Chapter 2821 The medicine cures the disease

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If all the people in the room were theatergoers, then Dongzi was the most excited.

It is related to his happiness in the rest of his life. Who wouldn't be excited about such a thing?

"Spineless guy!"

Hou Xiashi, who originally wanted to leave, couldn't help but cursed in his heart when he saw Dongzi like this.

He originally wanted to leave, but had to stop.

He is used to being surrounded by stars, but this apprentice is not around, and there is not enough room for him, so he will not leave. ??

That’s fine!

Stay here and see how this arrogant Fang Lin manages to lose his face.

Not long after, the elixirs in the alchemy furnace began to boil, and the bitter smell of herbs reached everyone's noses.

When everyone smelled this smell, they held their breath.


What's more, she couldn't stand it anymore, ran out of the room and vomited it out.

This smells so bad.

It's not like a panacea at all, but like poison.

Can this thing that smells worse than Xiang really be Dongzi's life-saving antidote?

"Master Fang, if it really doesn't work, how about we just give in and let the miracle doctor help?"

At this moment, the head of the Zhang family came closer and said these words in Fang Lin's ear.

Fang Lin listened and shook his head repeatedly.

He couldn't even treat someone with a minor kidney deficiency, let alone Le Wenyao.

I don’t know that he has the nerve to call himself a miracle doctor.

"Here comes the bowl!"

At this moment, Fang Lin gave a light drink, and a large bowl came out of thin air.

At the same time, his hands flew up and the alchemy furnace turned 180 degrees.

Under everyone's gaze, the black liquid slowly fell down, filling the large bowl in mid-air.

"The medicine is done!"

Fang Lin exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly put away the alchemy furnace.

He held the elixir in his hand and scanned the crowd.

At this time, there were ten people in the room, and everyone had a look in their eyes.

With a look of doubt.

Not to mention that Fang Lin's elixir refining was unique and the elixir turned into water instead. This alone is enough to make people doubt it.

The liquid in his bowl was as black as cow dung. He said it could cure diseases, but no one believed it.

Fang Lin had no doubts. His last gaze fell on Dongzi and said, "I can give you this medicine, but I can't give it to you for free!"

Dongzi has been with Hou Xiashi all year round and is very familiar with this kind of official accent.

At that moment, he showed his sincerity: "If Mr. Fang's medicine is effective, I am willing to kneel three times and kowtow to show my admiration!"

Fang Lin heard this and shook his head.

Such chips are not enough!

Dongzi frowned, glanced at his master, and said in a deep voice: "If this medicine is really effective, I would like to tell the world that Mr. Fang's medical skills are unparalleled and the best in the world!"

As soon as he said these words, Hou Xiashi almost had a heart attack.

Isn’t it just a matter of three or two inches?

As for betraying his master in public?

I was really blind when I accepted such a disciple!

Actually, it’s not Dongzi’s fault.

A man who is seven feet tall should naturally hold his head high and hold his chest high.

For hundreds of years to come, Dongzi would not be able to enjoy the pleasures of human life, and would be despised by fellow Taoists. Dongzi would not be able to live a day like this.

The saying that one day is a teacher and a lifetime is a father, these are all false.

No matter how great the kindness is, it cannot be compared to the importance of a good brother holding his head high!

When Fang Lin heard this, he smiled calmly and said, "Just as you say!"

As he spoke, the medicine bowl in his hand rose into the air and landed on Dongzi's hand.

Dongzi took it with both hands, looking pious, as if what he was receiving was not a bowl of elixir, but some great inheritance.

In fact, for him, this medicine

It is indeed important.

For the rest of his life, his dignity will be in front of him!

Regardless of how hot the elixir was, after taking it, he swallowed it without saying a word. A large bowl full of elixir was consumed by him in no time.

After drinking, he quickly put away the bowl in his hand and examined his body.

It’s doesn’t seem like anything has changed!


At this time, Hou Xiashi finally laughed out loud.

He had endured it for too long, and now he laughed so loudly that even his white hair started to flutter. ??

He stroked his long beard gently and said calmly: "Dongzi, what am I talking about? Even I can't do anything about your disease. How can anyone in the world cure it? Just a few auxiliary medicines can cure it.

Well, your illness is strange."


Hearing this, Dongzi sighed lightly and shook his head.

It seems that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

In addition to the cruel words he just said, Hou Xiashi had already changed his name to Dongzi.

In other words, Dongzi was kicked out of Hou Xiashi's medical school.

Under the double blow, Dongzi's face turned pale and he spat out a mouthful of black blood.

At the same time, his legs gave way and he collapsed directly on the ground, his eyes blank.

His brother is finished!

His life is over!

"A farce!"

Hou Xiashi snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, stopped looking at Dongzi, turned around and left.

"Honor the God of Medicine, please stay!"

Seeing that Hou Xiashi was about to leave, the head of the Zhang family quickly stepped forward to persuade him to stay.

In any case, when Hou Xia Shi arrived, he also wanted to see a doctor for Le Wenyao.

Once the miracle doctor is missed, it will be difficult to save Le Wenyao again.

However, Fang Lin remained unmoved.

He still had his hands behind his back, and his calm voice resounded in the room: "Put the spirit of the fairy into your body."

Run it for ten weeks, and after ten weeks, you will know the result!"

"Liar, you still want to lie to me!"

Dongzi was so devastated that he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Before, he was standing next to Hou Xiashi, who was a disciple of the miracle doctor.

Although the brothers are not very capable, they are still young and promising.

With his status as a disciple of the miracle doctor, even the eight major sects must show courtesy to him when they see him.

Now it's okay, I shot myself in the foot.

If you do it yourself, you will not live!

Fang Lin was not in a hurry, and said: "You only have ten breaths. After these ten breaths, no one in this vast fairyland can cure your disease!"

When Dongzi heard this, he was stunned.

After coming back to his senses, he quickly circulated the fairy spirit in his body, wandering through his meridians and Dantian.

At the same time, he kept shouting: "Fang Lin, if it doesn't work, I will kill you..."

Before he finished speaking, the fairy spirit in his body had already wandered away for three days!

During these three weeks, a stream of white smoke came out of his body.

At the same time, there was a stream of heat in his body, slowly flowing to the area under his dantian.

In an instant, he felt that the blocked meridians were being opened, and the vigorous blood in his body was like a flood, constantly pouring into the three inches below the Dantian!

The look of despair on his face is slowly changing!

"Is it...really effective?"

Everyone in the room looked in disbelief when they saw this scene!

Even the miracle doctor Hou had not cured the disease, but in the hands of Fang Lin, could the disease be cured?


Dongzi felt his body expand, and his voice trembled.

In his eyes, there were already tears covering them.

He has been waiting for this day for too long!

When Hou Xia Shi heard the sound, he also stopped at this time.

He slowly turned around...

This chapter has been completed!
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