Chapter 4012 gets angry

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What made them most angry was not being deceived into taking away fossils, but what made them most angry was being deceived into becoming killers and cleaning up other immortals.

This is simply a shame and a huge insult to them.

With these two people standing in front of him, the rest of the Immortal Masters immediately rushed in and directed their conflicts at Fang Lin.

With the combined strength of many immortal masters, even Fang Lin could only flee in panic.

However, unless you fight, you will never know how powerful you really are.

Now, Fang Lin will use his extremely powerful power to drive these people out!

"The ultimate storm!"

The blazing wind instantly hit everyone, and they immediately rushed around, but only two unlucky ones who were left in place were hit.

When the others saw this, they immediately continued to rush towards Fang Lin.

"Can't let this kid go, kill him!"

"Let's see what else he can do to us!"

Fang Lin could only continue to escape, quickly flash back to the original place, and attack again to eliminate the two people.

"Fire and phoenix start a prairie fire!"

The blazing fire took effect instantly and engulfed the two seriously injured people.

After a burst of fierce red flames, the two people disappeared on the spot.

Everyone stared blankly at the two charred corpses, somewhat shocked.

Fang Lin sneered, "If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Dong Can and Xi Lai were furious at the moment. They didn't expect that Fang Lin was really powerful. But they also came here for the White Tiger Essence, so they left in despair without getting anything.

"He's only one person and we have so many, kill him!"

Anyway, no matter what, as long as Fang Lin can be killed, everyone can get a small piece of White Tiger Essence, which is great.

Fang Lin had no choice but to frantically absorb the surrounding fairy aura, and swallowed two Holy King Pills to recover the damage from the battle with Tong Lao. The aura was visible to the naked eye.

The ground recovers.

This situation also made Dong Can open his eyes jealously.

"He swallowed two more Holy King Pills. Damn it, it's really powerful! If this continues, I don't know how long we will have to fight."

Xi Lai also swallowed twice, feeling that it was their mistake not to catch Fang Lin and steal all the Holy King Pills earlier.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to make up for it.

"Quick victory! No matter how fast he takes drugs, he can't kill us all. As long as there are still people, there is hope to regain the White Tiger's essence."

"That's right!"

"He's only one person, and we have so many!"

Fang Lin was speechless and thought as he ran. There was nothing wrong with what Dong Can and Xi Lai said. Even if he took drugs, he could not always restore his body to its original state. If he continued to consume it, the Holy King Pill would eventually be unable to stop his decline.

We must think of a way to get out of trouble.

Soon, Fang Lin aimed at the gap. There were four people guarding it at the moment, obviously anticipating that he might break out from there.

Fang Lin sneered and looked coldly at the people following him.

"Fire and phoenix start a prairie fire!"

A ball of extremely hot red flames instantly surrounded them.

They stopped for a moment and did not dare to move forward any further. After all, the temperature of the strange fire made them flinch.

But Dong Can was not that kind. He immediately threw out an extremely cold defensive shield to clear the way, and jumped out himself.

Xi Lai also jumped out later.

Most of the people jumped out after them.

The remaining few people still wanted to jump out, but Fang Lin was unwilling to give another chance.

Fang Lin raised his hand

,increase the output of the fire phoenix.

Dong Can chased him angrily, "Boy, stop!"

Xi Lai kept beating Fang Lin with the fire stick, "Now kneel down and hand over the white tiger essence!"

Fang Lin was willing to obey, dodging one after another, but refused to hand it over.

Fang Lin kept running forward and never gave up attacking the group of people just now.

"The ultimate storm!"

Mobilize the majestic power and strike again!

Those five or six people eventually fell to the ground!

In just a blink of an eye, Fang Lin wiped out a third of them, and the rest panicked.

"This person is too strong. We may all die here before we can get the White Tiger Essence. It's not worth it!"

"Look, it's the white tiger essence. If you miss it, you may never see it again in this life. What do you think we should do?"

"We are strong enough, we just need to find a way to catch him!"

Dong Can and Xi Lai were afraid that their allies would leave, so they immediately thought of a good idea.

"Everyone stands separately, so that no matter where he goes, he can be found immediately. He is only one person, and we have so many people!"

"Yes, we will make it difficult for him to fly!"

As soon as Fang Lin said this, a ball of flame was thrown towards Xi Lai.

The two hurriedly flashed past, and then cooperated with everyone and stood apart.

Eventually, these people dispersed.

Fang Lin felt helpless seeing this.

At this time, the battle between Tianqin Old Man, Xiji Emperor and Tianxie Daojun has already been decided.

Under the combined efforts of the two Immortal Emperors, Tian Xie Daojun was unable to resist at all.

At this moment, Tianxie Daojun's hair was messy, his crown tilted toward the sky, his fly whisk was half broken, and he was holding a thin sword.

He kept panting. He looked very embarrassed. The key was that most of his strength was consumed.

"You two went too far! You shamelessly teamed up to bully me!"

Old Man Tianqin and Emperor Xiji did not feel ashamed at all, but felt proud.

Old Tian Qin let go of Tian Qin and decided to have a good talk with him.

"If you were with an acquaintance today, I'm afraid you would immediately join forces to deal with us."

The Emperor of the West was originally taciturn, but now he snorted coldly, which was no surprise.

"Yes, the enemy is also very familiar. So what if we bully you like this? If you don't have the strength, don't appear in front of us again! Or if you want to die here immediately, I have no objection."

As he spoke, he took two steps forward.

And old man Tian Qin immediately placed it on Tian Qin, sneered, and approached.

"Killing him solves a hidden danger, I'm very happy!"

"Okay, okay! I will record the shame you two gave me today. I will never forget it in this life, and I will definitely get it back."

Daojun Tianxie was frightened. After all, the white tiger spirit was not as important as his life. He gritted his teeth and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Old Man Tianqin and Emperor Xiji originally wanted to start a fight immediately, but after looking at each other, they were extremely bored with the fighting of the crippled group of people.

Fang Lin was subjected to continuous attacks at this moment, and he could no longer bear it.

He had swallowed three more Holy King Pills just now and was conserving his strength at the moment. Therefore, he had no choice but to open the Suzaku Divine Armor and let them attack.

"Hey, aren't you two ready to look back? Your enemy is looking over!"

Although Dong Can and Xi Lai didn't like Fang Lin's words, the crazily growing pressure around them told them that danger was behind them.

The old man Tianqin put his hands on the strings, waving the transparent silk threads, and the tinkling music was very nice, but it made the ears of those with low abilities bleed instantly.

This chapter has been completed!
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