Chapter 3441 Super-standard elixir output

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Everyone immediately started refining.

This is the lowest level Fan Dan. Fang Lin originally wanted them to mass-produce it. After the first round of refining, Fang Lin was still a little dissatisfied with the output.

"Some people are very good and can refine seven in one furnace, average people can refine three or four, and some can only refine one. This huge gap makes me feel bad for people below average.

Deeply disappointed.”

As soon as Fang Lin said this, everyone was ashamed, some were secretly happy, and some were full of resentment.

"Hmph, teaching us a lesson is like teaching a grandson. Can he refine seven of them?"

"I don't think he can do it either. Even if he can, he can't refine it better than us."

"Have you been pinched in the forehead? The elder is an alchemy master, and refining an ordinary elixir is not a piece of cake. Have you forgotten the golden elixir that came from Tianxing City?"

The alchemists talked in low voices and almost started to quarrel.

Fang Lin very coldly opened the lid of the Fire Spirit Cauldron under the gaze of everyone, and a glow suddenly appeared.

The strong aroma of the elixir is very pungent, but after smelling it, you feel light, healthy and energetic.

"It smells so good. What kind of aroma is this?"

"How many did he refine?"

Everyone looked around in surprise, feeling ashamed and shocked.

"It turned out to be ten gold-patterned Fandan!"

Everyone couldn't believe it, and when they took a closer look, "It turned out to be a Nine-Gold Pattern Fandan!"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Is it necessary to refine nine golden patterns for such a low-level elixir? Anyway, the effect of the medicine is maximized, and that's all.

Of course Fang Lin knew that refining elixirs like this was a bit artificial.

But he is now a genuine alchemy master. Going back to refine such low-level elixirs is as natural as breathing and drinking water. The Nine-Gold Pattern Golden elixir is just an inevitable result.

"I hope you can all refine Fandan in this quantity and quality!"

Under Fang Lin's powerful gaze, no alchemist dared to look at him.

Everyone quickly continued to refine this elixir.

Fang Lin found that Guo Miaomiao was the fastest learner. He refined seven full-level elixirs in the first round and nine half-brilliant elixirs in the second round. He was very happy to have a good apprentice.

Fang Lin nodded to Guo Miaomiao and motioned for her to keep up her efforts.

Guo Miaomiao suddenly became happy and couldn't help showing a big smile.

She originally wanted to get praise and recognition from Fang Lin, but now that she had achieved her wish, she just wished she could share it with others quickly.

The other alchemists were a little dissatisfied with her and became deeply jealous.

Fang Lin continued to lead everyone in active alchemy. Within a full day and a half, the alchemists here were almost able to meet Fang Lin's requirements, and everyone's finished product rate increased rapidly.

Fang Lin led them to refine for another day. The manager produced 5,000 blood replenishment sheets.

Fang Lin then taught them how to refine the Qi-Building Pill.

Four thousand Qi-Building Pills were produced in two days.

And Xuanyuan City's attack on the Immortal Gate also began.

The news came, shocking.

"What a Xuanyuan City. If you don't come to attack early, you won't attack later, but you chose such a time!"

Fang Lin sneered, and then handed the elixir to Zhang Qianhua. This was the first output of the elixir palace.

Zhang Qianhua was very grateful to Fang Lin after learning about it.

"Thank you for your kindness, junior brother. It's just that the war is fierce now, so sending it up won't be of much use."

The key is that there are too many disciples participating in the battle. Based on the previous output of the Pill Palace, there may not be enough for each person.

Fang Lin suddenly frowned

, not sure why.

"Why? Five thousand blood-tonifying pills and four thousand qi-tonifying pills are not enough?"

Fang Lin couldn't believe it and was a little curious about how many people there were in this Immortal Sect?

"What, how many pills did junior brother just say?"

Zhang Qianhua suddenly lost his composure.

Mo Xiyu understood this very well. As the leader of the five major sects in Beihuang Continent, he had never seen such a large number of pills.

Normally, it would be considered normal for the alchemists in the Pill Hall to produce one pill every day.

"Senior brother, you heard correctly. Junior brother did say that there are nine thousand pills in total."

Mo Xiyu immediately looked at Fang Lin with emotion.

Fang Lin was very calm about this and directly lamented that these people were rare and strange.

Only then did Zhang Qianhua react, but he still couldn't hide his happiness.

"Okay, great! With this batch of elixirs from junior brother, Xuanyuan Martial Saint is still too young to defeat my Immortality Sect."

Zhang Qianhua laughed loudly, waved his hand, and directly ordered these blood-replenishing pills and qi-replenishing pills to be handed over to the disciples fighting in front of the mountain gate.

"Hmph, it's just a blood-replenishing mortal elixir, what use can it be?"

"The sect master really doesn't take us seriously anymore. He actually uses this kind of elixir to fool people."

"Being picked on is at least the sect owner's intention."

The disciples couldn't help but feel extremely disgusted when they found out that the elixir of this grade was distributed to their hands.

But it's still better than nothing, so they put it in their mouths with the attitude of giving it a try.

Soon, a touch of surprise appeared on their faces.

At the same time, Xuanyuan Martial Saint suddenly received the report.

"Reporting to the city lord, the disciples of the Eternal Life Sect suddenly gained great morale, broke through our army's defense line, and fought us back."

"Surprisingly there will be

Such a thing?"

Xuanyuan Martial Saint's face immediately became very ugly.

Although he thought that the Eternal Life Sect was very powerful, he also brought a full force to attack this time, but he did not expect that such a situation would still exist.

He immediately used his mental energy to try to find out the reason.

I saw the disciples of the Eternal Life Sect on the battlefield as if they were tigers descending from the mountain. The previous dejection had been swept away, and now they were happily chasing the Xuanyuan City disciples.

Some elders of Xuanyuan City could not help but join the battle, and with this situation, the elders of the Eternal Life Sect also joined the battle.

Seeing a tentative attack, it immediately turned into a big melee.

Xuanyuan Martial Saint could no longer sit still and rushed out with a wave of his sleeves.

"What an immortal sect, it seems that you want to perish today. Go and notify the Black and White Palace and come and join us as soon as possible!"

"Yes, City Lord!"

Other messengers from the Spiritual Fairy Realm had already turned around and left here.

Xuanyuan Martial Saint waved his hand and struck down a huge force instantly, killing many Immortal Sect disciples in an instant.

Zhang Qianhua also rushed over and killed many Xuanyuan City disciples.

"Martial Saint Xuanyuan, if you retreat quickly today, we can still maintain a superficial calm. If you continue to stay, we will fight to the death."

"Huh, old man, you don't know what kind of magic you can use to let your disciples unleash their potential. How can I tolerate this way of destroying fairness?"

Xuanyuan Martial Saint, the villain, complained first and did not feel that his action was excessive.

Zhang Qianhua was so angry that he laughed. This was the first time he saw someone with such a clear mind.

"Xuanyuan Martial Saint, you are really shameless!"

Immediately, the two men fought each other.

Fang Lin watched for a while, then turned around and left. His main task at this moment was to refine more elixirs.

This chapter has been completed!
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