Fang Lin, the remaining members of the Qingyun Sect were really just a bunch of rabble.

This storm has been a one-sided crushing from the beginning, and how it will end is entirely in Fang Lin's hands.

In the past, even if Fang Lin came to overthrow a sect, he would definitely not embarrass the disciples below, but now, everything is different.

The raging flames of war devoured everything in the Qingyun Sect. On the ground, the huge crater left by the shocking collision was shockingly carved into the earth.

Even in that deep pit, there were still terrifying sword intentions and sword intentions.

And what about the area around the pit?

The entire valley was completely burned to the ground, and the pavilions, pavilions, and lush vegetation that existed here before were completely disappeared under the bloody flames.

And most of the countless disciples of Qingyun Sect also disappeared with the disappearance of Qingyun Sect.

It's not that the people who escaped didn't exist, but the number was not large, and Fang Lin was too lazy to chase them.

This storm is almost over.

The bare ground was still filled with smoke. Fang Lin stood alone on the edge of the pit, and the wings behind his back disappeared.

Wearing a bloody warlord uniform, Fang Lin put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, as quiet as a new arrival.

Fang Lin's eyes did not match this world riddled with holes at all.

Suddenly, there was a violent roar in the sky, and a desperate roar resounded throughout the sky.

"Qingyun Sect! I'm here! Hahahaha -" "I am a member of Qingyun Sect in life, and I will be a ghost of Qingyun Sect in death!"

"Big devil below, please remember this! Heaven's way is reincarnation, your fate will not be any better than my Qingyun Sect-" In the deafening sound, the sky seemed to be shaken to collapse, and Fang Lin's

There was no expression on his face, just like an outsider, he just raised his head and looked at the sky calmly.

A brilliant firework exploded in the sky.

It was the deputy sect leader who blew himself up.

Fang Lin watched the grand fireworks quietly, his eyes reflected the bright light, as if his eyes became gorgeous.

It's just fireworks, it's just fireworks after all. After the brief brilliance, what's left in his eyes is a black hole of death again.

Fang Lin withdrew his gaze, and a voice emerged in the air.

"You two, stop it!"

"The reward has already been paid, so we'll say goodbye and see you later."

Luo Wanlin and Luo Wanlin both looked down in confusion. Fang Lin was no longer on the ground, and Fang Lin's aura had reached a very, very far place.

Luo Wanlin was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Zheng Feng not far away, and the two disappeared into the sky with a tacit understanding.

But here in this world, the sky is still filled with a rich, dim blood color.

The aftertaste of the storm seems to last forever.

The surviving sect master and the great elder stood blankly in the sky, both of them seemed to have lost their minds, with no expression or emotion.

In the distance, on the boat, Luo Wanlin and Zheng Feng were standing on the deck. Zheng Feng looked very tired and sat on the ground.

As for Luo Wanlin, he leaned on the railing and stared at the sky in the distance.

Until a moment later.

"Lao Luo, do you feel that... something isn't right with Fang Lin?

What he did today is somewhat inconsistent with his reputation!"

Luo Wanlin's eyes still looked slightly hollow, "Of course something is wrong, nothing is right."

"Then..." "Then what can we do?"

Luo Wanlin's eyes were indescribably profound.

“What kind of people do you think the proud people of heaven are?

Let alone someone like him!"

"Old madman, you and I have lived for so many years. It's better not to know things that we shouldn't know. What do you think?"

Luo Wanlin lowered his head and looked at Zheng Feng, his eyes burning with infinite solemnity.

"At least now, he is still a guest at the headquarters of our Pill Paradise, so we have no reason to reject him, even if... his actions have touched a red line."

Zheng Feng was silent for a moment, lowered his head and sighed slightly.

"It seems that the Zhongtian Realm is going to change in a very short time!"

...Fang Lin traveled on his own boat for many days.

On the first day, Fang Lin locked himself in the room and did nothing. He just lay on the bed and slept soundly all day.

But Fang Lin had a dream.

The bloody storm spread into his dream, causing Fang Lin to break into a cold sweat after waking up.

After that, Fang Lin stopped sleeping and went into seclusion for many days to practice.

Until that day, a city appeared on the horizon. Fang Lin suddenly became interested and lowered the height of the boat.

Not long after, a young man in a white warlord uniform appeared at the city gate.

This is not a very big city, and there is no way to compare it with the scale of Zhutian City, but it looks like it is actually quite satisfactory.

Send thoughts to the city.

The name of this city seems very interesting.

As a result, Fang Lin was stunned for a while while standing in front of the city gate.

People were coming and going, and Fang Lin stood alone in the flow of people. The whole world seemed to be leaving him.

When he came back to his senses not long after, Fang Lin's eyes fluctuated for a moment, he shook his head secretly, got up and walked towards the city.

Compared with the overall grand style of Zhongtian Realm, this city of Jisi appears to be very elegant, without those exaggeratedly wide streets or those ferocious orcs.

On both sides of the street, there are ordinary street shops, including the entrance of a steamed bun shop, with steam rising from the steaming baskets.

The smell of human fireworks.

For a moment, it seemed like a world away, this was the familiar ordinaryness and comfort.

Fang Lin stopped subconsciously, suddenly had an idea, and walked towards the bun shop.

"Boss, here's a basket of steamed buns stuffed with beef!"

"Okay! Please come in, guest, and the buns will be delivered to your table right away!"

Fang Lin glanced at the whole bun shop and casually found a seat to sit down.

The simple wooden table has black traces formed over the years on the corners. Everything looks so down-to-earth.

In front of you, through the open doorway, you can see the bustling streets.

"Sir, the buns you requested are here!"

A drawer of steamed buns was delivered, still steaming. Fang Lin was stunned for a few seconds, then picked up one and took a bite.

It was so delicious! Fang Lin couldn't help but take another bite, three or two. After one bun was finished, Fang Lin couldn't help but take the second one.

Just like that, after a while, only half of the buns were left in the drawer. Fang Lin's stomach felt warm, and the taste of beef filled his taste buds, bringing him a full sense of satisfaction.

But at a certain moment, Fang Lin's hand hovered in mid-air, and he paused for a moment, his eyes actually sparkling a little.

This chapter has been completed!
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