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Chapter 3670 Goodbye Murong Yunyang

A small circular alien fire formation immediately appeared at his feet, with Fang Lin standing in the center. Then three spheres appeared on the formation, at equal distances, slowly rotating.


A fireball as big as a head instantly swallowed up Murong Mingnuo's pair of axes.

Murong Mingnuo looked at his hands blankly, unable to believe that the sledgehammer had disappeared.

"Impossible, what is that?"

Fang Lin just watched mockingly, and the next moment the second fireball appeared again, directly swallowing the connection between Murong Mingnuo's defensive armor and golden body.

The golden body immediately raised his eyes, a look of ridicule on his fat and ugly face.

"Sure enough, this golden body was not forged by you yourself, but has a lot to do with this defensive armor!"

What Fang Lin still doesn't understand is that many of Murong's golden bodies were kidnapped by defensive armors, which is why they are so powerful.

"You dare to kill me?"

Murong Mingnuo looked at Fang Lin in disbelief. The danger of death made him want to beg for mercy. But he didn't know how to say it.

The third fireball instantly hit Murong Mingnuo's body, and the blazing strange fire engulfed him.

Murong Mingnuo let out a miserable scream, but was quickly burned to death.

Fang Lin scattered the ashes of the humanoid with one palm, and then helped Murong Yunyang up from the ground.

"You're seriously injured!"

Fang Lin discovered that Murong Yunyang's pipa bone had been penetrated, and bone nails had been sealed on the main acupuncture points.

"Fortunate to not die."

Murong Yunyang was very depressed at the moment, his cultivation was half-impaired, and he had no fighting ability at all.

There was no way to avenge his grudge, and he had to say that life would be worse than death.

Fang Lin was very calm and immediately raised his hand and tried to help Murong Yunyang force the bone nails out.


Murong Yunyang screamed, these bone nails were connected to his flesh and blood meridians, and one mistake could leave him permanently disabled.

But what surprised him was that Fang Lin was able to skillfully force the bone nails out.


br> His body was greatly relaxed, which was something he had not dared to imagine before.

"Master Fang can actually do that?"

"My master has taught me various acupuncture points. Don't worry, you still have a chance to repair it."

Fang Lin comforted Murong Yunyang. Seeing his high-spirited partner being injured like this now, how could he not sympathize with him!

Murong Tuoyan rushed in from outside at this time, "Yun Yang!"

"Second uncle!"

Murong Yunyang finally forced a smile to Murong Tuoyan, and a big stone fell in his heart.

"Don't stay here for long, leave quickly!"

Mu Shiming said immediately that everyone understood.

Soon Mu Shiming opened a teleportation array where the defensive array broke. After everyone stood in, they immediately disappeared.

Fang Lin and others placed Murong Yunyang in a hidden place.

Murong Tuoyan sent Fang Lin back to the guard compound.

"It's getting late, so in order to avoid exposing the truth, you'd better go back first!"

Xiahou Leyi said goodbye, "Master Fang, be careful!"

Fang Lin nodded, and then entered the small teleportation array. A burst of light flashed, and Mu Shiming's face appeared in front of him.

Mu Shiming was greatly surprised when he saw Fang Lin, and quickly grabbed him to ask about the battle situation and results.

"How is it, young master is saved?"

"Little Lord?"

Fang Lin was very surprised. Who was the young master he was talking about?

"Yunyang! Are you saved?"

"It has been rescued, but it still needs treatment."

Fang Lin's words made Mu Shiming frown instantly, but now there was no better way.

After some planning, I decided to take it out as soon as possible

Time to make elixirs for Murong Yunyang.

Otherwise, Murong Yunyang would never be able to catch up with the succession ceremony, or even have the strength to attend the succession ceremony.

Fang Lin is still presiding over the tasks of the guard team these days.

And this news immediately spread to the Murong family.

Murong Lienzhan was very angry after learning the news.

"You bastard, you can't handle such a small thing! He can't move, so why can't he be killed?"

Murong Lienzhan swept across the audience, and everyone knelt on the ground silently, not daring to raise their heads to look at him.

"There must be someone among them helping, otherwise he would never be able to escape!"

Murong Weikang's replacement, Murong Yaoming, stood up with a sinister look on his face.

“Those people are still evil, so it’s better to get rid of them quickly!”

He had long wanted to kill Murong Yunyang's father and others, but Murong Lienzhan refused because he always cared about family harmony.

Now that Murong Yunyang has been stolen, the young master's position is threatened, and action must be taken.

"Young Master, please make your decision!"

Everyone else also looked at Murong Lienzhan and asked for permission.

Murong Lienzhan didn't know, but this matter was an order given by the head of the family himself.

Now that the spies have come to report, Murong Yunyang's father and others have time witnesses, and there is no chance of making the mistake last night.

"No. I don't want any problems to arise in the succession ceremony. The top priority is to find Murong Yunyang and kill him!"

"Yes, young master!"

Murong Yaoming looked at each other and agreed immediately.

"We will dig deep into the ground at all costs to find the traitor and kill him!"

"Okay. Waiting for the good news." Murong Lienzhan nodded, showing a satisfied look.

But they searched for three days and couldn't find it.

There was no trace of Murong Yunyang in Murong's home or nearby.

Murong Lienzhan was so angry that he smashed the table.

"Look for me. The day after tomorrow is the succession ceremony. If the traitor has the opportunity to cause trouble at the succession ceremony, he must recover as soon as possible. Go check out the alchemist and medicinal materials. You would rather kill him by mistake than let him go!"

Murong Lien Chan was instantly ruthless, a tiger will not eat its seeds if it is poisonous, and a husband will not be poisoned if he is not poisonous. He must make Murong Yunyang unable to see the sun on the day of the succession ceremony.

How could he sit back and wait for failure after planning for so many years?

"Yes, young master! He will definitely find it this time. If he wants the elixir, he must refine it or take the elixir. He can't escape!"

Murong Yaoming was very confident and blamed himself for not thinking of this good idea in advance.

Therefore, a large number of Murong family guards left the family and scattered around the city looking for him.

They believed that Murong Yunyang must still be hiding in the city.

Fang Lin finally received the news from Mu Shiming and went out all night.

"Elder Yan has prepared the required medicinal materials, and the elixir refining will be left to the Holy Master."

"Is it dangerous to make alchemy in the city?"

Mu Shiming was unwilling to hide from Fang Lin, "The family has been moving around frequently in the past few days. They are looking for the whereabouts of the young master."

"However, we are not completely unprepared. Master Fang just needs to concentrate on refining the elixir."

Fang Lin nodded, it seemed that tonight was another sleepless night.

"let's go!"

Fang Lin and Mu Shiming were walking in the mansion, unable to hide anything from the elders who were keeping watch in the mansion.

However, the path they take is governed by the elders of their own side.


Immediately, a group of Murong family guards blocked the way of Fang Lin and Mu Shiming.

Fang Lin was a little surprised. Did Mu Shiming not take care of this road?

"Commander Mu, late at night, where are you going?"

The eyes of these people were obviously joking.

This chapter has been completed!
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