Chapter 265: Fang Lin Is My Boyfriend

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Walking out of the residential building, Xu Qingwan asked curiously: "Fang Lin, what disease does that Qiao Xinrui have?"

Fang Linda said: "Brain tumor."

"Brain tumor!?" Xu Qingwan was shocked: "You can also cure this disease with medicine."

Fang Lin nodded and asked, "Why, do you think this is an incurable disease?"

Xu Qingwan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's not that I think it's incurable, but this disease is difficult to conquer in the entire medical community.

In the early stage, it was okay to say that there was a high chance of cure through surgery. But in the middle and late stages, death could basically be declared.

Since Qiao Xinrui only has three years left to live, it is natural that he has a brain tumor in the middle and late stages."

Fang Linda said: "The medical field you are talking about is Western medicine. As someone from a family of Chinese medicine practitioners, why do you have so little confidence in Chinese medicine?"

Xu Qingwan was dissatisfied and said: "It's not that I don't have confidence, it's that today's medicine is primarily based on Western medicine.

For example, cancer, apart from Western medicine surgery and chemotherapy, how else can it be treated?"

Fang Lin chuckled and said, "I used acupuncture and Chinese medicine to cure a patient with advanced liver cancer some time ago."

Xu Qingwan was speechless, and after a long time she said: "We are different. I am really curious now, how did you learn your medical skills? It simply subverts the conclusion of traditional Chinese medicine."

Fang Lindao: "It's not that I overturned the conclusion of traditional Chinese medicine, but that traditional Chinese medicine is declining today. Even traditional Chinese medicine doctors don't believe in themselves, so how can they treat diseases and save people?"

He shook his head and said: "For example, the traditional Chinese medicine hospitals across the country today are said to be traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, but in fact they are still Western medicine.

There are a lot of B-ultrasound, CT and other instruments. Without the instruments to pass the examination, diagnosis and treatment cannot be made. I have long forgotten all about the observation, hearing, inquiry, and diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine."

Xu Qingwan rolled her eyes. In fact, she was a doctor from Handong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Fang Lin almost scolded her when he said this.

If someone else had said this, she would have refuted it to the end, but Fang Lin's medical skills were there, and what he said could only leave Xu Qingwan speechless.

After thinking about it, Xu Qingwan smiled and said: "How about you hold your flag high, open a school, and train a group of Chinese medicine practitioners.

As long as you are willing to teach, I will definitely learn. Not only me, I think my brother, my father, and my grandfather will all be willing to be your students."

Fang Lin was stunned for a moment, then said thoughtfully: "It's not possible to open a school, but maybe I can go to a medical university and give lectures to medical students studying Chinese medicine."

He didn't want to be stingy with his medical skills. If he could teach one more person and save one more life in the future, he would be extremely happy.

But after all, he is not a full-time doctor, and he does not even have a medical qualification certificate so far. It is not easy to accomplish this at present.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of his high school classmate, Gu Manting. Gu Manting was a student at the Medical University, and Fang Lin also had a relationship with Gu Manting's teacher, Professor Wang.

I still remember that Professor Wang once said that if he had the opportunity, he would like to invite Fang Lin to their school to give a public class on the theme of combining vegetables with medicinal herbs.

After a while, when school starts, I can ask Gu Manting to help contact me about this matter.

As they talked, they came outside the community and sat in the red Audi A3.

Xu Qingwan smiled and said: "You are hungry, how about I treat you to dinner?"

It was noon, it was time for dinner, so Fang Lin did not refuse, nodded and said with a smile: "Eat, eat, I will give you a chance to thank me."

Xu Qingwan always thought that Fang Lin was a serious person, but she didn't expect that he would talk like this. She immediately covered her mouth and laughed, saying: "De Xing, a beautiful lady's treat, how many people can't come to her."

The two came to a high-end Western restaurant and sat by the window.

Xu Qingwan originally thought that Fang Lin might have never eaten Western food, and was about to introduce it to him, when Fang Lin naturally ordered a sirloin steak, appetizers and pasta.

Xu Qingwan also ordered appetizers and main dishes, and then ordered a bottle of valuable Lafite red wine.

While she was sobering up and serving the dishes, Xu Qingwan smiled and asked, "It seems like you are very familiar with Western food."

Fang Lin smiled lightly and said, "I have stayed abroad for a while before, so I am not unfamiliar with it."

"Have you ever stayed abroad?" Xu Qingwan was a little surprised.

Fang Lin asked back: "So, you have also stayed abroad?"

Xu Qingwan's expression suddenly darkened, as if she couldn't bear to look back, and said: "After a while, I went to study abroad in Yinglun City in the Eagle Country."

Fang Lin nodded and said casually: "Yinglun City, I also stayed there for a while. I prefer the ledbury restaurant in Notting Hill, the food there is very delicious.

The most important thing is that Notting Hill is a mixed-housing area from all over the world. It is very different from the overall classical architectural style of Yinglun City, and the atmosphere is better."

"It seems that you are really familiar with Yinglun City." Xu Qingwan was a little surprised and smiled slightly.

Fang Linze said: "I think Yinglun City seems to be a sad place for you."

After a while, the dishes were all served and the wine was almost sobered up.

After the two clinked glasses and drank, Fang Lin picked up the knife and fork naturally, like a gentleman who was used to Western food, without any of the abruptness and unaccustomed feeling of Chinese people.

Xu Qingwan also behaved appropriately, and the two began to eat.

While he was eating, he saw a young man coming in from the door of the restaurant. After walking a few steps, he suddenly saw Xu Qingwan. A look of surprise appeared on his face, and he strode towards Xu Qingwan.

"Cathy!" The man shouted to Xu Qingwan from a distance.

Xu Qingwan jerked the knife and fork in her hand, and turned her head in disbelief. After seeing this young man, her face instantly turned cold and frosty! xdw8

The young man strode forward, wearing a decent suit that perfectly accentuated his well-proportioned figure of 1.8 meters.

There is a sincere smile on his handsome, slightly feminine face.

He said to Xu Qingwan in an emotional voice: "Cathy, I have been coming back to this Western restaurant often in the past few years just to meet you again.

How pitiful God is, finally let me see you again!

How are you?"

Xu Qingwan lowered her head, with extreme anger in her eyes, and her hands holding the knife and fork were shaking. After a moment, she raised her head coldly and said coldly: "You scumbag, you'd better get out of my sight immediately.


"Cathy, I was wrong before, and I already know I was wrong. It has been so long, and I have never forgotten you. I can't live without you.

I hope you can give me a chance to get back together."

Xu Qingwan didn't even think about it and said directly: "Impossible, I already have a boyfriend! Get out of here!"

"Boyfriend, is it him?" The young man's face turned cold and he looked at Fang Lin who was standing aside.

Fang Lin was about to deny it when he saw Xu Qingwan holding Fang Lin's hand and said, "Yes, that's him. Let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Fang Lin."

This chapter has been completed!
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