Chapter 390 Are you worthy of driving Urus?

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Qin Muwan said: "I suspect that Ferrari wants to race with us.

Believe it or not, if we drive at full speed, the other party will overtake us very quickly!"

Fang Lindao: "You drive safely, drive in a civilized manner, and it's safe for you and me."

Qin Muwan laughed, slowed down slightly, and changed lanes. Fang Lin quickly overtook him.

Looking at Qin Muwan through the window, Fang Lin asked, "What do you want to do?"

Qin Muwan replied: "I'll try that Ferrari and see what he means."

Maserati continued to slow down, and Ferrari could overtake even if it maintained its original speed, but it also slowed down and followed leisurely.

Qin Muwan was so determined that when she stepped on the accelerator, the whole car suddenly became violent and sped forward with a loud buzzing sound!

In the red Ferrari behind is a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The girl's style and makeup are exaggerated, with colorful hair, smoky makeup, and earrings on her lips.

Seeing Maserati's obvious provocation, the girl's eyes lit up: "Ah ha, I knew how they could hold back after following them for so long!"

Her excited eyes shone brightly, and her whole body became energetic all of a sudden. She used her hands and feet together, and the Ferrari she was sitting on also let out a manic roar and chased after the Maserati.

Qin Muwan was driving the car, her phone hanging on the holder next to the navigation screen, and she said with a smile: "See, it's starting on the other side."

Fang Lin said speechlessly: "It's not because of your seduction. Drive slower and let the other party pass."

Qin Muwan said: "Yeah, I know, I just want to give her a try, but I don't mean to race her."

As Qin Muwan spoke, she drove the car behind the Lamborghini, lowered the speed, and followed leisurely.

The girl in the Ferrari was completely stunned.

What do you mean? You've piqued my interest, but you're not running away anymore?

The Ferrari was in the overtaking lane, parallel to the Maserati, and the girl gave Qin Muwan her middle finger from the car window.

Qin Muwan was not annoyed, she laughed and said: "She is an unconventional little girl, and people gave me the middle finger."

Fang Lin smiled and said, "You deserve it."

Seeing that Qin Muwan was unmoved, the Ferrari girl drove the car in front of Qin Muwan angrily and began to maliciously slow down to leave the Maserati.

Qin Muwan was a little annoyed this time: "This guy can't take a joke, can he? What does she want to do?"

Fang Lin looked through the rearview mirror and saw the two cars behind him turning left and right, one trying to overtake and the other deliberately blocking, and he couldn't help but frowned.

Driving like this is very dangerous.

The speed on the highway is at least 100 yards. If you turn in such a sudden direction, it is easy to overturn the car.

Fang Lin had to say: "Drive slowly and don't get angry. There is a service area right ahead. Let's go into the service area and avoid her."

Qin Muwan gritted her teeth and slowed down.

When they arrived at the service area, Fang Lin went in first.

The Ferrari woman didn't originally turn right, but when she saw Qin Muwan turning right in the rearview mirror and slowing down to enter the service area, she suddenly hit the brakes.

At the last moment, he made a dangerous turn into the service area and followed Qin Muwan.

Qin Muwan found a place to park the car, and the Ferrari parked less than half a meter behind the Maserati.


The girl opened the car door angrily, got out of the car first, came to Maserati, and asked with an unkind expression: "Hey, aunt, I want to ask you something?"

Qin Muwan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and asked with a cold face: "Who did you call aunt?"

The girl looked her up and down and sneered: "What's the matter, do you still want me to call you grandma?"

Qin Muwan gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and decided not to compete with this suspected minor.

But the girl was reluctant and said: "Old woman, I didn't ask you to compete with me, right? It was you who came to provoke me first, right? xdw8

But before I could pick up the speed, you stopped competing again, what's going on?"

Qin Muwan said coldly: "Did I say I wanted to compete with you? I just found something and slowed down the car. What does it have to do with you?"

"You!" The girl was so crowded by Qin Muwan that she was speechless.

Frankly speaking, there is really nothing wrong with Qin Muwan's explanation.

The girl puffed up her cheeks and said, "I don't care, you have to compete with me!"

Qin Muwan chuckled and said, "Little sister, you drive a Ferrari. I am just a means of transportation. I am willing to be the loser, okay?"

Fang Lin stood aside and smoked a cigarette: "Okay, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, nothing will happen. Let's continue walking."

The girl glanced at Fang Lin with disdain and said, "Uncle, I'm too lazy to talk to you, but you still have the guts to drive a Lamborghini Urus?"

Fang Lin was stunned for a moment: "Why am I embarrassed to drive the Urus?"

The girl snorted coldly: "Urus is the exclusive car of the car god. Are you willing to drive it?"

Fang Lin curled his lips and said, "What a car god? It's none of his business that I drive."

Having said that, Fang Lin had actually guessed that the car god the girl was talking about was probably himself.

As expected, the girl showed a caring look in her eyes and said: "Thankfully you are from Handong Province, you drive a Urus, and you don't even know how to be a car god.

Two months ago, there was a Urus on Dongyin Mountain in Shaoning County. It outperformed the car king Kerstin and has been regarded as the new generation of car god.

However, after hearing the news, many riders around the world were dissatisfied.

Takahashi Sosuke of Japan is one of them. He came to China last month because of his reputation. Like the car king Kerstin, he easily won most of China's territory.

Next stop, Sosuke Takahashi will go to Tomyin Mountain and start a duel with the car god.

This is a guard battle to defend the reputation of the car god. It is said that the car god has accepted the challenge of Takahashi Sosuke.

Many racing enthusiasts from all over the country gather in Dongyin Mountain.

Don’t you know these things?”

Fang Lin was confused. He was very busy recently. When would he accept the challenge from Sosuke Takahashi?

Besides, who is that Takahashi Sousuke? Why should he challenge me and I have to accept the challenge?

After stamping out the cigarette butt, Fang Lin said quietly: "I don't know. I'm not a racing enthusiast. I don't know anything about the industry."

The girl looked at Fang Lin with contempt again and said: "I advise you not to drive this car recently, otherwise it will be easy for others to mistake you for a car god, and it will be bad if you are provoked."

Fang Lin was speechless and stopped paying attention to the other party. He waved to Qin Muwan and the two drove away.

Seeing the two cars leaving, the girl sighed: "Oh, it's so boring. I thought we could have a race."

It seems that we can only wait until Tomyin Mountain, and before the race between the racing god and Takahashi Sousuke starts, we can compete in a few mountain road races with the other guys watching the race."

Just as the girl was about to get in the car, her cell phone rang.

I took it out and saw that the name displayed on it was: Jiang Junchen.

The girl's expression suddenly changed, and she panicked and long pressed the power button to turn off the phone.

Humming a little tune, the girl got into the car and continued to set off.

She planned to go to Dongyin Mountain to have a good night tonight.

This chapter has been completed!
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