Chapter 338 Ugly Lord

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Today is the day that Ma Dafu and Chou Ye agreed to come to Majiagang to inspect the cave.

Glancing at Wang Yan's plump body, Ma Dafu's eyes flashed with passion.

He had longed for this pretty widow for a long time. Ever since he found the gold and jade from the hole in the ground, he quickly impressed her with his money-making abilities.

Nowadays, these days, he can be considered to have experienced a lot of beauty. But he knows the taste of the marrow and is not tired of it at all.

He couldn't help but think that after selling the cave, he could take her to a big city, buy a big house, and live in drunkenness all day long. It would be so happy.

Outside the village, a low-key and luxurious Rolls-Royce slowly approached Majiagan.

The young driver, who was in his twenties and had a resolute look, turned back and said, "Master Chou, we are about to arrive at Majiagang." xdw8

Chou Ye is a man in his thirties, his surname is Chou (niu), and he looks a little ugly, so he is gradually called Chou Ye.

Chou Ye has small eyes and bald eyebrows. Even if his face is expressionless, he still gives people a sinister look. He is definitely the type who can stop a child from crying with just one look.

After hearing what the driver said, Mr. Chou took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a while, a slightly hoarse voice came from over there: "Lao Qi."

Hearing this voice, Chou Ye straightened up a lot. It seemed that just to talk to the other party on the phone, he should maintain enough respect.

"Military Commander, I'm going to that Majia Gang soon."

The person on the other end of the phone was none other than Yao Chengjun, the God of Blood War.

Yao Chengjun was sitting in a courtyard hidden in the bustling city of Chu City. A pile of developed photos were spread out on the stone table in front of him. Among the photos were the photos taken by Cai Kun from the Huilong Pagoda.

At this moment, the photo that Yao Chengjun was observing carefully was the picture of the formation decorated with jade stones in the underground of Huilong Tower.

Rubbing the photo with his fingers, Yao Chengjun's face was as calm as water.

After hearing Mr. Chou's narration, Yao Chengjun raised his head and looked at Mo Zichou, who was drinking tea, and told him: "Check carefully after entering, especially under the cliff, and be sure to find out the situation clearly.

If it is true as I guessed, we must hold the land in our hands at all costs."

Mr. Chou laughed and said, "Don't worry. He's just a small person. If you want to be brave, give him a sum of money and sell the land to me."

If you are shameless, I can get the land without paying a penny."

Yao Chengjun said: "Don't look too ugly when you eat. Although I have retired from the army, people are still watching my every move. It is not good to be criticized."

"I know, I will report the situation to you in time." Chou Ye nodded.

After hanging up the phone, the car drove into Majiagang.

"Ugly Lord!"

Seeing Mr. Chou getting out of the car, Ma Dafu laughed loudly, stood up, pointed at the leftovers on the table, and said, "Have you had breakfast? Let's deal with the two of you?"

As he spoke, Wang Yan asked Wang Yan to quickly arrange the dishes and chopsticks for Chou Ye and the driver and pour tea.

When Wang Yan saw how beautiful the big boss's car was, she felt excited and hurriedly got to work.

Mr. Chou glanced at the big fish and meat on the table, his eyes twitched slightly, and he shook his head and said, "No need, just lead the way, don't delay the business."

The surrounding villagers came to watch one by one, and Ma Dafu scolded: "Go away, go away, don't disturb my distinguished guests."

When the villagers saw his attitude of hating the poor and loving the rich, they all left angrily.

Ma Dafu quickly led Mr. Chou into the courtyard, pointed to the pig pen at the back and said, "It's right there, Mr. Chou."

Mr. Chou took off his coat and walked to the pig pen, his brows twitching wildly: "Why don't you clean this place up?"

Ma Dafu shook his head: "Chou man, you don't understand this. These pig manure and straw are all natural disguises. What if you clean it too clean and people miss you?"

Chou Ye was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He turned to the driver and said, "Go and clean up."

The driver said nothing, picked up the tools in the yard and started cleaning.

Wang Yan looked at the potholes in the pig pen in surprise, and gradually realized that Ma Dafu must have hidden something from her.

After the pigsty was almost cleaned, Mr. Chou took the bright flashlight from the driver, came to the pothole, and said to the driver: "You stay outside, and no one is allowed to go down until I come up."

The driver Hengdao immediately stood aside, nodded and said: "I understand!"

The ugly man stopped talking nonsense and immediately bent over and climbed in.

Seeing Mr. Chou go in, Ma Dafu took out a cigarette and handed it to the driver, saying: "Brother, let's go, have a drink."

The driver glanced at Ma Dafu, shook his head slightly, and said nothing.

"Hey, why are you so polite? Don't worry, no one is going in." Ma Dafu gestured to pull the driver's arm.

The driver snorted coldly, kicked Ma Dafu to the ground, and said in a cold voice: "Go away!"

The driver's movements were sharp and not sloppy at all. Ma Dafu almost lost his breath after kicking him.

Only then did Ma Dafu start to get scared, feeling vaguely that he seemed to have lured a wolf into the house.

At this moment, another Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle drove in outside the village.

Hu Keer looked at the compass and said, "This is it, stop."

As soon as it stopped, the Mercedes-Benz stopped right behind the Rolls-Royce.

When the people from the Huaxia Mansion got out of the car, they naturally saw the Rolls-Royce, the sumptuous breakfast at the gate, and the pig pen in the yard.

Several people looked at each other and felt that there was something strange here.

Little did they know that this group of people, both Taoist monks and handsome boys and beauties, were even weirder in the eyes of others.

Hu Ke'er held the compass, looked directly towards the pig pen, pointed and said: "This first position is right there."

Several people filed into the door of Ma Dafu's house and went directly to the pig pen.

Chouye's driver's expression changed, and Hengdao immediately stood in front of the pothole, staring at Master Pu Hui and others with vigilance.

Master Pu Hui and others looked at each other in shock when they saw the pothole behind the driver.

Song Jinhao was the first to speak: "Which of you is the master here?"

Ma Dafu got up from the ground, grinning, staring at Hu Keer and Rang Qingyun in shock, and replied: "I am, what do you do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chouye's driver shouted in a deep voice: "You are not welcome here, go back to where you came from!"

Master Pu Hui smiled and clasped his hands together and said: "This little benefactor, we come here with absolutely no ill intentions..."

Before he finished speaking, the driver shouted sharply: "Get out!"

Master Pu Hui's face was stiff, but he was not angry. Before he could say anything else, Liu Ruian took a step forward.

Liu Ruian took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, pulled one out and handed it to the driver, smiling: "Everyone who comes is a guest.

Little brother, don’t be so inhumane. Tell me, what’s going on with this hole?”

"I say it again, get out!"

The driver clenched his fists and stared at Liu Ruian with an unkind expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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